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Don't the scandinavian countries have a high sales tax? I mean, everything's really expensive over there...
QUOTE (Grinder @ Nov 24 2008, 08:14 PM) *
Don't the scandinavian countries have a high sales tax? I mean, everything's really expensive over there...

We do, but that won't explain the almost double prize on lot of things. Hence I order most of... lot of things from Germany biggrin.gif Or buy it from there while visiting smile.gif
QUOTE (MaxMahem @ Nov 24 2008, 03:42 AM) *
Really where? I don't recall seeing it (though I don't persume to have all the books memorised). I do recall seeing that you could purchase 'flats' or cheap disposable clothes from vending machines. Which is close, but not the same as spray on clothing.

In the nanotech section of Augmentation is a form of spray-on armor/camouflage, so the technology is already existent in SR.
Which gives me the idea that i have to introduce nanofashion as soon as i GM a run with an upper class party in it.
QUOTE (BullZeye @ Nov 24 2008, 08:52 PM) *
We do, but that won't explain the almost double prize on lot of things. Hence I order most of... lot of things from Germany biggrin.gif Or buy it from there while visiting smile.gif

Amazon is my friend.

Finland has a 8% book sales tax. So adding 15%-17% mark-up that Fantasiapelit uses it comes out to for 20 euros whole sale to 24.84 (at 15% mark-up) for retail price or usually rounded up to 25.00 euros. The Oulu shop in Fantasiapelit has 3 shelves of RPG books which are an odd mis-mash of new and old. The rest of the books space is comics, with four bookshelves for novels (Including WotC novels). The rest of the 55 m^2 shop space is devoted to Games Workshop.

Don't even bother going to a bookshop for anything more than core D&D books and even then they are on special order.

Sorry to say it but RPGs are a dying breed.
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