Jul 10 2011, 09:46 PM
QUOTE (hermit @ Jul 9 2011, 04:32 AM)

Actually, there is a (quite rough)
map of
Treffpunkt Raumhafen for the German-only Schockwellen campaign. The map is only a rough overview, though, and not exactly useful if ou want to use it as battle map.
Can anyone who reads German make out the words?
I can figure out some technical terms and company names by word shape, but cannot see the letters clearly enough to type the others into a translator.
I have posted what I could translate at
Treffpunkt Raumhafen at the Shadowrun Wikia
Jul 10 2011, 10:47 PM
Okay, the map sucks worse than I thought it would, had to consult my book myself. Translations follow. First the wheels on top, left to right, then the side view below (going from top to bottom on every wheel, then moving right to the next). All translations on the wheels clockwise.
Rad III - wheel III
*Proteus-Labore - Proteus laboratories
*Sicherheitsschleuse (orange) - secure airlock (orange)
*Transys Neuronet (since has been absorbed into NeoNET)
*ECC Eurotronics (an Eurocorp that has since been absorbed into NeoNET)
*Sicherheitsschleuse (orange) - secure airlock (orange)
Rad IV - wheel IV
*Hochsicherheitslabore - high security laboratories
*Fusionsreaktor - fusion reactor
*Sicherheitsentrale - security headquarters
*Steuerzentrale Gaiasphäre - gaiasphere central control facilities
*Konferenzbereich - conference area
Rad V - wheel V
*Hydroponische Gärten - hydroponic gardens
*Recyclinganlage - rcycling facilities
*Proteus-Unterkünfte - Proteus crew accomodations
Dockpunkt A (Transys, AGC, ECC) - docking area A (Transys, AG Chemie, ECC Eurotronics)
Rad I (Trans-Orbital) - wheel I (Trans-Orbital)
Rotationsdüsen - rotation thrusters
Hauptwartungsschleuse - main maintainance airlock
Rad II (AG Chemie) - wheel II (AG Chemie)
Rad III (gemischt) - wheel III (various)
Solaranlagen - solar panels
Rad IV (Proteus) - wheel IV (Proteus)
Rad V (Proteus) - wheel V (Proteus)
Rad VI (Proteus) - wheel VI (Proteus)
Lager - storage
Stationswartung - station maintainance
Dockpunkt B (Proteus) - docking area B (Proteus)
Hope that helps.
Jul 11 2011, 05:54 AM
QUOTE (hermit @ Jul 10 2011, 06:47 PM)

Okay, the map sucks worse than I thought it would, had to consult my book myself. Translations follow. First the wheels on top, left to right, then the side view below (going from top to bottom on every wheel, then moving right to the next). All translations on the wheels clockwise.
. . . Hope that helps.
Many, many thanks.
The updated Image (in English) is now up at
Treffpunkt Raumhafen