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Full Version: Immortal Elf...banshee?
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QUOTE (Jaid @ Sep 7 2010, 08:53 PM) *
exactly. before the infection test can even happen, you must first be drained to 0 essence. therefore, you're losing at least 6 points of essence, which equates to at least 6 points of magic, which equates to at least 12 points of immunity to disease. of course, if immortal elves have more than 6 points of essence, this is just going to be even worse for the immortal elf, but SR4 seems to have given everyone equal essence (except for stuff that has variable essence).

It seems to me like IE's would have more than 6 Essence, unfortunately for them. Dragons all have 7 or more essence, and iirc its hinted in the SR and ED canons that the IE's are dragonkin - which would probably raise the IE's essence by virtue of being descended from dragons. Of course, never having played ED, my understanding of the term 'dragonkin' may be incorrect.
QUOTE (Sephiroth @ Sep 7 2010, 09:31 PM) *
It seems to me like IE's would have more than 6 Essence, unfortunately for them. Dragons all have 7 or more essence, and iirc its hinted in the SR and ED canons that the IE's are dragonkin - which would probably raise the IE's essence by virtue of being descended from dragons. Of course, never having played ED, my understanding of the term 'dragonkin' may be incorrect.

IIRC, in ED immortal elves were the first dragon servitor race. They rebelled against Dragons which caused the Dragons to resaerch new servants (drakes).

My understanding from reading several ED books (and AH's site) is that Immortal Elves are the result of a Dragon & an Elf having children. I could be wrong but that was my take-away.
QUOTE (Dahrken @ Sep 7 2010, 06:46 PM) *
Well, yes, but the strain able to turn an elf into a Banshee requires the Infection power to affect it's recipient, and that make the "Drain to 0-Essence" step mandatory for a successful transformation. are absolutely right. How could i have overseen this information. This f***cks up all my plans infecting my elf with HMHVV to become a Banshee. I apologize at everybody i have bothered with my unqualified argumentations in this and other threads about this topic....DAMN....where are my blunts...i have to come down.^^
QUOTE (darthmord @ Sep 8 2010, 01:05 PM) *
My understanding from reading several ED books (and AH's site) is that Immortal Elves are the result of a Dragon & an Elf having children.

Elf Size Queen, anyone?
QUOTE (Sephiroth @ Sep 8 2010, 02:31 AM) *
It seems to me like IE's would have more than 6 Essence, unfortunately for them. Dragons all have 7 or more essence, and iirc its hinted in the SR and ED canons that the IE's are dragonkin - which would probably raise the IE's essence by virtue of being descended from dragons. Of course, never having played ED, my understanding of the term 'dragonkin' may be incorrect.

I played Harlequin, but i cannot remember that Frosty had more essence than 6. Does somebody have the book on hand?
QUOTE (Machiavelli @ Sep 8 2010, 02:22 PM) *
I played Harlequin, but i cannot remember that Frosty had more essence than 6. Does somebody have the book on hand?

She's listed as having 6.
QUOTE (darthmord @ Sep 8 2010, 08:05 PM) *
IIRC, in ED immortal elves were the first dragon servitor race. They rebelled against Dragons which caused the Dragons to resaerch new servants (drakes).

My understanding from reading several ED books (and AH's site) is that Immortal Elves are the result of a Dragon & an Elf having children. I could be wrong but that was my take-away.

You're correct on both accounts.
So what happens to infected (of any type) during the downcycle? I'm pretty sure that if you take an infected to a mana void they just die per RAW, but maybe someone else can confirm?
QUOTE (darthmord @ Sep 8 2010, 07:05 PM) *
IIRC, in ED immortal elves were the first dragon servitor race. They rebelled against Dragons which caused the Dragons to resaerch new servants (drakes).

My understanding from reading several ED books (and AH's site) is that Immortal Elves are the result of a Dragon & an Elf having children. I could be wrong but that was my take-away.

I was under the impression that that is what it means to be dragonkin - the offspring of a mortal and a dragon. Perhaps dragonkin refers to something different then.
Yep Jet black LIVES.
QUOTE (Machiavelli @ Sep 8 2010, 01:12 PM) * are absolutely right. How could i have overseen this information. This f***cks up all my plans infecting my elf with HMHVV to become a Banshee. I apologize at everybody i have bothered with my unqualified argumentations in this and other threads about this topic....DAMN....where are my blunts...i have to come down.^^

i'm a bit curious why you see this as being a problem. it led to some rather wacky rules being created to allow vampire magicians and whatnot, but those rules do exist and the immortal elf would still be able to be drained to 0 essence and come back to life as a banshee, and still have the full magician quality or whatever it is that you needed.

also, if the rules are getting in the way of your awesome, as a GM it is your right to tell the rules to shut up and go away. the only concern you should have ultimately is whether or not the gaming group as a whole will have their enjoyment increased as a result of it. if it leads to more fun, then who cares if it's against the SR4 rules. the rules are there to facilitate you having fun, and if you think a modified rule would result in more fun, then modify the rule.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Sep 9 2010, 06:41 AM) *
i'm a bit curious why you see this as being a problem. it led to some rather wacky rules being created to allow vampire magicians and whatnot, but those rules do exist and the immortal elf would still be able to be drained to 0 essence and come back to life as a banshee, and still have the full magician quality or whatever it is that you needed.

It was just because there are too many inconsistent rules that apply at infection. Regarding the rules that you only loose magic if your essence drops below essence+initiate grade, you could have said that if you are at least initiate grad 5 with magic 6, you definitely wouldnīt loose magic if your essence drops to 1. Now the rule for infection says that you definitely loose ALL essence before you get transformed. If essence drops to 0, you could expect that your magic BEFORE the draining totally burned out, and you regain a "new" magic rating. In this case, it wouldnīt matter how many initate grades you had before.

I am just trying to verify that i donīt have to start discussions with the GM about my transformation.
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