Sep 11 2008, 08:42 PM
The Lifestylequality feng shui is worded somewhat weird.
it says: provides +3 dice to Artisan and technical skilltests.
first of all Artisan is a technical Skill.
secondly. Which technical skills does it really apply to. There are many skills listed as technical and some of them would make this quality quiet powerful
as there are:
First Aid
Data Search
(every skill a hacker needs)
most of them are Matrix-skills, so one may argue that being VR, hacking a Node doesn't count as "working from home"
yet it's unclear. to me at least.
Sep 15 2008, 06:57 PM
QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Aug 14 2008, 05:30 PM)
Regarding the Shifter optional rule to have your human form actually be a metahuman of some sort, it states you pay 10 points less than the racial bp cost of that metatype and you inherit their abilities.
Does this mean only things like Low Light vision, or the reach bonus, or dermal armor, or whatever? Or are we talking additional stat mods?
If the former, it seems pointless in some combinations to choose ork or elf as some shifters get low-light vision already. So you'd pay 10-20 points for nothing at all.
If it's the latter, how does that affect the shifter stats? Combine the modifiers? Take the higher of the two values?
Clarification is definitely needed on this.
Yes I want to know this too. A "fox spirit" concept needs answers.
Oct 8 2008, 04:53 PM
Agreed. I'm still waiting for the other Erratas for Augmentation & Unwired. They just stopped with Street Magic.
Oct 20 2008, 04:37 AM
A follow up on the Distinctive Style question - What are Advanced Character Options exactly? Is there a definition of what constitutes Advanced Character Options? Read loosely, everything in RC can be considered an Advanced Character Option, in read strictly, it can mean virtually nothing apart from those Qualities that confer Distinctive Style. Can we have a clarification?
Nov 29 2008, 01:38 AM
Can someone fix the thread title please?
Nov 29 2008, 01:45 PM
How much is Global Fame actually supposed to cost?
Dec 31 2008, 04:20 PM
Thanks to someone!
Regarding deviating costs:
QUOTE (Synner @ Aug 5 2008, 09:38 PM)
Additional information on biology and culture of the various sapients will very likely be featured in Running Wild.ce
Regarding the divergence between costs of qualities in headers and descriptions this might be due to last minute playtest tweakage and us simply missing the corrections. Generally speaking the values in the descriptions will be correct. Please post any you find and I will provide the correct value, meanwhile these and a couple of items that were cut by accident will be in the first round of errata.
I think the Erased quality (RC pg. 97) should say "...information that she wishes is stripped...". It uses "burnt" instead.
Mar 13 2009, 02:02 PM
I might as well drop in here
the response I got from Tyger Eyes about shifters/drakes and what happens when one shifts to animal form:
Shifting form should be a single complex action.
If the shifter's Body is greater than the highest Armor value (regular clothing has armor rating 0), then the clothing is ripped apart and destroyed during Shift. If the shifter's Body is lower, then they injure themselves and are entangled in the armor. The DV is equal to the Armor rating. Since shifters regenerate, it isn't a huge issue, but extracting themselves might require some sort of Escape Artist test, or shifting back to human form. And likely is accompanied by much laughter and pointing of onlookers.
Apr 18 2009, 03:42 AM
I'm doing some poking around in Runner's Companion for some other stuff and found the following errors:
pg 97 - Fame - local is 5BP, national is 10BP, and global is 20BP in the description, but range is 5-15BP
pg 98 - comma "," at the end of the Global Fame Examples. Missing entry or just supposed to be a period?
pg 98 - Alphabetical: Lightning Reflexes is after Linguist
pg 102 - Alphabetical: Albinism is after Amnesia and Asthma
pg 109 - Alphabetical: Sensory Overload Syndrome is after Spammed
pg 112 - Under Celerity: Spelling. Musculature
pg 113 - Functional Tail - 5BP and 10BP but range is 5-15BP
pg 113 - Alphabetical: Defensive Secretion is after Dermal Deposits
pg 113 - Alphabetical: Glamour is before Electrosense
pg 114 - Alphabetical: Goring Horns is after Greasy Skin
pg 116 - Astral Hazing - catalyse is catalyze
pg 118 - Alphabetical: Impaired (Attribute) - after Progeria
pg 118 - Impaired (Attribute) - 3rd sentence, ammount should be amount
pg 183 - Alphabetical: Bi-Polar is after Big Regret but on pg 102 it's before it.
pg 182 - Two entries for Codeslinger
pg 182 - Two entries for Exceptional Attribute
pg 182 - Two entries for First Impression
pg 183 - Two entries for Obscure
pg 184 - Two entries for Gremlins
Apr 18 2009, 06:25 PM
I assume the new karma costs from SR4A replace the Karma costs in Karmagen character creation system.
Apr 18 2009, 07:29 PM
QUOTE (Cabral @ Apr 18 2009, 12:25 PM)
I assume the new karma costs from SR4A replace the Karma costs in Karmagen character creation system.
Yea, I think that was mentioned as an update to the Runner's Companion.
Apr 18 2009, 07:32 PM
Figured out what the problem is:
pg 182 - Missing Codivore
pg 182 - Missing Designer
pg 182 - Missing Drone Pilot
pg 182 - Missing Emulate
pg 183 - Missing Improved Realignment
pg 183 - Missing Snooper
pg 183 - Missing Spawn
pg 184 - Missing Corruptor
pg 184 - Missing Fragmentation
pg 184 - Missing Real World Naivete
A couple of the duplicates I posted above might have been editing to add the missing entries from Unwired to the lists that wasn't completed.
Apr 26 2009, 12:05 AM
A few more:
pg 184 - Missing Martial Arts positive quality
pg 113 - Functional Tail - Last sentence says "The Versatile Tail quality" and should be "The Functional Tail quality".
pg 182 - Animal Pelage is missing the 'P' in 'BP'
pg 182 - Chatty is missing the BP cost and the page number is in the wrong column
pg 182 - Two entries for Aptitude
pg 183 - Shiva Arms says 15 or 25 BP but description has no comment about 25 (assumes 15 or 30 based on description)
pg 183 - Tough as Nails is missing BP
pg 183 - Astral Hazing missing plus in parentheses
pg 184 - Ghost in the Machine - says 5 or 10 but description indicates 15BP only
pg 184 - High Maintenance - Implant should be part of the text
pg 184 - Mania/Phobia - Table values don't match the range. Should be 5 to 20BP.
pg 184 - Prejudiced - missing BP
pg 184 - Neoteny - missing 'P' from BP
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