QUOTE (ravensmuse @ Feb 2 2012, 01:29 PM)

On the subject at hand, regarding females and augmentation and transfolk and such:
Your genitals, whether or not you realize it, is part of your gender identity. I don't mean your physical sex; I mean the part of your brain that says, "I am X." Talk to a transfolk at some point about how they feel in their bodies, especially if they're pre-op; you'll get all sorts of interesting discussion. I've known some FtMs that bind their breasts down, or MtF that wear chicken cutlets and crotch shapers.
Outside of pure, raw, physical numbers, augmentation, whether cyber or not, is a Big Deal Decision. A character might not think about lopping off their genitals and replacing them with cold hard steel, but I can imagine that there are just as many that it would be a lot of thinking and debating. It ends up becoming part of their gender identity, honestly like any other augmentation, I realize, but there is something special mentally about getting your genitals augmented.
I will again come out with my position that the cosmetic surgery, augmentation, and trans discussion in Augmentation was a welcome thing, and I honestly salute whoever wrote that section. I'm not trans myself (but as Tehana noted, we have friends and close family members that are) and it's good to see something in this hobby that's inclusive, not exclusive.
Yeah, I agree with you on most of that. However; invasive augmentations in general is not something that joe average will just do on the spur of the moment. Having your arms voluntarily cut off, putting a computer in your brain, ripping your face out and replacing it with a modular jigsaw-face, replacing your skin with dermal sheathing...all of those are extreme modifications that can lead us to question our identity. Shadowrun itself is a game of extremes; it deals with murder, kidnapping, human sacrifice, trafficing, lethal drugs, using children as drug-mules (european version of Ghost Cartels), turning people into mind controlled sex-puppets, mass-murder, racism, attempted genocide...it's all there. Replacing one's genitals for whatever reason - whether thought-through or in desperation; to make it easier to escape the law or play the 'sex' card in negotiation; or even being forced to in order to be competitive, is in my opinion a fairly small thing to discuss compared to the other general concepts of the game.
Even today, we have significant numbers of people of all genders willing to get implants, modifications, decorations, etc applied to their genitals. It's becoming more and more common, and with the supposed greater acceptance of non-standard sexual practices present in SR it will likely grow even more common. Neither I, nor most of the people I know (men, women and transgendered alike), think discussing the darker sides of sex is in any way worse than discussing the darker sides of crime and violence. I am aware, however, that most sexual issues are more taboo in american culture than issues of violence.
Then again, not only am I european--I am swedish...
One final note - as I book it out the door to work - the folks saying that men have it just as hard as women for discrimination blah blah blah? Men aren't the ones that are getting begged online for pictures of their breasts, or coerced into taking naked cell phone pictures for their SOs, or feel uncomfortable going to conventions because of the creepy attention they get, or basically, being the constant center of attention for men. Yeah, women joke about men's penis size - but guys are the ones that are eager to get a woman's clothes off and rate them against whatever fantasy they have in their heads. I'm not saying it's exclusive to them, but you really do need to think about these things.
I wouldn't say 'just as hard', as there are many factors to consider. Women certainly face discrimination on a more frequent basis - especially with the advent of the internet--people do horrible things under the guise of anonymity. That said, I have personally been subjected to everything from derogatory sexual remarks, off-hand sexual offers, groping, discrimination based on gender as well as genitals and sexual performance, coercion attempts to acquire nude pictures, coercion attempts for sexual acts, sexual blackmail, physical abuse, and even what would be legally constitued as rape - all by women, and in several cases
groups of women. I have several male friends with similar experiences. Men very rarely talk about things like that, however. Partly because of fear of ridicule from other men, partly because many official instances operate under the same stereotypes that plague society in general, and partly because of fear of losing respect and masculinity in the eyes of women.
Yes, men in general do that sort of thing more than women in general - but it happens to men a lot more often than most people think, and when it does, the male victims are more likely to be disbelieved and ridiculed for it. Also, to the best of my knowledge, it is more common for women to ridicule/discriminate against men once they are in bed together, compared to men doing that to women.
But hey, men always want sex with any woman they can get, and can't be victims, right?