QUOTE (James McMurray @ May 29 2011, 09:58 PM)
If your entire argument hangs on one word, it fall apart pretty quickly. He could also drive up, run up, or be levitated up by his friend. Slap a spirit's Movement on his motorcycle for even more fun.
And that means exchanging exactly how many actions for the one the mage spends casting his Slow?
QUOTE (James McMurray @ May 29 2011, 09:58 PM)
In the scene last night the terrain was a bunch of pregnant women on gurneys hooked to IVs and monitor machines. With the weight the two orks were already providing (plus the mage and her spirit), bumping one gurney into another would have bypassed the weight cap.
Again, you have to move two orks into the melee range, and add some more weight from out there (and it's not like there's a lot of easily movable mass is available everywhere).
QUOTE (James McMurray @ May 29 2011, 09:58 PM)
Again, why are they shooting at something invincible? I don't care what you're doing, an army that can't possibly touch you isn't going to waste its time shooting at you. If you're truly invincible it surrenders, flees, or dies. If you have friends they can shoot at and they have friends who can handle you, you've just divided the battle, not won it..
Because fighting back is a reflex? Because you don't know if it's invincible until you try? Because the mage might as well be floating at some chokepoint or other? Spells making mages capable of standing up to whole armies are bad.
QUOTE (James McMurray @ May 29 2011, 09:58 PM)
Here's the deal: I know for a fact (because I've seen it) that Slow is not an unstoppable force of invincibility. If you want to not use it because it's broken, that's cool. I'll stick with my knowledge, you stick with your belief, and we'll both have fun in our campaigns. However, you absolutely cannot convince me that something I've seen work well is unworkable, and I get the impression I'm not going to convince you, so I'm done debating.
Noone said it's unstoppable. It's just overly, hilariously brokenly good - see my example with Muscle Toner 2.0. Again, that makes it a bad spell, and a bad tool to use in your campaigns, because it is unbalancing.
QUOTE (James McMurray @ May 29 2011, 10:03 PM)
Actually, it was a singgle rigger that killed the mage. The other two guys were already down at that point.
And what exactly weighted 600 kg on that rigger? I believe our whole previous discussion has led us to conclusion that you need a whole team to take a single Slow-using mage down, so far...
QUOTE (James McMurray @ May 29 2011, 10:03 PM)
Sorry, my games don't have a lot of high noon showdowns in the streets.
Oh, so, no break-ins, no getaways, no gang fights, no nothing? Sad.
QUOTE (James McMurray @ May 29 2011, 10:03 PM)
If you set up instant death scenarios you're a douche of a GM and I don't want to play in your games. System has no bearing on that. If though, you're not a douche, then Slow is just another tool for making interesting encounters.
If a tool allows me to make any low-difficulty encounter into a deathtrap, it's a bad tool. If that same tool requires me to call the army on the runners to be able to do them harm, it's an awful tool that should not be used.
QUOTE (James McMurray @ May 29 2011, 10:03 PM)
But, you seem like another case where I just have to agree to disagree. I know that Slow can work, you insist it can't. I'll go with my experience over someone else's theory crafting any day. Have fun!
Of course, a single case makes for better proof than comprehensive analysis.
Have fun in your games, as well.
QUOTE (Faelan @ May 29 2011, 10:21 PM)
A simple smoke grenade, flare combo screws the spell, or pretty much anything else which obscures the Mages vision. I don't get what the big deal is, a party without magical support going against a roughly equivalent group with magical support is, and always has been at a serious disadvantage. While the spell on paper is not very well thought out and probably better than originally intended it really is nowhere near to being an instant win.
Uh, visibility modifiers are bad, but not all THAT bad for mages. It's not like you can't cast still with those.
And the problem is that in a duel of two parties, exactly similar in everything but the mages' spell loadout, the one with Slow is at immense advantage.
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ May 29 2011, 10:26 PM)
Dammit, it sounds like I want the German version of War!
If I only understood German.
Most German SR books are better - in editing, content, and everything forever.
You have two options - hating the Germans' guts and learning German. I'm doing both