/me casts Stabilize.
I have Method's implicit permission for this necro post. I think it was either this or start a new thread. I have two things:
1) My Thoughts: (Warning: extended ramble follows.)
I think I tend to give out KIND OF A LOT for runs while TAKING A LOT AWAY for expenses. As a result, even though my runs lately tend to pay in the high tens of thousands or more, the players are still kind of poor and living from hand to mouth, having to pay through the nose for fines, bribes, travel expenses, medical expenses, and hired help. I wanted to look at the nine fourth edition adventures I've written. Eight of them (the last eight) form one ongoing campaign, designed to be interspersed with other adventures. A separate eight of them (the first eight) my players have run through.
Note that I have a three person team I GM for, so in this case '60,000 to the team' is more than '10,000 Each'. Your mileage may vary.
Run #1 -- "Simple" B&E. This was something I wrote in the official SR4 adventure formatting just as an exercise. Taking a cue from Missions, the payment was listed as 6,000 + (2,000 * Street Cred) to the team. A provision for more experienced teams to
For future runs I abandoned official formatting. "What's up, Chummer?" and "Behind the Scenes" were kept, but all other sections & pre written readaloud text were lost.
Run #2 -- "Trivial" Courier Run and handoff (with a twist, natch). Apparently I was sticking with the (Street Cred based payment) thing. Payment to runners is 1,000 (+1,000 * Street Cred) each. Once complications arise, though, industrious and smart runners can collect a finders fee from a different character of (5,000 + 1,000 * Street Cred) each and ultra-competent and ambitious runners can steal, well (part of this giant list of stuff was borrowed by or inspired from someone else's adventure)...
*If the runners hit Pier 147 at just the right time, it is possible they can get Isakov’s payment to the bosses in St. Petersburg, 50,000¥ in certified credsticks. *The BTLs are worth 50,000¥ or more on the street to a distributor who knows what he’s doing. If the runners try to fence them themselves, they fence at 30%, just like any other gear being sold.
*The contents of the safe listed in “Smooth Recovery” are up for grabs; the runners may keep them, or divvy them up with the Yakuza.
*There are six stolen vehicles at Pier 147. A skilled hacker/rigger could manage to jack one; they are pretty hot and disasters of many kind could result from trying to fence them. All of the vehicles together are worth more than a hundred thousand nuyen, but it is unlikely that the runners will nab more than one or two.
*Finally, the containers unloaded from the Bulgakov contain the following. This swag is hard to move (i.e. literally, physically) and also hard to move (as in difficult to fence). The contents of one container requires a full size tractor trailer and two hours to load:
Container The First: 20 Cases of 24 AK-97s (240,000¥, kept unloaded)
Container The Second: 76,800 rounds of regular ammunition (153,600¥).
Container The Third: 500 pounds of caviar (95,000¥), 1,000 cases of vodka (114,000¥)
Container the Fourth:Kachina Dolls with 10,000 doses of bliss (150,000¥).
So I guess lesson learned here is that the majority of the payment does not always come from Mr. Johnson. I won't discuss incidental swag for the rest of the runs, to save time/space. But I think this run had the highest maximum potential swag.
Run #3 - Dangerous and Complicated Data Steal. Which is actually a dungeon crawl to the sealed off levels of the ACHE.
One possible faction they can take the run from pays 30k to the team. The other possible faction they can take the run from pays 25k to the team. I believe the run is slightly easier the support given by the faction that pays less. (There are other story-important differences between the two hiring factions but they're not important in this discussion.) Anyway the idea here was that the difficulty of the runs, the street cred of the PCs, and the pay scale were all gradually increasing over time. Note that things did not go smoothly with the second one, as the PCs all got killed or accumulated tons of Notoriety through incompetence, failure, and just plain bad luck, but that's neither here nor there.
Run #4 - High Priority Extraction. Highest paying faction pays 50,000 Nuyen + (10,000 Nuyen * Average Street Cred) to the team. Lower paying faction pays a little less...or literally nothing if the runners worked for them last run and fucked it up. They get a choice from two factions again. Still trying to increase the difficulty and the payoff with each passing run as the stakes get higher and higher in the story. Don't know why I decided to bring back the street cred matters. Note that the person they're extracting offers to pay them 100k instead if they will take him to a third party. But the extra cred comes with a hit to their reps and some very scary enemies.
Run # 5 - Smuggling (Seattle to Hong Kong and back again). This is a side-job so I scaled back both the difficulty and the payment. Payment is either 10,000 + (2,000 * Street Cred) each or half that, depending on how the runners dealt with these Yaks back in Run #2. As a catch, payment is in MCT Corp Scrip, meaning that it is all going back to the Yaks anyway since no one else take sthat.
Run # 6 -- Structure Hit. Against MCT. Difficult AND risky. Payment is:
These geezers will pay you (50,000¥ + ([10,000¥ * Street Cred] – [5,000¥ * Notoriety] ) for the structure hit, plus a 25,000¥ line of credit to your favorite fixer for gear, with a 25% discount on explosives. So, what do you say, chummers? Want to blow some shit up for a good cause?”
Run # 7 -- Mostly legwork, plus some 'Hooding' all in the interest of finding a retired 2050s era ex-runner who has gone off the grid but suddenly become a VIP. Payment is 10,000 Each. Simple enough.
Run # 8 -- High risk wetwork on a high profile target that is very well guarded. Practically a suicide mission. Payment is 250,000. Based on importance, challenge, and risk.
Run # 9 -- A little bit of everything. While not as flat-out blisteringly hard as the last run, this run is the climax of the campaign and is essenitally the kissof. Stakes are incredibly high. Also it doesn't really matter what we give players at this point because those characters (if they survive) are going to retire anyway. But I did want to maintain versimmilitude rather than paying them "a hundred million billion nuyen". So the payment is:
a final payment of 100,000 Nuyen each, and our involvement will be considered at an end. You will each receive 5% up-front, another 5% upon (sub-objective) and the remainder upon our verification of (sub-objective)
Now the more I look at it, the more I see these payments are REALLY all over the place. So can I find an average, even within just the things I have written? Some math and handwaving later, I've got a vague idea that the average payment per runner per run was around 30k. Although I do wonder if we eliminated the 250k and 6k outliers if we'd have something more like 10k per runner per run. How do people feel about that number as a rough baseline of an answer to the "what does a Shadowrun pay" question, before applying situational factors and GM spin?
2) The Question: Has anyone ever reached any kind of an informed, reasonable
consensus on this much-much-much-much-much iterated topic? Just because people have highly disparate opinions doesn't mean that a consensus can't be reached...right?