QUOTE (Neraph @ Jul 18 2009, 09:00 AM)

Actually, upon secondary reading of that myself, that is not what that line of text says. It talks about the ambient mana conditions returning to normal after the cyberzombie leaves. If the CZ has an aspected BC to onions, then that onion BC will fade when he leaves, not onions will fade from his BC.
So you can still Geomancy Astral Hazing, given enough time and preparation, because it is treated as a BC. The only thing that makes it different from normal BC is the fact that it follows you around and grows when you stop.
My point was that after the Cyberzombie has left, the condition of overriding the ambient mana conditions goes with him. I got the impression that the now fading Astral Hazing he has left behind does not carry the quality of overriding local ambient mana conditions, and should be treated as a normal aspected domain. (But one aspected towards no known style of magic.) This domain is fading away at the rate of one point per day, so only on the last day could you perform the Geomancy Ritual, to get almost 20 hours of a rating 1 domain aspected towards your style of magic.
And yes, given enough time and preparation you could reaspect the domain of a cyberzombie even while he's still within the domain, you just need to do a ritual that takes about 4 hours, wait one month, do the ritual again, do it 2 more times over the next 2 months, and then have the Astral Hazing again instantly change the aspect back.
Normal domains don't have a special rule about overriding anything you do to change the aspect of a background count. Astral Hazing does have that rule.
Now lets assume that you or your GM says that if the aspect of an Astral Hazing could be changed, and that the overriding ability of an Astral Hazing
to set things back now instantly changes the domain back to your style from now on...
Quoting Street Magic:
"This ritual must successfully be completed once each lunar month (28 days) for a number of months in a row equal to the site’s background count for the aspecting to become permanent. Until that time, the background count retains its original aspect."
This implies that you can indeed take 4 months to reaspect a Astral Hazing Domain. But...
"To ensure that the imprinted mana does not dissipate between rituals, and to maintain an aspect once changed, it is necessary to ensure the site itself observes the geomantic lore of the initiate’s tradition. If the site does not already correspond to such criteria (an ancient stone circle would correspond
to the Druidic tradition’s criteria, but not a wujen’s feng shui), the site may need to be “re-sculpted.� This may require altering the immediate landscape, constructing a building from scratch, rearranging the furniture, performing regular religious observances, or offering sacrifices to local spirits. The nature and extent of each tradition’s criteria are left to the gamemaster to define as appropriate to the situation."
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I can't quite imagine a magical tradition that has Geomantic lore involving having a Cyberzombie polluting Astral Space sitting in the middle of your ritual clubhouse. Well no magical tradition besides the ones on those horrible Disney TV shows the kids are watching while we're trying to play Shadowrun. I mean talk about toxic!