Here's a few spells I made for various characters. Most of the combat spells are simply elemental mashups, along the lines of Napalm and Firewater from Digital Grimoire. Plasma's a fun one, but Nuke is rarely used except by initiates with Drain-reducing metamagic like Centering, Absorption or Sacrifice.
=Combat Spells=
Plasma (Indirect, Elemental)
Type: P • Range: LOS • Damage: P • Duration: I • DV: (F÷2)+5
Plasma is a combination of the Laser and Flamethrower Combat
Spells, bringing together the elemental effects of Fire and
Light. The target resists with Body + half Impact armour.
Fire Resistance armour upgrades add their full value to this
test. Plasma may cause objects to catch fire as with standard
Fire damage rules and any targets are subject to Glare Visual
Nuke (Indirect, Elemental)
Type: P • Range: LOS • Damage: P • Duration: I • DV: (F÷2)+9
Nuke is a highly destructive combat spell, using the elemental
effects of Fire, Blast, Light and Radiation, simulating a
localised and highly focused atomic explosion. It combines
Laser, Flamethrower and Boom with the Radiation effect for
deadly effect, burning, blinding, knocking over and
irradiating targets. Targets may catch fire, be subject to
glare and be knocked down by this spell, as well as the
lasting cellular damage caused by Radiation. Damage is
resisted by Body + half Impact Armour, Fire Resistance armour
upgrades add their full value. Rad suits and similar radiation
defences, including Radiation Shield/Barrier spells, only work
to defend against the Radiation effects of the spell. This spell
does not create any EMP effects, that requires a separate Pulse
Bass Drop (Indirect, Elemental, Area)
Type: P • Range: LOS(A) • Damage: P • Duration: I • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 7
Bass Drop is a combination of the elemental effects of
Soundwave and Shockwave-Sound and Blast, respectively-which
cause the raw power of dubstep(or any reverberating musical noise,
as determined by the caster) to damage the target. The target
resists with Body + half Impact armour. If the damage inflicted
is more than the target's Willpower, they suffer nausea and are
deaf for 10 minutes. Add Force to the damage inflicted when
comparing to the target's Body for Knockdown damage. Any object
with a Structure Rating less than the Force will be broken or
pushed back, etc.
[ Spoiler ]
Yes, you read that correctly.
Superconducting Shock Wave (Indirect, Elemental, Area)
Type: P • Range: LOS(A) • Damage: P • Duration: I • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 7
This spell is focused to disabling electronic devices, especially
drones and the like, through the use of Electricity and Water elemental
damage. Targets resist with Body + half Impact Armour (nonconductivity
armour upgrades apply) and must check for Knockdown as well as making a
Body + Willpower Test (3) as with normal Electricity damage attacks.
The net hits scored by the spellcaster add to the Threshold of this
test, due to the effect of being doused with water.
[ Spoiler ]
Needs a better name, any ideas?
=Detection Spells=
Read Datachip (Active, Directional)
Type: P • Range: T • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 5
This spell gives the subject an almost complete knowledge of the
contents of any datachip within range of the sense, as though it was
a knowsoft running on a sim module. Net hits scored by the caster may
act as the subject's dice pool for any tasks involving the information
contained on the chip. If the data is unable to be read, due to corruption
or not knowing the language it was written, the Threshold is raised
based on difficulty. This spell is often used by Matrix savvy mages wanting
to recover foreign data or find out exactly what a chip contains without
risking their own icons to viral infection. It also has use for initiates
using spell anchoring who want to trigger spells with a digital signal, by
leaving a blank datachip within the spell's construct and downloading a
simple image or file to set off the spell. This is a Restricted Target
spell, only working on datachips. Any data to be read must be downloaded to
a spare datachip for this spell to work on it.
[ Spoiler ]
This one may be iffy, but if Analyse Device can let you pick up a commlink and get cracking, then I don't see why magic can't let you scan data in a similar way. YMMV.
=Manipulation Spells=
Loss (Mental)
Type: M • Range: LOS • Duration: S • DV: (F÷2)-1
Loss is a Mental Manipulation spell that prevents the
formation of long-term memories as long as it is active on
a target, similar to knowsoft functionality. The target will
remember any information they learn for the duration of the
spell but will instantly forget everything they experienced
under the spell's influence as soon as it is dropped. If the
spell is dispelled or disrupted by anything other than the
caster, the target may remember anything they have learned
as normal, as though the spell were never cast. This spell
is useful in the espionage world, as classified knowledge on
a need-to-know basis can be temporarily shared and erased at
the caster's whim.