Meesh! I have absolutely no idea what stylesheet the XML output is trying to use, but it ends up being a completely unformatted mess on my browser (Safari) or just a blank "missing stylesheet" message (Mozilla).
Format guidelines:
Seperate your sections! A tabbed "Attributes:" or "Skills:" can do wonders for the reader.
Seperate Skills and Knowledge Skills.
You don't have to include what attribute a skill is linked to. We're all supposed to know things like that, and I believe most of us have the Cannon Companion.
Example (spoilertagged to save space):
[ Spoiler ]
Bob "Squorkleblat" Jones
Male Sasquatch (this would be the place to note things like Otaku, Elvis Shaman, or Hermetic Mage)
Height: 8'3" (XYZ meters)
Weight: 420 Lbs (ZYX Kg.)
Age: 26 (born 2/27/2036)
Cash: ¥124,901,850,932,783,650,923,765,136 (don't you wish you were him?)
Strength: 4 (6)
Body: 5 (7)
Quickness: 5
Intelligence: 8
Willpower: 4
Charisma: 5
Reaction: 6 +1d6
Essence: 3.28 (no, don't try to total it up, I'm just making up a number)
Bio Index: 2.2
Combat Pool: 8
Karma Pool: 1
Good Karma: 0
Total Karma: 0
Ass-kicking: 12
Singing: 9
Can-opening (Whoopass) 6 (9)
Can-opener B/R 6
Car (Wienermobile) 4 (5)
{tab}Knowledge Skills:
Ass-kicking background 6
English 6
R/W 6
Klingon 6
Read/Write 3
Comparative Theology (why your religion sucks) 6 (8)
Muscle Replacement (L2) (XYZZY Essence)
+2 to Quickness and Strength, non-pool-affecting.
Microscopic Vision (Alphaware) (.16 Essence)
-2 to applicable Build/Repair tests.
Reflex Recorder (Ass-kicking) (.25 Bio Index)
+1 die to Ass-kicking
Great Dragon ATGM Launcher
Ammo 1, SS, 2.75 Kg, by rocket/missile.
Great Dragon ATGM
Intelligence 4, 20D (AV), Blast -5/meter, 2d6 Scatter, 3 Kg
Franchi SPAS-22 (Shotgun)
Conc. 4, Ammo 10(m), SA/BF 10S, 4kg
Folding Stock (1 RC, -2 conc.), Smartlink-2, Guncam (-1 Conc.)
Shotgun shells: 100
Shotgun slugs: 100
Stun shells: 100
Flare shells: 100
Remote-Control Deck (Rating 6)
L5 Encryption
External Transducer (X20)
Ares Roadmaster
Hand. 1/7, Speed 99, Accel. 3, Body 5, Armor 5, Sig. 2, Auto 2, Pilot 1, Sensor 5, Cargo 15, Load 1,209, Seating 2+1b, Entry 2d+1x, Fuel Diesel (250l), Econ. 5.2 km/l
Electronics Port x4 (Remote-Control Deck, R6 deck w/L5 Encryption installed) (Cyberdeck port, no deck installed) (Satellite Dish, fixed-base) (Radio, Flux 6, Rating 6 radio installed), Concealed Armor, Rigger Adaptation, Remote-Control Interface, Drive-By-Wire 3, Power Amplifiers (L6), Contingency Maneuver Controls 3, Small Pop-Up Remote Turret (Empty, Smartlink-II), Photovoltaic Chameleon Paint, Runflat Tires (5/3 armor), L5 Encryption
Lone Star Strato-9 (X5)
Hand. 3, Speed 100, Accel. 9, Body 2, Armor 0, Sig. 4, Auto 0, Pilot 2, Sensor 5, Cargo 1, Load 20, Fuel Jet (220 l), Econ. .4 km/l, S/B 5 min., VTOL
ECM 2, External Fixed Hardpoint w/ MMG (Gas Vent 3, 500 rounds ammo, Smartlink-II), Remote-Control Interface, Rigger Adaptation, L5 Encryption
Medium, 5 months: (information about lifestyle here)
Billy Bob
Sue Anne
Itchy back (-8): character's back itches.
God (2): character is God.
Allergy (common, mild) (bad television) (-3):
Something like that is comparatively easy to reference, IMO. Doesn't have to be exact, but that should be a decent guideline. Replace all {tab}s with actual tabs, of course.