Well fire is a normal environmental hazard, so it protects against fire ball. Heavy metal poisoning is also a normal environmental hazard especially in areas of acidic soil, so it should protect against drinking cadnium. Cyanide is found naturally almonds and apple seeds, so it protects against cyanide. Car accidents are normal environmental hazards in cities, so it protects against people tying to run you down. Burning to death is a normal hazard in the middle of a pyroclastic flow, so it protects against being immersed in lava. Vitas was a naturally occurring virus, so it portects you against infections and diseases....
No sorry, no where does it list earth quakes as something it protects against. Guard keeps you from being "unlucky" and if your building is touching the ground there is no amount of 'luck' which is going to change that. A 10 on the Richter scale will demolish pretty much everything.
No sorry, no where does it list earth quakes as something it protects against. Guard keeps you from being "unlucky" and if your building is touching the ground there is no amount of 'luck' which is going to change that. A 10 on the Richter scale will demolish pretty much everything.
It would not protect against the fireball, but if the fireball started fires it would protect against that. And you are right it did not list earthquake it instead said environmental hazards. Coming up with a list of every environmental hazard would take a bit too much space when just saying environmental hazard would do the trick. If you decide to rule that damage form an earthquake is not an environmental hazard go for it. Don't pretend it is a rules decision though its just a judgment call. And if you want to continue to make judgment calls that make quake worse and then complain about quake that is your prerogative.
1. Guard can protect against it if you decide to call an earthquake an environmental hazard.
2. Blood magic is generally not available to players and is recommended not to be available because it is unbalanced.
3. They expressly state spirits do not like to be bound, have high force spirits use edge.