Apr 1 2008, 05:38 PM
Lately i got intrested in Possession traditions (Mostly Tradition witchcraft and Kabbalah.. Voodoo aint exactly my cup of tea) Im all over it cause it opens up massive roleplaying opperturnities and is more stuffed with fluff than a gargantuan teddybear. However as I build the characters, I find a great liability.. possessing yourself with even mediocre force spirits (Force 6, or the like) not only gives you incredible adaptibility, but also you excel at pretty much anything you do, I see this as a potential gamebreaker as i can probably dust everything the GM throws our way and makes the game quite meaningless for my fellow players, Self possession however is one of the most attracting parts of possession traditions.
Please give some advice on how to structure the character, tips for how to play it and insight on how to resist the temptation of godhood.
The current character im planning is a traditional witch with roots in the Romanic sorcery heritage (read: Gypsy witch)
Apr 1 2008, 05:44 PM
I suspect it seems like a bigger problem than it is, but is there any other context you can give us? For example, can you tell us what (generally) the other characters will be? Also, any info on the expected style of play? Pink mowhawk shoot-em-up vs ultra stealthy vs the-list-goes-on-forever?
Apr 1 2008, 05:46 PM
I don't know about self-possession, but here's a few things my character started doing when his guardian spirits started making me feel like I was hogging:
1) Guidance spirit in the newspaper--hilarity
2) also in the air-freshener of the cab I drive. When the group's adept said he wanted to "Commune with spirits," I tossed him the air freshener. Again, hilarity.
3) articles of clothing--you still get access to the powers, ItNW helps keep you alive, but you're not suddenly throwing 20 dice to shoot a dude in the head or anything.
4) personal items, like trophies you've taken from runs (if you're into that sort of thing)--adds some neat flavor to the game. I have a War Mask that I wear, and when it's possessed with a spirit, it looks cool while I dance around a fire.
5) random objects that you find--I once possessed a dragon skull that we found (we most certainly did NOT kill a dragon) with a Guidance spirit, which then articulated the jaw to speak to us and pointed us toward a run.
As far as possessing yourself, you might want to look into Guardian spirits. They're not all that powerful in combat (at least compared to other spirits), and they can give you Divination, which leads to some fun, non-game-breaking magical badassery. You get to say cryptic things like "Omens foretell doom...."
Apr 1 2008, 05:47 PM
self-possession is no more interesting then any other type of posession (in fact, it's much *less* interesting in many ways than possessing others) unless you have channelling.
consider: a manifesting tradition conjures the spirit. he gains 2 extra actions per IP in the meat, or 3 in the astral, and they come into play at the start of the turn. additionally, the magician can continue to cast spells, can take cover and still be useful, etc.
a possession tradition conjures the same spirit. the spirit posesses him. depending, the mage will either gain 1 action (oh joy... [/sarcasm] or he will gain 0 actions or he will lose actions. the spirit cannot cast spells, and is not really any more useful than the manifesting spirit except if you're in a situation where you need to get shot by small arms a whole heck of a lot for some reason... what's so great about that?
Apr 1 2008, 06:03 PM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 1 2008, 01:47 PM)
self-possession is no more interesting then any other type of posession (in fact, it's much *less* interesting in many ways than possessing others) unless you have channelling.
consider: a manifesting tradition conjures the spirit. he gains 2 extra actions per IP in the meat, or 3 in the astral, and they come into play at the start of the turn. additionally, the magician can continue to cast spells, can take cover and still be useful, etc.
a possession tradition conjures the same spirit. the spirit posesses him. depending, the mage will either gain 1 action (oh joy... [/sarcasm] or he will gain 0 actions or he will lose actions. the spirit cannot cast spells, and is not really any more useful than the manifesting spirit except if you're in a situation where you need to get shot by small arms a whole heck of a lot for some reason... what's so great about that?
According to the FaQ, it takes no services to make the spirit move.. bolster up with a increased reflexes spell before, order the spirit to shoot his enemies down, even wo. channeling that's a free 9 dices on any firearm (assuming force 6 spirit and agi of 4), make it a guardian spirit and give it automatics, suddenly you got 6+10= 16 dices.. for free, aswell as a badass soaking capability, alternatively you can make him swing your monosword, and with 4 passes a iniative of approx 20 w. 4 passes, atleast 15 dodge dices.. he makes your sammy cry.
With channeling you suddenly boast a force 6 spirit of any choice and you got a skill monster, agility 10, charisma 6 (more if you dare summon a higher force spirit, and easily boosted up with a increase att. spell), not to mention you still got access to the spirits skills, make it task and you master any skill of choice..
info on the expected style of play?
the pink mohawk factor will probably be pretty high, with some influence of social interaction, the other players is a war movie damaged psyard with lots of weaponskills and not much else(although i tried to convince him to take some ranks in stealth, and atleast 1 rank in a social skill of choice), the other player is a reaction freaked troll... got a dodge pool of 22 or something like that, I think the GM is forcing him to remake it, as he is not a big fan of min/maxing
Apr 1 2008, 06:19 PM
Twitch-Troll O.o
haven't seen that one in a long time . . that must take one big lot of energy!
and give yourself the spirit bane flaw, just let one of those possess you for a bit . . you won't be a happy little meatbag *g*
Apr 1 2008, 06:24 PM
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Apr 1 2008, 01:03 PM)
According to the FaQ, it takes no services to make the spirit move.. bolster up with a increased reflexes spell before, order the spirit to shoot his enemies down, even wo. channeling that's a free 9 dices on any firearm (assuming force 6 spirit and agi of 4), make it a guardian spirit and give it automatics, suddenly you got 6+10= 16 dices.. for free, aswell as a badass soaking capability, alternatively you can make him swing your monosword, and with 4 passes a iniative of approx 20 w. 4 passes, atleast 15 dodge dices.. he makes your sammy cry.
With channeling you suddenly boast a force 6 spirit of any choice and you got a skill monster, agility 10, charisma 6 (more if you dare summon a higher force spirit, and easily boosted up with a increase att. spell), not to mention you still got access to the spirits skills, make it task and you master any skill of choice..
So, after spending a complex action to summon and waiting for another action for the spirit to possess you, you can have attack and defense pools roughly equal to the combat-heavy characters, who by this time have likely already done most of the fighting. Handy for large battles, but not even worth the time for skirmishes. Unless you're walking around as an NPC spirit all the time.
But lets assume channeling, since that's the only way for this to be any fun. Now we can assume you're walking around all pumped up. Well, assuming you're abandoning stealth and don't have to get past any spirits or wards. You can have one skill, which is nice, but any character's concept is going to require multiple skills. Even a mad hacking skill won't let you replace a dedicated hacker. Or a rigger. Or...pretty much anything. It'll let you
help just about anyone, and being able to pull a single good skill out of your butt is cool. It's just like skillwires, in fact. It works a little bit better, but you suffer drain.
It's a cool idea. You get some cool stuff. But I really don't think it's as game breaking as you think it is. Also, make sure everyone's clear on how those rules work. A misunderstood rule or two is generally the basis for OMFG-Broken!!!1one
Helpful hint: Dice - plural. Die - singular. Dices - one of the verb forms of chopping something (such as food) into cubes. i.e. Watch as he dices the potatoes with a chef's knife and adds them to the soup.
Apr 1 2008, 06:35 PM
Ah crap, I always get that wrong.. never liked saying die anyway, sounds like a murder threat.. hence out of sloppiness it became, one dice, several dices.
now you got some several good points, the problem is.. the GM is fresher at shadowrun than I am (I have atleast played with experienced runners) , i doubt he even consider things like signatures, wards, background count, I'd raise my eyebrow in a spock'ish manner and applaud the man if he gets together and pit us against magical opposition at all.
@ Stahlseele
huh? what's a twitch-troll?
Apr 1 2008, 06:40 PM
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Apr 1 2008, 01:35 PM)
Ah crap, I always get that wrong.. never liked saying die anyway, sounds like a murder threat.. hence out of sloppiness it became, one dice, several dices.
now you got some several good points, the problem is.. the GM is fresher at shadowrun than I am (I have atleast played with experienced runners) , i doubt he even consider things like signatures, wards, background count, I'd raise my eyebrow in a spock'ish manner and applaud the man if he gets together and pit us against magical opposition at all.
@ Stahlseele
huh? what's a twitch-troll?
so in other words, your plan is to spring a surprise on your GM and make the character as broken as possible?
well then, in that case, here's my advice to help you not steal the spotlight: don't do that. there you go, problem solved. and there was much rejoicing!
(and a twitch troll, based on context, is a troll specialised in dodging like a madman).
Apr 1 2008, 06:46 PM
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Apr 1 2008, 01:35 PM)
i doubt he even consider things like signatures, wards, background count, I'd raise my eyebrow in a spock'ish manner and applaud the man if he gets together and pit us against magical opposition at all.
Soooo, you're worried that if you only use half the rules, the other half will be unbalanced. Ummmm, correct.
You definitely need to have a sit-down with your GM and talk about what your character will and will not be able to do, and how all of it works, the actions and rolls required, etc. He either does not want to use the rest of the rules, in which case you'll have to work something out between you. I suggest using the rules. Alternately, you just won't be overpowered anymore. Still effective, fun, and cool, but not broken.
Apr 1 2008, 06:47 PM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 1 2008, 02:40 PM)
so in other words, your plan is to spring a surprise on your GM and make the character as broken as possible?
well then, in that case, here's my advice to help you not steal the spotlight: don't do that. there you go, problem solved. and there was much rejoicing!
(and a twitch troll, based on context, is a troll specialised in dodging like a madman).
hence the purpose of this thread, how to being able to play what i want to play and making it worth the while, without totally crushing the GM
Note: I usually do the GM'ing in our group but as I've been GM for every session the last sixth months I long to be able to play aswell..
Soooo, you're worried that if you only use half the rules, the other half will be unbalanced. Ummmm, correct.
You definitely need to have a sit-down with your GM and talk about what your character will and will not be able to do, and how all of it works, the actions and rolls required, etc. He either does not want to use the rest of the rules, in which case you'll have to work something out between you. I suggest using the rules. Alternately, you just won't be overpowered anymore. Still effective, fun, and cool, but not broken.
Good idea.. however im not entirely sure about the warding rules myself (its not like they've been nice and put it all in same place) .. mind enlightening me?
Apr 1 2008, 07:20 PM
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Apr 1 2008, 07:38 PM)
possessing yourself with even mediocre force spirits (Force 6, or the like)
The hell? Force 6 is like, you now, not mediocre. Mediocre is Force 2.
Apr 1 2008, 07:32 PM
Force 6 is mediocre compared to the Force 12 that a starting mage can theoretically pull. And yes, I said "theoretically." I recognize that actually trying it is usually pointless and sometimes suicidal (but also sometimes AWESOME).
Apr 1 2008, 07:56 PM
Someone with a dodge pool of 22 can still take it from a full wide burst. -9 dice to dodge = 13 dice = easily matched by skilled opposition. Combined with APDS ammo, that's going to hurt mister dodgie. If your GM would rather nerf the troll than have an NPC pick up a goddamn assault rifle, I despair for possession mages being allowed anywhere near the table. There are lots of counters to possession mages - their hardened armor is totally negated by spells, and largely negated by electrical attacks like zapper rockets. And they can be banished without much fuss. Not to mention what happens to possessed spirits when the opposition lays down a mana static spell. But again, if your GM is too lazy to throw in a basic assault rifle to threaten a dodgie troll, what are the chances he'll be willing to tailor the game to challenge your possession mage?
The only way I can see it working is if you totally gimp your possession mage. Make him a mystic adept with 2-3 points of passive powers like combat sense and mystic armor, and 2-3 points of magic. That will limit your conjuring dice pool, and make you take physical drain summoning spirits with force 6, so you won't automatically want to use max force all the time, and when you do they will only have a few services. And you won't be entirely crappy, because your passive adept powers will still help you out. I would also avoid taking a mentor spirit, or any foci to boost your conjuring, so your dice pool stays pretty small. And be an Aspected conjuror. If you take all those steps, while your character won't be utterly worthless, no GM with a tiny shred of brain would be able to claim that you were broken.
Apr 1 2008, 08:53 PM
A good way to nerf your possession spirit character so that he doesn't steal the spotlight is for him to have an addiction to practical jokes in the middle of combat, or has a tendency to spout running commentary of events every other action, rather than actually act. You could give yourself the flaw that makes you freeze up for the first pass of combat. That'll give the rest of the group time to do things before you take over. They'll feel like they're influencing things.
Make him schizophrenic in combat, so that he has to continually stop, and with his new "persona" try and figure out what's going on.
In general though, I don't find the "self possession + channeling" characters anything more than a broken way of leveraging some rules to make super characters. It has nothing to do with fluff or role playing, it's just applying a bunch of rules to break the game.
Apr 1 2008, 09:04 PM
You don't have to hog the spotlight. You can tone down your character even if the character has tons of potential you don't just bust out your A++ game every time. Also if you bring the hammer when maybe something less vicious means that people will know the hammer was used. Also people investigating the situation might start noticing a pattern in the way your character operates. Does taking out some lowlife ganger mean that you should possess yourself and go shit nuts on the guy? Probably not. I mean if your already asking how you should tone it down then your halfway there already. Don't always bring out the force six spirits, don't always possess yourself, don't always bring the crazy. Then you don't have to hog the spotlight 24-7.
Apr 1 2008, 09:13 PM
How about just choosing not to casually summon up Force 6 Spirits? You win in two ways ... shit-loads less Drain, and you don't have the spotlight-hogging, mega-character syndrome whenever you use Possession.
Apr 1 2008, 09:42 PM
I think the easiest way to do this is to remember that spirits are not an extension of your PC. In both of the possession traditions you mentioned spirits are viewed in very particular ways by the practitioners. They're not the elementals to be used and abused that hermetic mages summon, they're beings to be respected or feared.
In Kabbalah the spirits that possess you are seen as extensions of God. They're not beings you should call upon on a whim. Granted Kabbalah does have two sides, a more religous one and a more scholarly one. Either way though the fundamental belief in what these beings are is pretty similar. They should be respected.
In the witchcraft tradition you're going to be summoning spirits into bottles and shit mostly, witches don't trust spirits and allowing one to actually possess you would be the exception and not the rule.
From an rp/fluff perspective think about what these spirits are in the tradition you're following. Sure by the book they're just spirits that owe you but how are these spirits going to act when you force them into your body to use their abilities? They'll carry out their services surely but is an extension of God going to be happy about helping you commit robbery? Murder? How many lectures about the 'error of their ways' will the team have to sit through while the spirit carries out the service you've given it? How's that fey spirit possessing your witch going to treat the other players? Will it use concealment on the Street Sam's weapons just for fun? How about accident on your troll dodge monkey? Possession is a great opprotunity for RP and it's up to you as the player to follow through with that. Role-play both your character's view on these spirits and role-play the spirits themselves when they're in the driver's seat and really it's pretty hard to abuse. They're not your toys, they're not your smartlinked Ares Predator, they're not your commlink. They may be around to carry out your command but they do have their own motivations beyond that.
Apr 1 2008, 09:47 PM
I'd say don't worry so much and just make the character more of a general practictioner utility magician rather than bother to jack up your meat attributes in order to have maximum possessed firepower. Remember, you only gain a bonus equal to the Spirit's Force, not its attribute totals, so as long as you aren't completely focused on taking your Possessed attributes to insane levels you could be both a flexible foci designer, ritual magician and enchanter by skimping on meat attributes while still having a formidable combat trick via self-possession when a fight breaks out. Honestly, I don't really think this is a Possession issue, just a Summoning issue. Possession does make it fairly difficult to harm a mage, but unless that mage happens to have Samurai style attributes the resulting merge isn't often all that much stronger than a materialized Air Spirit and a Magician working in tandem-- and often less destructive. High force spirits are tough for many GMs to deal with in general.
Apr 1 2008, 10:39 PM
Start with a lower magic score, either by cybering up or just deliberately. Then you'll be breaking out less explosive magic tricks which makes thing easier on your GM.
Then your character can grow in tandem with his GMing skill, so you get bigger tricks over time as he becomes more able to handle them.
Apr 2 2008, 03:48 AM
Actually I forget can your Hacker still do hacking when possessed? However really being able to boast your non-combat buddies to combat level fighters is useful.
Apr 2 2008, 03:52 AM
Not without Channeling he can't. A vessel has no control over his body, and can't use any skills. All he can do is issue commands to the spirit that's possessing him, assuming he controls it of course.
Apr 2 2008, 03:59 AM
QUOTE (Serial_Peacemaker @ Apr 1 2008, 10:48 PM)
Actually I forget can your Hacker still do hacking when possessed? However really being able to boast your non-combat buddies to combat level fighters is useful.
no. when possessed, the spirit takes your place. everything about you is gone, except for your physical attributes and cyber that doesn't require active use (for example, if you had spurs out when you were possessed, the spirit could use them; if not, the spirit could not make them come out so it could use them).
being able to boost your buddies to combat level is by no means a sure thing, unless your team's magician only has to cover 1 person's weakness, and doesn't need his 1 unbound spirit for anything else. seriously, bound spirits beyond force 4 or maybe 5 should be pretty rare (mainly because of the drain involved), and that's really not putting you into combat character territory... that's putting you more into 'combat as a secondary role' territory (a proper street sam will have 5(7) agility which you will likely match with the spirit's help. he will also have skill 4(6), a smartlink, and quite possibly reflex recorders... which your spirit won't match, most likely. he will probably also have infiltration, perception, the ability to use different weapons depending on the scenario, a good dodge skill, and more IPs than your non-combat character when possessed... pretty much the only thing your character can do that the sam can't do better is get shot by small arms by people with low dice pools and not get hurt, whereas there will be many combat-related tasks the sam can do much better than a spirit-possessed non-combat character).
honestly, i would consider it a far more useful thing to conjure a high force spirit and have it possess an *enemy* rather than a friend. at least you're taking actions away from the other side, and letting your non-combat character do something which he's actually good at, instead of using him as a bullet sponge and hoping the other side doesn't get a lucky shot in that penetrates the immunity. (and/or uses tasers)
Apr 2 2008, 04:23 AM
What I want to know is can a hacker use VR while possessed by a high force spirit, and hack via a DNI while the spirit does its thing with his fleshform?
Apr 2 2008, 04:54 AM
You guys who are familiar with me probably see this coming already, but I have to say that I agree with Jaid. Honestly, I'm not a big of Possession traditions for simple utility reasons. I find Spirits more useful as an extra set of hands with a few unique magical abilities than anything else, and that's what Materialized Spirits excel at due to the fact that they simply don't need a vessel at all. It's nice if a Spirit can throw down in a pinch, but I don't always expect or require them to set the world on fire or to take out an enemy with one instantly. Maybe it just reflects my playing style more than anything, but much like Jaid said, bound Spirits of around Force 3 or so tend to be my workhorses since that's when they're just good enough to be useful thanks to gaining their first optional power. I play Conjurer focused Magicians all the time, and honestly, nine times out of ten shooting for 3 hits while Invoking Force 3 Plant Spirit in order to have Movement, Search and a bucket of services is a lot better than playing Russian roulette and burning through high priced Force 5+ binding materials in exchange for an uncertain result. Speaking of Invoking, I'll take a Materialization Magician with Invoking over a Channeling Magician with Possession any day for a Summoning/Binding based character easy.
Please just don't tell me I don't know how to play a Magician. I "break" games all the time, but it's by repairing mcguffins, spanking Shedim, rockin' the Movement power and generally raising hell in the Astral rather than forcing myself and my friends to be dual-natured all the time.
Apr 2 2008, 01:39 PM
Actually, I think voodoo magicians are awesome at utility, since they can summon Task spirits. It's like a rating 6+ skill wires! Not that you need to be a voodoo mage to summon those. And having them in your body might be less convenient then having them free-moving through the Astral. Just sayin'...
Possession, though, is all about personal badassness. There's an allure to being a walking tank of death, even if that's not the most useful thing you can do for your team. Especially in games where the players tend to fight each other, being individually powerful, as opposed to relying on servants who can't prevent you from taking damage, is useful to YOU. And some people tend to play in a pretty self-centered way, and there's nothing wrong with that
Apr 2 2008, 10:29 PM
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Apr 2 2008, 12:23 AM)
What I want to know is can a hacker use VR while possessed by a high force spirit, and hack via a DNI while the spirit does its thing with his fleshform?
no. how many times do i have to repeat this?
if it helps, think of it as possession spirits do not add their force to the character's physical attributes, the character adds his physical attributes to the spirit's force. the character's skills, knowledge, experience, edge, magic, and so forth, are all pushed aside. the only thing the player contributes is a meatbody, any already-activated gear, and his physical attributes. that is all. the character cannot hack, he cannot rig, he cannot do ANYTHING, because he has been overwritten. heck, even a lot of already-active gear doesn't work for the spirit.
seriously, possession traditions are kinda good. so are materializing traditions. personally, i prefer materializing traditions in fact, but there is nothing that makes possession spirits especially amazing.
Apr 3 2008, 03:01 AM
If the possessed person is completely subsumed by the spirit, how can a mage direct the spirit possessing him in any way at all. It would be impossible to give the spirit orders. Unless you gave them all in advance I suppose, like 'possess me then walk over there and kill those dudes'
Apr 3 2008, 06:44 AM
A magician is aware of what the spirit is doing while the magician is possessed. That doesn't mean the spirit has access to the characters skills. The magician becomes the passenger and basically lets the spirit take over the driver seat. Technically the spirit is in control, yes the magician can still give it tasks to carry out but when the magician's body speaks, it's the spirit doing the talking, when he scratches his ass, it's the spirit doing the scratching, etc. etc.
*edit* Note that if the spirit is possessing someone that isn't it's summoner the rules change and the possessed person has no knowledge of what the spirit is doing. He's not even a passenger, he's more or less shoved in the trunk until the ride is over.
Apr 3 2008, 04:02 PM
QUOTE (Edge2054 @ Apr 3 2008, 01:44 AM)
...he's more or less shoved in the trunk until the ride is over.
Yep, that's one of the best uses I've found so far for a possession tradition. Especially nice since you get 6 extra dice if the guy you want to put in the trunk is a mage that's astrally projecting. On the other side, it would really suck to be doing astral recon for your team, and when you come back to your meat body, you see it climbing into the trunk of a car that then
goes to Mexico. Good times!
Apr 3 2008, 04:16 PM
I think what edge said is pretty much to the point. All possession traditions have a rather bad relationship with their spirits and thus you shouldn't summon them as often as shamans or hermetics do and not being possessed 24/7 because the latter is what really makes possession overpowered and you the focus of the whole game. If you resort to summon them just when needed they're not stronger then materializing spirits, just different.
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk @ Apr 1 2008, 08:24 PM)
So, after spending a complex action to summon and waiting for another action for the spirit to possess you, you can have attack and defense pools roughly equal to the combat-heavy characters, who by this time have likely already done most of the fighting. Handy for large battles, but not even worth the time for skirmishes. Unless you're walking around as an NPC spirit all the time.
But lets assume channeling, since that's the only way for this to be any fun. Now we can assume you're walking around all pumped up. Well, assuming you're abandoning stealth and don't have to get past any spirits or wards. You can have one skill, which is nice, but any character's concept is going to require multiple skills. Even a mad hacking skill won't let you replace a dedicated hacker. Or a rigger. Or...pretty much anything. It'll let you
help just about anyone, and being able to pull a single good skill out of your butt is cool. It's just like skillwires, in fact. It works a little bit better, but you suffer drain.
It's a cool idea. You get some cool stuff. But I really don't think it's as game breaking as you think it is. Also, make sure everyone's clear on how those rules work. A misunderstood rule or two is generally the basis for OMFG-Broken!!!1one
You don't need to spend a complex action because you are already possessed and your pools will be way better at least with a guardian spirit and by the rules you're not an npc spirit. Also you will have great reflexes so you most likely dodge better when not going full defense. As sr4 is very heavy on the attributes you also default to anything with 8+ dice and once you learned channeling you'll be the best character in your group hands down.
Apr 3 2008, 06:07 PM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 2 2008, 05:29 PM)
There is no Dana. Only Zuul!
Apr 3 2008, 10:40 PM
QUOTE (suppenhuhn @ Apr 3 2008, 11:16 AM)
You don't need to spend a complex action because you are already possessed and your pools will be way better at least with a guardian spirit
doesn't matter what kind of spirit, the guardian spirit's skill is a power, and is not always on for a chanelling mage. you must burn yet another service (in addition to the service to get the spirit to possess you) to use the power.
Also you will have great reflexes so you most likely dodge better when not going full defense. As sr4 is very heavy on the attributes you also default to anything with 8+ dice and once you learned channeling you'll be the best character in your group hands down.
no, you'll be reasonably good at tasks based on *physical* attributes, *if* that task can be defaulted on.
you probably still won't be as good as the sammy, and certainly not anywhere near as well rounded.
and this is even assuming you can channel... if not, then you're back to NPC status, playing a spirit which has only 3 or 4 skills, tripping every ward you go through, lit up on the astral, unable to make ranged attacks on the astral but also unable to not be present on the astral... hey, congratulations, you're a slow ghoul with hardened armor. that's just ever so much more scary than a magician who can take over your mind and make you kill your buddies! [/sarcasm]
Apr 4 2008, 12:30 AM
QUOTE (Edge2054 @ Apr 3 2008, 01:44 AM)
A magician is aware of what the spirit is doing while the magician is possessed. That doesn't mean the spirit has access to the characters skills. The magician becomes the passenger and basically lets the spirit take over the driver seat. Technically the spirit is in control, yes the magician can still give it tasks to carry out but when the magician's body speaks, it's the spirit doing the talking, when he scratches his ass, it's the spirit doing the scratching, etc. etc.
*edit* Note that if the spirit is possessing someone that isn't it's summoner the rules change and the possessed person has no knowledge of what the spirit is doing. He's not even a passenger, he's more or less shoved in the trunk until the ride is over.
Okay let me rephrase. Can a computer possessed by a spirit still function as a computer?
If yes, can an agent running on that computer still hack the interwebs.
To me, both answers are yes.
Further to that question. If I am unconscious, a spirit can possess my body and run around and cap stuff in the face. I think we all agree with that. ?therefore the spirit doesn;t require my mind to do anything.
Next: If I am astrally projecting, can a spirit possess my body and run around right. Isn't that part of what the shedim do.
I think the answer to the previous 4 questions are yes, and what it establishes is:
A) A thing that is possessed can still act on its own, just not physically. In this case this is created by the electrical subsystems.
B) A spirit can possess a body without interacting with the consciousness resident in said body
C) A spirit can possess a body that an then consciously do something else.
D) We all agree that the magician possessed is aware of what is going on.
So with those 4 points still in mind, why isn't it okay for me to turn on VR, and then let the spirit run around with my shoes. I agree its probably not, but it seems like it should work.
being able to do that would require that
1) You are still capable of independent thought
2) the electrical subsystem (the DNI) can operate despite being possessed by a spirit, which we know is true
Both things seems to be true, the only thing not holding is that your physical brain is involved (which it probably isn;t for astral projection, but may be for the 'being aware of what is going on' but might be not be a requirement.
Apr 4 2008, 12:32 AM
Well, it sounds better than being strapped to a segway.
Apr 4 2008, 01:27 AM
the computer is not a living creature. it does not have a mind to subdue or override, and spirits explicitly cannot interact with the matrix in any case.
on the other hand, spirits can certainly interact with living creatures, provided they're on the same plane. and a (meta)human does have a mind to subdue.
QUOTE (Street Magic pg 95 @ "Spirits And Vessels")
Regardless of how a spirit has entered a vessel, the spirit’s mind has control of the body and the host’s mind (and abilities) is either temporarily subdued (via Possession) or destroyed (via Inhabitation)
the rules are quite clear on the matter. your character contributes nothing more than physical attributes, and given this is explicitly a non-combat character, said physical attributes are probably not much beyond decent to begin with (at least, if you're seriously considering using a spirit instead of letting them get into combat on their own).
so yeah, might be a little bit useful for getting your TM buddy through suppressing fire if you can have him possessed with a force 8 (unbound) spirit while he runs across the hallway or something, and it's certainly going to be an improvement over the TM in terms of combat ability, it's much more effective to take that summoned force 8 spirit and tell it to suppress one of the people laying down suppressing fire. it's better yet, imo, to take a force 8 spirit of man that can manifest, and give it stunball as a spell known, and just have it nuke the entire group of people laying down suppressive fire when it manifests behind them. though i suppose you could accomplish something similar by having a possession spirit of man possess the wall behind them or something.
Apr 4 2008, 01:53 AM
If your mind is subdued how can you issue orders to the spirit when you as the mage are possessed and don't have channelling.
As you clearly DO have that capability, clearly despite being 'subdued' you are still capable of complex reasoning and tactical decision making. And logically therefore assuming you are capable of action could do something.
The problem is can you do something with a DNI, and thats a tricky question, I'm not sure cabral fully answers it.
If you think of a DNI as a translation device
Brain -> Cable -> DNI -> Cable -> Commlink
It is clear that a spirit cannot use the 3rd item in the stack, but its not obvious you can still use item 1.
Note this is, at this point, just for a mage summoning and possessing himself with a spirit, your argument is clear that in all other cases you cannot do this.
Apr 4 2008, 01:53 AM
QUOTE (Edge2054 @ Apr 3 2008, 01:44 AM)
*edit* Note that if the spirit is possessing someone that isn't it's summoner the rules change and the possessed person has no knowledge of what the spirit is doing. He's not even a passenger, he's more or less shoved in the trunk until the ride is over.
Not quite...
QUOTE (Street Magic @ Page 102, Sidebar)
The mind of the vessel remains in whatever state it was when possession began; if conscious, it becomes an impotent witness locked inside its own body for the duration.
Since DNI interface devices are among the list of items the possessing spirit cannot control, I would say that yes, the Hacker
can VR hack away through the DNI. The spirit blocks of access to his meat, not his skills and it most definitely does not shut down his brain.
Consider a counter point. An astrally projecting mage's body is possessed. What happens to the Mage's Astral form? It keeps on going until you tell the spirit to play in traffic.
Apr 4 2008, 12:22 PM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 12:40 AM)
doesn't matter what kind of spirit, the guardian spirit's skill is a power, and is not always on for a chanelling mage. you must burn yet another service (in addition to the service to get the spirit to possess you) to use the power.
who cares if it costs a service?
I can easily summon another spirit after combat and in the unlikely case that i actually do take stun damage slap on a patch and i'm good to go again.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 12:40 AM)
no, you'll be reasonably good at tasks based on *physical* attributes, *if* that task can be defaulted on.
you probably still won't be as good as the sammy, and certainly not anywhere near as well rounded.
and this is even assuming you can channel... if not, then you're back to NPC status, playing a spirit which has only 3 or 4 skills, tripping every ward you go through, lit up on the astral, unable to make ranged attacks on the astral but also unable to not be present on the astral... hey, congratulations, you're a slow ghoul with hardened armor. that's just ever so much more scary than a magician who can take over your mind and make you kill your buddies! [/sarcasm]
with channeling i'd be better then the sammy thanks to the 3-4 levels higher attributes i got. Also i can take way more damage then any other char without even having to roll for body. Considering i only need a lvl 1 in most skills to assure me 3-4 successes i'll most likely also be more well rounded not even taking into account that i can afford high mental attibutes and can still cast spells. To be honest a manifesting spirit isn't weaker then a possession one but the latter totally eliminates the magician as the weak link. Also once you learned how to summon ally spirits you'll also have the regeneration power and don't have to count your services anymore.
Apr 4 2008, 09:44 PM
Cthulhudreams: the mage can take actions to order the spirit, yes. this is explicitly an exception to the rules. it does not say anything about allowing the mage to take purely mental actions (which would include, say, casting spells, which would be pretty danged significant!) and therefore the mage cannot (unless he has channeling, in which case your spirit is just a fancy buffing spell).
Cabral: helpless, impotent... these words do not mean "can do all kinds of stuff, as long as it isn't physical in nature". so congratulations, you can see what's happening. too bad you can't do a damn thing about it.
suppenhuhn: sure, an initiated possession tradition mage with channeling can be decent. as long as there are no wards.
as far as stun damage not being a problem, maybe you didn't notice but most of the cool abilities for a mage cause stun damage. it bloody well *is* a problem, because it can knock you out, and then Bad Things happen.
and quite frankly, *I* care if it costs a service. even if it's only a summoned (ie unbound spirit) that's still potential drain to get a halfway decent spirit. if you're summoning towards your upper limit of ability to get these super-awesome stats and powers, then you may only *get* 1-2 services. if it's a bound spirit, then you are flushing money down the toilet. that's a problem.
so sure, an initiated magician who summons possession spirits and has channeling (and masking/extended masking to get through wards) can be pretty good. then again, so can a buffing magician with a couple of sustaining foci, and he still gets to use his spirits as well. congratulations, you've just blown a metamagic technique on getting something that is kinda-sorta better than a buffing mage. maybe. a little.
and for the record, there is no tradition with an ally spirit that gets regeneration. great form powers are not powers that are available to your tradition as standard, so even if you can conjure plant spirits, and have invoking, it doesn't work like that. (seriously, you have to bust out 3 metamagic techniques to make this a good idea? well imagine that, a grade 3 initiate magician being powerful? you don't say. i can hardly even imagine how that could happen [/sarcasm])
Apr 4 2008, 10:53 PM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 04:44 PM)
Cabral: helpless, impotent... these words do not mean "can do all kinds of stuff, as long as it isn't physical in nature". so congratulations, you can see what's happening. too bad you can't do a damn thing about it.
That's right. You can't do all kinds of stuff. That's not to say you can't do
some stuff. You obviously cannot perform any physical tasks as the spirit is complete control. However, you can perform some, if not all purely mental tasks, because the mental state of the possed target remains unchanged.
Note the reason a Technomancer cannot use technomantic abilities and an adept cannot use adept abilities. Because they impotent witnesses? No, because the spirit's special attributes are used, replacing the vessel's.
it's not clear-cut, the rules say you can do it. But it's a solid position supported by the FAQ.
Apr 5 2008, 12:08 AM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 11:44 PM)
suppenhuhn: sure, an initiated possession tradition mage with channeling can be decent. as long as there are no wards.
as far as stun damage not being a problem, maybe you didn't notice but most of the cool abilities for a mage cause stun damage. it bloody well *is* a problem, because it can knock you out, and then Bad Things happen.
Drain is nowwhere even close to the limiting factor it should be. Unless you overcast spells all the time or use the handfull ones that have a somewhat restricting drain you only very rarely suffer any stun at all.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 11:44 PM)
and quite frankly, *I* care if it costs a service. even if it's only a summoned (ie unbound spirit) that's still potential drain to get a halfway decent spirit. if you're summoning towards your upper limit of ability to get these super-awesome stats and powers, then you may only *get* 1-2 services. if it's a bound spirit, then you are flushing money down the toilet. that's a problem.
max drain a lvl 6 spirit can cause is 12 s which happens once in 729 summonings and you'll still be able to get that down to 8 or so and ignore 6 of those thanks to a slap patch. Granted binding such spirits is costly but you don't really need that.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 11:44 PM)
so sure, an initiated magician who summons possession spirits and has channeling (and masking/extended masking to get through wards) can be pretty good. then again, so can a buffing magician with a couple of sustaining foci, and he still gets to use his spirits as well. congratulations, you've just blown a metamagic technique on getting something that is kinda-sorta better than a buffing mage. maybe. a little.
okay so i spent 48 karma do be a lvl 3 adept and have channeling, masking and extended masking. I only need to resist a max drain of 12s with maybe 10 dice.
your buffing mage needs 4 lvl 6 sustaining foci (physical attributes) a lvl 2 sustaining focus (reflexes) and a lvl 12 sustaining focus (armor) combining to a whopping 76 karma and 380000 Nuyen. He'll still trigger any ward btw. When casting his spells he'll only get a drain of 4x1s and 1x3s (i said drain is a joke) which is negligible but also a drain of 9p for the overcast armor spell which most likely won't even score 12 hits.
So after raising magic to 7 my mage would still have karma, the ability to boost magic yet another 2 levels and a shitload of money to spend and he won't be half dead after 'buffing'.
You're right that is a wee lil bit better. maybe.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 11:44 PM)
and for the record, there is no tradition with an ally spirit that gets regeneration. great form powers are not powers that are available to your tradition as standard, so even if you can conjure plant spirits, and have invoking, it doesn't work like that. (seriously, you have to bust out 3 metamagic techniques to make this a good idea? well imagine that, a grade 3 initiate magician being powerful? you don't say. i can hardly even imagine how that could happen [/sarcasm])
actually it does work like that and i can get my lvl 4 adept with invoking when skipping on magic 7. Granted to summon it as an ally i need another 20 karma but i don't really need that as a bound spirit will do for starters. My lvl 6 spirit will owe me an average of 3 services when using luck and will get 6 hits on the invoking table which is enough for regeneration and also adds to my attributes and armor. Since i only need it to possess me to get most of the benefits the 3 services are a handy safety feature if i somehow happen to stumble across 2 or 3 great dragons at a time. Now imagine that: your buffer is a joke compared to this guy. [/sarcasm]
Apr 5 2008, 02:41 AM
QUOTE (suppenhuhn @ Apr 4 2008, 07:08 PM)
Drain is nowwhere even close to the limiting factor it should be. Unless you overcast spells all the time or use the handfull ones that have a somewhat restricting drain you only very rarely suffer any stun at all.
max drain a lvl 6 spirit can cause is 12 s which happens once in 729 summonings and you'll still be able to get that down to 8 or so and ignore 6 of those thanks to a slap patch. Granted binding such spirits is costly but you don't really need that.
oh goody, *only 8S damage taken potentially in the middle of a run. well thank goodness that's all. gee, i was starting to get a little worred there that it's enough damage to leave me with just a couple boxes before unconsciousness, but hey if it's *only* 8S damage, what's to worry about?
okay so i spent 48 karma do be a lvl 3 adept and have channeling, masking and extended masking. I only need to resist a max drain of 12s with maybe 10 dice.
your buffing mage needs 4 lvl 6 sustaining foci (physical attributes) a lvl 2 sustaining focus (reflexes) and a lvl 12 sustaining focus (armor) combining to a whopping 76 karma and 380000 Nuyen. He'll still trigger any ward btw. When casting his spells he'll only get a drain of 4x1s and 1x3s (i said drain is a joke) which is negligible but also a drain of 9p for the overcast armor spell which most likely won't even score 12 hits.
So after raising magic to 7 my mage would still have karma, the ability to boost magic yet another 2 levels and a shitload of money to spend and he won't be half dead after 'buffing'.
You're right that is a wee lil bit better. maybe.
no, because the buffing mage is going to choose spells that are better than armor. they'll pick up deflection, for example. and they're not going to waste anything buffing strength, that's for sure. quite possibly not body either (only need to worry about body if it hits you, and like i said the smart buffing mage is a dodge monkey), and probably not agility (mostly needed for stealth, which invisibility replaces, or guns... fortunately for us, being a mage he can still just cast spells). he'll also probably have 4 IPs, which will let him full dodge if needed and still have IPs left at the end. the buffing mage ignores all those bullets by not getting hit to begin with.
actually it does work like that and i can get my lvl 4 adept with invoking when skipping on magic 7. Granted to summon it as an ally i need another 20 karma but i don't really need that as a bound spirit will do for starters. My lvl 6 spirit will owe me an average of 3 services when using luck and will get 6 hits on the invoking table which is enough for regeneration and also adds to my attributes and armor. Since i only need it to possess me to get most of the benefits the 3 services are a handy safety feature if i somehow happen to stumble across 2 or 3 great dragons at a time. Now imagine that: your buffer is a joke compared to this guy. [/sarcasm]
that's been discussed here before (feel free to look it up, though i don't expect you to give up the loophole you insist you've got), and no it doesn't work like that. no spirit granted by your tradition grants regeneration, it's a great form ability.... which isn't part of your tradition. you may as well declare that all voodoo tradition magicians get channelling naturally as declare the great form ability of the various spirits to be part of the tradition. and once again, we're talking about a grade 3 initiate. yes, of course he's scary. he's a bloody grade 3 initiate. in the meanwhile though, some of us have to actually play characters that work from day 1, not someone who will be awesome after 50 or 100 karma. oh, and your grade 3 magician? doesn't have access to great form abilities anyways. you have to go up to grade 4 for that (and hey look, you still haven't increased your magic since chargen that way)
oh, and btw... great form spirits have to be bound. so at that point, you're throwing away money every time you use a service. not to mention the fact that great form spirits cause extra drain. meaning your great form spirit is probably not as powerful as a regular spirit you might be able to summon anyways (on account of it has a much better chance to kill you)... so have fun with that.
cabral: it says they are in the same state, and then it gives examples of a conscious mind remaining aware. it then goes on to say, as i have already pointed out, that said conscious mind becomes an
impotent witness. i don't know, maybe english isn't your first language, but it is *my* first language, and i can tell you now that impotent witness does not mean that you can do all kinds of stuff. impotent = powerless, witness = someone who observes. you are stuck there, helplessly watching... you are not hacking into the corp facility, you are not wirelessly talking to your buddies and relaying information, you are not rigging a drone, and you are not black hammering the corpsec hacker. you are sitting there stuck in your own body powerless to do anything but watch.
seriously though, this is starting to feel like a waste of time. i have one guy who insists that absusing nonexistant loopholes is the intended way of playing (and who doesn't seem to understand that "this magician is awesome as a grade 4 initiate" means a long time of not awesome first), and another guy who won't even listen to the quotes he himself provides to prove his own point when those exact quotes *disprove* his point. so yeah, i'm not going to bother discussing either of those points. you are of course free to believe what you want, and play how you want, and even to keep on sticking your head in the sand and pretend like there's nothing screwy with how you play. far be it from me to waste my time explaining to you why you are wrong when you won't listen to reason.
Apr 5 2008, 04:18 AM
Your remark is actually offensive, because you are implying that someone else has a poor grasp of the human language after having undermined your own point a few minutes ago.
if impotent = powerless as you so strongly assert, why can you order a manifested force of nature to do your bidding. Clearly you are not powerless.
Now having debunked the totally unjustified statement, lets move on to another intresting question. (Your right about ally spirits not being able to get regeneration though)
A) Can I see conventionally when I'm possessed (I assumed that the answer was obviously yes, but it could be no if the spirit provides you with all your infomation via the mental link. Taht said the impotent witness thing implies that you DO have your conventional sense data still)
B) When I am astrally projecting, can I still be sent infomation by my DNI (I really do not know the answer to this, but I'd lean towards yes, as your brain is functional in point A)
C) When I am possessed, can I be sent data via a DNI
D) When I am possessed by a hostile spirit, and if A is true, can *I* as the victim still see AR, but the spirit cannot. Or has the dual natured entity replaced 'me' leaving me with only astral sight? (I'm leaning towards no)
Those are some intresting as opposed to insulting questions that are not answered
Apr 5 2008, 04:56 AM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 09:41 PM)
so yeah, i'm not going to bother discussing either of those points.
Thank you.
Now as for the points you brought up.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 09:41 PM)
*only 8S damage taken potentially in the middle of a run.
This is a very good point. The dice pool and initiative penalties add up. Not to mention that you're talking about overcasting, you're looking at physical drain. You may be counting on the hardened armor to prevent anything else, but there are a surprising number of things that completely ignore Immunity to Normal Weapons. Those things not only don't get bounced by the armor, but ignore the actual armor dice too, and in some cases (such as weapon foci) will reduce your remaining worn armor too. You'll still have a large number of body dice to soak with and a healthy physical track (+6 from a possessing Force 12).
However, anything that does get through, even a little, will add up. Also, when your possession ends, even temporarily, you'll be left with the full damage, not just what you started with. If that KOs you or kills you, tough luck.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 09:41 PM)
that's been discussed here before (feel free to look it up, though i don't expect you to give up the loophole you insist you've got), and no it doesn't work like that. no spirit granted by your tradition grants regeneration, it's a great form ability.... which isn't part of your tradition.
This was brought up in another thread. Invoking is your ability to grant a spirit a special power. It's still pretty darn handy to have possessing plant spirit with regeneration, but you can't give it to your ally (nor can you Endowment, Storm, Astral Gateway, etc.
Still, if you want to be a wiz at healing, I can't think of anyway to beat an invoking Hedge Witch with the Great Mother mentor. Don't count on the Regeneration to heal drain as it is still "magical healing".
One loophole you
can exploit is that you don't need to know the ally metamagic to summon an ally. The Familiar Ordeal specifically states that you need not have the Ally Conjuring metamagic to summon an Ally. Be warned, due the apparent self-contradictory nature, this may be an error. Discuss with your GM prior to springing it on him or you may both be in for an unpleasant surprise.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 09:41 PM)
cabral: it says they are in the same state, and then it gives examples of a conscious mind remaining aware. it then goes on to say, as i have already pointed out, that said conscious mind becomes an impotent witness.
If I am an impotent witness to an airplane crash, I am most certainly unable to prevent it, however, I can jump to the left and then take a step to the right. I can put my hands on my hips and bring my knees in tight ...
The fact that the spirit leaves me physically incapable of acting as it runs amok with control of my flesh, does not inherently prevent me from accessing DNI devices and performing actions that do not interfere or conflict with the spirit's control or that rely on special characteristics overriden by the spirit's presence.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 4 2008, 09:41 PM)
i don't know, maybe english isn't your first language,
What gave it away? My supernatural ability to properly utilize capitalization? English is a language that relies heavily on context. If you ignore the context, you've thrown away half the meaning.
Apr 5 2008, 05:53 AM
I'd say based on context you probably can't check your email while you serve as Legba's horse, what with the impotent witness thing and all. It's also worth noting that in no way do you need your physical brain to be unscrambled to interact with the Astral and presumably Spirits. You can literally die, hell, you can be incinerated while Astral Projecting and you'll actually have several hours to fuck around and mourn your own passing as a physical being before your form dissipates into the ether. This is Shadowrun guys, a game of goofy fictional metaphysics. Between all the talk about essence and cyberzombies, it's fairly accurate to say that the existence of the metahuman soul is basically canon. So please toss the idea that this has to make perfect logical sense based on our current knowledge of the world out on its ear. What really matters here is internal consistency and game balance.
Apr 5 2008, 11:16 AM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 5 2008, 04:41 AM)
oh goody, *only 8S damage taken potentially in the middle of a run. well thank goodness that's all. gee, i was starting to get a little worred there that it's enough damage to leave me with just a couple boxes before unconsciousness, but hey if it's *only* 8S damage, what's to worry about?
that happens once in 7 years of weekly playing with 2 summonings per session. Wow now i'm scared.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 5 2008, 04:41 AM)
no, because the buffing mage is going to choose spells that are better than armor. they'll pick up deflection, for example. and they're not going to waste anything buffing strength, that's for sure. quite possibly not body either (only need to worry about body if it hits you, and like i said the smart buffing mage is a dodge monkey), and probably not agility (mostly needed for stealth, which invisibility replaces, or guns... fortunately for us, being a mage he can still just cast spells). he'll also probably have 4 IPs, which will let him full dodge if needed and still have IPs left at the end. the buffing mage ignores all those bullets by not getting hit to begin with.
Ah then i skip masking and extended masking because you don't care about that either and am down to 13 karma, good luck with your sustaining foci and whatever.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 5 2008, 04:41 AM)
that's been discussed here before (feel free to look it up, though i don't expect you to give up the loophole you insist you've got), and no it doesn't work like that. no spirit granted by your tradition grants regeneration, it's a great form ability.... which isn't part of your tradition. you may as well declare that all voodoo tradition magicians get channelling naturally as declare the great form ability of the various spirits to be part of the tradition. and once again, we're talking about a grade 3 initiate. yes, of course he's scary. he's a bloody grade 3 initiate. in the meanwhile though, some of us have to actually play characters that work from day 1, not someone who will be awesome after 50 or 100 karma. oh, and your grade 3 magician? doesn't have access to great form abilities anyways. you have to go up to grade 4 for that (and hey look, you still haven't increased your magic since chargen that way)
huh? why do i need a high initiation grade to score 5 hits on an invoking test?
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 5 2008, 04:41 AM)
oh, and btw... great form spirits have to be bound. so at that point, you're throwing away money every time you use a service. not to mention the fact that great form spirits cause extra drain. meaning your great form spirit is probably not as powerful as a regular spirit you might be able to summon anyways (on account of it has a much better chance to kill you)... so have fun with that.
ever noticed that you don't need to use many services with possession? No? Maybe that's why you prefer manifestation.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 5 2008, 04:41 AM)
seriously though, this is starting to feel like a waste of time. i have one guy who insists that absusing nonexistant loopholes is the intended way of playing (and who doesn't seem to understand that "this magician is awesome as a grade 4 initiate" means a long time of not awesome first), and another guy who won't even listen to the quotes he himself provides to prove his own point when those exact quotes *disprove* his point. so yeah, i'm not going to bother discussing either of those points. you are of course free to believe what you want, and play how you want, and even to keep on sticking your head in the sand and pretend like there's nothing screwy with how you play. far be it from me to waste my time explaining to you why you are wrong when you won't listen to reason.
Wow now the possession magician isn't good because he doesn't start with masking which is something your christmas tree doesn't have at all, not even in your high karma version. Also i can bind quite alot of spirits until i reached the pricetag of your foci. You also conveniantly ignored that i can cast spells as well while being possessed.
But it's nice that after having debunked your stupid line of argument you now consider it a waste of time because i got something wrong with allies (which doesn't even matter that much).
QUOTE (Cabral @ Apr 5 2008, 06:56 AM)
One loophole you can exploit is that you don't need to know the ally metamagic to summon an ally. The Familiar Ordeal specifically states that you need not have the Ally Conjuring metamagic to summon an Ally. Be warned, due the apparent self-contradictory nature, this may be an error. Discuss with your GM prior to springing it on him or you may both be in for an unpleasant surprise.
If you read that ordeal carefully it implies you take the summon ally metamagic when you take the familiar ordeal. It just states that you can already summon that special ally before you actually initiate.
Apr 5 2008, 02:00 PM
Hey, Whipstitch. I hadn't considered the rammifications of persistent astral projection insofar as proof of a soul. However, you could make the case that astral projections are psychic projections with the potential to linger after the brain death of the magician.
QUOTE (suppenhuhn @ Apr 5 2008, 06:16 AM)
If you read that ordeal carefully it implies you take the summon ally metamagic when you take the familiar ordeal. It just states that you can already summon that special ally before you actually initiate.
Well, that's a possible reading, but I wouldn't say it hands down implies it.
QUOTE (Street Magic @ Page 51)
The initiating character need have taken the requisite Ally Conjuration metamagic (see p. 53) beforehand and may take it as the metamagic technique gained ...
may take it. Now, as I said, it does appear to be self-contradictory.
It begins stating that only magicians capable of summoning allies may perform teh familiar ordeal. Who can summon allies? Magicians with the Ally Conjuration metamagic. It could be that the intent was that only magicians who qualify to take the Ally Conjuration metamagic technique may perform the familiar ordeal. I believe to improve your familiar, you would still need the Ally Conjuration metamagic.
As for the quote above, if FanPro had wished to make it a requirement that Ally Conjuration be taken as the metamagic for the initiation that Ally Conjuration is performed, I would have worded it more allong the lines of:
QUOTE (Street Magic, Cabral version)
The initiating character need have taken the requisite Ally Conjuration metamagic (see p. 53) beforehand, instead taking it as the metamagic technique gained ...
Apr 5 2008, 03:23 PM
QUOTE (Cabral @ Apr 4 2008, 11:56 PM)
The fact that the spirit leaves me physically incapable of acting as it runs amok with control of my flesh, does not inherently prevent me from accessing DNI devices and performing actions that do not interfere or conflict with the spirit's control or that rely on special characteristics overriden by the spirit's presence.
I don't think there's any reasonable argument that possessed vessels can still
surf the matrix. You're performing grammatical contortions just to wiggle around the words "impotent witness," but that's not all there is to it, even. The text flatly contradicts you on SM page 95, which says that the person's mind is "subdued," with the exception of a mage giving commands to the spirit he summoned that now possesses him. In other words, per unambiguous RAW, you can not do anything at all except watch and command the spirit. Accessing DNI devices is something that is neither watching nor commanding, so you can't do it while possessed.
Apr 5 2008, 03:40 PM
Jaid, Suppenhuhn please keep it civil. I dont want my thread to turn into a "My mage is better than yours" braggin' contest