Here he is: Mr. Geoffrey.
[ Spoiler ]
AI (110 BP)
Attributes (355 BP)
C 6
I 7
L 6
W 6
Edge 6
Rating 7
System 7
Firewall 6
Matrix Condition Monitor 12(14 with Redundancy, see below)
Matrix Initiative 18 (7[11] Resp, 7 Int)
IP 3
Qualities (35 BP)
Piloting Origin
Exceptional Attribute (Intuition)
Skills (520 BP)
Biotech 5
Close Combat 6
Cracking 6
Dodge 6
Electronics 6
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Laser) 6
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Super Squirt) 6
Firearms 6
Influence 6
Perception 6
Stealth 5
Throwing 6
R6 Command
R6 Encrypt
R6 Exploit
R6 Spoof
R7 Stealth
[ Spoiler ]
439/1,000 karma spent. I ran out of ideas, except to buy virtually all the skills and specialize them and get more martial arts/maneuvers.
Attributes (35 Karma)
Raise Edge to 7
Qualities (200 Karma)
Aikido 1 (+1 die for Full Parry) [10 Karma]
Arnis De Mano 1 (+1 DV Blades) [10 Karma]
Authority [20 Karma]
Boxing 4 (+2 DV Unarmed; +2 Defense vs. Unarmed) [40 Karma]
Code Flux [10 Karma]
Karate 2 (+1 DV Unarmed; +1 Full Defense) [20 Karma]
Krav Maga 1 (Ready Weapon becomes a Free Action [10 Karma]
Ninjutsu 2 (+1 on Surprise Tests when initiating an attack; +1 Infiltration) [20 Karma]
Redundancy [10 Karma]
Rootkit [20 Karma]
Sangre y Acero 2 (+1 DV Blades; reduce opponent's "friends in melee" by 1) [20 Karma]
Sapper [10 Karma]
Maneuvers (36 Karma)
Blind Fighting
Break Weapon
Kick Attack
Off-Hand Training (Blades)
Two Weapon Style
Watchful Guard
Skills (168 Karma)
Raise Stealth group to 6 [30 Karma]
Raise Biotech group to 6 [30 karma]
Specialize Automatics for Assault Rifles [4 Karma]
Specialize Blades for Swords [4 Karma]
Specialize Clubs for Staves [4 Karma]
Specialize Computer for Track [4 Karma]
Specialize Con for Fast Talk [4 Karma]
Specialize Cybercombat for Persona Icons [4 Karma]
Specialize Cybertechnology for Bioware [4 Karma]
Specialize Data Search for Data Havens [4 Karma]
Specialize Disguise for Camouflage [4 Karma]
Specialize Dodge for Ranged [4 Karma]
Specialize Electronic Warfare for Encryption [4 Karma]
Specialize Etiquette for High Society [4 Karma]
Specialize First Aid for Combat Wounds [4 Karma]
Specialize Hacking for Spoof [4 Karma]
Specialize Hardware for Nexi [4 Karma]
Specialize Infiltration for Urban [4 Karma]
Specialize Leadership for Persuasion [4 Karma]
Specialize Long Arms for Sports Rifles [4 Karma]
Specialize Medicine for Organ Culture [4 Karma]
Specialize Negotiation for Diplomacy [4 Karma]
Specialize Palming for Ledgermain [4 Karma]
Specialize Perception for Hearing [4 Karma]
Specialize Pistols for Semi-Auto [4 Karma]
Specialize Shadowing for Tail Evasion [4 Karma]
Specialize Software for Operational Utilities [4 Karma]
Specialize Throwing for Throwing Knives [4 Karma]
Specialize Unarmed Combat for Martial Arts [4 Karma]
[ Spoiler ]
Basic Clone Body
Full Body Type O Clone [?, 25,000]
R4 Cybereyes (all upgrades but Ocular Drone, Retinal Duplication) [9R, 10,850, 0.5 Ess]
R2 Cyberears (R3 Audio Enhancement, Damper, Spatial Recognizer) [9, 6,750, 0.3 Ess]
R1 Stirrup Interface [15R, 45,000, 2.5 Ess]
R4 Bone Density [12, 80,000, 0.45 Ess]
R4 Muscle Augmentation [20R, 28,000, 0.4 Ess]
Platelet Factories [12, 25,000, 0.1 Ess]
Suprathyroid Gland [20F, 45,000, 0.35 Ess]
Av: 20F
Cost: 265,600
Essence: 3.3 Cyber, 1.3 Bio; 3.95 Total.
Armor [8(10)/6(7)]
Synergist Slacks, High-collar Shirt, and Longcoat (6/3) [8, 2,100]
Half-Body Form Fitting Body Armor (4/1) [900]
R6 Nonconductivity [6, 1,200]
Forearm Guards, Leg and Arm Casings (use one), Shin Guards (+0/+3) [6, 700]
Av: 8
Cost: 4,900
Melee Weapons
Vibro Sword (Reach 1; [Str/2]+4; AP -2) [8F, 2,000]
[1 Slot] Custom Look 2 (Basket-Hilted Saber) [8, 1,000]
[1 Slot] Gecko Grip [6, 100]
[1 Slot] Personalized Grip [2, 100]
Tracker [-, 150]
Vibro Knife ([Str/2]+2; AP -2) [6R, 1,000]
[1 Slot] Custom Look 2 (Basket-Hilted Main Gauche)[8, 1,000]
[1 Slot] Gecko Grip [6, 100]
[1 Slot] Personalized Grip [2, 100]
Tracker [-, 150]
Av: 8F
Cost: 5,700
Ranged Weapons
Sports Rifle
Ruger 100 (7P; -1 AP; SA; [1] RC; 5[m]) [4R, 900]
[2 Slots] Chameleon Coating [10R, 1,000]
[2 Slots] Silencer [8F, 400]
[1 Slot] Smartgun System [6R, 900]
[1 Slot] Barrel Extention [8R, 900]
Av: 10F
Cost: 4,100
Ares Redline (5P; -1/2 AP; SA; 10[c]) [14F, 7,500]
[1 Slot] Smartgun System [6R, 7,500]
[1 Slot] Advanced Safety Basic System [-, 100]
[2 Slots] Advanced Safety Explosive Self Destruct [10F, 400]
Av: 14F
Cost: 15,500
Miscelaneous Gear
Fairlight Caliban (R4, S5) [?, 8,000]
R6 Response Chip [16, 8,000]
Sattelite Link [4, 500]
Av: 16
Cost: 16,500
Custom Operating System
R6 System [-, 3,000]
R6 Firewall [-, 3,000]
Av: -
Cost: 6,000
R4 Monocole [4, 100]
Ultrasound [+8, 1,000]
6 Months Luxury Lifestyle (R7 Home Node) 600,000
Cloning Facility [8, 200,000] x2
Shiawase Kanmushi [8, 1,000]
[2 Slots] Chameleon Coating [12R, 2,000]
[1 Slot] Sattelite Communication [4, 500]
Av: 12R
Cost: 3,500
50x = 175,000
Cyberspace Designs Dragonfly [12R, 2,500]
[2 Slots] Chameleon Coating [12R, 2,000]
[3 Slots] Minidrone (Signal 6)
[1 Slot] R6 Camera [-, 600]
- Low-Light Vision [+4, +100]
- Flare Compensation [+2, +50]
- Image Link [-, +25]
- Smartlink [+4R, +500]
- Vision Magnification [+2, +100]
[1 Slot] R6 Camera [-, 600]
- Thermographic [+6, +100]
- R3 Vision Enhancement [+4, +300]
- Image Link [-, +25]
[1 Slot] R6 Microphone [-, 600]
- R3 Audio Enhancement [+2, +300]
- Spacial Recognizer [+6, +100]
Av: 12R
Cost: 3,400
4x = 13,600
R4 Tactical Software [20, 12,000]
Mr. Geoffrey started off as a Renraku Manservant II (not III) who was his owner's butler. His owner trusted Geoffrey with managing his estate. After some time, the owner's penchant for martial arts and weaponry caused him to load a database of weapons skills into the drone to have Geoffrey analyze styles and help the owner train. After many, many years, dozens of weapons styles, and multiple software and hardware upgrades, Geoffrey became self-aware, developing into an AI.
Since he already had access to the estates, Geoffrey started manipulating funds and services, eventually culminating in the deletion of his prior owner's SIN (and reporting this SINless tresspasser to the authorities), transferring all accounts into an assumed name, and procurement of a cloning facility to complete the facade.
Mr. Geoffrey now maintains a number of cloned bodies that he enjoys the pleasures of a successful business in. He retained his refined, elegant, suave, and polite (maddeningly so, sometimes) personality and tastes. Mr. Geoffrey is never seen outside of an expensive suit, and is never questioned about his trademarked saber and main gauche. He eats real food (no soy!), indulges in the highest quality imported wines, and always has reservations to the highest class resturaunts and clubs.
Buy like 50 of the Shiawase Kanmushi listed above and have them Clustered together to make the Home Node and keep them at close to the extreme range (100 km) from each other. This makes the AI nearly unkillable, since every single one of these drones would need to be destroyed before he could escape into the Matrix. To have even more fun, place some in public parks, some in hospitals, some in schools, some in sewers, maybe a couple on public transportation vehicles... the sky's the limits (speaking of which, at least one on one of those inter-city air taxis). Because of their size and the ruthenium polymers there is a -10 dicepool penalty on Perception Tests to find them, and that's before you factor in them Infiltrating.
Take at least four of the Dragonflies in order to give the full TacNet bonuses to the clonal body. Their size and coating gives them a -6 Perception Tests to find them. Also, keep them flying around at signal range (Signal 3) to prevent the players from finding and destroying them too easily.
Remember to slave everything to the Fairlight Caliban, and then Slave that to the Home Node.
I only spent 1,520,000 nuyen. You also have more than enough left over to buy every single program at R6 with all the bells and whistles you want (like R3 Armor Piercing for that Black Hammer program) as well as any freaking weapon in any configuration you want.
Assuming they don't destroy the dragonflies, replacing the body with the gear listed above is 319,400 nuyen. You can have like eight of these resting on stand-by in the cloning facility tubes in case the party kills one, complete with gear sitting to the sides. The cloning facilities are within a larger hospital of your choice (although I suggest using a delta clinic - high security and high profile), which have been paid for and leased out to Mr. Geoffrey for his private use. They are never bothered by the staff at whichever hospital you decide to place them in.
The Sports Rifle should be loaded with Anti-Vehicular rounds.
Players need 7 successes in a Matrix Perception Test to see him, assuming they can get into his node, and they suffer a -6 penalty to do so.
If you need any skills for him that he doesn't have, you have two options: 1) Buy the skills with the 500+ karma left over, or 2) buy drone autosofts for the skills with the millions of nuyen left over.
I assumed average stats for the human body (3's down the board), and augmented he looks 4 Bod, 8 Str, and 3's the rest. The meat-brain doesn't matter, since Mr. Geoffrey uses his own while rigged in, and the Agility/Reaction scores are replaced by the Sensor/Response of the rigger. A good chart is on page 204 of Unwired. This being a biodrone, I'm not sure what the Sensor should be (but I suggest at least a 6), and since he has hands and not weapon mounts, you'd use the weapon skill instead of Gunnery.
Remember to factor in a -1 to all dicepools for actions done through the biodrone (page 153, Augmentation, second paragraph of Stirrup Interface). Even so, most dicepools should be pretty close to 13 (6 skill + 2 spec + 6 stat), with ones based on Reaction (response) close to 20 (6 skill + 2 spec + 11 Response - 1 = 17), not including other modifiers, such as those gained through Martial Arts, smartlink, two-weapon fighting, ect.
With the Influence skillgroup of 6 (and the specializations), this guy is everyone's friend. Even the 'runners should like him, but their conflicting agendas should cause them to be enemies.
EDIT: Oh, I forgot that you may be able to get a Response Enhancer R6 to get 6 more Initiative. I say "may be" because it may or may not affect a home node.