QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jan 27 2012, 12:16 PM)
Oh, that's a great point. When I read your post, I didn't even notice the Matrix damage aspect.
That indeed is the clearest differentiation of 'mental damage'. I guess that goes back to previous editions, where matrix damage actually *was* based on your gear? You're right that the biofeedback aspect probably never made sense to *not* be stun.
I know that in previous editions there was White IC (hurts the programs), Gray IC (hurts the hardware), and Black IC (hurts
But I don't recall the
mechanics. Also, I only ever played 3E, and only once or twice.
If we
really wanted to, we could subsume the hacker's other tracks during the hack. Physical damage is damage to the rigger's body. Stun is damage to the rigger's hardware. Stress damage is still stress.
[Warning, hypothetical]
What would happen is that if the rigger's stun track fills, his hardware is fried, has to repair it (takes dumpshock: erase stun track and fill in new stun). Cost of repairs is some value and takes some amount of time (not getting specific here, as this is just hypothetical).
When the rigger's physical track fills, he falls unconscious. Erase any stun (trivial damage to the hardware; burn fuses, nothing critical, and can be ignored), move physical track/overflow into the stun track/overflow to physical. Take dumpshock.
When the rigger's stress track fills he performs a panic-logout and has to spend a few minutes shaking it off. Physical damage moves to stun (hardware "stun" is ignored, see above), and the hacker starts making mental healing tests (undefined, hypothetical dice pool) until his stress track is reduced enough that the hacker decides to make another attempt.
You've been awake for 30 days? Come on. :/
Did I not specify a unit?
Apparently not.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jan 27 2012, 12:26 PM)
Hmm. So there's lethal wounds (Phys), nonlethal wounds (maybe misnamed 'Stun'), systemic damage (some diseases, drugs, and toxins), damage to *programs* (Matrix), mental (dumpshock, Black IC, Drain, drugs). And there are 3 damage tracks: Physical, Stun, and Matrix. Right? I'm just trying to remember everything we're working with here.
I'm deliberately leaving out emotional stuff, that's for Eclipse Phase.
That's why I called it "emotio-chemcial." Emotions are just chemical and electrical impulses in the brain (which can be upset/tweaked by a chemical imbalanced, e.g. Happy Pills). *Way to clinical about this*
But ostensibly you are correct. I just wouldn't use all *five* at the same time. No more than three. I'd merge metal damage in with systemic damage, as they overlap heavily (drugs) and drop Matrix damage entirely.