Nov 23 2011, 07:46 PM
Just remember that if you want a STAG Condor in your garage, you better grab one early or you will have to go thru the "humanitarian aid, inc" vehicle stealing missions to get the chance at one.
Freaking thing looks like it dropped straight out of a clone wars episode.
Nov 23 2011, 10:06 PM
"It looks like a Helicopter f***ed a Jet!"
Oh, wait, that's the F-69. Never mind.

Yeah, the Condor rocks! I gotta see if Oleg fits in it.
Nov 23 2011, 10:56 PM
Hehe, i made sure to use the "whiskey" voice. The various exclamations of the main character became very dry indeed

Only problem with the Condor is that is not armored at all...
Nov 23 2011, 11:00 PM
I just love the cockney accent. Played that in Saints Row 2, and it felt so... Over the edge with all the US/Gangsta accents.
Next time I play through, I'll be using the Eastern European Female Voice, I think. Already got one of the pre-made characters from the online site selected and ready to use. Bit skimpy on the clothing, but, hell, they come off quick enough.
Nov 23 2011, 11:23 PM
Heh, one of the pimp missions must be interesting to play with a female character
Nov 24 2011, 12:02 AM
btw, did anyone else notice a Hackers quote during one of the decker missions?
Nov 24 2011, 05:58 AM
Hehe, the more i play it the more it feels like a Shadowrun game.
Managed to make my character impervious to bullets and fire, so i am facing down heavy weapon brutes with impunity. And i maxed out the SMGs with incendiary ammo, so now i am chewing thru vehicles like crazy! Best part was getting a call about mascots gathering outside a store and and going SMG crazy thru wave after wave of costumed hostiles showing up on scooters, in electric cars and even what looked like roofless golf carts. The whole experience was surreal!
Nov 24 2011, 03:24 PM
Honestly, this is how a Shadowrun game should be made, damnit!!!
Nov 24 2011, 03:57 PM
more or less, yes.
now make it more RPG like and MMO.
Nov 24 2011, 04:01 PM
Actually, it is RPG-like. You level up, buy abilities and such. Very nice.

As for MMO, that'd be a bit rougher. Fifty guys fighting over stealing a cop car...
Nov 24 2011, 09:52 PM
That, and some dumbass parking his butt near the newbie spawn with a vtol...
There is coop tho...
Nov 24 2011, 11:28 PM
Yeah, I'm not about to trust some random stranger on the Internet to not be a Griefer who just swears at me and calls me "Newb" because I suggest tactics and the use of terrain in a firefight.
Sorry, it's why I got rid of CoD: Black Ops.
Nov 25 2011, 12:34 AM
No wonder CS did so well while more tactical mods flatlined...
Not that there is much practical use of terrain in SRT (to not confuse it with shadowrun 3rd edition

Nov 25 2011, 03:57 AM
It would also be merely a matter of time before cars started getting stacked and positioned to spell out rather unsavory words and sentences.
Nov 25 2011, 04:03 AM
Um... Yeah, time... Sure... *Tries to look innocent, fails*
Nov 25 2011, 05:26 AM
You wanna make a multiplayer Shadowrun video game, that's great. A Shadowrun MMO? No, thanks. WoW's pretty neat, but it's only a nodding acquaintance with actual roleplaying.
Nov 25 2011, 05:35 AM
It's like Marijuana. It'll hook the kids and then they'll want the Heroin that is RPGing.
Maybe that's a bad analogy.
Nov 25 2011, 07:33 AM
Do you have data on that? I don't, but my gut feeling is that the bleedthrough from WoW to tabletop gaming is minimal.
Seriously Mike
Nov 25 2011, 08:04 AM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Nov 25 2011, 04:57 AM)

It would also be merely a matter of time before cars started getting stacked and positioned to spell out rather unsavory words and sentences.
Or you will have to deal with a bunch of goons in pickup trucks trying to run you over or ram your vehicle while you're doing your quests. True story.
Nov 25 2011, 10:00 AM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Nov 25 2011, 06:26 AM)

You wanna make a multiplayer Shadowrun video game, that's great. A Shadowrun MMO? No, thanks. WoW's pretty neat, but it's only a nodding acquaintance with actual roleplaying.
*Fry-Face-Meme* Not sure if trolling or just did not see it yet . .
Nov 25 2011, 05:50 PM
I've seen it, I'm just deeply pessimistic that the final product will be worth playing.
Seriously Mike
Nov 25 2011, 09:08 PM
Got it. Sadly, the Steam servers are apparently constipated, or someone in the neighborhood is downloading humongous amounts of porn, because I can't even download the thing.
Nov 25 2011, 09:49 PM
*Begins to sing "The Internet Is For Porn" and stops as is seriously beaten soundly*
Nov 25 2011, 10:06 PM
OK, you know the moment that I *KNEW* that SR: 3 was Shadowrun in the Fifth World?
When this came on, and I went,
"You will not get away with this! I AM REALLY PISSED OFF!"
Nov 25 2011, 11:07 PM
Yea the use of music is better then most in this game

Hilarious to have that in the background while i was grabbing a Eagle to go finish things once and for all.
Nov 26 2011, 04:27 PM
I'm coming, Shaundi and Burt!

I loved that mission.
Nov 26 2011, 04:50 PM
Yeah, sometimes I have a moral choice in the decisions in the game, that one... "We can get the bastard later... I couldn't save Johnny, I WILL SAVE THE REST OF MY CREW!"
*Sniff* Zombie Johnny.

Last of the OG Crew other than the Boss.
Nov 27 2011, 04:39 PM
QUOTE (Critias @ Nov 23 2011, 12:28 PM)

Is there some trick to the "streaking" mini-mission? I've been making progress on several others (driving on two wheels, running over pedestrians, headshots, nutshots, driving the wrong way, etc), but even when I decided to run around butt naked for a while, I didn't receive any time towards that particular goal.
Get butt naked, and double-tap the down button (The one you can use to take pictures if you've activated it on your cellphone.). That activates the streaking mini-mission. Just after the time ran out on my first try of it, I found a photo op, so one lucky Saints fan got hisself a damned good photo of my Eastern-European Buxom Musclewoman in her birthday suit and ink!
Nov 27 2011, 08:45 PM
Its funny, I was fully expecting Johnny to just show up midway thru the game. Just 'SUPRISE COCKBAGS!!' and kill some dudes. And when I got Zombie Johnny... I was a sad sad panda. But then again, there are those upcoming DLC mission things... who knows!?!
[ Spoiler ]
I went with you on the first take CanRay... Ill kill him later, gotta save my girl and Burt first. Also, its BURT fucking REYNOLDS!
Nov 27 2011, 09:15 PM
Come on man, spoilers.

Although I'm kicking myself. I heard the Mayor come on a commercial and went, "I know that voice..."
Get to the mayor, *Headdesk*
My take was mostly, "I let Johnny down... I AIN'T LOSING ANY MORE OF MY CREW!"
Anyhow, we knew Johnny was dead. They had him in a coffin and was getting ready to bury him next to his girl... Before they blew the pimped-out hearse into the ocean.
Nov 27 2011, 11:43 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Nov 27 2011, 05:15 PM)

Come on man, spoilers.

Not for nothin', but you're the one that first mentioned "Zombie Johnny," dude.
Nov 27 2011, 11:45 PM
Spoilers? If you check their youtube videos they spoiled it themselves at one point.
Nov 28 2011, 04:17 AM
QUOTE (Critias @ Nov 27 2011, 07:43 PM)

Not for nothin', but you're the one that first mentioned "Zombie Johnny," dude.

Oh yeah. Damn. Oh well. Really been a weird and bad, um, too long for me.
Nov 28 2011, 04:26 AM
I really do not get the whole Johnny Gat issue. But then i basically "crashed" thru the second game, barely paying attention to the storyline...
Nov 28 2011, 04:46 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Nov 28 2011, 12:26 AM)

I really do not get the whole Johnny Gat issue. But then i basically "crashed" thru the second game, barely paying attention to the storyline...
Johnny was the third Saint you meet in the original Saints Row (The first two being Julius, the founder of the gang, and Troy the second in command.).
He was the only member of the Saints to not drop his flag when the Saints fell apart between Saints Row 1 and 2, and your main supporter during Saints Row 2. He's the ranking person in the gang, and only doesn't take command because it's not his style (He enjoys putting in work too much to deal with the rest of the BS that The Boss has to.). Considering the superhuman amount of injuries he's been inflicted with and still gotten back up to kick major ass, he was pretty much assumed to be as unkillable as the Protagonist (Playa/Boss). Having him die so early in SR3 is a major WTF moment that says "Almost anyone can die now.". And hurts all the more when you start shooting mascots of him in Professor Genkis and... Well... The Deckers kick you in the crotch over it as well, I'll put it that way.
It's like Wash getting it in Serenity. Sudden, unexpected, and very, very harsh.
Nov 28 2011, 05:02 AM
Never gotten into firefly/serenity much either, so...
Then again, i am not much for live action anything these days
Nov 28 2011, 05:09 AM
Johnny Gat is essentially "NPC Protagonist #2" in two games. As tough as your character, as deadly, a one-man army. Take into consideration that he's beating up "Frenchie" with a SWITCHBLADE in his belly, then uses it to cut Boss and Shaundi free, and then kill the pilot with it. And holds off how many people while trying to fly the jet? (Enough to make him go, "Wow, that's a lot of guys!" when he's taken on half a city's police force on his own!).
It's the reason that the Boss is hitting everyone in the crotch. Johnny's death has been a blow to him/her, and it's like losing an arm. The one that usually holds the guns (s)he isn't using at the moment.
EDIT: Also, it forces him to rely more on Pierce. And that's never a good thing.
Nov 29 2011, 04:23 AM
So am I the only one that wondered why Shaundi went from hippie to scary? I mean I understand after the intro, but it seems somewhere we lost the girl whos into mission in SR2 was jumping a Bootlegger off a few ramps and smoking a lot of dope.
And no.... relying on Pierce is never a good thing. Just look at 'Three Way'. I did that mission a dozen times because he kept getting his ass blown up by tanks.
Edit: And just because... my second play threw is a fat English bloke with a green Mohawk and purple suspenders. It never gets old.
Nov 29 2011, 04:44 AM
QUOTE (Lindt @ Nov 29 2011, 12:23 AM)

So am I the only one that wondered why Shaundi went from hippie to scary? I mean I understand after the intro, but it seems somewhere we lost the girl whos into mission in SR2 was jumping a Bootlegger off a few ramps and smoking a lot of dope.
She went from dope to coke?
Nov 29 2011, 05:23 AM
QUOTE (Lindt @ Nov 29 2011, 12:23 AM)

So am I the only one that wondered why Shaundi went from hippie to scary?
QUOTE (Critias @ Nov 29 2011, 12:44 AM)

She went from dope to coke?
Well, she gave up the Hippie Lifestyle to have her own TV Show and a Jetset Lifestyle. Coke would be the likely thing to take.
Also, she probably got tired of all the jokes about her lack of combat ability in SR2 and grew a pair (of steel ovaries) between games.
In addition, survivor's guilt over Johnny. It does weird things to people.
That said... Um, yeah... She's still the Gang Bicycle who is relying upon Ex after Ex, and... Well, play the game and find out.
Seriously Mike
Dec 18 2011, 02:48 PM
So, here I was, playing "http://deckers.die/" in Saints Row The Third, when, just in the middle of kicking Matt Miller's dumb limey ass, my computer decided to kick the fucking bucket for good.
(the one that isn't Positron, while we're at it)
Dec 18 2011, 04:04 PM
Wow, the game hacked your computer! SWEET! They really are Deckers!!!
Seriously Mike
Dec 18 2011, 06:05 PM
No, it's just that my PSU is a few watts short of what the video card demands. And it's old. Luckily I just puked out almost $100 on a new one.
Dec 18 2011, 07:55 PM
So the game was able to hack your Hardware, NICE!
Seriously Mike
Dec 19 2011, 07:54 AM
I never expected it to do such a thing. I played up to this point without problems, thinking that the game wasn't as taxing as, let's say, Batman:AC, and suddenly, among all those blinkenlights, BOOM.
Dec 19 2011, 06:52 PM
Yep, they crashed your system good, didn't they?
Dec 20 2011, 09:16 AM
QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Dec 18 2011, 10:05 AM)

No, it's just that my PSU is a few watts short of what the video card demands. And it's old. Luckily I just puked out almost $100 on a new one.
This is the reason I buy good PSUs from reputable companies.
Learned that lesson myself the hard way.
Seriously Mike
Dec 20 2011, 01:34 PM
QUOTE (Faraday @ Dec 20 2011, 10:16 AM)

This is the reason I buy good PSUs from reputable companies.
Learned that lesson myself the hard way.
That's why I spent $100 instead of $60. But the fact is I have a 500W PSU that was enough for GeForce 9800, but GTX560 requires at least 550W. Once some serious graphics processing starts, my computer is prone to sudden shutdowns.
Jan 18 2012, 01:32 AM
Just got the Genkibowl DLC...
There are now rumors that JOHNNY IS ALIVE! Or that his death is in doubt. Could that be due to his Zombie, or is something else going on???
Seriously Mike
Jan 18 2012, 08:27 AM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jan 18 2012, 02:32 AM)

Just got the Genkibowl DLC...
There are now rumors that JOHNNY IS ALIVE! Or that his death is in doubt. Could that be due to his Zombie, or is something else going on???
"The Trouble With Clones"?
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