QUOTE (Irion @ Sep 16 2010, 10:23 PM)

Well, it is said, that they do not have bodys. So actually poison is unable to affect them.
What should nerve gas do, if there are no nervs.
A car does also not have an immunity to poison. Should therefor VX blow up tanks?
As a matter of fact spirits are quite funny things. If they are able to function as a toster, they should be able to have a Form, which is immun to electricity....
I'm not going to say anything about the vehicles and toxins... that is something they messed up on.
However, the whole thing about spirits and "no bodies", "no nervous systems", etc to justify them not taking various forms of damage and other in game effects...
I'm assuming you're speaking of SM p 90,
The Nature Of Spirits to gleam this information. It should be noted that this is in fact NOT RAW. It is however
canon fluff. You can tell this because the passage in question is "In Character Speech", written by one Prof. Leonard Montenegro and posted by the Jackpoint user
Ethernaut who even proceeds it with the statement that it isn't even 100% trustworthy. This is clearly not a rule section of the book, so therefor not RAW, but a good source of fluff.
If we start taking any in character sections and applying it to mechanics nothing stops me from say using UW p30:
"Well, there's public opinion and there's fact. Hackers today need to be more then just brains. You can't hide in a basement and do overwatch anymore. IC or a bad biofeedback filter used to be the worst thing a hacker came up against. Now, a hacker who doesn't know how to handle themselves in a fight - or at least how to duck - isn't going to last through the first run."
Imagine the mayhem if I took the parts I liked as RAW just cause it was in the book. "Oh, hacker... first fight is over and I don't see a rank in a combat skill or dodge skill. Well, the last line here clearly says you die. Too bad. Roll a new character."
Not saying that if your game want's to treat toxins and elementals or whatever as ineffectual towards spirits that you can't or shouldn't, just that it's all based on fluff and not RAW.