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I'll post format guidelines shortly; 'till then, I did get the RTF. I believe that's three characters in, counting noncomplete characters (Grey's vehicleless rigger).

On a tangent, does NSRCG really speed up chargen for you? I've always found that a (software) calculator, a stack of books, and a blank TextEdit document goes significantly faster...

Beast of Revolutions
I have the NSRCG, but I don't use it.
NSRCG is a ton faster for me, plus when I'm at work (like I am now) it helps to not have to bust out all my books to look everything up (even though I have all my books in a draw here at work with me).
NSRCG for SR2 was faster, it had the export function and then you just added in the secondary stats. NSRCG for SR3 does not seem to have it (or maybe I have an early version or maybe I just need more sleep)

Quite simply, I had already made up the character when I realised that there was no export function. Otherwise, I think it would have been slightly faster.

I will be honest, the main use I put NSRCG to was using the DAT Viewer to check which book had the necessary doo-dahs in. It also lists page numbers, which helps...
Okay, no drake then. How about shapeshifters? Do you use the 9 attributes like the companion says, or are you one of those GMs who just makes their animal form stats equal their human stats plus modifiers?

wink.gif biggrin.gif
Hey, you can hardly blame me for wanting my character to be as good as possible. After all, a sorcery skill of 8 isn't enough. grinbig.gif
How does the background and personality look?
Actually, scratch that, I'll make him a dwarf thunderbird shaman. One who kicks ass. Lots of ass.
Sounds like a great personality. nyahnyah.gif
I use nine attributes, and you'd better have a damn good reason why they'd let something that isn't even regarded as eligible for citizenship... actually, that's it right there. Sorry. Can't be a citizen, can't be a cop. Well, I suppose LS is a corp rather than an actual LEO, but still... I don't think you're going to be able to explain that well enough, though you're welcome to try.


Edit: ok, that works then. Just remember that asskicking is bad PR if done excessively. I'm serious about PR here; even if you don't get yourselves kicked out, your funding lives and dies by PR.
Yes, according to a SR novel I read, they let shifters be stringers, but not full officers. I'll have my kicker of many asses submitted within an hour.
Provided I can get this stupid printer to work.
QUOTE (Panzergeist)
according to a SR novel I read

There's your problem right there grinbig.gif

Much as I love the novels, they tend to play fast and loose with things like that... As wonderful as having a regenerating cop would be, the whole more-animal-than-human thing kinda causes problems.

Novels are no where near canon.

[edit] beat me to it.
Maybe I could be a police dog who just happens to be smarter than his handler. alien.gif Nah, I think I'll just beat the shit out of my printer and make a thunderbird shaman.
I already sent in a shaman. He's a Troll Bear shaman. Mine is the annoying xml dumped into a PM guy biggrin.gif

Wait, I sent that to Grey, not Kage. Whoops nyahnyah.gif
Yeah, I was meaning to mention that too you. I was a bit confused as to why I got it. smile.gif
Well, what did you think? I made him more like a county sheriff kind of guy. Like he might be the only guy around to discover the crime, investigate the crime scene, question witnesses and find the perp. So he's pretty decent at a bunch of stuff rather than a real expert at anything.
Think of him as a Troll Columbo. Friendly, and kinda slow seeming, but doesn't miss much.

PS, What do you guys think of the .xml output that NSCRG does? Has anyone seen it?
I like it actually. Though I don't use it too often.
well, If I've got Kagetenshi's email address right, he should be recieving one right now
If a mage astrally projects, do his fetishes astral forms go with him, just as with foci?
Digital Heroin
For reference, I've got my adept in the works right now, re-tooling the concept slightly, and re-doing her stats to reflect the increase in BPs, but lack of Karma from the original.
Bearclaw's character received. Does anyone know if there's a canon answer to the fetish question? I'm personally inclined to say no, as I don't remember fetishes being magical in and of themselves, but I may be wrong; I'm the first to admit that the magic rules are not my strong suit.

Fetishes have to be bonded. This takes a few hours and doesn't cost karma. It doesn't say anything more that I can find. Also, since Bearclaw is a shaman, I'll change my character to a hermetic.
Digital Heroin
Question: Since a vehicle which could potentially cost over half a mil can be reduced with one of the discounts we're given, can the SP cost of initiation be reduced as well?
Meesh! I have absolutely no idea what stylesheet the XML output is trying to use, but it ends up being a completely unformatted mess on my browser (Safari) or just a blank "missing stylesheet" message (Mozilla).

Format guidelines:

Seperate your sections! A tabbed "Attributes:" or "Skills:" can do wonders for the reader.

Seperate Skills and Knowledge Skills.

You don't have to include what attribute a skill is linked to. We're all supposed to know things like that, and I believe most of us have the Cannon Companion.

Example (spoilertagged to save space):
[ Spoiler ]

Something like that is comparatively easy to reference, IMO. Doesn't have to be exact, but that should be a decent guideline. Replace all {tab}s with actual tabs, of course.

QUOTE (Digital Heroin)
Question: Since a vehicle which could potentially cost over half a mil can be reduced with one of the discounts we're given, can the SP cost of initiation be reduced as well?

I'll let you apply the discount to the bought spell points used for an initiation if you buy them.

I PMd my character to you. Sergeant Carlos Mason is a dwarven hermetic mage who spent his entire career before this assignment working in medium and high-threat response teams on call in E and Z rated neighborhoods. He's used to security armor, citymasters, and firefights. He's an okay guy, but pretty touchy. If he's insulted, he doesn't let it go. His favorite hobby is reading detective novels.
Fresno Bob
If you haven't figured it out already, I dropped out.
I figured; any particular reason?

Fresno Bob
I was hoping for more street level, not high powered.
Beast of Revolutions
Oh God Panzer, please tell me you didn't get fetish and exclusive limits on almost all of your spells again.
Fair enough.

For your information, all of my spells are unlimited. Now stfu n00b. cyber.gif
Heyheyhey, simmer down there. That was uncalled for.

Beast of Revolutions
Oh, it's alright. Panzer knows he's my bitch. He's just being rebellious.

Does my guardian angel implanted medkit provide extended care for the purposes of recovering from wounds? :
Hey, I always thought of it as an equal relationship.
Beast of Revolutions
No Panzer, I own you.

So, what's going on? We just waiting for characters to be finalized?
Speaking of which, is Hans in?
Ok, I have completed my character, except that I cant send it to you for a few days because of internet connection problems. Sergent Natasha Greenwood is a young female troll who worked for SWAT for four year and who has proven to be extremely efficient for fast responses in dangerous situations, being incredibly fast and though. Now that they she received implants and a ton of cyberware to boost her natural abilities, she can run a 100-meter in less than 4.5 seconds on her best day. She is a really good sharp shooter as well. For hobby, she likes to listen to Heavy Metal music and to watch action movies; and she trains a lot.
Large Mike

Kage, I'm still here. I was wondering what you thought of my character. Does he need reworking, etc?
I'll be able to get to everyone on Wednesday, but I'm away in Vermont right now with a sucky connection so I probably won't be able to do too much in detail. Expect a sudden influx of new info when I get back.

Beast likes inmates.
I'm still working on my vehicles. My time has been a little limited, so I'm glad to hear that Kagetenshi's in the same boat. So far I've pretty much got the Van done. If you guys would like a short rundown on what it has to offer, let me know and I'll give a report tomorrow. Just to give you a hint, I'm throwing about 500,000 nuyen.gif at the thing.
Yeah, I'd like a summary of it. And I'm sure Beast would like you to "debrief" him in private. Can you get us a blimp too?
Large Mike

Well, Imma have to drop out. Sorry guys. I *love* the idea, but I'm signing up for the armed forces and (assuming they take me) I'll be doing 20-odd weeks of boot.

A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
So give up sleep, not gaming! wink.gif

Good luck and godspeed. *Salute* cyber.gif

We're here if you suddenly get an influx of time.

Large Mike
It's not so much a time issue as here in Canada, our infantrymen get 20-30 *weeks* of training. Basically, I'll spend six monthes in boot camp. I don't think they have the internet at boot camp.
Digital Heroin
If your doing Basic in St. Jean, there's Internet Acess... mind you at $4 an hour... but still, it's decent... Battle School I'm not sure about, might be there too, but it's iffy... hell, I'll have access from on ship, gotta love the modern Canadian Forces...
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