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Yep, that works.

Oh yes. You all get a free Thunderbolt, though you don't own it technically.

Already got a decker... Well, do you think the team needs a back-up / overwatch decker? I suddenly have images of what kind of damage investigation two deckers in a system could do...
Actually, I backed out as Decker and am going with a Rigger, so we do need a Decker. Its all you man.
Kagetenshi: Ok, here is another option I wanted to throw at you. What about letting us spend double the points for money? If I'm having a security level vehicle, that is going to cost a TON. The markup for Security is a multiplier of 2.
Grey: At character creation, you don't use the street index multiplier. I'm not sure that this is what you were saying but if it is, ingnore indexes.
Digital Heroin
So we've gone from a cop game to what, Robocop? Kinda doesn't have the same gritty appeal... I mean where's the boss riding your ass, the being outgunned by the bad guys and having to think your way out, the reasonable force, the possible litigation? I'll still try and throw together something, Marksman's my call in this case, just don't know if it'll feel the same...

Of course, I do have one concept which might work eerily well in here... would need a to consult in private with our GM to flesh out deets...
QUOTE (gobogen)
Grey: At character creation, you don't use the street index multiplier. I'm not sure that this is what you were saying but if it is, ingnore indexes.

When you custom build a car, the final cost has certain multipliers depending on the chassis used and what modifications you throw on it.
I'd like a high-powered game. I could play any kind of character. I have a rigger character ready to go, but if that slot is taken I can be anything.
Beast of Revolutions
Do you guys still have room? I would love to play a mage, or whatever you need if you don't need a mage.
I'd certainly be interested..need a few more details like where campaign will be set, who we would be working for (cops, federal, international anti-terrorist ...) But if its somewhat high power I have an electronics expert/special ops character ready to be tweaked.
Large Mike

Character away.
Digital Heroin
Are you allowing initiation on creation? If so, how are you handling it?
QUOTE (Digital Heroin)
So we've gone from a cop game to what, Robocop? Kinda doesn't have the same gritty appeal... I mean where's the boss riding your ass, the being outgunned by the bad guys and having to think your way out, the reasonable force, the possible litigation?

I'm offended. You have no faith in me.


Seriously. You'll have the cool toys, but use them indiscriminately and you'll find yourself, as I said, in an ordinary Shadowrun campaign because you all got your asses fired.

Regarding Initiation, you may initiate once with spell points, and may not begin the game with an Ally Spirit of any kind.

Adepts may purchase spell points for purposes of initiating or bonding foci. Keep in mind that Lone Star frowns on cops running around with katana; it looks bad to the public. Same with monowhips; monowhips are viewed by the public much like chainsaws are now, something only a deranged killer would use. To keep from gumming up my PM inbox, email charsheets and/or questions to me at my username at PMs are still a valid means of contact, but try to use email where possible.

I'll be a rigger.
Beast of Revolutions
I'll play a detective/street sam type player.
Hey, you don't have to have a vehicle dwarf-modified if you're rigging it, since you don't need to use the manual controls, right?
Beast of Revolutions
I would assume so.

My character is going to be an orc sammy, who was in SWAT before joining this team, rather than a detective like I previously said. I think we should make sure that between all of us, we have every social skill at 4 or higher. I'm going to get leadership, and I'll get intimidation if I have the build points for it.
I'll rule that you can rig just fine without modifying, though you're likely to be quite stiff after a long period of time in a badly-fitted seat.

Oh, and the minimum pistol skill for non physical combat types should be 2, as far as I know. I'm looking at the New Seattle Sourcebook, and mage officers have a pistols of 2. The Lone Star sourcebook might say differently, but I don't have that. Also, I assume all non-awakened characters have to have a cranial commlink and radio?

Edit: Actually, riggers and deckers might not be required to have those, since they'll be plugged into a radio. Once again, something the LS book probably covers.
Minimum Pistols skill 3, cranial commlink and radio optional I think. I'll think on that one more in the morning; on the one hand, I don't like it, but on the other it kinda makes sense (requiring cranial radios/commlinks).

Anyway. The GM is falling asleep now, I'll respond to queries in the morning.

Heh, 2 deckers working together would be neat. Since they generate seperate security sheafs, they could do more system operations. And since IC is generated to attack a specific intruder, they could ambush all the IC by attacking each other's IC. As for security deckers, they could have one be a decoy and the other ambush him. Yes, 2 deckers would rock. Don't think we really need 2 deckers for a law enforcement campaign though.
Large Mike

Well, I've got a head radio and subvocal mic, and the requisite pistols skill.

I also have etiquette and negotiation all wrapped up.
Digital Heroin
All law enforcement personnel, no matter who they work for, have a commlink and radio installed as headware (except for magicians, of course). This equipment is provided by the force employing them.
Streets of Seattle p. 112

Of course, Adepts are included with Magicians... ain't no way they're drilling into Kara's head.
Beast of Revolutions
I have leadership of 4, that leaves interrogation and intimidation. Also, who is going to be the leader of our group, or are we even going to have one? My character or Mike's character would seem to be the logical choices, with our social skills. I've made my character a sergeant, as my inclination is that everyone in the group will be either a sergeant or detective, except maybe for the leader being a leutenant.

I've finished my character, and he fricking rules. Sergeant Rick Striker is an orc who doesn't take crap from anyone. He's been in SWAT for 5 years now, and has earned a reputation as a good man to have with you in a firefight, and an excelent combat leader. He's in peak physical condition, virtually indestructable, and fast as lightning. The SWAT element he lead before joining this unit was highly decorated, and had succeeded with no casualties in several hostage situations, which are the hardest kind of job a SWAT team has to face.

With an essence of .12 and a bio index of 5, he can't rely on magical healing, but he shouldn't have to. With a body of 10, a dermal sheath, trauma damper, platelet factories, heavy security armor, rating 2 pain compensators, rating 3 symbiotes, and a guardian angel nanological internal medkit, he can take a lot of punishment, and heal it pretty well too despite the bio index. In combat, he can use pistols, sniper rifles, or his dikoted retractable spurs.

Digital Heroin
Kara's got leadership expirience, but it's not with Lone Star, or SWAT, it's with Ares Corporate Security. As suited as she would be to the role, she hasn't been with LS long enough to percipitate her leading the team. Nor would she want to, since unbeknownst to any but a small few, her last team turned on her, and she had to kill them all.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Cash totals are normal, you have full access to all bioware including cultured and 'ware up to Beta grade. However, you get four discounts to apply to items as you see fit: two items you can buy at 75% of list price, and two at 90%. You can also donate cash to each other, which will be valuable for the rigger and decker.

75% of list-price? And that includes Cyberdecks? (do we have to stick to legal decks or is it assumed that I can get a permit for almost anything?)
Good idea Grey.... from you're posts I'd guess you're going ground and vehicle based then? If so groovey I'll go drone.... mostly aerial but htey'll be some ground based ones too, so you can always jump inot one of them *8-> Between the two of us do ww want (and who wants to do it) electronic warfare? Everytime I've tried it it's been impossible to get anywhere with MIJI attacks but barrage jamming etc could be useful against runner riggers *8->
Beast of Revolutions, you did a character so similar to what I had in mind, it's not even funny. I had said very early: Troll sharp shooter, lots of cyber, coming from SWAT. That's exactly like your character, but troll version. Of course the background I had in mind is probably different than yours, but I did plan to give exactly 4 of leadership, and high body, fast reaction and movement, etc. Damn it. How are we gonna sort this out? I guess I should have to change my character idea, but I did call it first. Anyways, I don't wanna fight over this (well not OOC wink.gif) so I'll try to find something else, I guess. I hate having my ideas stolen frown.gif

Edit: Kagetenshi, how many players are you gonna take and how will you pick them?
Six to eight players, sorted by first to get charsheets in. Only got one so far, so no rush.

Gotta run now, I'll respond later.

QUOTE (Panzergeist)
I'll be a rigger.

What kind of Rigger? I've already thrown my hat in as a Vehicle Rigger?
QUOTE (Beast of Revolutions @ Mar 11 2004, 11:27 PM)
I have leadership of 4, that leaves interrogation and intimidation.

Hans the Mage Detective has Interrogation/Verbal 4/6 and Negotiation/Fasttalk 4/6 (gotta convince them that they don't want to talk to a lawyer, and that telling you what really happened is in their best interest biggrin.gif ) He's also got Mindprobe, which while being illegal, is very effective.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
cranial commlink and radio optional I think. I'll think on that one more in the morning; on the one hand, I don't like it, but on the other it kinda makes sense (requiring cranial radios/commlinks).

My character has a Personal Comm Unit (rating 6) installed in his cyberleg. That good enough?
QUOTE (Grey)
QUOTE (Panzergeist @ Mar 11 2004, 08:05 PM)
I'll be a rigger.

What kind of Rigger? I've already thrown my hat in as a Vehicle Rigger?

Oh yeah, and Callidus is doing a drone rigger. Do you really think we need 3 Riggers?
QUOTE (Callidus)
Good idea Grey.... from you're posts I'd guess you're going ground and vehicle based then? If so groovey I'll go drone.... mostly aerial but htey'll be some ground based ones too, so you can always jump inot one of them *8-> Between the two of us do ww want (and who wants to do it) electronic warfare? Everytime I've tried it it's been impossible to get anywhere with MIJI attacks but barrage jamming etc could be useful against runner riggers *8->

Ok, if you are going Drone, then I'm not even gunna bother blowing a lot of money on a remote control deck. It just costs too much. I'd rather spend the money on an extra vehicle. Right now I'm looking at having a Van and a Rotocraft of some kind.

Kagetenshi: If I custom design a vehicle, do I have to pay the extra multipliers for security level gear? Or should I ignore those like people buying guns would ignore street index?
I'll get a char done tonight. I think I can write him up before Stargate SG1 then mail off after the show...
Okay, nix the rigger idea, I'll be a mage.
Beast of Revolutions
Gobo, no need to remake your character. I'll lose the rifle, and you can be the team sniper. I'll keep leadership though, as it's vital to my character's background.
QUOTE (Grey)
QUOTE (Callidus @ Mar 12 2004, 05:34 AM)
Good idea Grey.... from you're posts I'd guess you're going ground and vehicle based then? If so groovey I'll go drone.... mostly aerial but htey'll be some ground based ones too, so you can always jump inot one of them *8-> Between the two of us do ww want (and who wants to do it) electronic warfare? Everytime I've tried it it's been impossible to get anywhere with MIJI attacks but barrage jamming etc could be useful against runner riggers *8->

Ok, if you are going Drone, then I'm not even gunna bother blowing a lot of money on a remote control deck. It just costs too much. I'd rather spend the money on an extra vehicle. Right now I'm looking at having a Van and a Rotocraft of some kind.

Kagetenshi: If I custom design a vehicle, do I have to pay the extra multipliers for security level gear? Or should I ignore those like people buying guns would ignore street index?

Yes, you have to pay the multiplier, otherwise we'd get silly situations like making an identical copy of the security vehicles in R3 costing less than buying it out-of-the-book.

Remote Decks really aren't that expensive... my riggers usually start with a spare 'cause they're just that cheap.

What are our max Avaliibility and Ratings? Sorry if you already posted it, I couldn't find it.
Beast of Revolutions
He said there is no max availability, just so long as it's something cops would reasonable have, ie no heavy firepower. Don't think he mentioned ratings. Hey Kage, I got my character submitted.
One more question. Can I submit my character to you, minus the vehicles? I want to make sure that I get in line for the game, but the vehicle design can take a while.
I'll have my character by tonight. Can I make my hermetic mage a drake? Also, I'm going on a vacation from this saturday to next saturday, so I won't be able to post often.
Character sent. Background to follow.
No Drake, sorry. That would result in your character becoming some dragon's bitch in short order, which would kinda disrupt the law-enforcement angle of the game.

Feel free to submit partial characters as long as you let me know what parts are still missing; send them to my username Preferably in RTF and something that isn't a pain to read (*cough*NSRCG*cough*); you don't have to list three different attribute values (natural, cyber, and net), just list natural and then cybered in parentheses (so instead of 5 +2 7 you'd just write 5 (7) ).

Character sent. I'll have the background and vehicles done asap.
Large Mike

I'm glad I'm not the only one that hates that.
Who does it that way?? Moreover, why??
Er... Sorry about the NSRCG, I was trying to stake my claim while I converted it (by hand) to RTF. Did you get the RTF?

(I was using NSRCG to speed up the generation, though I ended up making 'custom' copies of my cyberdeck and Encephalon - 75% discount, you see)
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