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Full Version: Mundanes vs. Spirits
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'Toxins' certainly require an organic body; that's part of what toxins are. What you're asking (and it's a good question) is about non-drug/non-toxin *chemicals*. 'Generic acid' is probably the easiest example.
I consider any allergies a host has to act as allergies to the spirit aswell. But I also consider any immunities to affect the spirit as well. This is somewhat disputed by some people.

So a spirit possessing a shapeshifter would have silver bypass their immunity to normal weapons. A spirit possessing a wood golem would have a vulnerability to fire. Spirits don't need to breath but wile possessing a human they might need to breath to keep the vessel alive.

As for acid, it is a chemical burn, like fire but some things "burn" better than others. I guess you need to ask if immunity to poisons and toxins grants protection from acid. You could rule either way. I don't think anything has an immunity to just poison. It either case I think spirits would still get some protection in the form of immunity to normal weapons.

Just some things to consider. Excuse the spelling. I am away from a spellchecker at the moment.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Sep 18 2010, 11:52 AM) *
'Toxins' certainly require an organic body; that's part of what toxins are. What you're asking (and it's a good question) is about non-drug/non-toxin *chemicals*. 'Generic acid' is probably the easiest example.

I just used the term toxin 'cuz that's what the book uses for the most part. I guess if we want to be nit picky the better word here would be poisons, but by the RAW these things are all still rated based on their toxicity and use the same rules, so it hardly matters that much.
But that's my point, Whipstitch: the book isn't very careful about these issues, and you're right to mention it. It's not 'nit-picking' when it matters. smile.gif
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Sep 18 2010, 10:45 AM) *
Try to ignore Neraph, he always takes the anti-common-sense position. smile.gif It's not a character flaw, it's an intellectual exercise.

I was going to take offense until the underlined part (emphasis mine). Thank you for noticing.

QUOTE (Badmoodguy88 Posted Yesterday, 03:31 PM )
Spirits don't need to breath but wile possessing a human they might need to breath to keep the vessel alive.

Only if the spirit cares about the vessel. Possession spirits can possess corpses just as easily as living bodies (barring willing summoners, that is).
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