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I'd say that in SR4 it should be a 5-30 point flaw with a severity rating depending on how much hate and heat it will bring down on you.

Rating 5 might be that you did something small and stupid that will get you the cold shoulder in a lot of places if it gets out - that you shot a kid to prevent him from identifying you a while back.

Rating 30 would be anything that would result in the entire Sixth World aligning against you to kill you, such as being an ex-member of Winternight.
New Totem:

Native to the desert areas in the south-west of the Northamerican continent
and the northern part of Aztlan, the native people have always held strong
mythical believe in the roadrunner. In Pueblo culture roadrunners are believed
to outsmart and outrun evil spirits and it was seen as a symbol of stamina,
endurance and courage. In old Mayan culture it was the bringer of cure and
growth. Shamans that follow this totem are known for their swiftness, both
physically and mentally, but rarely stay in one place too long.
Advantages: +2 dice for Running Tests, +2 dice for Health or Illusion Spells
(choose one)
Disadvantage: Roadrunner magicians do not tolerate confinement or
isolation well. If bound to one location, either physically or through coercion,
or otherwise cut off from others for an extended period, the roadrunner magician
must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test or become irrational and
self-destructive for 3 turns minus 1 turn per hit gained. While irrational, the
roadrunner magician will do all they can to escape the confinement.
The Jopp
QUOTE (Makki @ Sep 21 2012, 07:16 AM) *
New Totem:


Forced Geas on spellcasting: Speech - "Meep Meep"
Xahn Borealis
Here's a few spells I made for various characters. Most of the combat spells are simply elemental mashups, along the lines of Napalm and Firewater from Digital Grimoire. Plasma's a fun one, but Nuke is rarely used except by initiates with Drain-reducing metamagic like Centering, Absorption or Sacrifice.
[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Sep 21 2012, 06:31 AM) *
Superconducting Shock Wave (Indirect, Elemental, Area)
Type: P • Range: LOS(A) • Damage: P • Duration: I • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 7
This spell is focused to disabling electronic devices, especially
drones and the like, through the use of Electricity and Water elemental
damage. Targets resist with Body + half Impact Armour (nonconductivity
armour upgrades apply) and must check for Knockdown as well as making a
Body + Willpower Test (3) as with normal Electricity damage attacks.
The net hits scored by the spellcaster add to the Threshold of this
test, due to the effect of being doused with water.
[ Spoiler ]

Why not just Shock Wave? Dynamic Tsunami. Aqua Thunder (but not Hydro Thunder).
Bloodrocution? For the Azzie Magician that likes Death Metal? wink.gif
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (Neraph @ Sep 23 2012, 07:10 PM) *
Why not just Shock Wave? Dynamic Tsunami. Aqua Thunder (but not Hydro Thunder).

Shockwave's taken. And the guy who wrote the formula for this spell is the verbose sort.
The Jopp
Spell Area Effects

The caster is the center of the area of effect but is unharmed by the spell. Mostly used for Elemental effect spells

QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Sep 23 2012, 06:17 PM) *
Shockwave's taken. And the guy who wrote the formula for this spell is the verbose sort.

Aqua Attonbitus. Latin for "Water Thunder-struck." Electrolysis - actually developed by passing electricity through water.
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Sep 23 2012, 07:17 PM) *
Shockwave's taken.
What about Soundwave?

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