QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Jan 24 2012, 08:25 PM)
Loopholes ALWAYS exist. You will never eliminate all of them. I am not actually BLIND to them, I just do not care about them, and do not allow them if I GM. That is a Very Different thing entirely. And it IS about exploiting Loopholes, ask any of the longtime members of Dumpshock who tweak Characters often. Ask Neraph, he'll tell you. Hell, he is the King of Exploiting the loophole (No Offense Neraph). Otherwise we would rarely, if ever, have these conversations. How many times do you see that very advice here on Dumpshock? "Hey, here is a Loophole, exploit it so that you can be better, because that is what everyone else does."
I see it all the time here, and I am sure that you do too.
While I agree with you regarding loopholes and metagaming, this particular question DOES become a game play issue even if you ignore the active loophole exploits.
For one, there will be in-game reasons for people to want to stay fighting: say you're up against feral ghouls - you know you're dead if you drop, and if you have observed that you can take a lot more damage if every other attack penetrate your armor, you will want some attacks to go through so you can stay on your feet long enough to kill them. That would be a very valid in-game view, caused by following the rules-gap from an in-game-consistent point of view.
But, even more ridiculous:
You have armor 8, and the attacker does 6P.
You've taken 8 boxes of stun and no physical, and he shoots at you. If he rolls enough net successes to up the damage beyond your armor value, you're almost certain to stay standing for a counterattack. If, however, he only gets one net success, you're quite likely to drop from the damage.
It's the same bullet from the same gun, but you're more likely to stay on your feet if the attacker rolls more successes and the bullet actually penetrates into your body, than you are if the armor stops the bullet.
Or - even worse: if the guy shoots a burst at you, he's LESS likely to drop you than if he shoots a single bullet, assuming an equally good hit with the burst.
This is illogical even from an in-game point of view.
If someone hit Mr. Security Guard with a taser, and he's getting up again, you're less likely to knock him out if you make a called shot for more damage, or to circumvent armor, than you are if you use two guns and divide your dice between him and someone else.
Say you are being shot at, and you have Body and Willpower scores of 4. Both damage codes go over your armor. One guy has gel rounds and the other has normal rounds, and you take 3 boxes of damage on each hit.
If they alternate, you won't drop until after being hit a total of 7 times. If they both were using gel rounds, you'd drop on the fourth shot. If all you want is to make the other guy stop shooting at you, one gel round bullet is equal to three normal rounds in this case.
Any time you can expect better results using fewer dice, or fewer bullets, or rolling fewer successes, it is a clear sign that something is off...