A Perception test is a test involving Perception =which is just used for physical perception of any kind- and any other test which is specifically name a Perception test. Matrix perception might be called a perception test, since SR4a specifically names the Computer + Analyze roll a Matrix Perception test. Does this mean it is a general Perception test? I'l give you the benefit of the doubt, though the consequences of that decision can be odd, depending on how you explain what your character perceives as a result of this test.
Astral Perception, however, is an ability, and a psychic sense. The associated test is called an Assensing test. (the term "Astral Perception test" is never used in either SR4(a) or Street Magic) The components of which do not include Perception. Since it doesn't include the skill, and "Perception" isn't in the name of the test either, it just isn't a Perception test. So actually Tymeaus, you don't. You don't make an Astral Perception test, and you definitely don't roll astral perception. Neither term is ever used. You make an Assensing test.
Why the two of you are saying Perception skill plays any part on the Astral is beyond me:
QUOTE (SR4a pg 191)
Like physical perception, a character using astral perception should not need to make a test to see things that are immediately obvious (and since astral forms are bright and vibrant, this means that most astral forms are easily noticed). An actual test should only be called for when an astral being is specifically trying to hide, or when a character is trying to astrally observe in detail; in both these situations, an Assensing Test is made.
Indeed, Astral Perception does not equal Assensing, since the first is an ability, power, quality and sense, while the other is a skill and test. A test that is always rolled when dealing with the sense of astral perception.
Perceptive adds to physical, Matrix and Astral perception tests because it specifically says so. It specifically says so because someone saw the need for it. Now one can only guess, but I'm guessing he saw the need for it, because if it hadn't said so specifically, it wouldn't have applied, at least in the case of Astral Perception.
The phrasing of this quality raises an interesting question though. This is the first occurence of the term "Astral ... Perception test" (that I know of, at least, if anyone can dig up an earlier one, I'd be interested) in any of the books. As it stands, on the strictest reading of RAW, it really shouldn't apply to Assensing tests at all, since these are not "Astral Perception tests", for reasons mentioned above.
Obviously, the intent was to make it apply to Assensing tests.
The question is, should this be interpreted as a misneomer, and "Astral ... Perception test" be replaced by "Assensing"? Or should the associated test with using astral perception henceforth also be known as both an Assensing and an Astral Perception test? This would possibly include the test associated with using Astral Perception in the category of "Perception tests".
Yes, I know I'm being massively anal retentive about this, but seriously, naming should be done consistently, so that references to what applies where can be clear.
Perception = Perception, always. Just "Perception" != "Perception test". Also always.