Jun 22 2011, 05:55 PM
@Blackhat, your assumption was correct, it is Wifi inhibited in here.
Jun 22 2011, 06:29 PM
Sounds good. On to plan J then.
Jun 27 2011, 07:49 AM
Well then, Let's get back to business (looks around sheepishly)
I may need to think up something to use for Japanese and translations...
Jun 29 2011, 05:04 AM
So I have to speculate on the size of Bishop Industries. I'd have to guess that it's a UCAS AA. But I remember making a comment to Java before the campaign started about a couple of characters in Fringe, about Bishop and Bell's working relationship. If that makes it obliquely related to Massive Dynamic (or Bishop Dynamic if there were no Bell), then perhaps it's a AAA in Java's universe...?
Edit: Of course Javalamp hasn't seen that show, so I'm just messing around here.
Jun 29 2011, 05:10 AM
My personal thought is the big labels own a lot of companies that keep their names, I'm guessing Bishop is UCAS AA, I hadn't decided on it.
Mister Juan
Jun 29 2011, 12:46 PM
Just a quick heads up concerning the fact that I will be moving to a new place on July 1st, so my virtual presence might be a bit spotty in the next few days.
Jun 30 2011, 12:40 AM
For anyone interested in looking at the data on the cards (since I thought it would be fun to share what I came up with when I put this data courier together):
[ Spoiler ]
First of all, the datalock has no wireless access, which isn't really that uncommon - but it also boasts a passive one-way induction-link interface that will remain silent until it receives an encrypted access code. Until then, the node is undetectable, which makes hacking or probing it a problem. (Remote access option, Augmentation 32) Once activated, the system would still be daunting for even an expert hacker (rating 6 response, with a rating 6 OS and firewall). The OS features a top of the line encryption program which can be used to encrypt both the data and the node itself. It also features an integrated White IC program to watch over the node and potentially invoke dynamic encryption or simply purge the data if any intrusion is detected (rating 4 agent, running rating 6 (optimized) analyze, encrypt and databomb, and a rating 4 homeground agent autosoft). Matt is licensed to make use of a pavlovian data bomb program, which is loaded into the IC, and typically used to further protect the node itself, and the data files. The lock has also been modified to include (optional) biometric locks for any combination of retinal prints, or the prints of the blood vessels in the face or palm (assuming the person who puts the data in is the same one who will be taking it out). Lastly, Matt has two supporting cybernetic implants. One is a very high-rating set of skillwires, which he encourages his clients to fill with activesofts or knowsofts, which can be taken back when the job is done. The second is an implanted biomonitor, which is wired to the datalock, which can be configured to take any number of actions when the biomonitor reports various thresholds being exceeded - typically any severe trauma or loss of consciousness not consistent with sleep (specifically, this feature is intended to prevent someone from simply cutting the implant out of the courier and bypassing some of the physical limitations like the remote-access option or the biometric locks). Also, although it is not typically a concern for cyberware, the system has been hardened (specifically, the memory is stored optically) to prevent EMP attacks from disrupting the data.
Obviously, nothing is completely secure. The goal is usually to make it such a pain that it isn't worth the effort. In this case, it is also geared towards a situation where you want to prevent the data from falling into the wrong hands (and that you have a backup somewhere and would prefer that it be purged at any sign of trouble). In a situation where this is the only copy of the data (like if it is too hot to hold onto yourself), the client wouldn't want to enable all of these features, and I suspect that is the situation we are currently in... but we won't know until we try, which risks triggering an alert that purges the data - which is bad, if we're wrong. Even if we're not, hacking the system would be challenging for a real hacker.
At the very least, I suspect we have a long night ahead of us.
Jul 1 2011, 11:49 PM
Unless I missed a post to this effect, Mickey's goons never bothered to relieve Matt of his taser pistol. Unfortunately, it is the kind with wires, and only has 4 darts (oh yeah, and Matt is a terrible shot) ... but the bad guys don't know that, and I guess its better than nothing.
Jul 2 2011, 05:52 AM
@BlackHat: They never bothered to remove it from him
Sorry, car trouble tonight kept me running all over looking for parts, which I haven't secured.. getting to work tomorrow will be interesting.
Jul 3 2011, 03:04 AM
Sorry for the lack of posting over the last (almost two weeks? Yikes!) Been busy and kept having a case of "Oh, I'll be finished by tomorrow and have time to catch up and post, no need to mention that I'll be gone since I'll be back tomorrow!". I'll be reading through the posts and such (looks like I didn't miss just too much OOC stuff) tonight and get a post up either tonight or second thing tomorrow morning (Sorry, crapes trumps Dumpshock)
Mister Juan
Jul 3 2011, 06:27 PM
I feel compelled to give you guys a quick update. I'm still following the game, and I'm still really interested. I simply haven't found time to post since I've been moving to a new place for the past few days. Yes, that's plural because apparently, the last tenant had never heard about the concept of "cleaning". So yea, I'm really busy, but still around.
Just don't hold things up on my account!
Jul 4 2011, 06:57 PM
Seems like you've picked a good time to be away anyway, as the action has moved to the closet where Mat is failing miserably to seduce anyone
Jul 8 2011, 02:59 AM
I'm really sorry guys, car troubles are eating up a lot of time.
That coupled with not having a method to post at work anymore has me a little bound, I'll be posting this weekend at the latest!
Jul 11 2011, 04:14 PM
Am I correct in assuming I'd need some kind of commlink to read this chip?
Jul 15 2011, 05:47 AM
Sorry, JavaLamp. Looks like I killed another one.
Or maybe not, but I've attached a floatation device to this one. It'll last a couple days.
Jul 18 2011, 04:08 AM
No, think I'm holding things up, sorry. I've had amazing writers block lately, which is... like really really bad for me.
Jul 18 2011, 06:34 PM
Writer's block happens, especially with opening scenarios.
If I can get things lined up here, I'm probably going to make a big post to carry us forward into extracting the data.
Jul 18 2011, 06:55 PM
Yeah, Matt may be trying to delay and fighting it tooth and nail, but I'm not opposed to you moving things forward as quickly as you'd like... if the lady decides to refuse his request for escrow payment, or insurance that he makes it out of here safely... Matt doesn't really have a lot of choice in the matter.
His options are basically to try to tase himself, or bang his head into something hard enough to knock himself out (both of which are risky and unpleasant) or to trust in his system defenses to stall a hacker for as long as necessary to make it look like he did his best, and maybe buy his client enough time to track down his wayward data (while crossing his fingers that the hacker slips up and the data is lost, without him having to risk bodily harm to do so).
Either way, if the client didn't protect his data well enough, it won't do any good... but one way doesn't involve possible brain damage or cardiac arrest.
Aug 2 2011, 06:10 PM
I'll be trying to poke JL today. Haven't heard anything out of him so it must've been two hard weekends in a row. Nevertheless...
Aug 2 2011, 07:27 PM
Hard I don't know about, but busy nonetheless, apartment hunting.
Aug 8 2011, 05:45 PM
Back from a lot of travel, but catching up at work today. Will push Matt's IC forward tonight, but every should feel free to move forward without him (he's not going to do anything crazy - probably just negotiations that end in the hack starting as planned).
Aug 8 2011, 06:38 PM
Right-o, we'll see it then!
Aug 12 2011, 05:29 AM
going to be very slow right now, I picked up essentially a second full time job for a few weeks and am simultaneously looking for housing. this equals very very little time
Sep 8 2011, 08:02 PM
Uh oh, we've hit 30 days on our IC topic and this needs a bump.
Java, do you still have translation projects going on?
Anyway, let's do a roll call of those who are still here and interested.
I'm here!
Sep 8 2011, 08:12 PM
Here and interested, but with limited access until next week when I get back to the states.
Sep 10 2011, 04:07 AM
Great, that's probably 3 of us,
I'm going to boot this back up with whoever's interested next week. Just post in if you're in for it. We'll fade characters not interested for the moment, replace if there's interest.. Anyhow, Just post in here!
Mister Juan
Sep 10 2011, 03:33 PM
I'm still around but I'm starting to think my character is wholly inappropriate for the game
Sep 11 2011, 01:05 PM
I'm tentatively interested. What sort of position does the team need?
Oct 3 2011, 04:06 AM
Another little bump. I keep hoping, or rather denying what's in front of my face, like my character.
There isn't a 'team' to speak of, yet. At the moment we're a diverse lot of people desperate to survive or who will probably shortly be in that place. My character is an engineer who Awakened about three hours ago, so we have 'mage' covered at the moment. We also have a data courier ala Johnny Mnemonic. What's in his head is being auctioned off, and the people who put him on the block are determined to get at it no matter the cost. Those are the two we know for sure are still here.
There's a hacker that's been tasked with trying to get at the courier's info, on pain of death, if she's still around. Also in question are a couple of other heavy combat types and a face who are in the auction audience. I'd need to look back further in the thread. So really, just about everything is open, except magicians, because the GM is tightly controlling that bit.
Mister Juan
Oct 3 2011, 02:24 PM
Well, seeing as how this game is never taking back off, I'm officially withdrawing.
If it does start back up, well, I hope you guys have fun !
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