It seems like if actions are in italic, a lot of what we write will be in italic.
Character: Doctor Mathew Esterly
Background: Original Space Colonist (+10 Freefall, +10 Profession [Gatecrasher], +20 Networking: Autonomists)
Faction: Argonaut (+10 to Profession[Gatecrasher], +10 to , +20 to Networking: Scientists)
Gender ID: Male
Motivations: +Alien Discoveries, +Alien Contact, +Research (Mathematics)
Customization Point Breakdown
[ Spoiler ]
- 40 Morph
- 15 Reputation
- 50 Traits
- 50 Psi Slights
- 410 Active Skills
- 335 Knowledge Skills
- 100 Gear
[ Spoiler ]
- Cog 20 +10 Morph
- Coo 10
- Int 25 +5 Morph
- Ref 10
- Sav 10 +5 Morph
- Som 10
- Wil 20 +5 Morph
[ Spoiler ]
- Moxie 1
- Lucidity (Wil x2) 50
- Trauma Threshold (Luc / 5) 9(-1 from psi) = 8
- Insanity Rating (Luc x2) 100
- Initiative ((Int + Ref) x2) 40 (+30 if mental speed is going)
[ Spoiler ]
- a-rep 40 (Autonomists)
- c-rep 40 (Hypercorps)
- e-rep 0 (Ecologists)
- f-rep 0 (Media)
- g-rep 0 (Criminals)
- i-rep 40 (Firewall)
- r-rep 80 (Scientists)
[ Spoiler ]
- Advantages (50)
- - Psi, Level 2 (25)
- - Math Wiz (10)
- - Hyperlinguist (10)
- - Zoosemiotics (5)
- Disadvantages (0, but 2 mental disorders from psi)
- - Mental Disorder [Insomnia] (From Psi)
- - Mental Disorder [OCD - Solving Math Problems / Finding (meaningless) Connections in Data] (From Psi)
Psi Slights:
[ Spoiler ]
- Chi
- - Ambience Sense (+10 Investigation, Perception, Scrounging, Surprise)
- - Enhanced Creativity (+20 Creativity ???)
- - Grok (Strain -1, Cogx2 to get +20 to defaulting, unfamiliar, or alien device)
- - Pattern Recognition (+20 to language, investigation, research or code-breaking tests)
- - Savant Calculation (+30 math)
- Gamma
- - Deep Scan (Strain +1, Sense)
- - Ego Sense (Strain -1, Sense)
- - Subliminal (Strain +2, Control)
- - Implant Skill (Strain +0, Control)
- - Mindlink (Strain +0/+1, Control)
- Active
[ Spoiler ]
- - Investigation 60 (35) (+10 ambiance sense, +20 pattern recog, + 10 oracles, +5 morph)
- - - Specialization [Logical Deductions] (5)
- - Perception 60 (35) (+10 ambience sense, +20 cyber, +5 morph)
- - - Specialization [Auditory] (5)
- - Research 60 (40) (+20 pattern recog, +10 morph)
- - - Specialization [Aliens] (5)
- - Programming 60 (40) (+10 morph)
- - Scrounging 60 (35) (+10 ambience sense, +5 morph)
- - - Specialization [Ruins] (5)
- - Navigation 60 (25)
- - - Specialization [Astrogation] (5)
- - Networking [Autonomists] 35 (5) (+5 morph)
- - - Specialization [Love and Rage Collective]
- - Networking [Hypercorp] 15 (5) (+5 morph)
- - - Specialization [Gatekeeper Corporation] (5)
- - Networking [Scientists] 40 (10) (+5 morph)
- - - Specialization [Xenoarcheologists] (5)
- - Control 60 (40) (+5 morph)
- - - Specialization [Implant Skill] (5)
- - Sense 60 (35) (+5 morph)
- - - Specialization [Ego Sense] (5)
- - Fray 60 (50)
- - - Specialization: Total Defense (5)
- From Skillsoft
- - Beam Weapons 40
- - Spray Weapons 40
- Knowledge
[ Spoiler ]
- - Academics [Alien Relics] 60 (40) (+10 morph)
- - Academics [Pandora Gates] 40 (20) (+10 morph)
- - Academics [Astrobiology] 60 (40) (+10 morph)
- - Academics [Exsurgent Virus] 40 (20) (+10 morph)
- - - Specialization [Watts-MacLeod Strain] (5)
- - Academics [Mathematics] 80 (80) (+30 math wiz, +30 savant calc, +10 morph)
- - Academics [Xenolinguistics] 80 (80) (+10 morph)
- - Academics [Xenoarcheology] 60 (40) (+10 morph)
- - Profession [Gatecrasher] 50 (10) (+10 morph)
- - Language [Native English] 95 (0) (+20 pattern recognition, +5 morph)
- - Language [Untrained] 25 (0) (+10 hyperlinguist, +20 pattern recognition, +5 morph)
Morph: Menton
[ Spoiler ]
- Aptitude Max 30
- Durability 35
- Wound Threshold 7
- Death Rating (Dur x1.5) 52
[ Spoiler ]
- Starting Credits 14,850
- Bioware
- - Enhanced Sense
- - - (250) Direction Sense
- - - (250) Echolocation
- - - (250) Enhanced Hearing
- - - (250) Enhanced Vision
- - Mental Augmentations
- - - [-] Eidetic Memory
- - - [-] Hyper Linguist
- - - [-] Math Boost
- - Physical Augmentations
- - - (250) [L] Bioweave Armor [2/3]
- - - (1,000) [M] Circadian Regulation (2 hrs sleep, or 4 every 48)
- - - (1,000) Clean Metabolism (Immunity to infections)
- - - (250) Eelware (power implants and devices)
- - - (250) [L] Enhanced Respiration (0.2-5 atmospheres, hold breath for 10-30 minutes)
- - - (250) [L] Gills
- - - (250) [L] Hibernation (5% normal food, water, air - 40 days)
- - - (250) [L] Temperature Tolerance (-30 to 60 C)
- - - (1000) [M] Toxin Filters
- - - (5000) [H] Vacuum Sealing (Temps from -70 to 100 C)
- Cyberware
- - Enhanced Senses
- - - (250) Electrical Sense
- - - (250) Radiation Sense
- - - (250) T-Ray Emitter
- - Mental Augmentation
- - - (250) Mnemonic Augmentation
- - Physical Augmentations
- - - (250) Oxygen Reserve
- Nanoware
- - (250) [L] Medichines
- - (5,000) [H] Mental Speed
- - (1,000) Nanophages
- - (1,000) [M] Oracles (+10 Investigation, +30 memory)
- - (1,000) Respirocytes
- - (5,000) [H] Skillware
- - (1,000) [M] Skinlink
- - (1,000) [M] Wrist-Mounted Tools (+20 repair/mod mechanical/lock/alarm/first-aid)
- Communication Devices
- - (500) [L] Radio Booster x2
- - (500) [L] Miniature Farcaster Radio x2
- - - (500) [L] Portable QE Comm x2 (built in)
- - - - Able to attach to a qubit reservoir, but doesn't own one
- Software
- - (5,000) Skillsoft [Spray Weapons] (40)
- - (5,000) Skillsoft [Beam Weapons] (40)
- - (1,000) Tactical Networks
- - (FREE) [H] Standard Muse
- - - INT 20
- - - Academics [Psychology] 60
- - - Hardware [Electronics] 30
- - - Infosec 30
- - - Interface 40
- - - Professional [Accounting] 60
- - - Programming 20
- - - Research 30
- - - Perception 30
- - - Language [English] 40
- - - Academics [Mathematics] 40
- - - Academics [Linguistics] 40
- Combination Tool
- - (5,000) [H] Covert Operations Tool (COT)
- - (1,000) [M] Psi Jammer
- - (250) [L] Utilitool (+10 to repairing or modifying mechanical objects, locks, alarm systems, or first-aid)
- - (50) [L] Flashlight (Normal, Ultraviolet, Infrared)
- - (50) White Noise Machine
- - (250) X-Ray Emitter
- Research
- - (20,000) [E] Quantum Computer
- - (250) [L] Investigation Kit
- - (1,000) Specialized Hive
- - - (5,000) Scouts
- - (1,000) [M] Mobile Lab (Chemistry 30)
- - (1,000) [L] Specimen Container x4
- - (1,000) [M] Smart Dust
- Survival Gear
- - (250) Breadcrumb Positioning System
- - (1,000) Spindle
- - - (250) Spindle Climber
- Pet
- - (250) Smart Rat
- - - COG 5, COO 15, INT 15, REF 15, SAV 5, SOM 5, WIL 10
- - - INIT 60, SPD 2, DUR 5, WT 1, LUC 20, TT 4
- - - Climbing 40, Fray 40, Freerunning 30, Infiltration 50, Perception 20, Scrounging 50
- Armor
- - (50) Micrograv Shoes
- - (250) [L] Viewers (+30 perception if aimed at)
- - (250) [L] Specs (+10 perception if visual)
- - (250) [L] Second Skin [1/3]
- - (250) [L] Smart Skin [3/2]
- - - (250) Reflective Glazing [+3/+0]
- - (5,000) [H] Smart-fabric Standard Vac-Suit [7/7]
- - - Specialized Maker (48 hours air, indefinite food/water)
- - - Ecto
- - - Radio Booster
- - - Sensors equal to specs
- - - Safe in temp from -175 to 140 C
- - - Self-sealing (unless 30 damage at once)
- - - (1,000) Self-Healing Modification
- - (5,000) [H] Hard Suit [15/15]
- - - Resist Vacuum and up to 100 atmospheres of pressure
- - - Miniature plasma thrusters, delivering 0.01G for 10 hours
- - - Specialized maker (air/food/water indefinitely)
- - - Utilitool in each hand
- - - Ecto
- - - Radio booster
- - - Sensors equal to specs
- - - Fixer nanohive
- - - Self-sealing (unless 30 damage at once)
- - - Safe in temp from -200 to 180 C
- Weapons
- - (1,000) [M] Stunner
- - - AP - DV 1d10/2+shock SA 200
- - - (1,000) [M] Smartlink
- - (1,000) [M] Shredder
- - - AP -10 DV 2d10+5 SA/BF/FA 100
- - - (1,000) [M] Smartlink