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I love making custom things for games (sometimes to the annoyance of the GM) and I love to see what other people have come up with.

I'd like to start a running list where people can voluntarily contribute custom pieces of equipment, spells, 'ware, or whatever else to be a resource for other people to look at and use or draw inspiration from.

If this already exists, I cant seem to find it and I'd love to see it.

I have a whole bunch of stuff that I'll post later (It's saved on my laptop)
yes much to the annoyance of your GM start with 40P sucide bomber vest. I hate that thing!! mad.gif
Thought i throw these in here from my work in progres gear suplement, some of them have no fluff test and some of the rules are still work in progres.

Stundart pistol:
8S(e) –half SS — 2(b) 6 400¥
*Heavy pistol
Nyph perfune.
Acts as tailored pheromones 2 for 3h.
500¥ per dose availebility 18
Stock removal
Removing a guns stock gives it -1 to conceleability
1 6 kit 100¥ 4R
THOR PDW is the latest offering from Ares arms to personal defence weapon market, its mostly marketed toward mercenary and security vehicle drivers as well as to those bodyguards who need SMG firepower in a small and discreed package. The THOR features a special chamber system that provides 2 points of recoil compensation and integrated powered folding stock and foregrip, it's
also smaller then other SMG:s, add +1 to conceleability. It's also available with an internal smartlink for 5000¥, cannot mount underbarrel accessories.
5P - SA/BF/FA 2(4) 50© 15R 3500¥
PJSS Howdah pistol
Both barrels can be shot at once with a +1 DV and a–1 Recoil modifier
8P - SS - 2(b) 14R 4500¥
*Heavy pistol
PJSS Pro Hunter Pistol
7P -2 SS - 1(b) 14R 4500¥
*Heavy pistol
Dragonsbreath rounds
These shells use low-explosive propellant charges to expel burning powdered zirconium out of the barrel, basically turning the shotgun into flamethrower.
When using these shells use tazer ranges.
6P -half I 12R 140
Gas shells
These shells are designed for police to use against barricaded suspect, used to deliver gas(tear commonly) to suspect by shooting the shell trought the barrier.
Gas shell releases a cloud of gas over an area with a diameter of 10 meters.
When trying to shoot the shell into other side of the barrier douple the damage and compare that to the modified armor value of the barrier,
if the damage doesn't exceed the armor the shell doesn't penetrate and releases it gas payload to users side of the barrier.
-1 -1 I 10R(or chemicals witch ever is higher) 100+chemical
Sabot round
A sabot round consists of a small, dense core surrounded by a lightweight jacket (the sabot itself). When the round is fired, the sabot falls away within a few yards ofthe muzzle, leaving the projectile to travel on at extremely high velocity increasing the effective range of the slug. Increase the shotguns range by 50% when using these.
- - B 4R 40
Bean bag round
Shotgun round intended to disable or stun the person being shot at without killing him.
Bean bag rounds reduce the target’s Body by 3 when checking for knockdown.
Uses same ranges as shot rounds.
-(Stun) +2 6R 40
Franchi PA4
A smaller short barreled(-2 to Concealability) cousin of the Franchi SPAS 22 assault shotgun.
Comes with a folding stock and an internal smartlink.
7P -1 SA (1) 4(m) 14R 1800¥
Ares DFBP shotgun
This new piece from Ares is a nice addition to shotgun market. It's bull-pup desing allows it to be shorter then other similar shotguns(-1 to Concealability) and it's dual tube feed gives it a very high ammo capasity for a pump-action shotgun. Includes an internal smartlink.
7P -1 SA 1 7(m)x2 12R 1500¥
Higher Caliber
Gun is modified to fire higher caliber bullets then it normally does, this gives the gun +1 to DV.
2 10 shop 2500¥ 10R
QUOTE (Mäx @ Mar 30 2011, 08:12 AM) *
Thought i throw these in here from my work in progres gear suplement, some of them have no fluff test and some of the rules are still work in progres.

Stundart pistol:
8S(e) –half SS — 2(b) 6 400¥
*Heavy pistol
Nyph perfune.
Acts as tailored pheromones 2 for 3h.
500¥ per dose availebility 18
Stock removal
Removing a guns stock gives it -1 to conceleability
1 6 kit 100¥ 4R
THOR PDW is the latest offering from Ares arms to personal defence weapon market, its mostly marketed toward mercenary and security vehicle drivers as well as to those bodyguards who need SMG firepower in a small and discreed package. The THOR features a special chamber system that provides 2 points of recoil compensation and integrated powered folding stock and foregrip, it's
also smaller then other SMG:s, add +1 to conceleability. It's also available with an internal smartlink for 5000¥, cannot mount underbarrel accessories.
5P - SA/BF/FA 2(4) 50© 15R 3500¥
PJSS Howdah pistol
Both barrels can be shot at once with a +1 DV and a–1 Recoil modifier
8P - SS - 2(b) 14R 4500¥
*Heavy pistol
PJSS Pro Hunter Pistol
7P -2 SS - 1(b) 14R 4500¥
*Heavy pistol
Dragonsbreath rounds
These shells use low-explosive propellant charges to expel burning powdered zirconium out of the barrel, basically turning the shotgun into flamethrower.
When using these shells use tazer ranges.
6P -half I 12R 140
Gas shells
These shells are designed for police to use against barricaded suspect, used to deliver gas(tear commonly) to suspect by shooting the shell trought the barrier.
Gas shell releases a cloud of gas over an area with a diameter of 10 meters.
When trying to shoot the shell into other side of the barrier douple the damage and compare that to the modified armor value of the barrier,
if the damage doesn't exceed the armor the shell doesn't penetrate and releases it gas payload to users side of the barrier.
-1 -1 I 10R(or chemicals witch ever is higher) 100+chemical
Sabot round
A sabot round consists of a small, dense core surrounded by a lightweight jacket (the sabot itself). When the round is fired, the sabot falls away within a few yards ofthe muzzle, leaving the projectile to travel on at extremely high velocity increasing the effective range of the slug. Increase the shotguns range by 50% when using these.
- - B 4R 40
Bean bag round
Shotgun round intended to disable or stun the person being shot at without killing him.
Bean bag rounds reduce the target’s Body by 3 when checking for knockdown.
Uses same ranges as shot rounds.
-(Stun) +2 6R 40
Franchi PA4
A smaller short barreled(-2 to Concealability) cousin of the Franchi SPAS 22 assault shotgun.
Comes with a folding stock and an internal smartlink.
7P -1 SA (1) 4(m) 14R 1800¥
Ares DFBP shotgun
This new piece from Ares is a nice addition to shotgun market. It's bull-pup desing allows it to be shorter then other similar shotguns(-1 to Concealability) and it's dual tube feed gives it a very high ammo capasity for a pump-action shotgun. Includes an internal smartlink.
7P -1 SA 1 7(m)x2 12R 1500¥
Higher Caliber
Gun is modified to fire higher caliber bullets then it normally does, this gives the gun +1 to DV.
2 10 shop 2500¥ 10R

Thats a good list. I think the last one is in WAR now.
The PDW as listed is so good that it makes many other SMGs obsolete. =/
QUOTE (K1ll5w1tch @ Mar 30 2011, 06:18 PM) *
Thats a good list. I think the last one is in WAR now.

Nope, that was written after seeing the modification in WAR as what i thought should have been in it instead of that one.
QUOTE (noonesshowmonkey @ Mar 30 2011, 06:28 PM) *
The PDW as listed is so good that it makes many other SMGs obsolete. =/

Yes i know that, it's also a whole lot more expensive then most of then, only the urban combat comes anywhere close and the non smartlinked version is almost 50% more expensive then that. cool.gif
Alright! Finally booted my laptop up!

Hider Nanites
Hider nanites are designed with infiltration and subterfuge in mind. When injected, they can be directed with the use of a PAN to either simulate the presence of an implanted piece of cyberware or to mask the presence of a real piece of cyberware. Note that Hider nanites do not actually create or simulate the effects of cyberware, they can simply fool sensors (such as MAD) and scanners into seeing or not seeing certain pieces of cyberware. Hider nanites can also be applied as a paste to the outside of the body to simulate the appearance of external cyberware, but this cuts the nanites off from regenerating and the disguise will crumble away after 24 hours unless a new coat is applied.

This can be useful for infiltration where cyberware would be an obvious giveaway or getting through areas where cyberware is forbidden. Note this may not protect against a detailed examination or against magical scanning, but Hider nanites can simulate basic connectivity, EM radiation, sound, and wireless signals.
A Perception (Eight) test is required to successfully notice that Hider nanites are being used if they aren’t being specifically looked for.

Essence Cost- 0.2
Cost- 8,000
Availability- 9

Nanohair is a nanocybernetic replacement for natural hair. The subject’s scalp is removed and replaced with hair constructed of reprogrammable nanites. The nanites can be programmed to imitate any style, color, texture, and length of hair. A full transformation takes approximately one full minute and is undetectable except by the most determined electronic scrutiny. Nanohair is not compatible with any other form of hair modification.

Bomb Suit

The Bomb Suit is the armor of choice for EOD personnel and other explosives handlers. The suit is extremely tough but not the most comfortable in the world, its bulk and limited mobility makes it impractical for use in combat. The suit is outfitted with a Chemical Seal, Fire Resistance 6, Radiation Shielding 4, a special automated toolkit for use with explosive ordinances, a liquid analyzer and chemical sniffer sensors. Any tests done to disarm or otherwise work with explosives take no penalties as a result of the bulkiness of the suit. The suit requires five minutes to put on or take off and has a carrying case for transport.

Cost- 5,000
Ballistic 7
Impact 20

Dragonlance System (Not Complete)

Dragonlance System
This is a radical modification for the Internal Airtank system that adds a tubing system and ignition leading to the palms of the hands. This system essentially gives the bearer a short-range flamethrower with the nozzle mounted in the palms of the hands.

This system adds an additional 5,000 nuyen to the cost of an Internal Airtank system. The air tank system cannot be used to hold air until it is cleaned out and sterilized by someone with technical knowledge.

The extreme heat of the weapon means that unless special fire-resistant gloves are used with the system or it is routed through cyberhands, the user takes 1 box of fire damage per use. A one hour tank holds enough fuel for four shots; a two hour tank can be fired eight times before requiring refueling through a chest-mounted port. The weapon uses taser ranges.

There is talk of this system being modified by the truly insane to move the discharge nozzle to the roof of the mouth. Using the weapon this way inflicts 1 box of damage.
The Chaingun

The Chaingun is designed to be a multi-use weapon that can fulfill a number of different needs in a variety of environments. The gun has a 100 round integral drum that cannot be modified though the drums can be switched mid-combat. Reloading the drums themselves is akin to reloading a revolver and must be done one round at a time. The Chaingun comes with an integral Imaging Scope and a Rigid Stock.

Firing the Chaingun in fully automatic mode uses Light Machine Gun ranges and uses the Automatics skill. Firing the Chaingun semi-auto uses Assault Rifle ranges and the Automatics skill. Firing the Chaingun in single-shot mode uses Sport Rifle ranges and uses the Longarms skill.

Damage= FA 6P / SA 6P / SS 8P
AP= -1
Mode= SS/SA/FA
Armor Used= Ballistic
Availability= 13R
Cost= 3,500

The Ripper (Think the Spinfusor from Tribes. Awesome, but I never figured out an appropriate damage code for this weapon)

The Ripper is a custom-built gun designed to fire monofilament-edged metal discs at a target. The gun uses low-energy magnetic acceleration to spin and propel the discs foreword and to put a spin on the discs so they maintain a (relatively) straight flight path. The monofilament discs can be switched out for rounded-edge discs to inflict Stun damage. Discs can be skipped off of flat and solid surfaces but this is a very tricky shot to make. After long periods of use, the weapon’s batteries must be recharged (Taking one hour); the weapon can be recharged quickly by using a Power Clip (5 minutes). Due to the gruesome nature of the wounds and the lethality of the weapon, use and ownership of the weapon is highly illegal however plans for its construction are available in the more obscure corners of the Matrix.
Ammo- 15(d)
RC- -
Mode- SS (Cannot be modified)
Availability- 20F

M303 Thundergod (Looks like the weapon on pg 118 of Shadows of Asia)

The M303 Thundergod was designed as a low-tech solution to armored vehicles where expensive launchers and missiles were unavailable or impractical. The Thundergod is essentially a rifle-sized cannon designed for serious armor penetration. The recoil from the special rounds negates the possibility of modifying the weapon to fire fully automatic and may only fire once per combat round. The intense muzzle energy also renders silencers useless. The Thundergod requires special rounds and may not fire or be modified to fire any other type of round.

Because of its design, the Thundergod incurs a -6 penalty when a user is attempting to hit a target smaller than a motorcycle, including people. The Thundergod uses Sport Rifle ranges and comes with a bipod, shock pad, and rigid stock.

M303 Thundergod (Heavy Weapon)
Damage 10p // AP -2 // Mode SS // RC - // Ammo 10© //Availability 15R // Cost 3,000

Thundergod Rounds (May only be fired from the M303 Thundergod)
Damage Mod +2 // AP Mod -10 // Armor Used (B) // Availability 10R // Cost 150 (Per 10)

I have tons more, but most of it isn't complete yet. None of this stuff has been playtested yet so there are probably balance issues.
QUOTE (Socinus @ Mar 31 2011, 08:23 AM) *
M303 Thundergod (Heavy Weapon)
Damage 10p // AP -2 // Mode SS // RC - // Ammo 10© //Availability 15R // Cost 3,000

Thundergod Rounds (May only be fired from the M303 Thundergod)
Damage Mod +2 // AP Mod -10 // Armor Used (B) // Availability 10R // Cost 150 (Per 10)

as the gun can only fire this one ammo type, i can't understand why you listed one damage code for gun and then modifiers for the ammo, instead of just listing the guns damage as 12P AP -12.
QUOTE (Mäx @ Mar 31 2011, 08:42 AM) *
as the gun can only fire this one ammo type, i can't understand why you listed one damage code for gun and then modifiers for the ammo, instead of just listing the guns damage as 12P AP -12.

For the damage code, I see what you mean.

I might re-tool it such that it can use any ammo. It's supposed to be a bare-bones anti-vehicle weapon, it makes sense that it would be able to accept standard ammunition.
QUOTE (Socinus @ Mar 31 2011, 04:23 PM) *
The Ripper (Think the Spinfusor from Tribes.
One year later (to the day) Unreal Tournament used the name "Ripper" for the same concept. It even had the bouncing you mention.
Lucid Dream(Mental)
Type: M • Range: LOS • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2)
Lucid Dreamscape(Mental, Area)
Type: M • Range: LOS (A) • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 2

The target feels that he is in a dream. He will interact with others as though they were metaphors of his subconscious(believing his enemies represent a fear of intimacy, or believing he can fly.) The caster cannot control what the target interprets, nor can he control the target's actions. The subject may make a Willpower(+Counterspelling) Test with a threshold equal to the spell's Force if anyone suggests he is dreaming. If he succeds the target will "wake up" and negate the spell.
Dancing Fool (Manipulation, Mental)
Type: M Range: LOS Duration: S DV: (F/2) - 1
Dance Party (Manipulation, Mental)
Type: M Range: LOS(A) Duration: S DV: (F/2) + 1
Dancing Fool instills in a single metahuman target an irresistible compulsion to dance. Each net hit scored by the caster applies a -1 dice pool modifier to all of the target's actions as they shake their moneymaker. At the gamemaster's discretion, a character who suffers a dice pool modifier higher than his Willpower is completely preoccupied and unable to take any action other than dancing. Dancing Fool and its area-effect variant, Dance Party, only affect metahumans.

Confidence (Manipulation, Mental)
Type: M Range: Touch Duration: S DV: (F/2) - 3
Confidence confers, well, confidence on a single voluntary subject. Each hit scored by the caster grants the subject a +1 dice pool modifier to all uses of Social Active skills as long as the spell is sustained, as anyone interacting with the subject is impressed by his or her poise and self-assurance. At the GM's discretion, this modifier may be reduced or negated if the third party knows that the subject is under the effect of a Confidence spell.
I try to keep myself from going down the mental path of building vehicles and firearms...
QUOTE (Bodak @ Apr 4 2011, 06:40 AM) *
One year later (to the day) Unreal Tournament used the name "Ripper" for the same concept. It even had the bouncing you mention.

I had considered that, but it wasnt quite what I was going for.

I also thought of an idea for Orichalcum-tipped/tip-coated bullets, but I have NO idea what they'd be useful for.

Astral Goggles
These goggles use a micro-layer of charged orichalcum over the eye-plate to enable the wearer to Astrally perceive. Note, he may not interact with the Astral beyond what he would normally be able to, only perceive it. Due to the complexity (and fragility) of such a device, these goggles may not have any other vision modifications added to them.
Cost- 9,000
Availability- 2R
Are you saying a character using these goggles is not dual-natured (Astral Perception makes the character dual-natured)? Can the goggles "tell" when they're being worn or not and become dual-natured when they are? Or is the effect more like anchoring an Astral Window detection spell?

But the "Ripper" you proposed had its name inspired by Unreal Tournament?
QUOTE (Bodak @ Apr 6 2011, 12:27 AM) *
Are you saying a character using these goggles is not dual-natured (Astral Perception makes the character dual-natured)? Can the goggles "tell" when they're being worn or not and become dual-natured when they are? Or is the effect more like anchoring an Astral Window detection spell?

It's similar to the Astral Perception Adept power.

But the "Ripper" you proposed had its name inspired by Unreal Tournament?

Possibly. I created it a while ago so I dont remember specifically.
Wait a minute...

I did make something custom.
QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 6 2011, 10:59 AM) *
It's similar to the Astral Perception Adept power.
Ah so the wearer is astrally present (dual natured) and so can engage purely astrally present constructs and beings in combat. I was wondering due to the part "he may not interact with the Astral beyond what he would normally be able to" but saying it's like the Astral Perception adept power makes it clear. Sounds very handy.
QUOTE (Bodak @ Apr 6 2011, 05:42 AM) *
Ah so the wearer is astrally present (dual natured) and so can engage purely astrally present constructs and beings in combat. I was wondering due to the part "he may not interact with the Astral beyond what he would normally be able to" but saying it's like the Astral Perception adept power makes it clear. Sounds very handy.

I dont think someone who can just perceive can engage in astral combat.

They would be considered dual natured while wearing the goggles, but I dont think that necessarily means they'd be able to engage in astral combat. Unless I'm mis-interpreting the rules. RAW is a little confusing on that point (Pg 182, SR4)
QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 6 2011, 07:43 PM) *
I dont think someone who can just perceive can engage in astral combat.

They would be considered dual natured while wearing the goggles, but I dont think that necessarily means they'd be able to engage in astral combat. Unless I'm mis-interpreting the rules. RAW is a little confusing on that point (Pg 182, SR4)

QUOTE (SR4 p184)
Astral Combat
Astral combat is resolved in the same way as physical combat. Astrally perceiving and dual natured characters use their Physical attributes and skills to fight opponents with a physical body, and their Willpower + Astral Combat skill to fight wholly astral entities.

I had thought Astral Window (SM p168) allowed a sort of 'passive only' detection of nearby Astral space, similar to what you might have been envisaging the goggles provide... but now I check it, the subject must be astrally active and it only lets you see through wards and barriers, so no use after all, sorry indifferent.gif
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 6 2011, 01:43 AM) *
I dont think someone who can just perceive can engage in astral combat.

They would be considered dual natured while wearing the goggles, but I dont think that necessarily means they'd be able to engage in astral combat. Unless I'm mis-interpreting the rules. RAW is a little confusing on that point (Pg 182, SR4)

Astral Perception is enough to engange in Astral Combat... All that is required is for you to be Dual Natured, which Astral Perception provides.
QUOTE (Bodak @ Apr 4 2011, 12:40 AM) *
One year later (to the day) Unreal Tournament used the name "Ripper" for the same concept. It even had the bouncing you mention.

There was an earlier version in the original unreal as well, actually, although it was called the razorjack at the time.
just because I stumbled over it a minute ago and it fits the topic. A self-made new Racial Quality.

QUOTE (Makki @ Mar 9 2011, 10:23 PM) *
New Quality:
50 BP

A character with this quality is a Pretender. Due to their innate ability to "pretend" to be anybody they want to be,
by now only few have been identified and almost all of those are held in megacorp research labs. No one knows
how many Pretenders are living among us, most of them probably have no idea of their gift themselves. Those
who recognize their ability usually try to stay under the radar, as megacorp research departments are highly
interested in exploring and abusing the Pretender phenomenon.
Game Information:
Pretender characters may make a Studying, an Int+Log (see below, 1 day) extended Test. During the studying
time, they cannot focus on anything else, further they tend to not sleep while not suffering from any sleep
deprivation. The studying usually consists of extensive data research, legwork and some trial and error
techniques that look weird and incomprehensible to bystanders.
After the player has picked the Active Skill(s), Skill group or Knowledge Skill(s) he wants to learn, the threshold is calculated as follows:
Active skill rating x2, Skill Group rating x5, Knowledge Skill rating x1.
Pretenders may learn up to Int/2 (rounded down) skills at a time by adding the desired skill ratings together. They
may also improve existing skills by adding the difference between the desired rating and the current rating to the
threshold. Skill groups count as two skills.
The attained skills function without restriction, but degrade at a rating of 1 per week and are fully lost when a
new Studying test is made.
The Studying interval may be halved by the rules of "Rushing a test" like any other extended test. Glitches indicate
dificulties in the studying process. Increase the threshold by two for every glitch. A critical glitch results in
memorizing wrong ideas and aspects, effectively halving the skill rating (rounded down).
A Pretender may only be identified through brain examination and psychologic evaluation; 5 hits on an
assensing test will only tell they are not simply mundane.
This Quality does not count against the 35BP limit, like the Infected Qualities do and is incompatible with
any quality granting a Magic or Resonance attribute.
Appropriate qualities for Pretender characters are First Impression, Blandness and Wanted. Further, a
Pretender character usually excels at Etiquette, Con and Disguise, as these will help him fooling society.

Xahn Borealis
Considering the quicksilver astral camera takes 30 minutes to develop a single photo, I doubt goggles that instantly let you see into the astral are possible with the current level of tech.
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Apr 7 2011, 01:02 AM) *
Considering the quicksilver astral camera takes 30 minutes to develop a single photo, I doubt goggles that instantly let you see into the astral are possible with the current level of tech.

It works along the same lines as a Lucifer Lamp. According to the fluff, it works by running electricity through orichalcum wire.

The goggles work roughly the same way; by applying a micro-layer of oricalcum to the lens of a pair of goggles (as is done with gold and higher end welding goggles) then electrified, the result would be astral vision.
Xahn Borealis
I don't see how. All you'd get is goggles which glow a little on the astral plane. The Lucifer Lamp's fluff indicates that electrified orichalcum creates dual-natured light.
New custom tradition I just wrote up
QUOTE (Makki @ Apr 7 2011, 01:28 AM) *

I think one of our players may end up using that....

And in before Fazzamar coming in here facepalming.

Anyone who takes up this tradition will suffer the same fate in my games as any dark elf/night one/whatever picking up two scimitars at once will suffer.
QUOTE (Makki @ Apr 6 2011, 08:28 PM) *

The Hacker in my group threw a Pokeball as his Attack Program.

Optimus Prime came out and kicked serious ass.
Xahn Borealis
This is what I'm seeing.

(Yes, it's TVTropes, but there's no links, don't worry.)
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Apr 7 2011, 02:19 AM) *
I don't see how. All you'd get is goggles which glow a little on the astral plane. The Lucifer Lamp's fluff indicates that electrified orichalcum creates dual-natured light.

Look, if we had an exact description of how technology in Shadowrun worked, we'd freakin' build it.
Except for, you know, the lack of the tools to build the tools to build the tools to build the tools to start building the primitive versions of what Shadowrun can do. nyahnyah.gif

And that's not even taking into consideration magic.
The Shuhite
QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 7 2011, 12:03 AM) *
Look, if we had an exact description of how technology in Shadowrun worked, we'd freakin' build it.

Also it would completely go against setting to have a piece of tech that cost about the same as
an apartment in a sketchy part town give the same effect as an ability that only 1% of the population has. Why doesn't every security guard have these on at all times.

It would also go against balance, why would an adept ever get astral perception if they could get this.

Shadowrun always walks an uneasy line between tech interacting with magic and not. This takes a step over that line like a Sasobonsam with raptor legs and celerity.
QUOTE (The Shuhite @ Apr 7 2011, 07:05 AM) *
Also it would completely go against setting to have a piece of tech that cost about the same as
an apartment in a sketchy part town give the same effect as an ability that only 1% of the population has. Why doesn't every security guard have these on at all times.

Because very few people have the training necessary to sort out what they're actually seeing.

It would also go against balance, why would an adept ever get astral perception if they could get this.

Because it means you cant combine it with any other vision modification, it can get damaged or destroyed, and it's fairly expensive.

Shadowrun always walks an uneasy line between tech interacting with magic and not. This takes a step over that line like a Sasobonsam with raptor legs and celerity.

I dont think so. What advantages would it give to a mundane person that arent already there?
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 7 2011, 05:32 PM) *
What advantages would it give to a mundane person that arent already there?

Ermmmm, Astral Perception? Wasn't that the point of the goggles? I'm curious to see how many mundane people can astrally percieve in your game....
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Apr 7 2011, 06:25 PM) *
Ermmmm, Astral Perception? Wasn't that the point of the goggles? I'm curious to see how many mundane people can astrally percieve in your game....

Yes, but what game-breaking benefit does having someone who is mundane able to Astrally Perceive confer?
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Apr 7 2011, 05:25 PM) *
Ermmmm, Astral Perception? Wasn't that the point of the goggles? I'm curious to see how many mundane people can astrally percieve in your game....

It'a 5 point quality for a mundane to get astral perception. Meaning getting astral sight is considered on par with getting the restricted gear quality.

Given that I see no problem with availability 20 astralsight goggles.
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 7 2011, 06:30 PM) *
Yes, but what game-breaking benefit does having someone who is mundane able to Astrally Perceive confer?

-Reading people's emotions, maybe tell if they're lying at a glance
-See invisible people easily (Spell Auras)
-Know who's Awakened and who's not
-Know who's Emerged and who's not (if you're good at Assensing)
-Cyber scanner that doesn't need batteries
-Possibly pick up bioware at a glance (if you're good at Assensing)

There's a reason it costs 1 PP. It's a very handy skill which is naturally restricted to those who are born with the ability, or those who are in the right place at the right time.
QUOTE (Seerow @ Apr 7 2011, 06:34 PM) *
It'a 5 point quality for a mundane to get astral perception. Meaning getting astral sight is considered on par with getting the restricted gear quality.

Given that I see no problem with availability 20 astralsight goggles.

So...5 BP, that's it?

How do you feel about the Improved Range Finder modification? It gives you the same basic benefit as Hawkeye, which is FAR more expensive.

QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Apr 7 2011, 06:36 PM) *
-Reading people's emotions, maybe tell if they're lying at a glance
-See invisible people easily (Spell Auras)
-Know who's Awakened and who's not
-Know who's Emerged and who's not (if you're good at Assensing)
-Cyber scanner that doesn't need batteries
-Possibly pick up bioware at a glance (if you're good at Assensing)

There's a reason it costs 1 PP. It's a very handy skill which is naturally restricted to those who are born with the ability, or those who are in the right place at the right time.

The vast majority of those require the Assessing skill, which is not available to mundane characters. And cyberware scanners dont need batteries anyways.
Xahn Borealis
If you want a gizmo that gives mundies Astral Perception, you're looking at a Unique Enchantment, IMO. Similar to that Sword of Sight someone posted a few days ago.
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 7 2011, 06:39 PM) *
The vast majority of those require the Assessing skill, which is not available to mundane characters.

QUOTE (SR4, p. 113, Assensing description)
Only characters capable of astral perception may take or use this skill.

Also, fluff in the Neo-Tokyo write up in Corporate Enclaves has mundanes learning Assensing for use in astral shallows.
QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 7 2011, 05:39 PM) *
So...5 BP, that's it?

Yep. Check it out, it's in Street Magic. Allows mundanes to pick up astral sight, and opens up the assensing and astral combat skills.

How do you feel about the Improved Range Finder modification? It gives you the same basic benefit as Hawkeye, which is FAR more expensive.

Huh? Is there another hawkeye I'm not aware of? I know there's a hawkeye spell that gives you +perception that stacks with everything, but that's nothing like improved range finder.

-Reading people's emotions, maybe tell if they're lying at a glance
-See invisible people easily (Spell Auras)
-Know who's Awakened and who's not
-Know who's Emerged and who's not (if you're good at Assensing)
-Cyber scanner that doesn't need batteries
-Possibly pick up bioware at a glance (if you're good at Assensing)

There's a reason it costs 1 PP. It's a very handy skill which is naturally restricted to those who are born with the ability, or those who are in the right place at the right time.

These are all things the group is expected to have access to via a mage anyway. How many groups don't play with a mage who can astrally perceive/assense and have all of that? The only thing these goggles would do is let a different person do the assensing. It's not going to break the game to have a non mage being able to do this. Like I said, it's a 5 point quality.
Xahn Borealis
It wouldn't break the game or be unbalancing, no, but it doesn't fit into the setting, as is. If Astral Perception was only 9000 nuyen.gif away, it would make dual-natured paracritters pointless, and let everyone and their Grandma be capable of creating Wards, and that's just security applications off the top of my head.

No magical ability comes off an assembly line.
QUOTE (Seerow @ Apr 7 2011, 06:53 PM) *
Yep. Check it out, it's in Street Magic. Allows mundanes to pick up astral sight, and opens up the assensing and astral combat skills.

So modify the description to state that wearing the goggles does not allow you to take the skills.

Huh? Is there another hawkeye I'm not aware of? I know there's a hawkeye spell that gives you +perception that stacks with everything, but that's nothing like improved range finder.

It reduces all of your range categories by 1

These are all things the group is expected to have access to via a mage anyway. How many groups don't play with a mage who can astrally perceive/assense and have all of that? The only thing these goggles would do is let a different person do the assensing. It's not going to break the game to have a non mage being able to do this. Like I said, it's a 5 point quality.

It's an option for people to go for or not
It reduces all of your range categories by 1

Are you sure you're not mixing up Hawkeye with Enhance Aim, which does reduce range category by 1 per hit?

And if that is what you're referring to, yes Enhance Aim costs more BP, it's also a more potent effect. A 3 hit enhance aim can basically give you extreme range with no penalties or aim action required.

That said I'm really not getting your point with any of this.
Xahn Borealis
Hawkeye is also a Quality in Runner's Companion.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 7 2011, 12:04 PM) *
So modify the description to state that wearing the goggles does not allow you to take the skills.

Which renders the Goggles useless, as Assensing is their whole purpose. If you cannot have the skills, why have the tech?
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Apr 7 2011, 07:19 PM) *
Which renders the Goggles useless, as Assensing is their whole purpose. If you cannot have the skills, why have the tech?

Because it enables you to see basic magical activity, the prescense of astral barriers, etc etc.

Are you sure you're not mixing up Hawkeye with Enhance Aim

Runner's Companion Pg 98
Hawk Eye grants a character exceptionally keen natural vision. She can spot a sniper on a rooftop without binoculars or a chip on the ground at twenty feet. Characters with the Hawk Eye quality gain a + 1 dice pool modifier to Perception Tests to spot something at a distance and see their unaugmented Weapon Range Modifiers reduced by 1 step (for instance, Long Range becomes Medium Range). This quality is not cumulative with other forms of vision magnification and is incompatible with cyber- or bioware augmentation or replacement.
Well this thread didnt take off like I'd hoped
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