QUOTE (Tyro @ Feb 13 2010, 11:33 PM)
Speaking as the GM who taught the player in question this trick and now has to deal with it... Help?
Sorry to jump in on this so late, but for years I have used a houserule for recoil that states that it is cumulative over an entire round instead of an initiative pass. Now, before anyone screams about how unfair this is to those people that spend good essence/power points to get those extra IP, let me finish. A character can use a "Take Aim" action (a simple action) to reduce all built up recoil modifiers instead of gaining the usual +1.
This is a rule I've been using since early third edition days, and no matter the group I run for (since I can never find someone to GM for me) it's always been accepted fairly easily. I have always thought it was silly that the runner firing 3-4 times as fast doesn't have 3-4 times the recoil because the weapon will in fact be moving and jumping more in their hands; no matter how cool their nervous system is.
Regarding your other question about dual wielding but using different actions, here is how I've GMed it.
Recoil from 1 weapon does affect the other. Simply put, if you move one side of your body, it affects the other. I also say that the "Change Linked Device Mode" action (a free action) to swap which weapon is connected to a smartlink. Smartlink bonuses do not apply when firing both weapons as one action, but I've no problem with using a free action to use them in this capacity. I had to address these rules when a player wanted run an old gunslinger inspiried character to dual-wield Ruger Super Warhawks.