Mieke Van Der Veen
Jazz Singer/Pianist
That's pronounced MEE-kə

[ Spoiler ]
1.Where and in what kind of environment did your character grow up?
It would be easy to think that someone like Mieke would have had something of a hard time growing up. But, as it turns out, it is quite the contrary. A single child, with very successful and wealthy parents, Mieke never longed for anything during her entire life. The numerous homes they had as a family were always comfortable, well furnished, and in some countries, borderlined on the luxurious. Mieke went to the best schools available to her, and had the best private tutors. The daughter of an S-K branch division president an a renown violinist, Mieke was born in the United Netherlands, where she spent most of her childhood. Between then and adulthood, because of her father's work, Mieke would call numerous place “home”: the Allied German States, Austria, France, Japan and Switzerland. Although a very busy man, Mieke's father always found time for his daughter, allowing her to grow up in a very decent and healthy corporate family. Being constantly cared for and provided for has made Mieke into a bit of a naive and idealist woman.
2. What are your character’s relations with their family? (Does your character keep in touch? Where are they now?) Mieke loves and cares deeply for her parents. She keeps in touch with them as much as she can, calling them on an almost daily basis. Since she has only been living on her own for the past year, Mieke still feels a bit unsecured, all alone in Seattle, and so, she has a tendency to fly over to see her parents in Essen, whenever she has a few days off.
3. Does your character have an ethnic background? (Is it relevant to them?)
Mieke is Dutch.
4. What does your character look like?
Mieke is tall and thin, with legs that never quite seem to end. With a full head of beautiful red curly hair, and the freckles to match, she is not a woman who goes unnoticed easily. Apparently made almost only of vertical traits, Mieke is not a curvaceous woman at all, and sports a body closer to that of a girl than a woman. She constantly hides her eyes behind a pair of shades, both from habit and as to avoid putting people ill at ease with her blindness. She has an elongated face, with a short pointed nose, and thin lips that always seem to smile.
5. What does your character dress like?
Mieke dresses in a rather conservative fashion, favoring long skirts and dresses whenever she can. She always does her best to dress elegantly, favoring white, black, gray or very soft colors. She is never without a pair of shades.
6. What are your character’s physical quirks?
Having a malformed occipital lobe, Mieke visual cortex is unable to process information. Her eyes function perfectly, in the sense that she posses undamaged optical nerves and retinas, but they lack the ability to see and her pupils are constantly frozen wide open.
Beside being blind, and all the quirks that come along with her disability, Mieke doesn't really have physical quirks.
Skills, attributes, resources
7. What did your character always want to be? (How did they go about getting this job/position/ability/image? Did they succeed?)
Of course, when she was little, Mieke dreamed of being everything from a doctor, to an astronaut to a deep sea diver. But, as she grew up and came to grip with her disability, Mieke knew very well she couldn't be “anything” she wanted. Growing up around music and musicians, through her mother, Mieke developed a passion and a love for music. Discovering piano at a very early age, Mieke found her calling. For the past 6 years now, she has been distinguishing herself on the jazz scene, and has created quite a buzz amongst jazz aficionados.
8. Where and how did your character learn their Active and Knowledge Skills?
Mieke learned her skills through a mixture of private schools, tutelage and her parents.
9. Where and how did your character get their major equipment and ‘ware?
Throughout the years, Mieke has found herself under the knife of a surgeon quite a few times, in an attempt to improve her quality of life, always courtesy of S-K and her father.
10.Where and in what kind of place does your character currently live?
Mieke has now been living, for close to a year, in a spacious penthouse flat, provided by S-K, in downtown Seattle. She lives alone, with her seeing eye (and guard) dog, Fred.
11. Who are your character’s contacts? (How did they become contacts? Why do they still talk to your character?)
Mieke met Richard Blythe, for the first time, on a trans-Atlantic conference call organized by her mother. A well known jazz music producer, Richard has been Mieke's agent/manager for about 2 years now. To the great dismay of her parents, it was actually his suggestion to “get some fresh perspective” that pushed Mieke to out of the family home and to Seattle.
12. Who are your character’s enemies? (How did they become your character’s enemies?)
13. For Awakened characters, how did your character learn their magic? For non-Awakened characters, how does your character feel about magic?
14. What are your character’s personality quirks?
Mieke is a very kind, soft and warm person. Calm and collected, she is a bit naive and idealistic. She is always polite, and proper, no matter the situation or person she's with.
15. What are your character’s likes and dislikes?
Mieke lives for music, particularly jazz. She also greatly affectionate animals, most particularly dogs. She has a great dislike toward violence and any form of aggressive behavior in general.
16. What is your character’s moral code?
Mieke always does her best to be polite and proper, in any given situation. She tries to be nice to everyone she meets, and will generally treat people with patience and respect, going by what he mom used to say: treat others like you would like to be treated. All in all, Mieke always does her best to be a good person.
17. Does your character have personal beliefs?
That music is the truest form of expression.
That it is impossible for someone NOT to like ANY jazz.
18. What are your character’s personal motivations?
Currently, Mieke is simply trying to adjust to life on her own.
Running the shadows
19. Why does your character run the shadows?
20. What would make your character ever leave the shadows?
Character Sheet
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Mieke Van Der Veen
Age: 24
Sex: F
Born in: Antwerp, United Netherlands
Citizenships: United Netherlands, S-K
Occupation: Jazz Singer/Pianist
Metatype: Human
Body: 2
Agility: 3
Reaction: 2
Stregth: 2
Charisma: 5
Intuition: 5
Logic: 4
Willpower: 3
Edge: 2
Initiative: 7
IP: 1
Essence: 5.13
Active Skills
Animal Handling (Dogs) 3
Computer 1
Influence Skill Group 3
Stealth Skill Group 1
Artisan (Piano) 5
Swimming 1
Perception (Hearin) 4
Data Search 2
Language Kills
Dutch N
French 3
German 3
English 3
Japanese 2
Italian 2
Knowledge Skils
Megacorporations (SK) 3
Music Theory (Jazz) 5
Corporate Politics 4
Current Events 3
Richard Blythe L3/C3, Musician Manager
Fame (Local): Mieke is well known in more than one country, albeit only in the jazz scene. If one doesn't consider himsef a jazz fan, then, he probably hasn't heard of her.
Privileged Family Name (Mieke's father is in SK's higher echelon)
Blind (Neurological)
Sensitive System
Ressources (100 000: 1370 left)
Hermes Ikon with Novatech Navi (Biometric Lock, Customized Interface)
White IC R3 (loaded with Armor, Attack and Analyze)
Armor 3
Attack 3
Pro User Program Suite (600)
Analyze 4
Browse 4
Command 2
Edit 4
Encrypt 1
Scan 1
Total: 11 600
Datajack (Betaware)
Clean Metabolism
Hearing Enhancement 2
Vocal Ranger Enhancer
Enhanced Pheromone Receptors 3
Tactile Sensitivity
Total: 60 500
Monsilver Cocktail Dress
Executive Suite Skirt
Executive Suite Plain Blouse
Subvocal Microphone
Earbuds with R3 Select Sound Filter
Tools: Piano, Shop size recording studio
White Cane, Collapsible
Total: 11 610
Fred (Dog, Large)
Training: Against Insticts (Seeing Eye Dog, Guard Dog)
Agi: 5
Rea: 3
Str: 3
Cha: 3
Int: 5
Log: 2
Will 3
Ess: 4.8
Perception 2
Tracking 2
Unarmed Combat 4
Enhanced Senses (Smell)
Fragile 1
Enhanced Logic, Intuition, Body, Strenght, Agility
Skill Enhancement (Unarmed Combat)
Wares: Damper, Flare Compensation, Dermal Plating 2
Total Cost: 14 920
Upkeep 100
High, 10 000/month
Comforts: 4
Entertainment: 3
Necessities: 4
Neighborhood: 4
Security: 4
Wellmade +1
Privacy Screen +3
Corporate Owned (SK) -3
Build Point Summary
Stats: 180
Race: 0
Edge: 0
Active Skills: 110
Knowledge: 4 (54 Free)
Positive Qualities: 15
Negative Qualities: 35
Ressources: 20
Contacts: 6
Total: 300