Alright! Finally booted my laptop up!
Hider NanitesHider nanites are designed with infiltration and subterfuge in mind. When injected, they can be directed with the use of a PAN to either simulate the presence of an implanted piece of cyberware or to mask the presence of a real piece of cyberware. Note that Hider nanites do not actually create or simulate the effects of cyberware, they can simply fool sensors (such as MAD) and scanners into seeing or not seeing certain pieces of cyberware. Hider nanites can also be applied as a paste to the outside of the body to simulate the appearance of external cyberware, but this cuts the nanites off from regenerating and the disguise will crumble away after 24 hours unless a new coat is applied.
This can be useful for infiltration where cyberware would be an obvious giveaway or getting through areas where cyberware is forbidden. Note this may not protect against a detailed examination or against magical scanning, but Hider nanites can simulate basic connectivity, EM radiation, sound, and wireless signals.
A Perception (Eight) test is required to successfully notice that Hider nanites are being used if they aren’t being specifically looked for.
NanohairEssence Cost- 0.2
Cost- 8,000
Availability- 9
Nanohair is a nanocybernetic replacement for natural hair. The subject’s scalp is removed and replaced with hair constructed of reprogrammable nanites. The nanites can be programmed to imitate any style, color, texture, and length of hair. A full transformation takes approximately one full minute and is undetectable except by the most determined electronic scrutiny. Nanohair is not compatible with any other form of hair modification.
Bomb SuitThe Bomb Suit is the armor of choice for EOD personnel and other explosives handlers. The suit is extremely tough but not the most comfortable in the world, its bulk and limited mobility makes it impractical for use in combat. The suit is outfitted with a Chemical Seal, Fire Resistance 6, Radiation Shielding 4, a special automated toolkit for use with explosive ordinances, a liquid analyzer and chemical sniffer sensors. Any tests done to disarm or otherwise work with explosives take no penalties as a result of the bulkiness of the suit. The suit requires five minutes to put on or take off and has a carrying case for transport.
Cost- 5,000
Ballistic 7
Impact 20
Dragonlance System (Not Complete)Dragonlance System
This is a radical modification for the Internal Airtank system that adds a tubing system and ignition leading to the palms of the hands. This system essentially gives the bearer a short-range flamethrower with the nozzle mounted in the palms of the hands.
This system adds an additional 5,000 nuyen to the cost of an Internal Airtank system. The air tank system cannot be used to hold air until it is cleaned out and sterilized by someone with technical knowledge.
The extreme heat of the weapon means that unless special fire-resistant gloves are used with the system or it is routed through cyberhands, the user takes 1 box of fire damage per use. A one hour tank holds enough fuel for four shots; a two hour tank can be fired eight times before requiring refueling through a chest-mounted port. The weapon uses taser ranges.
There is talk of this system being modified by the truly insane to move the discharge nozzle to the roof of the mouth. Using the weapon this way inflicts 1 box of damage.
The ChaingunThe Chaingun is designed to be a multi-use weapon that can fulfill a number of different needs in a variety of environments. The gun has a 100 round integral drum that cannot be modified though the drums can be switched mid-combat. Reloading the drums themselves is akin to reloading a revolver and must be done one round at a time. The Chaingun comes with an integral Imaging Scope and a Rigid Stock.
Firing the Chaingun in fully automatic mode uses Light Machine Gun ranges and uses the Automatics skill. Firing the Chaingun semi-auto uses Assault Rifle ranges and the Automatics skill. Firing the Chaingun in single-shot mode uses Sport Rifle ranges and uses the Longarms skill.
Damage= FA 6P / SA 6P / SS 8P
AP= -1
Mode= SS/SA/FA
Armor Used= Ballistic
Availability= 13R
Cost= 3,500
The Ripper (Think the
Spinfusor from Tribes. Awesome, but I never figured out an appropriate damage code for this weapon)
The Ripper is a custom-built gun designed to fire monofilament-edged metal discs at a target. The gun uses low-energy magnetic acceleration to spin and propel the discs foreword and to put a spin on the discs so they maintain a (relatively) straight flight path. The monofilament discs can be switched out for rounded-edge discs to inflict Stun damage. Discs can be skipped off of flat and solid surfaces but this is a very tricky shot to make. After long periods of use, the weapon’s batteries must be recharged (Taking one hour); the weapon can be recharged quickly by using a Power Clip (5 minutes). Due to the gruesome nature of the wounds and the lethality of the weapon, use and ownership of the weapon is highly illegal however plans for its construction are available in the more obscure corners of the Matrix.
Ammo- 15(d)
RC- -
Mode- SS (Cannot be modified)
Availability- 20F
M303 Thundergod (Looks like the weapon on pg 118 of Shadows of Asia)
The M303 Thundergod was designed as a low-tech solution to armored vehicles where expensive launchers and missiles were unavailable or impractical. The Thundergod is essentially a rifle-sized cannon designed for serious armor penetration. The recoil from the special rounds negates the possibility of modifying the weapon to fire fully automatic and may only fire once per combat round. The intense muzzle energy also renders silencers useless. The Thundergod requires special rounds and may not fire or be modified to fire any other type of round.
Because of its design, the Thundergod incurs a -6 penalty when a user is attempting to hit a target smaller than a motorcycle, including people. The Thundergod uses Sport Rifle ranges and comes with a bipod, shock pad, and rigid stock.
M303 Thundergod (Heavy Weapon)
Damage 10p // AP -2 // Mode SS // RC - // Ammo 10© //Availability 15R // Cost 3,000
Thundergod Rounds (May only be fired from the M303 Thundergod)
Damage Mod +2 // AP Mod -10 // Armor Used (B) // Availability 10R // Cost 150 (Per 10)
I have tons more, but most of it isn't complete yet. None of this stuff has been playtested yet so there are probably balance issues.