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Full Version: How much is a Kidney worth?
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Agreed, the iranian system is interesting. Of course, elimination of waiting lists is fairly trivial if your government just says "Waiting list? What's that? Put down a few months worth of salary and you can get yours now!" I would also be interested in how many die of organ failure or have to suffer through constant dialysis because they can't aford the transplant.
Of course, it really goes at a straight angle to the "the body is not merchandise" principle a large part of western ethics ascribes to. Not to mention creating a weird kind of interdependancy between the haves and have nots. Wether this is empowering the have nots, or just weakening them further is an interesting question as well.

Also, yes, that figure matches what I've heard as well. I have to note though, that at least in my country, doctors are forbidden by law to actually implant these organs, as is of course both buying and selling. Although from what I've heard, a lot of doctors will choose to ignore the law on the first count, as they might disagree with the practise on an ethical level, but disagree more with letting the sacrifice go to waste.
QUOTE (Method @ Feb 23 2011, 06:26 AM) *
The Iranian "regulated sale of organs" system is quite interesting. The transplant communities in Europe and the US are aghast at the idea of free-market forces determining who gets organs, but their results have been pretty amazing- i.e. elimination of waiting lists.

Nope, the waiting lists are still around. Now 300 people on the waiting list is an extremely low number compared to other countries, however what is also different in Iran (like most Arabian nations) is the extremely young population. More than two thirds of the population are below 25, so age-related kidney problems are significantly less prevalent than elsewhere.
QUOTE (Cheops @ Feb 22 2011, 12:03 PM) *
2032: unique genotype of Owen Whiting (for whom Type O is named, page 54) discovered
2034: Shiawase granted a patent on Type O by CC
Mid-2040's: Wimps become mass produced
End-2040's: Mass production of commercial bioware and biotech

So in other words, Tamanous is just as relevant (or irrelevant, depending on your perspective) as ever.
QUOTE (spica2501 @ Feb 24 2011, 04:32 AM) *
So in other words, Tamanous is just as relevant (or irrelevant, depending on your perspective) as ever.

No. Bioware has always been expensive. Prices are now dropping to the point where they can compete with cyberware in some areas, and the difference is shifting ever more in favour of bioware, as its becoming more popular, leaving market forces doing their work, which will make bio production rise and prices fall, and cyber production fall, so prices rise.
I realize he's something of persona non grata over here for being a huge mouthy asshole, but Trollman has a usable rundown of the situation and what it is that Tamanous does.
QUOTE (Blade @ Feb 22 2011, 11:51 AM) *
Or maybe type-O organs aren't really vat-grown as they want you to believe.

Re-reading this gave me an idea: What if harvested organs from a sufficiently similar "donor" were equivalent to cultivated organs? Instead of growing the perfect tissue, find something which is 98% compatible, perform some medical handwaving to correct the remaining two percent, done. Based on that assumption there would be a demand for corpse parts, and an organization with a large customer base would be required to find a good match between organs and recipients.

I really don't like FT's explaination on the other hand. Not because it's different from mine, but because it retconns Tamanous into an ordinary second-hand cyber boutique with a "booh, scary" corporate ID. Used cyber is even easier to get than ordinary cyber and selling ghoul food sound like a side a side business for corrupt undertakers, how the hell is that supposed to explain a powerful behind-the-scenes network like Tmanous? Oh yes, more spin doctoring, in fact they are just a few ripper docs and corrupt about anticlimatic relevations...
Hey, just because it has a reputation for being big and bad doesn't mean it actually is.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Feb 25 2011, 02:04 AM) *
Hey, just because it has a reputation for being big and bad doesn't mean it actually is.

Just like Horizon aren't necessarily the goody two shoes corp they make themselves out to be.
More like they might be. It would certainly be a twist if they were EXACTLY what they appear to be.

Not likely, but still...
QUOTE (Mardrax @ Feb 25 2011, 02:21 AM) *
Just like Horizon aren't necessarily the goody two shoes corp they make themselves out to be.

More like retconning the Azzies into a genuinely good organic farming collective, with all the talk about blood magic and The Enemy just being hostile propaganda or delusions spawned by the shellshocked subconcious of an immortal boozer.
Actually John Q. Wageslave thinks that Aztechnology is a good company providing food stuff all over the world, sure they tried to nationalize the other corps properties in Aztlan and they responded, but it was all business. While it is true that Aztlan does have some violent gladiatorial sports where convicted criminals are put to fight in exchange for their freedom, it isn't like they are trying to summon Things men should not know™, this is just conspiracy theorists and crazy people talking.
QUOTE (Brazilian_Shinobi @ Feb 25 2011, 11:42 AM) *
While it is true that Aztlan does have some violent gladiatorial sports where convicted criminals are put to fight in exchange for their freedom...

That's part of the culture they're trying to retrieve from evil invaders from Europe.

Also, it's not like the rest of the world isn't jumping on the gladiatorial combat niche... Urban Brawl, Combat Cycle, Desert Wars... F1 Racing putting firearms on their vehicles...
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