You don't need world shaking modifications in order to keep your character playable. The expected modifications I spoke of are meant to focus on your character. A rather narrow base for arguements. I also wasn't aware that you are proxy for any amount of SR players, whatever this faceless group of ruleset preferences, views on the canon and playstyles might be.
Well, there are people who would prefer if canon covered all relevant things and you wouldn't have to make up half the cars you'd need, for the sake of ships that, stat-wise, are wonky, and segways.
The moment you start play a shadowrunner involved in the made up ongoings in the shadows, the canon ends and the imagination of your group starts. heck, it ends right in the moment you make up your character to take part in the "canon". What I'm trying to say is: There aren't any changes needed for the canon in order to be playable.
Well yeah, if you consider a world where only wonky vehicles exist sensible ...
And that's the reason why flooding all boards you know of with your sole opinion
Oh, it isn't. Besides, I am not floding any number of boards. That this discussion was spread aboutseveral threads is because segemnts of it came up in several threads. Again, if you don't agree, fine.
All you do is discouraging those people willing to commit themselves to this product to bring in much appreciated detail because they are afraid of failing to reach the target group(s) the products are meant for. IF you want to better the quality - apply as freelance writer and try to bring your view on SR in.
That's not my intention, and besides, I am not relevant anyway, so why bother? My intention is to notify the writers of faults (in that case,s erious faults) in a part of Arsenal.
Now, maybe I should also say what I like:
- The martial arts rules are much more fun than SR3's, as I said above. Though a bit more expensive, they are much more varied and make for interesting character concepts, like a gunfighter along the lines of revy or lara croft.
- The drugs rules, taken by themselves, are fun too. Nice amount of detail there.
- The fiction, in general, is fun to read.
- The weapons section, while feeling cramped, contains all nescessary stuff and few oddities, but oddities that, for the most part, seem fun enough and still fit in.
- The gear section is pretty much what was around before. Manatech contains surprisingly little new stuff and just sums up known items in one section for the most part.
- hazardous environments are, if a bit oddly placed n that book, by themselves nicely written, though I like the SOX book radiation section better.
- Weapons modding is a bit easier than in CC back in the day, although still slightly odd. some mods make great sense, some are okay, only few really cause headaches (like the hoverjets for pistols).
Now, there it is, in much more detail than above. However, the vehicles section IS a huge drag. Though never as loudly and possibly rudely, I am far from alone in stating that, and usually for the same reasons too.
Oh and please stop teasing around with the World of Darkness. This is dumpshock. "No one here" wants to know about your preferences when it comes down to playstyles and games fitting those.
which is why you're the first to bring that up. But yes, let's just bury this and save it for privat discussions, shall we? When we can do that again, of course.
But I don't like your conclusions, especially since you seem to be still on you crusade trying to prove SR4 as being inferior. A crusade I know you well too good for.
C'me on, no attempts at character assassination, okay? It's not like we're competing for the democratic presidency ...
No, I don't prove that. I am, however, complaining about mechanisms and parts of books that don't work out well, are imbalanced in various degreees of vastness. No crusade against the systema s such. AS YOU SHOULD KNOW. After all, we've had that discussion several times already.