QUOTE (Sengir @ Jan 9 2012, 03:51 PM)

Well, how dark and lawless the 6th World is has always fluctuated. In my mental image you basically have three varieties of underclass:
- The wageslaves. As long as they remain faithful to Mother Corp, they get housing, healthcare and subsidzed shopping from their employer...nothing fancy but better than under the bridge. Basically what Bismarck, Ford, or Krupp did with their welfare programs, keep the hoi polloi happy lest they get any ideas about acting up.
- The SINners who are not corp citizens. It's a miserable existence of lowly jobs and living somewhere between cheap flats and homelessness, but at least they exist, can legally work if they find something, and generally keep a hope for a better life. Also some level of state welfare for the same reasons as above, just that nation states have nowhere near the budget of corps.
- The SINless. Just insert the standard cliche of an African slum here...
Being a wageslave is a pretty sweet deal as long as you're okay with having most aspects of your life tightly controlled, especially including the information you have access to. Pretty much all your needs are provided for, and you live well, but you're unlikely to get rich unless you're one of the sharks at heart.
Being a non-wageslave SINner is definitely tougher, but I'd put it closer to, say, lower middle class to poverty level in the United States today, but probably with better access to medical care. More jobs every year are being lost to drone automation, but with a smaller population than we have today, the competition for the jobs that are there is slightly less intense. That, and the UCAS has a functioning welfare system, so you're not TOO likely to fall all the way through any cracks.
Being SINless is not a good thing and should be avoided by any means necessary (including extreme means; the threat of being rendered SINless will drive otherwise law-abiding SINners to incredible crimes of desperation like little else will).