Okay, so I am completely new to Shadowrun. I have been wanting to play this game since like 5 years ago but I never managed to learn the rules. So now I'm really trying it out and trying to learn it through combat and what-not.
However, I've got a few problems with the rules, and it is not so much that I am complaining about the rules, rather that I do not quite understand them and would love for someone to clarify them for me.
So, here we go.
1) We have been trying to figure out how the Full-Auto and Burst-Modes work... but we don't get it. So... let's say that I do a Complex action to burst a guy with an Assault Rifle... Ares Alpha... has like (2) to recoil, and 6p dmg. Now we are talking 10 bullets flying at my opponent and I am getting -9 dice pool modifier. Let's say that after modifiers I have 2 dice to roll... does this mean that I get to roll 2 dice per bullet that goes flying or total? Cuz if it's total... then that's only 6p of damage for a full auto burst. This doesn't make much sense to me... just trying to figure it out.
2) Opposed Grenade Throws... so it's kinda weird that the defender gets an opposed Grenade roll... so depending on his "chi" or whatever u may call it... the grenade lands in a different spot? I don't get it...
3) You can run... 25m for one combat turn... 3seconds... and that's a simple action... that's like World Sprinter-Quality when wearing whatever gear ur carrying and guns... while getting shot at... is this really right? It doesn't make much sense to me... but then again, I might have missed something.
Anyone who feel that they can answer these questions to some fashion would get a huge thanks from me... I am really confused about these things but I really wanna learn them... please help me out