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Mr. Man
GameSpot has selected the SNES version as a game that should be remade.
I liked the fact that you could actually go on runs in the Genesis version, but the SNES definitely had the better story. I liked the Genesis system and control scheme, I just wished that it had the SNES' conversation system. I prefered the fact that you could hire runners for life, and actually improve their stats in the Genesis version. I liked how you got more than 3 pieces of ware, more than 6 guns, more than 5 pieces of armor, and more than 6 spells in the Genesis version.

It's a shame you couldn't initiate or project in the Genesis version..

I'd love them to remake SR.. I think it'd be cool to play a rigger for a change.
Hey fellas, I'm new to emulation, and can't figure out what to download on the SNES9x page.

I seriously loved both games and played both through a few times. I tossed my vote at SNES version though. Genesis was great, I loved the accuracy to the rules, the use of real SR settings, the developeable NPC buddies and the AWESOME matrix (totally Pwned the SNES matrix). The thing is, the snes version was a better rpg all flowed well, there werent action pauses, it had a great story and awesome atmosphere (music r0x0r t00). The flow of the genesis version completely sux when you have to spend hours and hours doing the same mission over and over to build up karma.

as a side note:
I just loved towards the end of SNES version when you get to the vampired lair. You can get 3 powerful NPCS, stand behind a coffin just near the entrance, and just walk away from the controller. The coffin keeps the goulies back whiles your d00ds slaughter em for lots of karma. If you are playing on an emulator, just turn the speed up to 20x and watch the karma roll in.
QUOTE (BullBear)
Hey fellas, I'm new to emulation, and can't figure out what to download on the SNES9x page.

I owned the SNES version back and the day, and played the Genesis version for the first time yesterday via emulation.

Now, I have limited experience w/ the Genesis one, and we usually see the past through rose tinted glasses, but still I voted for the SNES version. Though this Genesis one is really neat due to the actuall rules, places, personalities, etc. The SNES was, well, just more 'fun'. Damienknight, I know what you're talking about with the ghouls biggrin.gif

Regardless, even though I swore my GC would be my last console, I'll probably pick up the next X-Box if there's a shadowrun game...
Omega Skip
Gamespot did indeed nominate SR-SNES as a game that should be remade, and I for one would go completely stone-cold crazy with glee if they did that. They, of course, being the people who hold the license for a shadowrun game - and I don't need to tell you who that is.

Engage "My two cent" Mode

Actual fact of the matter is, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the possibility of an upcoming Shadowrun game is somewhere around 95%: FASA studios, the people who've brought us MechAssault and Crimson Skies for the XBox, have already cranked out two really awesome games, so it seems likely that they'll try their hand at "the third license" as well. The only "problem" with that is, both other titles have been XBox exclusives, which seems to me like a strong indication that when and if (big WHEN, big IF) a new Shadowrun game comes out, it'll be an Xbox exclusive title. Which may suck for some. (not for me though biggrin.gif )

Summarizing, it seems to me like it isn't a question whether "if" a Shadowrun game will come out, but rather "when" - taking FASA studios' owner's love for $ into consideration, we might actually see a "MechAssault 2" before we see "Shadowrun".

Disengage "My two cent" Mode
Well seeing how Jordan Weisman (owner of Wizkids and all things FASA) works for Microsoft as well, there's no question it'll be X-Box only.

In fact I hear Sahdowrun is being developed by Bungie (makers of Halo) as a possible launch title for the X-Box 2.

(I pray it's not a FPS!)
Omega Skip
And the award for trashiest FPS concept goes to... nah, I don't think they'd do that. But where did you hear that, if I may ask?

Also, I seriously doubt that Bungie has any people available for anything else besides Halo 2 right now. They're even looking (quite urgently, it seems) for outside help!
Well, it's been on quite a few videogame boards, and even here at dumpshock
I'll believe it when I see it.
Nintendo Shadowrun < Star Wars Force Commander < Most Games < Genesis Shadowrun

That clear things up?
ive heard that bungie thing thrown around a lot, though i think the best formula for a SR game is party based rpg, maybe some strategy, like vampire redemption (kinda) or like deus ex, i guess mmog would be ok, but not preferable by any means, and halo style fps would blow-ass (my 2cents)

i wish if they made a game it would be for pc (i know it wont...) and mix the story of the snes with everything else from the genesis, a remake of either of those games would be grand, especially the genesis. Heres to hoping!
Herald of Verjigorm
A "Halo style fps" could fit into the Shadowrun setting, but you probably wouldn't be playing a shadowrunner. If you could have some influence in the character design, it might make a good merc game.
I think everyone will agree with me that a FPS set up will lose a lot of the classic RPG elements in a game. Personally, I think they are incredibly important to Shadowrun. I presume that some people on the boards who play a more combat oriented game might not agree, but if you want to keep combat, strategy and roleplaying elements in a game, a Fallout style game would be preferable.
Omega Skip
IF there's anything to this rumor, then my bet is that they're using the Halo engine (probably a heavily updated version), but are still making a role-playing game. Man, a halo-powered live action third person roleplaying game with vehicles and a Soul-Reaver like astral plane would be so cool... I know it ain't happening, but one may dream, right?
QUOTE (Omega Skip)
IF Man, a halo-powered live action third person roleplaying game with vehicles and a Soul-Reaver like astral plane would be so cool... I know it ain't happening, but one may dream, right?

Better think within lines of Duke Nukem 3D for graphics nyahnyah.gif
Less disappointment later.

I would enjoy roleplaying game. I seriously doubt they can make RPG-shooter at level of System Shock 2 or Deus Ex. And we will always compare those games, saying "In our times..." stuff.

P.S. I disliked Halo, and very at the end of first level when there is that black corridor for running. Creates hate like nothing else.
How Id do a SR FPS:

(assuming Xbox/PC)

First and foremost, make it 4 player split screen/syslink co-op. Rather than having a one man gunning crew, you and three teamates can tackle the big, evil megacorp together. Part of the P&P game is about teamwork, no?

Let people build their characters Deus Ex style. While some things may not translate well to a game (say, astral space) and some skills would probably have to be axed, having a simplified sort of character creation and skill growth ingame would keep the RPG feel to it. I dont like the idea of picking from 4 different archtypes, personally, Id rather create the character I wanted, but having a sort of "class" might make it more familiar for non-SR gamers.

Id set up the game world similar to the Genesis version. Several basic areas characters could travel between freely to in order to get new contacts, new gear, and find new runs. Have one set of runs that comprised the main plot, with plenty of optional/fluffy runs that would net the runners unique gear, phat lewt, or whatever. Maybe have multiple endings depending on what runs the characters take/fail at/whatever. I could also see downloadable runs and gear off of live/internet. Maybe take the free roam approach some games employ as to the main area (I suppose your runners could jack cars too if they wanted), with a more traditional scripted FPS level in the actual runs.

Id also like very distructable environments. When I shoot up a corprate office, daycare, sewage treatment plant, whatever, I want tons of glass shattering, wood splintering, poo splattering, whatever is called for. Thats frosting, tho.
Though I cringe at it being a FPS, I absolutely DO NOT want it to be a MMORPG. 4 player split screen what be ok, as I can play with my friends. I don't wanna have to play with every Tom, Dick and Harry who live solely for online games (ie no social skills).

As for play style, again I'd prefer it to control like Freedom Force, but with a 'character creation' mode.
I think it would have to be like a mix of GTA and Max Payne.
A FPS-RPG could be great. Vampire: Bloodlines is coming out for the PC in a few months, and it is looking great.
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