Mar 2 2011, 07:58 AM
My bow loving troll power gamer has found roller skates. According to the book they give him 1.5 running speed. That means that he clocks in at 52.5 meters a turn. My question is does that make him capable to chase down cars? Obviously not full speed cars, but what is the unit difference between car speed and foot speed? What units are vehicle speeds in? I'm guessing meters per second, but those seem really high in some cases. I might be blind, but I can't find them in the book.
Mar 2 2011, 08:21 AM
They're in meters per turn (3 sec).
Just wait 'til he convinces someone to use the Movement power on him.
Mar 2 2011, 09:22 AM
Ok, so everything's in the same units. Chase turns are 1 minute and that helped confuse me. I wasn't quite sure. The player rollerblades constantly outside of character, I'm planning on making him take skills for it if he wants to pull something too crazy.
Mar 2 2011, 09:53 AM
Or wait until someone brings a Surged Centaur with Celerity, Satyr Legs and skimmer disks (yes I know it's absurd) and outruns the cars.
Mar 2 2011, 10:09 AM
QUOTE (Blade @ Mar 2 2011, 05:53 PM)

Or wait until someone brings a Surged Centaur with Celerity, Satyr Legs and skimmer disks (yes I know it's absurd) and outruns the cars.
It doesn't say a centaur CAN'T have Satyr Legs
Mar 2 2011, 10:24 AM
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Mar 2 2011, 02:09 AM)

It doesn't say a centaur CAN'T have Satyr Legs

Dear goodness, this is scary as hell.
Mar 2 2011, 10:25 AM
QUOTE (Blade @ Mar 2 2011, 10:53 AM)

Or wait until someone brings a Surged Centaur with Celerity, Satyr Legs and skimmer disks (yes I know it's absurd) and outruns the cars.
uhm, do you know binky? ^^
Mar 2 2011, 03:27 PM
QUOTE (Blade @ Mar 2 2011, 04:53 AM)

Or wait until someone brings a Surged Centaur with Celerity, Satyr Legs and skimmer disks (yes I know it's absurd) and outruns the cars.
You forgot "with the movement power", now they outrun sound (several times over with a high force spirit), and can perform charges from outside the max range of most firearms.
Mar 2 2011, 06:35 PM
The inline speed skating record, according to the always accurate
Wikipedia, is over 12.7 meters a second, or 38 meters in a turn. Not bad, for a human.
A Troll with Celerity would have a running rate of 52(rounded down.) Adding skates or Satyr Legs(Not both. I don't think skates work like that.) would increase that rate to 78/meters per turn. Slower than a Honda Spirit, but faster than a Dodge Scoot.
Adding the Movement power would mean he probably couldn't maneuver fast enough to get out of the way of that wall he's about to run into. You're welcome, YouTube!
Mar 2 2011, 06:44 PM
A skateboard with a lawnmower engine is faster than a Dodge Scoot.
Mar 2 2011, 06:48 PM
If you want to know what it feels like, play City of Heroes with superspeed.
Mar 2 2011, 06:54 PM
Now I'm thinking of a Trollbow doing a Rick Roll Drive-By on Trollerblades.
Mar 2 2011, 07:07 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Mar 2 2011, 10:54 AM)

Now I'm thinking of a Trollbow doing a Rick Roll Drive-By on Trollerblades.
Mar 2 2011, 07:07 PM
QUOTE (Blade @ Mar 2 2011, 05:53 AM)

skimmer disks
forgot what book page those are on.
Mar 2 2011, 07:11 PM
QUOTE (Fortinbras @ Mar 2 2011, 02:35 PM)

(Not both. I don't think skates work like that.)
The way we understand that is if you want to use both you are adding the same half value twice, and there is no mechanical reason for them not to stack. They are, as it were, different types of bonuses. One is a leg bonus and the other is a gear bonus.
Mar 2 2011, 07:31 PM
I see how having raptor legs makes you run faster and I see how having roller skates makes you go faster, but I don't think you would go any faster on roller skates if you had raptor legs.
The way I understand inline skating, I don't even know if you could skate properly with raptor legs.
We could always glue some Roller Blades to an ostrich and find out.
Also, is that the royal "we"?
Mar 2 2011, 07:36 PM
QUOTE (Fortinbras @ Mar 2 2011, 03:31 PM)

Also, is that the royal "we"?
"Is she really a princess?" "No, but do you want to tell her differently?"
Mar 2 2011, 07:57 PM
QUOTE (Kronk2 @ Mar 2 2011, 08:07 PM)

forgot what book page those are on.
Augmentation page 47.
Mar 2 2011, 09:04 PM
QUOTE (Fortinbras @ Mar 2 2011, 02:31 PM)

I see how having raptor legs makes you run faster and I see how having roller skates makes you go faster, but I don't think you would go any faster on roller skates if you had raptor legs.
Common sense doesn't matter once gamers set out to push something to the limits, or past them.
Mar 2 2011, 09:21 PM
Common sense isn't that common.
Mar 2 2011, 09:26 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Mar 2 2011, 04:21 PM)

Common sense isn't that common.
That's why I refer to it as "Uncommon Sense" now.
Mar 2 2011, 09:36 PM
Okay, I found skimmer disks. Assuming your GM allows for cyberware replacement feet and the SURGE Satyr legs enhancement, your Troll is going 105 meters a turn. Since you can't add roller blades to skimmer disks, that's your tops before Movement. At that speed, your Troll is faster than a pick-up, but slower than a Sedan.
Pretty fast for a metahuman, but he's paid heavily for it in nuyen, Essence and Karma. Not to mention the fact that this is the future. Having some people run around with crazy super human powers is par for the course.
Mar 2 2011, 09:38 PM
QUOTE (ggodo @ Mar 2 2011, 02:58 AM)

My bow loving troll power gamer has found roller skates. According to the book they give him 1.5 running speed. That means that he clocks in at 52.5 meters a turn. My question is does that make him capable to chase down cars? Obviously not full speed cars, but what is the unit difference between car speed and foot speed? What units are vehicle speeds in? I'm guessing meters per second, but those seem really high in some cases. I might be blind, but I can't find them in the book.
Get him Raptorlegs and 16 Dice in Running(Specialised on CyberBlades)
and you'll have a Basespeed of 70 with aprox 5 Successes that'll be80M/T = 96 Km/h
He who dances with nearly 100 Km/h
Mar 2 2011, 10:01 PM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Mar 2 2011, 05:26 PM)

That's why I refer to it as "Uncommon Sense" now.
"Quiet. My common sense is tingling." - Deadpool
Mar 2 2011, 11:22 PM
QUOTE (Medicineman @ Mar 2 2011, 01:38 PM)

Get him Raptorlegs and 16 Dice in Running(Specialised on CyberBlades)
and you'll have a Basespeed of 70 with aprox 5 Successes that'll be80M/T = 96 Km/h
He who dances with nearly 100 Km/h
I'm so glad my Trollbow doesn't read Dumpshock.
Mar 2 2011, 11:37 PM
Well, he should!
We need more Troll-Bows in here!
QUOTE (ggodo @ Mar 3 2011, 12:22 AM)

I'm so glad my Trollbow doesn't read Dumpshock.
"Come to usss..."
I´m a great fan of celerity, more so with a Troll base speed. Add Snthacardium and Muscle Augmentation/Toner to reach almost-insane speeds. From that point either have BOD 8 STR 8 and a heavy weapon, or STR 7 and a way to deal strength-based damage.
The scary way is an augmented mobility adept with some close combat powers and a martial art sprinkled in.
Mar 3 2011, 08:04 AM
QUOTE (Ryu @ Mar 2 2011, 04:49 PM)

"Come to usss..."
I´m a great fan of celerity, more so with a Troll base speed. Add Snthacardium and Muscle Augmentation/Toner to reach almost-insane speeds. From that point either have BOD 8 STR 8 and a heavy weapon, or STR 7 and a way to deal strength-based damage.
The scary way is an augmented mobility adept with some close combat powers and a martial art sprinkled in.
Yeah, this is a case of extreme powergaming tempered by obsession with bows. He will only use bows, but will power game the hell out of those bows.
Mar 3 2011, 08:09 AM
And that's why I like my Accountant From Hell.
Mar 3 2011, 09:46 AM
QUOTE (ggodo @ Mar 3 2011, 09:04 AM)

Yeah, this is a case of extreme powergaming tempered by obsession with bows. He will only use bows, but will power game the hell out of those bows.
take a look at/show him the spider-troll/ultimate mundane climber some time ^^
Mar 3 2011, 03:37 PM
QUOTE (Medicineman @ Mar 2 2011, 05:38 PM)

Get him Raptorlegs and 16 Dice in Running(Specialised on CyberBlades)
and you'll have a Basespeed of 70 with aprox 5 Successes that'll be80M/T = 96 Km/h
He who dances with nearly 100 Km/h
We're doing net hits now? Okay...presume we're bumping his Str to 18 w/ genetic modifiers, Qualities and cyber/bioware. Then we give him a Running of 6 with Specilaization Skimmer Disks. That's 27 dice or 9 net hits or 18 extra meters per turn.
Add Celerity, Satyr Legs and Skimmer Disks and you've got...175 meters per turn or 210 Km/h or, for those of us in the civilized world, that's just over 130 miles an hour, though it's doubtful the Troll can keep up that level of endurance for over an hour.
For the record, that's faster than anything in the basebook besides a sports car, cargo helicopter, twin prop airplane or a T-Bird.
Since I know you're going to ask, a Centaur would get 464mpt/556.8kmph/346mph, though not at character creator as that would necessitate deltaware.
Mar 3 2011, 04:50 PM
Since I know you're going to ask, a Centaur would get 464mpt/556.8kmph/346mph, though not at character creator as that would necessitate deltaware.
Not me ,but Stahlseele
Binky is his "child" I just Finetuned it
And for My "Meteor" Raptorlegs and Skimmerdisk is more than enough
(last session he bout a Highway Licence Level 5 )
with a finetuned Dance
Mar 3 2011, 07:21 PM
QUOTE (Medicineman @ Mar 3 2011, 08:50 AM)

Not me ,but Stahlseele
Binky is his "child" I just Finetuned it
And for My "Meteor" Raptorlegs and Skimmerdisk is more than enough
(last session he bout a Highway Licence Level 5 )
with a finetuned Dance
I think that might be a Germany-only referece, because I didn't get it. What exactly does that mean?
(Although the throught of a troll zipping along past traffic on the Autobahn does amuse me....

Mar 3 2011, 07:22 PM
QUOTE (Cain @ Mar 3 2011, 03:21 PM)

(Although the throught of a troll zipping along past traffic on the Autobahn does amuse me....

I wouldn't cut him off, that's for sure!
Mar 3 2011, 07:27 PM
Not with the Ramming Rules right now, that's for sure . .
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Mar 3 2011, 07:31 PM
QUOTE (Fortinbras @ Mar 3 2011, 08:37 AM)

We're doing net hits now? Okay...presume we're bumping his Str to 18 w/ genetic modifiers, Qualities and cyber/bioware. Then we give him a Running of 6 with Specilaization Skimmer Disks. That's 27 dice or 9 net hits or 18 extra meters per turn.
Add Celerity, Satyr Legs and Skimmer Disks and you've got...175 meters per turn or 210 Km/h or, for those of us in the civilized world, that's just over 130 miles an hour, though it's doubtful the Troll can keep up that level of endurance for over an hour.
For the record, that's faster than anything in the basebook besides a sports car, cargo helicopter, twin prop airplane or a T-Bird.
Since I know you're going to ask, a Centaur would get 464mpt/556.8kmph/346mph, though not at character creator as that would necessitate deltaware.
Except thast the bonuses are added to the BASE movement rate of the charactrer not the Cumulative movement rate of the character...which is FAR less than you are indicating...
Mar 3 2011, 07:34 PM
Binky is ....something that Stahlseele created with his....insanity
a Centaur,surged wit 2 sets of additional Arms and full (Delta) Cyborg conversion(6 Arms,4 legs,Torso,Head) modular Arms and Legs and Skimmer Disk.
I added two Gnome Riggers riding Piggyback, Saddlebags with Dragonfly Drones an a Pixie TM(or was the Pixie TM from somebody else ? )
"Meteor" is my Troll Pitfighter with two Raptorlegs(and Skimmer Disk)
Originally I wanted to create a tough Troll fighter for Stahlseele because he likes Trolls (but hates SR4A * seuffz*) to coerce(right Word ?)
him to try it out also to have a Char just in case he wants to play him at a convention. But I "Fell in Love" with the Char and his Background Story, so I kept him for Myself and made a ...Troll Ninja for Chummer Stahlseele .His Char is the "little Brother" of "Meteor" just in Case we will ever meet at a Con and play together
Get him Raptorlegs and 16 Dice in Running(Specialised on CyberBlades)
and you'll have a Basespeed of 70 with aprox 5 Successes that'll be80M/T = 96 Km/h
is what I did/can do with "Meteor"(and Meteor is his Street/Pit Name because hit Signature Move is to Jump on(not at...ON ! ) People.
At First his name was "Death from Above" but Meteor is shorter...and Cooler

He who didn't yet Dance with Stahlseele
Mar 3 2011, 07:39 PM
*nods* i'd probably even try it just because you made that character for me.
and then i'd use karma and money to make him into Spider-Troll with a Bow too ^^
B/E running fast as hell and jumping up and down buildings while shooting telephone poles from a bow.
Sounds like a fun character for me ^^
Mar 3 2011, 07:53 PM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Mar 3 2011, 03:31 PM)

Except thast the bonuses are added to the BASE movement rate of the charactrer not the Cumulative movement rate of the character...which is FAR less than you are indicating...
Celerity and Satyr Legs say they increase the character's walking and running rate. It doesn't say anything about base movement. So if one were to increase one's W/R rate through one, the new movement would be your W/R rate, which the other would then modify. Skimmer disks increase one's "normal" W/R rate, but a Satyr Legged, Celerity Troll's "normal" W/R is, reasonably, the new one.
That is, however, a judgment call of your particular GM, so if one were to add those modifiers to the base speed alone, the Troll would go 123mpt/147.6kmph/91.7mph and the Centaur would go 314mpt/376.8kmph/234.1mph
Still not too shabby for a metahuman and too fast, in my opinion, to steer clear of that rock.
EDIT: Quote added for clarity
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Mar 3 2011, 09:09 PM
QUOTE (Fortinbras @ Mar 3 2011, 12:53 PM)

Celerity and Satyr Legs say they increase the character's walking and running rate. It doesn't say anything about base movement. So if one were to increase one's W/R rate through one, the new movement would be your W/R rate, which the other would then modify. Skimmer disks increase one's "normal" W/R rate, but a Satyr Legged, Celerity Troll's "normal" W/R is, reasonably, the new one.
That is, however, a judgment call of your particular GM, so if one were to add those modifiers to the base speed alone, the Troll would go 123mpt/147.6kmph/91.7mph and the Centaur would go 314mpt/376.8kmph/234.1mph
Still not too shabby for a metahuman and too fast, in my opinion, to steer clear of that rock.
EDIT: Quote added for clarity
Indeed, I can agree that it is vague, and is a Judgement call. I err on the side of sanity, however, and apply it to the Base Movement rather than the cumulative movement, as it makes MUCH more sense in the long run (no pun intended)...
Doc Byte
Mar 3 2011, 09:31 PM
How fast can a Pixie fly when strapping a battery-powered ventilator on his back?
Mar 3 2011, 09:34 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 3 2011, 11:27 AM)

Not with the Ramming Rules right now, that's for sure . .
Yeah, the ramming rules in SR4.5 are a bit broken. Then again, I think they always have been. Anytime you have multipliers, you run the risk of power overload.
By the way, does the Movement power help you steer? Or does it make you lose fine control?
Mar 3 2011, 09:59 PM
Movement works.
Don't ask how.
That way this is Madness!
The Ramming Rules under SR3 were, if i remember correctly, a bit more on the sane side, taking the speed difference for damage.
Mar 3 2011, 10:03 PM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Mar 3 2011, 05:09 PM)

Indeed, I can agree that it is vague, and is a Judgement call. I err on the side of sanity, however, and apply it to the Base Movement rather than the cumulative movement, as it makes MUCH more sense in the long run (no pun intended)...

Erring on the side of sanity would ask 1) Why a Centaur would get a full bonus from Satyr legs if it's back two legs are already inverted? 2) Why would Skimmer Disks be cumulative with Satyr Legs as they are, essentially, hoverboards for your feet which take more advantage of the range of motion of a non-inverted leg much like skating? 3)If a Centaur isn't considered "excessive weight" what is?
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Mar 3 2011, 10:10 PM
QUOTE (Fortinbras @ Mar 3 2011, 03:03 PM)

Erring on the side of sanity would ask 1) Why a Centaur would get a full bonus from Satyr legs if it's back two legs are already inverted? 2) Why would Skimmer Disks be cumulative with Satyr Legs as they are, essentially, hoverboards for your feet which take more advantage of the range of motion of a non-inverted leg much like skating? 3)If a Centaur isn't considered "excessive weight" what is?
No Doubt... Hard to put Satyr Legs on a Creature that already has them...
Never actually seen a Centaur, with the Mods you describe (or even just a centaur), at any table I played at, and would likely disallow on general principle. Though, I would agree that "Binky" is an interesting example of a thought experiment, he would never see play at our table.
Mar 3 2011, 11:05 PM
I enjoy Dumpshock for letting me get some theoretical experimentation out of the way so it doesn't take up game time.
I'd allow the super fast Centaur to have Celerity, but no one at my table would try Satyr legs because most them own horses and there are about 4 or 6 horses in tthe stable of the home we play at, which tends to put a damper on the theory.
I'd let the cat have Skimmer disks, but only becuase he'd spend eternity tracking down a delta clinic and spend oodles getting it. By that time everyone has a Ares Gun of Insta Death anyway.
I am, however, probably going to throw some Skimmer Disk Trolls at them during their next chase scene.
Mar 4 2011, 12:31 AM
QUOTE (Fortinbras @ Mar 3 2011, 03:05 PM)

I enjoy Dumpshock for letting me get some theoretical experimentation out of the way so it doesn't take up game time.
I'd allow the super fast Centaur to have Celerity, but no one at my table would try Satyr legs because most them own horses and there are about 4 or 6 horses in tthe stable of the home we play at, which tends to put a damper on the theory.
I'd let the cat have Skimmer disks, but only becuase he'd spend eternity tracking down a delta clinic and spend oodles getting it. By that time everyone has a Ares Gun of Insta Death anyway.
I am, however, probably going to throw some Skimmer Disk Trolls at them during their next chase scene.
I am afraid of my player's reactions to that. Absolutely an amazing proposition.
Mar 4 2011, 01:21 AM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Mar 3 2011, 11:10 PM)

No Doubt... Hard to put Satyr Legs on a Creature that already has them...
Never actually seen a Centaur, with the Mods you describe (or even just a centaur), at any table I played at, and would likely disallow on general principle. Though, I would agree that "Binky" is an interesting example of a thought experiment, he would never see play at our table.
Well, the actual idea for him was to get something with 10 limbs, a torso and a head and armor them all up to 11.
and it ended with an equine hover-tank. funny how that works huh? ^^
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Mar 4 2011, 02:27 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 3 2011, 06:21 PM)

Well, the actual idea for him was to get something with 10 limbs, a torso and a head and armor them all up to 11.
and it ended with an equine hover-tank. funny how that works huh? ^^
Indeed... Just the fact that he was an Equine Hover Tank is hilarious in my opinion... Pink Mohawk for the Win, in this case...
Mar 4 2011, 09:34 AM
QUOTE (Fortinbras @ Mar 3 2011, 11:03 PM)

Erring on the side of sanity would ask 1) Why a Centaur would get a full bonus from Satyr legs if it's back two legs are already inverted? 2) Why would Skimmer Disks be cumulative with Satyr Legs as they are, essentially, hoverboards for your feet which take more advantage of the range of motion of a non-inverted leg much like skating? 3)If a Centaur isn't considered "excessive weight" what is?
That's why I decided to go all the way in the insanity and gave my centaur "elongated limbs" and Martial Art: Capoeira (+3 reach when kicking!).
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