May 3 2011, 06:15 AM
Out of Character thread for Dis*
Currently we are recruiting.
This will not be strict SR, there's going to be a lot of eyeballing, skipping rolls, on the fly modification, and sometimes outright ignoring of SR RAW (and even flavor as written)
That said, This is the place to ask (or in PM) if you're interested in finding out more.
Some post format guidelines:
Location - Color: #FF8C00
Time and date
Internal monologue - Color: #483D8B
Digital Communication - Color: #FFFF00 <<text>> typed communication, <text> DNI communication, 'text' subvocalized, "text" vocalized
Speech - Color: #48D1CC
May 3 2011, 11:04 AM
In some places I am known as the aforementioned YokoburiKinura, and I play Mary Ward in this Dis* campaign.
Mary is a mechanical engineering graduate who is part of a cybernetics R&D team for Bishop Industries. She's on a starting salary and probably not considered much higher than an intern in terms of the hierarchy. Though she is technically allowed input on design, much of her work day goes into building physical prototypes as the team works through design iterations.
I can provide a more complete biography of Mary's short life and a layout of her paltry 300-bp makeup if requested.
I'm probably throwing Composure / Willpower-based resistance tests multiple times in my first post. Will I need to roll for it? If so, I'll let you roll them, Java, so as to get this show rolling.
May 4 2011, 08:23 PM
This is intro, playing in character is sufficient, i don't see any need to enforce strict rolling. I'd like to keep this light on rolling anyhow, easier to keep the story going.
May 5 2011, 10:06 AM
Ok, we're at a point where I think my level of tension as a player has ratcheted up quite high in one post. So I am going to ask for a couple interpretations:
Who said the last sentence and to whom did it seem directed?
Is there room to cram a body between the back seat and rear hatch, or is it seats clear to the back?
Would the torso and head of a troll fit between the roof and floor anyway?
What do I figure my percent chance is of getting geeked before I can grab anything out of the bag?
EDIT: Don't be surprised if I act before knowing the answers to any of these life-or-death questions.
May 5 2011, 04:39 PM
The ork with the gruesome fetish SMG said it, he hadn't stopped talking through the explosion, to Harl
I meant to describe it as a minivan, with the people and gear and no seats, there's simply no room in there for anyone, Harl would fit if he sat hunched in the back after taking some people out.
Mary's estimation of her chance of getting geeked.... I'm not sure
May 5 2011, 07:35 PM
Ok, that was eventually the picture that I got and I wrote my post with pretty much exactly the interpretation you just gave.
May 8 2011, 03:52 AM
QUOTE (JavaLamp @ May 7 2011, 07:46 PM)

11:32 pm
*takk, shhhk, tak, SHHHHHHNK* The metal clicks, slides, and clanks arythmically, locking in place, suddenly releasing to slide back into place. *tikatak, shhhhk*
Hmm, I just have to say... what?
What metal? Are we talking about the action on his pistol, the pipes, a door?
May 8 2011, 04:41 AM
Descriptive fail, the sounds are coming from the gun. Cocking it, pulling back the slide and or out the clip, setting the safety... etc
May 18 2011, 06:07 AM
Bumping, mostly because enough other threads are active today our IC thread is going under fast.
Hope you fixed your netbook, Java, and that you get your interest back soon.
May 18 2011, 11:01 PM
Oh I was enamored of a new game for a short bit, my attention has returned at a more normal level to continue.
plus I did get the netbook working.. the touchscreen is... rotated 180 degrees by the default controller, I've got to figure out how to command it to fix that...
May 19 2011, 11:04 PM
Actually.. selling the netbook off.. what a turn of events.. maybe I'll get a new one
May 20 2011, 05:55 AM
Yeah, that is a bit of a shock, especially if you're not upgrading immediately.
Anyway, very curious to find out whose voice is borrowing dead Rusty's face. Sometimes suboptimal choices == roleplay.
May 20 2011, 02:03 PM
less likely to be upgrading soon, turns out the keyboard is an accessory.. an accessory that costs $150
.. but on second thought.. that's a really nice tablet.. and fairly cheap as far as tablets go.
May 21 2011, 04:48 AM
Here's to hoping I don't offend the troll by not drinking the whole glass. But shoot, best to keep my head clear.
May 24 2011, 06:13 AM
I'm ready to curtain to the market scene when we've got a signal/plan.
May 24 2011, 05:49 PM
I think the curtain was a bit abrupt. Maybe I wasn't using the word 'curtain' right. I think I more meant transition. Because I'm just that wee bit confused.
May 24 2011, 05:54 PM
Ah.. I'd kinda just waved past walking out, the car pulling up, and driving out without encountering the chopper...
May 27 2011, 06:07 AM
I wonder if we'll need a more codified legend for post formatting later on, more colors, etc. Just make sure to tell me the color codes and not just the color, cause I'm terrible with them.
May 27 2011, 02:52 PM
We might, I'll have to think about that, maybe post some this weekend.
May 31 2011, 06:51 AM
Format guidelines added, loose as they are.
We'll add as we need it.
Jun 4 2011, 09:38 PM
Hmm.. Let's actually get some character sheets in here.
Jun 4 2011, 09:58 PM
Very well. I'll do my best.
[ Spoiler ]
Mary Ward
Female Human
Body 3
Agility 3
Reaction 3
Strength 2
Charisma 4
Intuition 4
Logic 4
Willpower 5
Edge 5
Initiative 7
Essence 6
Skill groups:
Electronics 1
Influence 1
Active Skills:
Pistols 1
Dodge 1
Cybertechnology (Cyberlimbs) 3
Pilot Ground Craft 1
Industrial Mechanic 1
Intimidation (Mental) 1
Artisan (puppetry or sculpture?) 1
First Aid 1
Knowledge/Language skills:
English N
Japanese 2
Engineering (Mechanical) 4
History (Medieval) 2
Security Procedures (Megacorporation) 2
Area Knowledge (Downtown Seattle) 2
Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) 3
SOTA Science 2
Current Events (Technology) 3
Latent Awakening
Aptitude (Latent)
Depression (modeled as Addiction, Moderate)
Equip (sadly mostly lost):
Beretta 101T
Clothing (Regular)
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit and Helmet
Commlink: Erika Elite
Mapsoft 3
Analyze 3
Browse 3
Edit 3
Encrypt 3
Scan 3
OS: Iris Orb
Image Link
Flare Compensation
Low-light vision
Spatial Recognizer
Tool Kit (Cybertech)
Tool Kit (Industrial Mechanic)
Medkit 2
Docwagon Contract (basic)
Dodge Scoot
Middle lifestyle
Jun 4 2011, 10:19 PM
What I want to know now is: how big is my Karma debt?
Jun 6 2011, 01:00 AM
Let's see, magician - latent awakening cost so 10 current debt unless we're adding 'Death' as a mentor spirit.
Jun 6 2011, 01:05 AM
I have to decline that most generous offer, thanks. We'll stick with just Magician.
So I guess I earned 10 Karma so far? Sweet.
Jun 6 2011, 01:16 AM
Oh, thanks for catching my math there, forgot to double for karma cost, 20, haven't assigned any karma yet. 20 debt
Jun 6 2011, 04:53 PM
I've realized a couple unsettling things about my chargen.
The Transys Avalon I mistakenly had on my character sheet accounts for a BP all by itself. When removed, it knocks me back to 299 BP. Also, looking at the description and comparing to SR3, I don't think the Yamaha Sakura Fubuki existed in 2060. If I had a Colt America or one of the other light pistols listed in SR3, it's probably enough to knock me back to 298 BP.
Dou shiyou ka naa?
Jun 6 2011, 05:21 PM
Go ahead and redo that portion, the fubuki wouldn't have been available, and yeah, probably not the comm you were looking for there, go ahead and redo it, we're still early here.
Or now that I find out you had an extra comm.. take the extra one off, yeah.
Jun 6 2011, 05:52 PM
OK, the Avalon's gone, the Sakura Fubuki's replaced with a Beretta 101T, and I've added a specialization.
Jun 6 2011, 06:55 PM
Game :Dis
Character: Marcus Aldrich aka Brick -
Picture of BrickRole: Male Troll, Club Security
[ Spoiler ]
[ Spoiler ]
Marcus is a troll who works as a security guard at a low-end club after a prison stint. He generally pushed people around for a Troll gang. His gang betrayed him. He joined the gang at 10 years old. School was for the smart kids. Marcus knew he would never be logical enough to make a large investment in school worthwhile.
After a failed drug operation, Marcus was the fall guy. There were extensive drugs and guns in their vehicle. The cops caught it on security. There was a gun fight, and the group drove off without Marcus. He was only fifteen when he went to jail. He served five years in a prison and got out six months ago. Luckily for him, he quickly got a legitimate job as a bouncer for a low-end club. The owner wanted to "gentrify" the club because the areas nearby were more rich. The bouncer wanted to hire someone who could recognize the criminal element efficiently without having an alliance to any particular element.
After Marcus earned his keep by deterring most criminals, the owner decided to invest in Marcus. Marcus was missing too many days after brawling with several unauthorized patrons. Plus, several drugs were getting in. Drugs have a mild scent but nothing the unaided human nose could usually pick up. Plus Marcus was a little slower than he liked. The first surgery was the nose, which was extensive cyberware. During the surgery, the doctors discovered that Marcus's immuno-suppressant reactions were twice as strong as normal. Marcus had a sensitive system. Doing more would make him prone to lots of illness. Marcus being ill was the last thing either wanted.
Because of Marcus's sensitive system, the rest of the upgrades to Marcus were done with bioware. Finding doctors who would install the right bioware and ensuring Marcus would stick around were difficult. It took about five years for Marcus the owner to trust Marcus with all the surgeries. Marcus's ten percent investment in the costs and the savings/increased revenue Marcus brought in made the club owner break even. Despite the length of their relationship, the relationship between the pair is just business for the most part. Socially, they would be acquaintances.
Over the years, they discovered Marcus wasn't perfect at everything. He could not hack his way out of a paper bag, so to speak. He also was so unique that a disguise was near impossible. He had a curly horn in the middle of his head. Most have curved horns on the sides or pointed horns in the center.
Marcus's former troll street gang leader disdains Marcus. The pair were never close, and Marcus is not a big enough threat to the gang to be a high priority. Still, Marcus will not let his former gang do any sort of business in the club. It was retribution for them setting him up as the fall guy. The gang owner expected Marcus to still be loyal after the jail time. He is only alive because he did not snitch. Marcus has no plans to snitch still because no one can cover his back.
[ Spoiler ]
Body 7
Agility 4 (6) - Bioware Bonus
Reaction 5 (6) - Bioware Bonus
Strength 7
Charisma 3
Intuition 4
Logic 3
Willpower 3
Edge 1
Initiative 9(10) - Enhanced due to Bioware enhancement to Reaction
Initiative Passes 1 (2) - Bioware Bonus
Essence 4 [4.6]
Active Skills:
[ Spoiler ]
Dodge 1
Intimidation 1 - Likely physical size bonus on checks. See 20th Edition page 130
Perception 2 - Smell Enhanced to 8 due to bioware
Pistols (Heavy Pistols) 2(3)
Unarmed Combat 3
Navigation 1
Knowledge/Language skills:
[ Spoiler ]
English N
Japanese 2
Seattle Street Gangs 4 - I think the setting is Seattle. Please do correct if I am wrong. Marcus has not left the town he was raised in.
Drugs 4 - Extensive knowledge due to gang and bouncer interactions
Early 21st Century Liquor (Vodka) 2(3)
Weapons(Concealment) 3(4) - Marcus knows quite a bit about weapons and even more about hiding them. His job has taught him a lot about how people try to hide them.
Positive -
[ Spoiler ]
[ Spoiler ]
Criminal SINner
Sensitive System
Distinctive Style - 10
[ Spoiler ]
25 Regular Bullets
Ruger SuperWarHawk
Armor Vest
MetaLink CommLink - Marcus only uses this to communicate with the staff inside or the club owner.
Low Lifestyle
[ Spoiler ]
Olfactory Booster 6 - The club owner wanted Marcus to have a scent as good as a dog. Dogs are a deterrent to decent customers and signify a low class neighborhood. Dogs worked and so would Marcus.
Muscle Toner 2 - Marcus needs to be less clumsy when dealing with the underclass trying to enter the club. Less damage and more precision is much better.
Synaptic Booster 1 - This was one of the last enhancements Marcus had done. He's still getting used to being much faster. This one was very expensive.
Platelet Factories - This was the first upgrade after the Olfactory Booster. Marcus was suffering serious injuries. The club owner wanted Marcus available with less healing time. Less healing means less damage.
Damage Compensator 1 - Anytime Marcus got into a fight, the club owner wanted him to be able to fight through it. So he bought Marcus this upgrade. It is technically illegal to possess but he is a criminal anyway. The doc was a street doc who is known for illegal surgeries. He owed a huge tab which was forgiven in exchange for the surgery.
Credit: for original image that was modified.
Jun 9 2011, 09:35 AM
Right. Here's my character all finished

[ Spoiler ]
David Johnson has everything a UCAS citizen could hope for in life: A wife, 2 beautiful children, and a 40hr a week job……
….except that he’s pretty sure his wife is cheating on him (repeatedly), and his kids don’t respect him, and his job could be done by any other member of the chipped workforce. How did he end up like this?
It hadn’t always been this way. Apathy is a killer. He used to have ambitions and dreams, but they took a back seat long ago in his life. He got married straight out of high school to a pregnant girlfriend about to give birth to a child he may or may not have been the father to. He liked to believe he was though. He gave up a promising university place to take a 40hr a week corporate desk job. That was 20 years ago. 20 years in the same job, stuck in a loveless marriage, and with nothing to look forward to.
Now, he works his 40hrs a week to keep
the cheating bitch his wife in shoes, clothes, and jewellery; and his princess of a daughter in drugs, alcohol and contraception (plus the above). The only light in his life is his younger daughter, still too young to have had her mind poisoned against him. He has high hopes for her, and it’s her that keeps him getting up in the morning, coming home at night, and not having walked out years ago. He doesn’t get to see her anywhere near as much as he’d like, but that’s the price of long hours and low pay.
He has to try damned hard at his job. The skills he uses aren’t all his own, and he’s learned where to cut corners and how to be noticed over the years. He needs the assurance a regular income brings, and can’t let some young upstart with a better education force him out of a job he’s been in for years. So what if their skills are real and not chipped? If only he’d had the chance. He could have made it. He was smart. He knew he could do better. No educated man would work for minimum wage. Thus is the life on the bottom rung.
Race: Human
(0BP)Stats: (200BP)Body:3
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 4
Edge: 2
Skills: (86BP)Active:Etiquette: 5
Leadership: 2
Perception: 2
Running: 1
Swimming: 1
Data Search: 4
Computer: 2
Hardware: 1
First Aid: 2
Palming: 1 (+2 Concealing)
Knowledge:Business: 4(5)
Corporate Proceedures: 3(4)
Corporate Law: 3(4)
Corporate Politics: 3(4)
Corporate Policies: 3(4)
Enclave Living: 4
Economics: 3
Finance: 1
Qualities: (+10BP)Positive:Blandness
Technical School Education
Perfect Time
Speed Reading
Negative:Day Job (40Hr)
Dependents (High)
Gear: (9BP)(440

Sleep Regulator
Math SPU
Skillwire Rating 3
Mercury Comet with Gridlink
Comm: Novatech Airwave running Iris Orb
Sim Module
R2 Linguasoft: Japanese
R2 Linguasoft: German
Virtual Wallspace
VR Games
Glasses R1 with Image Link
Doc Wagon Basic Healthcare
Colt America L36 (in lockbox at home)
Advanced Lifestyle (High): 4560

per month
Comforts: High
Entertainment: High
Necessities: Medium
Neighbourhood: High
Security: Medium
Positive Qualities: Concerned Neighbours
Negative Qualities: Nosy Neighbours, Corporate Owned, Living by Committee
Contacts: (15BP)Peter Gibbons (Work Friend. Requisitioning Department) L:4 C:4
Maurice Moss (Work Friend. IT Support) L:4 C:3
His skillset revolves entirely around living a corporate life. Knowing how to be deferent management, steal things from work, search the 'trix, and order around the interns to make himself feel important

A couple of notes. Although you mentioned him as a skillwire monkey I haven't actually bought any activesofts. I figured these would probably all be owned by the corp and given as needed, but he probably wouldn't own any. Also, he actually has quite a high lifestyle for the job he has. I can change it if you like but I figure that's the way with Corp Enclave living. You get the perks, but all the negatives too.
Other than that I'm ready to go!
Jun 9 2011, 12:14 PM
Mathew Wilson, Data Courier
[ Spoiler ]
Mathew Wilson is a successful data courier. This success comes with a number of benefits - jet-setting around the world, being put-up in expensive corporate hotel suites, and a super-platinum doc-wagon contract - however, this lifestyle comes with quite a few drawbacks as well. He rarely has any choice in where he will be going next, or on what terms. His cyberware is generally made available to the client, meaning it is off limits to him, and most jobs begin and end with his data filter active to protect his client’s privacy. And of course, if someone is willing to pay you a lot of money to transport something for them, someone else is generally willing to pay a lot of money to see that you don't get there.
Despite the fact that Mathew performs the majority of his jobs with the assistance of activesofts, he has picked up a basic proficiency in a smattering of skills that are useful for his line of work, including picking up a few phrases in a dozen languages - enough to get him where he is going, but not enough to make him useful as a translator. Mathew also isn’t a particularly imposing fellow - in fact, his unassuming appearance, and ability to often go unnoticed in a crowd, are part of the talent he brings to the job - however, this means he often has to rely on quick thinking and smooth talking to deal with any unexpected complications during the delivery.
Thanks to some favors he called in after the success of a couple of big jobs for Transys Neuronet (Now NeoNET), his augmentations are state-of-the-art. Keeping himself on the bleeding edge has been key to his success, and he has no intention of allowing himself to fall behind the tech curve. Recent advancements in cybernetic data storage have made last years “cutting edge” data compressors all but obsolete, and part of insuring the safety and confidentially of his client’s data involves providing them with the most secure environment money can buy - including passive one-way bioelectric keys and biometric authentication and failsafes. The sort of people he deals with consider the security of their data important enough to pay for someone like him to literally deliver it by hand to its destination. These people are not going to settle for a courier running an OS with known vulnerabilities, or a firewall that is 2 microversions out of date, much less one who couldn’t afford to upgrade his White IC to match the new state-of-the-art software hitting the streets.
Character Sheet - 300/300
[ Spoiler ]
Metatype (0)
[ Spoiler ]
- Human (0)
Attributes (170)
[ Spoiler ]
- Str 2 (10)
- Bod 2 (10)
- Agi 2 (10)
- Rea 3 (20)
- Int 5 (40)
- Log 3 (20)
- Wil 3 (20)
- Cha 5 (40)
Special Attributes (0)
[ Spoiler ]
- Edge 2
- Essence 4.4
- Magic 0
- Resonance 0
- Initiative 8
- IP: 1
Active Skills (85)
[ Spoiler ]
- Perception 1 (Visual +2) (6)
- Etiquette 1 (Corporate +2) (6)
- Negotiation 1 (Sense Motive +2) (6)
- Con 1 (Fast Talk +2) (6)
- Pistols 1 (4)
- Unarmed Combat 1 (Blocking +2) (6)
- Dodge 1 (Ranged +2) (6)
- Shadowing 1 (Tail Evasion +2) (6)
- Infiltration 1 (Urban +2) (6)
- Navigation (Urban +2) (6)
- Cybertechnology 1 (Headware +2) (6)
- Electronics Group 1 (10) (Computer, Software, Data Search, Hardware)
- Cracking Group 1 (10) (Hacking, Electronic Warfare, Cybercombat)
Knowledge Skills (24 free)
[ Spoiler ]
- Street
- - Corporate Politics 2 (2)
- Academics
- - Mathematics 1 (Encryption +2) (2)
- Professional
- - Data Courier Procedures 4 (4)
- - Corporate Security Procedures 4 (4)
- Interests
- - Mysteries 1 (1)
- - Puzzles 1 (1)
- Languages
- - English N
- - Japanese 1 (1)
- - Mandarin 1 (1)
- - Cantonese 1 (1)
- - Italian 1 (1)
- - German 1 (1)
- - Spanish 1 (1)
- - Russian 1 (1)
- - French 1 (1)
- - Sperethiel 1 (1)
- - Or'zet 1 (1)
Positive Qualities (25)
[ Spoiler ]
- Blandness (10)
- Restricted Gear (15)
- - Skillwires (availability 20)
- - Data Bomb Program (availability 15)
- - Response 6 Chip (availability 16)
Negative Qualities (-30)
[ Spoiler ]
- SINner (5)
- Records on File, Transys Neuronet / NeoNET (10)
- Low Pain Tolerance (10)
Contacts (10)
[ Spoiler ]
- C3/L2 - Ralph “The Face” Theison - Fixer/Agent
- C3/L2 - Dr. Olivia Fullbright - NeoNET Cybersurgeon
Gear (36) 179,600 / 180,000
[ Spoiler ]
- High Lifestyle (20=10,000) - Staying in corporate hotel suites.
- - If you’re using advanced lifestyles from RC:
- - Comforts, High (4)
- - Entertainment, High (4)
- - Necessities, High (4)
- - Neighborhood, High (4)
- - Security, Luxury (6)
- - - Friendly Neighbors (+1)
- - - Corporate Owned (-3)
- - Leased/Rented Vehicle (RC pg.160)
- - Rover Model 2060
- - - Handling +1, Accel 20/35, Speed 140, Pilot 2
- - - Body 13, Armor 10, Sensor 2
- - - - Amenities (High)
- - - - Off-Road Suspension
- - - - Passenger Protection 2
- - - - Anti-Theft System 2
- - Premium Matrix Service (Unwired pg.201)
- Extra Starting Cash +12 (1200)
- DocWagon Super-Platinum Account, One Year (100,000)
- Outfit [2,645]
- Form Fitting Body Armor, Half Suit [4/1] (900)
- Four Sets of Unarmored Casual Clothes (800)
- Four Expensive Suits, Unarmored (6,000)
- - Concealable Holster (-2 concealability) (75)
- - - Yamaha Pulsar
- - - - 6S(e) -half SA - 4(m) (150)
- - - - - 4 Taser Darts (5x4=20)
- Contact Lenses, Rating 3 (150)
- - Vision Enhancement, Rating 3 (300)
- Earbuds, Rating 3 (30)
- - Audio Enhancement, Rating 3 (300)
- - Spatial Recognizer (100)
- "Pocket Secretary" Commlink [2000]
- - Novatech Airware (1250)
- - Iris Orb (1000)
- - Software [6,300]
- - - Browse, Command, Edit, Purge 6 (2400)
- - - - Optimization 3 (1200)
- - - Analyze, Encrypt 6 (1200)
- - - - Optimization 3, Ergonomic (1200)
- - Biometric Readers (Retinal Print, Facial Blood Vessels, Palm Blood Vessels) (600)
- - Optical Cable, 1m (1)
- - - Skinlinked (50)
- - Certified Datachips x6 (6)
- - Regular Datachips x2 (2)
- - RFID Business Cards x20 (1)
- Software on DataLock (for use by clients) [30,750]
- - Firewall 6 (3,000)
- - System 6 (3,000)
- - Analyze 6, with Optimization 1 & Ergonomic (1000) - Loaded on node
- - Encryption 6 with Optimization 1 & Ergonomic (1000) - Loaded on node
- - Agent 4 (10,000) (White Pavlov/Scramble IC) - Loaded with the following 4 programs
- - Analyze, Encrypt 6 (600) - Both loaded and running on agent
- - - Optimization 3 (600)
- - Data Bomb 6 (6,000) - Loaded on agent
- - - Pavlov Option (1250)
- - - Optimization 3 (300)
- - Homeground Agent Autosoft 4 (4000) - Loaded on agent
- Cyberware [1.6] [23,600]
- - Note: No wireless functionality.
- - Headware
- - - Data Filter [0.2] (2,500) - Slaved to Data Lock
- - - - Hardening 6 (150)
- - - Data Lock [0.1] (1,000)
- - - - No external “plug”
- - - - Remote Access Option (Although without wireless still requires skinlinked connection)
- - - - Response Upgrade 6 (8,000)
- - - - Modifications (Unwired, 196)
- - - - - Biometric Locks
- - - - - - Retinal Prints (150)
- - - - - - Facial Blood Vessels (150)
- - - - - - Palm Blood Vessels (150)
- - - - - Skinlink(50)
- - - - Hardening 6 (150)
- - Bodyware
- - - Biomonitor [0.3] (1,000) - Slaved to Data Lock
- - - - Hardening 6 (150)
- - - Skillwires, Rating 5 [1] (10,000) {A12-20} - Slaved to Data Lock
- - - - Hardening 6 (150)
Edit: Oh yeah, and a roll for starting cash:
4d6+12 = 20 x 500 = 10,000 nuyen
Jun 9 2011, 01:03 PM
Question: Was Wilson told to go here and wait for this contact for a new job that he would be beginning, or is he in the middle of something and waiting to meet a contact to deliver some data he's already got in his head?
Jun 9 2011, 01:58 PM
Oh, I did forget that, Wilson's in the middle of a job, he's waiting for a contact to deliver what's already in his head.
Jun 9 2011, 02:00 PM
Sounds good.
Jun 9 2011, 04:04 PM
Ok. I forgot my starting cash too. However, I came up with a way to solve that in character. The "non-existant" bribe is 500 Nuyen which is what I rolled for my character's starting cash.
3d6 = 10; 10 *50 = 500 (Starting Roll Low Lifestyle = 3d6*50)
Starting Nuyen RollAlso, can we change the name of the club. Its initials are KKK which is very racist where I am from.
Jun 9 2011, 07:12 PM
QUOTE (Titus @ Jun 9 2011, 12:04 PM)

Ok. I forgot my starting cash too. However, I came up with a way to solve that in character. The "non-existant" bribe is 500 Nuyen which is what I rolled for my character's starting cash.
3d6 = 10; 10 *50 = 500 (Starting Roll Low Lifestyle = 3d6*50)
Starting Nuyen RollAlso, can we change the name of the club. Its initials are KKK which is very racist where I am from.
ah, yeah we can, I intentionally used it,, but to no specific purpose. How about Club Kraze?
Jun 9 2011, 07:28 PM
That works great.

Jun 10 2011, 04:02 AM
Well then.. oddly enough I was working on a post at lunch.. and my browser randomly reloaded and destroyed everything I'd written...
Anyhow, would've liked to get in 2 today, it'll have to do.
Jun 10 2011, 08:41 AM
I've finished my character (see above) and am ready to go
Jun 10 2011, 02:55 PM
I like the premise of your character. However, you have more than 300 BP which is the starting build. You have 320 BP, so you will have to cut a bit.
Also, why would your character have a Doc Wagon contract? Generally, those are street doctors. Wouldn't the corp have their own doctors tending to him?
Jun 10 2011, 03:41 PM
QUOTE (Titus @ Jun 10 2011, 03:55 PM)

I like the premise of your character. However, you have more than 300 BP which is the starting build. You have 320 BP, so you will have to cut a bit.
Also, why would your character have a Doc Wagon contract? Generally, those are street doctors. Wouldn't the corp have their own doctors tending to him?
I just checked and its 300 BP by my count. I get 10 points back on the qualities. The docwagon contract was to represent corporate healthcare. I don't really know what you mean about the street docs thing. Doc wagon are a massive private healthcare corporation so I thought it seemed appropriate.
Jun 10 2011, 03:45 PM
Well, I think what he's getting at is that DocWagon is like ambulances. They'll show up and scoop you up if you have a contract with them (even bringing in armed response teams to secure you), but they actually have a clause that says they won't go into extraterritorial areas (like corporate enclaves). You could probably say you have some corporate equivilent healthcare to cover you if anything happens while you're on the job inside their area, though.
Jun 10 2011, 06:34 PM
That +10 BP must mean you gain 10 back, instead of add 10. That would explain why my math was off. I was thinking that would have been -10 for getting ten points back. Grr... Apparently I am having a little problem with communication.
Thanks for explaining the Doc Wagon as well.
Jun 10 2011, 09:12 PM
No problem. In my head, I was taking away from 400, so added the 10 but the other way works too

Yeah, I understand the doc wagon point. Maybe it isn't exactly what I'm looking for. It's sort of representative.
Jun 13 2011, 12:00 AM
Doh! I was told to *give* the paper to the bouncer, not flash it and keep it. Hope it all turns out OK anyway.
Jun 13 2011, 03:02 AM
LOL! I think the give it to the bouncer request was just to get past the bouncer.
Jun 13 2011, 05:17 AM
Never know, she could have just failed the most important part of the run...
Also, since I don't know that my PM ever went through...
[ Spoiler ]
Sara had always been bright as a kid, getting through school with high marks and not all that much effort, earning herself scholarship to MIT&T. Summers and spare time during the year saw Sara working on various programming projects for professors or her own interests, usually doing basic programming, but occasionally showing some true brilliance with some innovative coding. With the spare money she slowly started experimenting with improvements to her body, starting with a sleep regulator to help give her more time to juggle, as well as accepting the occasional dose of Psyche or Longhaul to get her through difficult projects. Sara ended up graduating top of her class with Computer Science and Programming degrees.
She was quickly snatched up by Renraku, where she began making a steady climb up the ranks, working on system security as well as hacking programs 'for ensuring the high quality of Renraku's security through real world testing'. Sadly it was this, combined with a paranoid (and closet metahater) superior, that led to her being kicked out of the company. After the building Sara was working at got hacked with seemingly little effort, the hacker was eventually traced, leading to a careful examination of the break-in. It was found that the exploit program used used large snippets of Sara's code, and the compromised section of the system's defense also used her code (Despite never having directly worked on either the firewall or the exploit program in question). She doesn't realize that the entire hack was orchestrated by her superior to get her framed as helping the hacker so she'd be kicked out and his own job would be secure.
Stats and Meta:190
[ Spoiler ]
Bod:2 10
Agi:3 10
Rea:2 10
Str:1 0
Cha:6 30
Int:4 30
Log:5(7) 40
Wil:4 30
Edge:1 0
[ Spoiler ]
Aptitude (Software) 10
Latent Technomancer 5
Analytical Mind 5
Speed Reading 5
Photographic Memory 10
Combat Paralysis -20
SINner -5
Records on File (Renraku) -10
[ Spoiler ]
Software 7 32
Cracking 1 10
Influence 1 10
Hardware 1 4
Computer 1 4
Data Search 1 4
[ Spoiler ]
3/2 Mr. Barry - Professor at MIT&T, teaches system security and white hat hacking techniques.
2/4 Lana - friend and ex-classmate at MIT&T, currently works as freelance spider (and less know, hacker)
[ Spoiler ]
Defiance Protector 300
30 taser darts 150
Armor Clothing 500
Transys Avalon (4/4) 5000
Custom OS (6/6) 6000
Sim Module 100
Skinlink 50
Optimization (SPS) 500
Customized Interface 250
Biometric Lock 150
Electro Shocker 500
2 Disposable Commlink 600
100 feet fiberoptic 500
Subvocal Microphone 50
25 Datachips 25
Mapsoft 6 (Seattle) 30
SteamPunkMMO 50
Virtual Surround Music (100 songs) 100
Wall Space 50
Virtual Weather 100
Virtual Pet (clockwork dragon) 100
Scentsation 50
Goggles 6 300
Thermographic 100
Image Link 25
Vision Enhancement 3 300
Vision Magnification 100
Earbuds 3 30
Audio Enhancement 3 300
Spatial Recognizer 100
Hollowed Book 50
3 Long Haul 150
3 Psyche 600
Inline Skates 100
Smart Butt Pack 80
Hardware Kit 500
Pocket Hacker 4920
Expert Defense 3 300
Cascading 3 300
(Agent 3, Browse 3, Stealth 3, Exploit 3)
FTL Matrixware Power Suite 1240
(Analyze 3, Browse 4, Command 2, Edit 4, Purge 4, Scan 2)
Software Programming Suit 5 5000
Programming Environment Access (50 days prepaid) 5000
Encrypt 3 150
Armor 3 1500
Attack 3 1500
Data Bomb 3 1500
Decrypt 3 1500
Defuse 3 1500
Medic 3 1500
Sniffer 3 1500
Spoof 3 1500
Track 3 1500
Disarm 3 1500
Nuke 3 1500
Thundercloud Contrail 5000
Shiawase Kanmushi 1000
MCT FLy-Spy 2000
Datajack 0.1 500
Skinlink 50
Tooth Storage Compartment
Math SPU 0.15 4500
Encephalon 2 1.5 75000
Cerebral Booster 2 0.2 20000
Sleep Regulator 0.15 10000
Lifestyle: 2 months
Comforts (low) 2
Entertainment (Middle) 3
Necessities (Low) 2
Neighborhood (Middle) 3
Security (Middle) 3
Feng Shui +5
Workplace +1
Perfect Roommate +2
Nosy Neighbors -2
Trigger Happy Landlord -1
Ambusher's Delight -3
No Forwarding Address (physical) -1
Total: 14 - 4400 w/roommate 2200/month
+12 starting cash - 1200
Total: 175000
Starting Cash - 2500
Jun 13 2011, 11:45 AM
@Titus: From your last comment about not letting people with guns through, should we assume Brick gave Mary and Matt a quick pat-down and relieved them of their weapons? No idea what she's packing, but Matt has a taser on him for personal protection. He wouldn't object if security at the place he was going insisted on taking it from him, but he's happy to keep it tucked inside his suit if they don't.
Jun 13 2011, 02:42 PM
I'd meant 'showing' it to the bouncer like giving a passphrase.
As far as club security, personal protection arms are allowed, though that policy may change if the owner has the need. so taser and pistols are okay, a quick pat down for anything more serious would have been in order.
Hmm.. Now how to destroy Sara's life....
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