QUOTE (Fauxknight @ Mar 9 2011, 05:26 PM)
Thats why I didn't mention speed, just acceleration...not that acceleration actually has anything to do with acceleration in SR4.
QUOTE (Fatum @ Mar 9 2011, 05:30 PM)
Not that the whole vehicle movement system makes much sense...
I either try to avoid the vehicle movement system entirely, or figure that the Walking rate is normal acceleration, while the Running rate is pedal-to-the-floor. Every combat turn you can accelerate up to the running rate per turn (increase your speed by that much per turn) until you hit the Speed rating. The driver and/or anyone in the vehicle suffers a -2 penalty to all actions if the vehicle exceeds its Walking acceleration. Something about braking rates, dunno.
I haven't worked it all out. I just know that a half-finished house rule is better than the vehicle system in the book.
Maybe the vehicle can continue past its Speed to some theoretical Top Speed rating that's some percentage of the Speed, but beyond Speed it accelerates much slower and provides some penalty for driving the car faster than it's designed for. Maybe 125% of the Speed. That'd give the Mercury Comet a Speed of about 82mph and a top speed of about 103.
Well it's not too crazy, anyway.