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In all fairness I should probably take a penalty to the Unarmed check due to the complexity of the maneuver (I've been doing martial arts since I was 5 and that particular trick is rough even for me) but with the roll and Murphy's skill level.
Xahn Borealis
I don't think I will try and dodge it. Just take it like a man(bot).

MOX x 10 = 50 (1d100=85)

[ Spoiler ]
Quick tweak to the character: swapped math wiz for fast learner and sucked five points from art: xp recording and put them in freefall. I know you said the sheets would be frozen once the IC started, but I figured I should get in my last nagging (I've been going quite crazy about these) adjustments before I made any rolls.

Also, defaulting to protocol to try and show the Serbian Night Cartel member a good time in hopes of getting my g-rep increased.

protocol (defaults to SAV): 10, I rolled: 14 -- hilarious awkward conversations ensue, unless you deem a modifier or a different skill (persuasion?) to be more appropriate.

Though there are many things Jonah could wind up doing around the habitat, he's not terribly self-motivated and I think his personality has already shined through in many ways. So, although I'll still have him bopping around the station doing his thing, please feel free to move forward with firewall.
Think it is cool how you pulled so many of our scenarios together, even in a passing manner.
Thanks, I was gunning for getting a common geography going.
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Aug 7 2010, 05:47 AM) *
I don't think I will try and dodge it. Just take it like a man(bot).

MOX x 10 = 50 (1d100=85)

[ Spoiler ]

Just wondering what exactly you are trying to do, since I haven't seen anything in my book that defaults to Moxie X 10....
Its the Lemon trait from his Morph. During his dance and encounter with Murphy, something odd happens to his morph. biggrin.gif

Bonus: 10 CP
This trait is only available for synthetic morphs.
This particular morph has some un xable  aws. Once
per game session (preferably at a time that will maximize
drama or hilarity), the gamemaster can call for
the character to make a MOX x 10 Test (using their
current Moxie score). If the character fails, the morph
immediately suffers 1 wound resulting from some mechanical
failure, electrical glitch, or other breakdown.
This wound may be repaired as normal.

Xahn, feel free to let you creative juice flow on what happens next to Jack. I can write something up as well, but it seems you are having fun with Jack's dancing. smile.gif
Good thing there is a mechanic nearby. wink.gif
Xahn Borealis
And good thing I got medichines, repair spray, a CM with shell blueprint, and good old Hardware: Robotics.
Well you guys are well prepared. That's a good sign for things to come. grinbig.gif
QUOTE (pragma @ Aug 7 2010, 10:35 AM) *
Quick tweak to the character: swapped math wiz for fast learner and sucked five points from art: xp recording and put them in freefall. I know you said the sheets would be frozen once the IC started, but I figured I should get in my last nagging (I've been going quite crazy about these) adjustments before I made any rolls.

Also, defaulting to protocol to try and show the Serbian Night Cartel member a good time in hopes of getting my g-rep increased.

protocol (defaults to SAV): 10, I rolled: 14 -- hilarious awkward conversations ensue, unless you deem a modifier or a different skill (persuasion?) to be more appropriate.

Though there are many things Jonah could wind up doing around the habitat, he's not terribly self-motivated and I think his personality has already shined through in many ways. So, although I'll still have him bopping around the station doing his thing, please feel free to move forward with firewall.

The changes are fine with me. As long as its something you haven't used yet, I'll most likely be ok with the changes. Its a new system/new world. I expected a few changes to come through.

The Serbian Night Cartel member doesn't agree with your recommendation. If you like, roll me a Persuasion and try to convince him it is a really good place to go.
Just wanted to check and see if you are gonna fight back at all Xahn, as we seem to be holding things up. nyahnyah.gif
Waiting for a post from Xahn and Pragma. Jack - waiting a response on the Lemon check and the scuffle. Jonah - waiting on a persuasion test.

If time is now on your side this week, thats ok. Just let me know please. I want to keep things moving.
Waiting for a post from Xahn and Pragma. Jack - waiting a response on the Lemon check and the scuffle. Jonah - waiting on a persuasion test.

If time is now on your side this week, thats ok. Just let me know please. I want to keep things moving.
QUOTE (Jimson @ Aug 12 2010, 08:53 PM) *
I want to keep things moving.

Yeah, I don't think it would hurt to much to move things along after the weekend. In their first post responding to whatever moves the scene along (a call from Firewall, etc) they can also resolve those two issues.
I've been tempted to come up with a reason to pull Doctor Esterly from his conversation with NPCs and interact with the others, but at this point, I think it would just add to the pile of stuff to resolve before moving on - so I'll just leave him where he is. smile.gif The PCs should have plenty of time to interact once they're saving humanity together.
Xahn Borealis

QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 14 2010, 02:30 PM) *

Plan on a post from me either Monday or Tuesday, as this weekend is quite busy.

As for posting here on out, I think I would like at least one post a week either IC or OOC. The OOC post can be as simple as..."Life/Work is busy this week.", or "I'm still here and reading what's going on.". Then I know players are still around and this won't fade away like several other PbP. Is that ok with you guys?
Works for me
Fine by me; I've mostly been expecting you to sweep this little stuff under the rug rather than resolving it in detail. However, in the interest of getting things rolling.

Persuasuion: 1d100 → [49] = (49) vs. skill of 30

Looks like partying with the Serb is not in the cards. Going to IC to that effect.
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (pragma @ Aug 15 2010, 10:35 PM) *
However, in the interest of getting things rolling.

"...quantum alien bullshit..."

I lol'ed.
Glad you liked it -- Niko's fun to write that way.
Xahn Borealis
What sort of fight are you expecting sixgun? Look at my sheet, I don't have Unarmed Combat.... biggrin.gif
A walk off, a walk off!!!!

I'll get David Bowie in to judge!

On a serious note I'll try and get something up tonight about my plans for galactic domination....
Xahn Borealis
I need a GM ruling before I can continue. Do I need a test to reattach my head, or can we assume that the modular design of my flexbot shell can do it automatically? Also, I need to know if there's any modifiers for another old earth culture test. Trying to find another song, will PM details.
I'm guessing that, if you're hoping to undo the wound created by the Lemon trait, you would certainly need a test of some sort (mechanics, programming for nanobots, etc) to repair the damage, but otherwise, since the head physically coming off was mostly fluff, you can probably reconnect with without a test (and still suffer the wound) until you've taking the time to do a more comprehensive effort at fixing the problem in your flexbot's neck. The head will probably be a bit "loose", too, which would be funny for more fluff. You could also probably just hold it still and spray some repair-spray on it (like glue) and just try not to shake it too much for the hour while the nanobots get to work automatically repairing the wound
BlackHat, you pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. smile.gif Because its more a fluff (and quite funny, nicely down Xahn), no need to make an attachment test. If you want to recover the one wound you'll need to find a technician or some repair spray.

No modifiers on your Old Earth Culture Test. What type of song are you looking for? For some reason, "Kung Fu Fighting" pops into my head. smile.gif

I was thinking of bypassing some of this, but figured it would let you guys develop your characters a bit more before we jump into the meat of the session.
QUOTE (Jimson @ Aug 16 2010, 11:18 AM) *
Because its more a fluff (and quite funny, nicely down Xahn)...

Yeah, I liked the "Octohead coming through" part. wink.gif
Xahn Borealis
Interest: Old Earth Culture 60 (1d100=27)

Round 2 begins. Hopefully wrap this up shortly, but I can go on as long as necessary.

Now, first:

Art: Dance 60 -10 for Wound. (1d100=35)
Spend one Moxie point to upgrade to critical success. Yes, really.

And, yes, it's Lady Gaga. I like her music. So there. biggrin.gif
IIRC, medichines let you ignore the penalty from one wound, so - not that it matters - but you don't have to take the -10.
Xahn Borealis
The plot thickens. What lies underneath everyone's favourite party robot? Also, Jimson, I would like some info on Doc Corny, as he shall be known hence, based on any history he and Three have.
[OOC: GM, make it happen. Three's got mnemonic augmentation, so he can call up an entoptic of every dealing he's had with Cornelius, if any.]

Similarly interested in anything we should know about "Dr. Cornelius" from previous experience, especially if he is (as his title suggests) a scientist of any reputation (in what fields, etc).
Dr. Esterly has mnemonic augmentation too (and Eidetic Memory), but I'm not sure how much we've worked with this guy before - or how well known he is among our other contacts at Firewall (networking tests?)
[ Spoiler ]

EDIT: Removed the offending paragraph which may have just been confusing. I made a bad assumption here, which I later figured out was untrue. It appears that Dr. Cornelius, having signed the message, is the man we expect to meet with. The rest of the information I wanted to collect is still valid, but I can save a step by looking for information on Dr. C directly.

As a start, he would like to pull up as much information on Dr. Cornelius, as he can - both from Phalen's local mesh, and through his Firewall social network. As for C67-j, maybe he can look up who the unit is registered to (if that is made public, maybe sort of like mailing addresses today), and see if it is registered to Cornelius, or someone else? if its registered to someone else, can he cross reference that ID with other networks to build up a profile of that individual? Does he have rep with any factions (if not, maybe he can infer its a fake ID)? what kind of residential unit is it (upscale, low-end)? has it been mentioned in any recent media reports on Phalen's? are those units part of a block assigned to a particular group? how long is unit's lease for (is the guy planning to leave after tonight, or has he paid through the next month)? That sort of stuff - but if those details don't matter, don't worry about going into too much effort to come up with them. smile.gif

A mesh search test should only take a minute or two, so I assume Dr. Esterly can leave enough time to do this while making his way to the unit, and research is one of the things that his asynch slights make him particularly gifted with - so I'm up for a try:
[ Spoiler ]
(Since I'm looking for more things to roll, tonight)
Investigation is apparantly used to sort through details and find clues and piece things together, so even though that seems to be what the second reseaarch test is for, I'll throw in an investigation test as well.
[ Spoiler ]

... and the hot streak seems to be cooling. Let me know if I need to roll anything else.
It also seems likely that Jonah (being such a procrastinator) would put off leaving the bar until he needed to (nursing his Da), so he and Dr. Esterly would likely be taking the same route at about the same time.
If you're interested, Pragma, it could become apparent, the longer they go, that the two of them are headed to the same location. The third or fourth time they share an elevator, or automatic walkway, it might become unlikely enough to spark a conversation. Otherwise, Dr. Esterly is happy to wander, lonely and friendless, to the meet. smile.gif
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 18 2010, 05:16 AM) *
(nursing his Da)

Breastfeeding his father?
Blackhat, you read my mind. IC is up. Feel free to put some words in my mouth as appropriate. I think that if you got us pointed towards the meeting again that might be a good next step.

Also, if you want to use Adamu's trick and get the conversation put together by PM ... well PM me.
Working on a reply.

FWIW, Dr. Mathew Esterly would not be running his mesh inserts in "privacy mode", so his identity and reputation (at least among networks they both belong to) should be made instantly available (at least to Jonah's muse, he may not be interested). I guess its sort of like the picture on page 285.

From what I can tell, those would include the Circle-A list and CivicNet - so I imagine it will be easy for Jonah to confirm that he is in good standing with several autonomist argonaut groups (particularly the Love and Rage Collective, and he recently earned some rep for his participation at the E4-BCS conference here on Phalen's), as well as having some corporate ties (particularly with the Gatekeeper Corporation). Without much effort, he or his muse could probably ask around about him, or look up other public information, if you're interested. It's not exactly proof that he's not a criminal (or that its not a fake ID), but it should give him a name, at least, and the reputation built up around that ID, gives it some validity, even if it is a fake. wink.gif

I'm not entirely sure if the fact that both of them are Firewall agents would cause their status on "the Eye" to come to one another's attention (and any reputation with Firewall). Thoughts? (The book doesn't go into much detail about how information like reputation is distributed, particularly among networks where security is a concern).

Similarly, I suppose Dr. Esterly's response would be, in part, based on whether or not Jonah would be keeping his identity private.
Nudged it forward, anyway, and dropped a clue that a perceptive person might pick up on (not sure if you want Jonah to qualify or not). smile.gif
[ Spoiler ]

In addition to checking on any of the above identification and rep, I'll have DE make a perception check to look Jonah over (and at least memorize his face).
Perception 60 (+10 ambience sense, +20 enhanced-vision, +5 morph) = 95... Rolled a 62
Also (to speed things up), I'll describe Dr. Esterly - feel free to edit based on however perceptive Jonah is (fairly good IIRC).
[ Spoiler ]
BlackHat, slightly confused by your IC post and your OOC research. You IC post "Despite his pretense of discussing current events, this wasn't the first time that Dr. Esterly had dealt with Firewall, or Dr. Cornelius for that matter, and he anticipated that the two of them would have something far less banal to discuss." If DE has worked for Dr. Cornelius in the past, then you probably won't need the (exceptional) research roll from earlier, as you already sort of know him.

I was going to get to your stuff today, but works been pretty busy. I might have time in the next hour or so, but can't make any promises.
Oh, I wrote that part just because I rolled well on networking (and have some Firewall rep), so I assumed that Dr. Cornelius has been a router for Dr. Esterly before (as in, this isn't his first firewall job). Hopefully that means he knows a bit about him from association, but I figured I might as well take a few seconds and look up everything there is to find out about him (without resorting to hacking), just in case there is anythign useful to be found (better safe than sorry). Also, anything regarding how he relates to Phalen's might not be known from any previous jobs. For example, DE *might* be able to verify whether or not the unit is registered to Dr. Cornelius, or look up how long he's been on Phalens, and where else he has been seen recently (did he attend the conference I made up in my first post? has he been drinking with smugglers? etc). Has his reputation on various networks gone significantly up or down recently? Those sorts of questions. smile.gif Since I have no idea what information is there to be found (or is of any importance) I could probably make up questions all day long, and have them all be red herrings, or unimportant to the plot... so I don't want to bog you down with meaningless details - but if there is room for a hint in there, feel free to drop it. wink.gif If there's not much to find, or what he does find just matches up with anythign DE already knew about the guy, that's good to know, too.
Looks like I won't be able to get to this today. Expect something by tomorrow.

On a side note, I'm really enjoying the thought you guys are putting into this. Keep up the great work.
QUOTE (Jimson @ Aug 18 2010, 05:18 PM) *
Looks like I won't be able to get to this today. Expect something by tomorrow.

Sounds good. That should give Pragma and I some time to quickly get through our encounter and back onto the meet. If you get ready to move on, don't feel like you need to wait for us.
Xahn Borealis
Just nudging to ask what Three already knows about Doc Corny.
I will try to get to Dr. C today, but can't make any promises. Work has been pretty busy this week.
Tweaked my last post to at least head me in the direction of the meeting...

I agree, we'll catch up with whatever you throw.


I totally forgot that rep might be broadcast; I'm still getting a handle on the game world. Mercifully, my character is lazy enough to cover for my gaffes. I don't think I even need to edit this -- just have Sunshine chew him out again. I'll move things forward a bit but do feel free to get us to the meet.

Jonah's profile shows that he has fairly significant cachet with scum and extropians, a small amount clout with the night cartel and an equally small amount with hypercorps ... mostly outer system space farers: Comet Express and, probably at his own risk, Fa Jing.


Regarding i-rep, there are two ways I can think to handle it. One could envision it as a privacy controlled part of the profile (to use a crude analogy) so that only sentinels knew who had i-rep and who didn't. It's also possible that it's never possible to tell who has i-rep, you just invoke it when you broadcast to the Eye. I like the latter because I feel it creates a more paranoid atmosphere -- you can't tell who's working with you and against you, but you just need to hope you've done enough good things to have an ace up your sleeve. We probably need a GM ruling on this based on Crizh's last post.

Also, two retcons. First, Jonah's last name should be Pequod, not Queequod; I got the reference confused with a parody, and unlike the original name the retconned name actually makes any damn sense in language spoken by human beings. The second is that he doesn't have his pistol holstered but rather hanging fairly obviously in an arm slide.
Funny, I couldn't find your second name anywhere so just muddled through, now that you mention it I knew that it was Pequod. It caught my attention 'cos I used all that 'round the world' stuff for a SR character recently.

AFAIK rep-networks are VPN's that are only available to members. Both The Eye and Guanxi are private, invite only affairs so most people are unaware of them but they are just like the normal public ones once you're a member.

It could go either way, it just seemed kinda funny. I was trying to think of ways that I might be able to spot that both were going to be on my team and then suddenly realized it would be right out there in such a blindingly obvious way that would be easy to miss if you weren't paying attention.
I wasn't entirely sure which name Rebel goes by publicly, or if her profile was even public. Let me know if I messed something up, and I am happy to edit. I wasn't sure what title would be most appropriate with her so I went with Doctor, since she seems to have expert-level competence in a few academic fields (10 points above PhD). Let me know if you didn't intend for her to be formally a doctor, and I can change that to "miss", or whatever you would prefer.
Also, if Three and/or Murphy want to pop in on the way to unit C67-j, feel free. More the merrier. Otherwise, we can all meet at the Doc's place and exchange business cards afterward. wink.gif
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