Apr 11 2004, 04:46 PM
OK, so i was musing to myself earlier today. I said, "Self, why on earth didn't you get a little ambidexterity at character creation?" Then it occurred to me that i could learn off-hand weapons and all would not be lost. Then it FURTHER occurred to me that maybe the Adept's Handybook (not CANON, i know, but handy all the same) had something about ambidexterity as an adept power. No dice. So i was forced to muse to myself again. "Self, how would this work? What would be fair?"
So myself decided to get some feedback. What does Dumpshock think?
Also, ambidexterity and off-hand weapons rules would be helpful.
Apr 11 2004, 04:59 PM
Hmmm...I personally think it's workable.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 11 2004, 05:11 PM
Improved Coordination
Cost: 0.25 points per leve, max of 4 levels
Each level of Enhanced Coordination is equivalent to one level of the Ambidexterity edge.
Yes, this does make it cheaper for an adept to acquire the abilities of the edge, but that's how it should be in my opinion. This is something specifically within the focus of even the original "physical" adept concept, and one level of the power is roughly equivalent to a single Improved Sense (several of which are also far more expensive for a non-adept to acquire).
Apr 11 2004, 05:17 PM
I was thinking along the same lines but didn't want to say anything to avoid any min/maxing, munchkinism accusations. Anybody else have a take on this?
Apr 11 2004, 06:09 PM
I'd go with something like ACL's interpretation, but I'd make it .5/level.
[rationalization] At 2 pts per level, the edge is roughly equivalent to a stat point per level. As stat points are .5/level for adepts, .5/level seems somewhat more balanced. [/rationalization]
Apr 11 2004, 06:21 PM
The power makes complete conceptual sense -- however, given the flaming debate over paired weapons and game balance, I'd run it past your GM to be sure.
Apr 11 2004, 06:31 PM
I don't use firearms anyway, so it won't be too bad.
My GM frequents this site so we'll all get to see him tell me to go f*** off together.
Apr 12 2004, 02:27 AM
well you can get high pain tolerance at .25 (or is it .5?) per level which is equal to a 2 point edge. so why not .25 per level all the way up to level 8? 2 pp for complete ambidexterity ain't unbalancing at all.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 12 2004, 02:32 AM
High Pain Tolerance is a 2-point edge with an Adept Power Point cost of 0.5 for its equivalence. On the other hand, Low Light Vision is also a 2-point edge that only costs 0.25 Power Points. On yet another hand, Bonus Attribute Point is equivalent to as much as 1.00 Power Points. So using any of those as a basis for determining the cost is pretty much futile since it runs the gamut.
A full Power Point for the ability to weild two firearms without a penalty (yet still suffering the no-targeting devices limitation amongst others) or use melee weapons effectively is hardly overbalanced.
Apr 12 2004, 04:30 AM
I was thinking of ambidexterity as a physical skill, not unlike stealth or athletics. Since stealth and athletics cost .25pp to improve, it was my reasoning that ambidexterity should cost .25pp/level as well.
But that's just me.
Apr 12 2004, 04:40 AM
The melee benefit is significant enough for it to cost .5 per level, IMO. Getting this at level 3 (1.5 Power Points) provides three extra dice when you have skill 6 and two weapons, identical in cost and bonus dice to three levels of improved ability. If the adept has a higher skill than 6 and/or already has some improved ability, then the bonus is even greater and this becomes quite an efficient use of points.
And that's only limited to the two-weapon melee scenario. There are plenty of other benefits to ambidexterity which make it worthwhile.
Apr 12 2004, 04:53 AM
I to think this makes perfect sense as an adept power. one of the few suggestions I have heard in a long time that make sense.
As far as to cost I would say .5 per level. It is pretty powerful. I don't think you can go vary far comparing power point cost edge cost, I think they compare more to the cost of cyberware as far as game balance gos.
Apr 12 2004, 07:02 AM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
High Pain Tolerance is a 2-point edge with an Adept Power Point cost of 0.5 for its equivalence. |
Actually High pain tolerance is stun
OR physical at 2pt per lvl. Where as Pain resistane is both at .5 per lvl.
But although the idea is sound at .5 per lvl i thinkit's a bit cheap. Perhaps an incremental cost increase like killing hands?
because lvl 1 Ambidex is next to useless ( More so then killing hands light)
lvl 2, moderaterly usefull
lvl 3, all you really need if your to be a hth monster (reread the rules if you need to

)(Just like Killing hands serious)
lvl 4, Over the top and unneeded but it's there if ya wanting it (just like killing hands deadly)
Apr 12 2004, 08:18 AM
that sounds like a good idea. maybe 1/2 the cost of KH? .25/.5/1/2?
Capt. Dave
Apr 12 2004, 08:53 AM
QUOTE (Smiley) |
My GM frequents this site so we'll all get to see him tell me to go f*** off together. |
Go f*** off.
But seriously, I like Shockwave's "stepped cost" idea, and the costs mfb suggests are pretty reasonable.
Apr 12 2004, 08:59 AM
Personally, I'd suggest something along the lines of 0.2/0.5/1.5/2.0 or, alternatively, 0.2/0.5/1.2/1.5, if you'd like it to be cheaper than 2 points for full ambidexterity. Personally, seem paying a full third of one's starting magic points for ambidexterity is a bit much, but I'm als unfamiliar with magic and even less familiar with adepts. Any opinions?
Apr 12 2004, 09:56 AM
Well: power point costs don't tend to come less than 0.25, Arethusa, but the numbers suggested by mfb seem fair.
If you needed to mix it with the ambidexterous edge itself then you could simply buy the power point difference IE: buying 3 to 4 costs 1 power point, regardless of wether the first 3 levels are edge-bought or power-point bought.
Apr 12 2004, 10:19 AM
consider that, in order buy level 4 ambidexterity, you have to pay 8 character creation points. that's a lot. that's more than the maximum you can invest in a skill (assuming a linked attribute of 6). that's enough to buy you an above-average stat. 2pp for the same benefit? that's cheap. that's a sweet deal, or my name's not Heywood Jablowme.
Apr 12 2004, 12:13 PM
Why not just pay the karma cost of the edge?
10x BP cost
Well I know it's more expensive than to initiate with the point cost supplied in this tread, but well tought luck

it's allready posible for you to get ambidex with canon (optional) rules.....
Apr 12 2004, 01:19 PM
On second thought, maybe i'll just get off-hand weapons.
Apr 12 2004, 02:15 PM
Ok maybe im seeing ambidex to be a little more deadly then some of you, but i was thinking it costing the same as killing hands (.5,1,2,4)
Because assuming a skill of 6, a starting character can roll 18 in a weapons attack without combat pool, and im wanting a character to pay for that ability wether it be a 6 point edge or a third of your magic. Note also the cost could end up being (.5,.75,1.5,3) by taking the geas "melee weapons only"
Apr 12 2004, 02:23 PM
The off-hand weapons skill is good, but I don't think any Improved (Main-hand Weapon skill) dice would carry-over to it.
I'm If you're a 6 skill/6 improved skill monkey (as I suspect you are, no offence meant) then to buy the off-hand skill to 6+6 dice will cost you more, even if you compare it to the 60 karma to buy the edge, plus you can't use it to fire two firearms at once effectively.
Apr 12 2004, 02:32 PM
QUOTE (Lilt) |
The off-hand weapons skill is good, but I don't think any Improved (Main-hand Weapon skill) dice would carry-over to it. |
I was refering to hth, 2 pistols shooting isn't worth it unless you house rule it and since thats a totally different point, i shall assume canon rules only.
But in hth you get to add half you improved weapon ability when using a weapon in your off hand
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 12 2004, 02:38 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
consider that, in order buy level 4 ambidexterity, you have to pay 8 character creation points. that's a lot. that's more than the maximum you can invest in a skill (assuming a linked attribute of 6). that's enough to buy you an above-average stat. 2pp for the same benefit? that's cheap. that's a sweet deal, or my name's not Heywood Jablowme. |
Two power points can get you +4 Attribute points or even +8 Skill points (in Athletics or Stealth, both of which are on the same level as Ambidexterity for an adept). So I don't see where the bargain is.
Apr 12 2004, 03:45 PM
@Shockwave_IIc: I was replying to smiley's post, yours just snuck in there first.
I'll talk for a bit anyway:
On 2-pistol shooting:
How exactly is 2 pistol shooting not worth it? It's even more worth it to adepts than it is to sammies as adepts get their improved ability with both hands (2*12 dice shots before combat pool? Yowch). I see no need for house-rules there.
On 2-melee weapons:
Edged weapons is a separate skill from Off-Hand Edged weapons. I am talking about a character that does not have ambidexterity and is using the off-hand weapons skill instead. Unless the GM ruled that Improved Edged Weapons: 6 also gave you Improved Off-Hand Edged Weapons: 6 then the char with the off-hand weapons skill is still a bit lacking.
On the killing hands price equivalence:
The fact that a character can roll 18 dice before combat pool is noted, but I see no real reason to make the costs escalate exponentially. The very last point dosen't give that tremeandous a bonus when compared to the 1st and 2nd levels. Also: If it is available as a straight 2bp/level, then why should the costs increase exponentially for the adept? I could agree in a step in the costs between levels 2 and 3 (due to the enhanced ability to use normal weapons skills for the off-hand) but otherwise strongly doubt the gap between levels 3 and 4 would really be worth 2 power points.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 12 2004, 04:01 PM
I'm still of my original mindset on this one.
Ambidexterity is an ability that should be nearly inherent in any adept that chose to go that route. It's the very core concept of what even the original physical adept was; a master of his body. Ambidexterity should be more difficult for characters
other than adepts to acquire, and that would be reflected in it being a 2-point/level edge vs. a 0.25 Power Point power.
At 0.5 Power Points, it puts it at the exact same relative level as a non-adept, along the same lines as Pain Resistance/High Pain Tolerance (2 points/level vs. 0.5 points/level). Making it equal to that is the highest it should go, and I firmly believe it should actually be easier than that.
Yes, a player can munch it to high heaven if they really wanted to by throwing 18 dice. Big fucking whoop; he'd still be throwing 12 before Combat Pool without the power, and at that point it already doesn't really matter unless he's up against a similiar-powered adept in the first place. That same player can abuse any other rules in the game, too.
On a side note, I find it interesting how people tend to argue the higher end of things when it suits their purposes, but prefer to go with "average" characters every other time. In this case, your "average" adept will only have a Melee Combat Skill of 3 and would only gain a single extra die in a fight. But no one wants to hear that.

But to get back on track, in ranged combat Ambidexterity isn't really powerful at all. At
best he's applying a +0/+0 modifier to his tests whereas the sammy with a Smartlink-2 is getting his choice of a Called Shot at the same target number for +1 Damage Level or a -2 TN modifier in its place. Hardly worth even a full power point considering it's basically self-balancing (unless
you break the balance by creating a house rule to allow smartlinks to work with it). The only benefit is that the adept is getting twice as many shots off, albeit at a higher target number (and thus less successes, and thus less Damage Level staging than he would otherwise). If he tries to go with multiple targets, the number just keeps going up and up.
Enhanced Coordination. 0.25/level. It's been working in our home games since not long after
Cannon Companion was released, and there hasn't been a single "balance" problem with it. It's nice and gives an adept with the power the ability to hold his own against someone with the natural-born edge, while giving him style otherwise.
Apr 12 2004, 04:49 PM
I have used .5/level in the past.
It is rather powerful, so I think it would become too popular if it were cheaper than that (I could be wrong), but this seems to me like it is exactly the sort of thing that PhysAds do.
Apr 12 2004, 04:59 PM
QUOTE (Lilt @ Apr 12 2004, 03:45 PM) |
On 2-melee weapons: Edged weapons is a separate skill from Off-Hand Edged weapons. I am talking about a character that does not have ambidexterity and is using the off-hand weapons skill instead. Unless the GM ruled that Improved Edged Weapons: 6 also gave you Improved Off-Hand Edged Weapons: 6 then the char with the off-hand weapons skill is still a bit lacking. |
Granted off hand weapon type is only used by some one without ambidex but the difference between someone with edgeweapons 6, ambidex 6 (12bp's at character gen) and edge weapons 6 off hand 6 (also 12 bp's at character gen) is nil in the amount of dice you roll, untill you bring in adepts with improved ability.
yes your right about paying 4 Mp's for lvl 4 ambidex isn't worth it, but then neither is killing hands at deadly (but more effective to spend those 2 Mp's on improved <insert skill choice here>)
@ Clockwork lime, High pain tolerance is not pain resistance. so you can't compare them.
[EDIT] sorry not really relevent. but hey ho.
Apr 12 2004, 05:05 PM
"Average" is highly relative. Given the dearth of skill points, if a character doesn't plan on utilizing unarmed combat extensively, odds are (s)he won't burn points for a minimum skill that may (or may not) prove particularly useful.
Apr 12 2004, 05:23 PM
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc) |
QUOTE (Lilt @ Apr 12 2004, 03:45 PM) | On 2-melee weapons: Edged weapons is a separate skill from Off-Hand Edged weapons. I am talking about a character that does not have ambidexterity and is using the off-hand weapons skill instead. Unless the GM ruled that Improved Edged Weapons: 6 also gave you Improved Off-Hand Edged Weapons: 6 then the char with the off-hand weapons skill is still a bit lacking. |
Granted off hand weapon type is only used by some one without ambidex but the difference between someone with edgeweapons 6, ambidex 6 (12bp's at character gen) and edge weapons 6 off hand 6 (also 12 bp's at character gen) is nil in the amount of dice you roll, untill you bring in adepts with improved ability.
... or you consider the fact that a guy with ambidex 6 can also fire 2 guns simultaniously at a much-reduced penalty.
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc) |
yes your right about paying 4 Mp's for lvl 4 ambidex isn't worth it, but then neither is killing hands at deadly (but more effective to spend those 2 Mp's on improved <insert skill choice here>) |
Killing hands deadly has a fairly significant effect, it's even quite close to 4 ranks in improved ability. 4 ranks in improved ability net 2 successes, 2 successes stage the damage level up one. They're roughly equivalent unless you're going-up against another adept, and even then it can be a worthwhile bonus (considering that there is a limit on improved ability ranks to magic/original skill level).
Then we have 2 power points for -1TN on half of your ranged attacks. Is it really worth +4 dice (on all ranged attacks) from improved ability (or a similar bonus)?
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 12 2004, 05:30 PM
Uhm, High Pain Tolerance *is* effectively the non-magical form of natural Pain Resistance. Read the description.
Apr 12 2004, 05:35 PM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
On a side note, I find it interesting how people tend to argue the higher end of things when it suits their purposes, but prefer to go with "average" characters every other time. In this case, your "average" adept will only have a Melee Combat Skill of 3 and would only gain a single extra die in a fight. But no one wants to hear that. |
You're right, I certainly don't want to hear about an adept using his points foolishly. The guy with Throwing 2 could take Missile Mastery, the guy who uses nothing but swords might take Silent Delay Damage and have to default every time he uses it. These are all crappy ways to use points, but they're not reasons why Missile Mastery or Delay Damage are overpriced.
When used properly, they do their job well.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 12 2004, 05:42 PM
Which is my point in other conversations. Everyone always assumes "average" characters when it suits their point regardless of how inane it is, but prefer to go with maxed-out munchkins at other times. Standard operating procedures.
An adept with Improved Ability: Melee Weapon 6 is already unbeatable by just about anyone other than another adept. There's not much of a difference between 12 dice as there is 18 dice before combat pool in those situations... at least no more than there is between 6 and 9 or 4 and 2 or 2 and 1. It's still only +50% more.
I mean, why stop at 18? Assume a 6th Grade Initiate with Edged Weapons 12(24), Pentjack Silat 4 (Multi-Strike and Multi-Strike: Edged Weapons), and a pair of Dikoted Katana Weapon Foci 12 and etc, too. This sucker's hurling 54 dice and only suffering a +1 target number modifier everytime he throws another 54 dice at additional targets as part of the same Complex Action. It just keeps going and going.
The problem isn't with the power cost of such a power, it's with Ambidexterity itself. An adept can get it one way or the other, but in my (obvious) opinion, I think it should be easier for them to do it via magic than having to develop it naturally -- that's the point in somantic magic. At 0.25 points per level, that's what it is. At 0.5 points per level, there's basically no difference between them aside from flipping a coin to see if you want to spend Build Points or Power Points on 'em. Anything higher than that is pretty much asinine unless you also adjust the cost for Ambidexterity as an edge.
Apr 12 2004, 06:27 PM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime @ Apr 12 2004, 09:38 AM) |
Two power points can get you +4 Attribute points or even +8 Skill points (in Athletics or Stealth, both of which are on the same level as Ambidexterity for an adept). So I don't see where the bargain is. |
Exactly my thinking. Also, just for clarification, I don't use firearms at all. This would be strictly hand-to-hand.
Apr 12 2004, 06:54 PM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
Uhm, High Pain Tolerance *is* effectively the non-magical form of natural Pain Resistance. Read the description.  |
QUOTE (SComp pg 20) |
High pain Tolerance enables a character to resist the effects of damage to a limited degree. For every two points, the character can resist the effects of one box of physical OR mental damage, starting at light and moving up |
QUOTE (SR3 pg170) |
snip... Pain resistance works equally on both the Physical and stun conditin monitors |
So no it *is* not the same. But you do get the Tn reductions to resist torture and such
Apr 12 2004, 06:57 PM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
An adept with Improved Ability: Melee Weapon 6 is already unbeatable by just about anyone other than another adept. There's not much of a difference between 12 dice as there is 18 dice before combat pool in those situations... |
The 6 extra dice of the ambitwinkerous adept, however, can provide 3 (assuming no modifiers) extra successes for staging which could stage the damage up an extra level or increase the power by 1-2, enough to alter the final damage level a fair bit. not to mention the fact that the ambitwinkerous adept will probably beat the non-ambitwinkerous adept in melee, which is a considerable bonus compared to the 50/50 chance of beating them if you are a normal 12+CP adept.
QUOTE (Smiley) |
Exactly my thinking. Also, just for clarification, I don't use firearms at all. This would be strictly hand-to-hand. |
Heh. In that case my advice would be to buy a ranged combat skill first

Apr 12 2004, 07:00 PM
Duly noted. However, that's what the gunbunnies are for. I'm more of a sneaky git. Up close and personal, if you will.
Apr 12 2004, 07:01 PM
Wait... ambitwinkerous?
Apr 12 2004, 07:12 PM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
Which is my point in other conversations. Everyone always assumes "average" characters when it suits their point regardless of how inane it is, but prefer to go with maxed-out munchkins at other times. Standard operating procedures. |
There are times when considering an average person makes sense and other times when it makes sense to consider something more extreme. There is logic to it, although I don't know what specific conversations you're talking about so I can't say if they incorporated that logic. It's not always whimsy, though.
At 0.5 points per level, there's basically no difference between them aside from flipping a coin to see if you want to spend Build Points or Power Points on 'em. |
If you didn't start with it you're shelling out 2 power points or.... 80 karma. Maybe you're forced to use priority or sum-to-ten and 8 edge points is more than you can afford. Maybe you don't even get to use edges or flaws at all. Maybe your character simply wasn't born ambidextrous as a matter of background.
Making them cost about the same gives the adept more options without giving him a definite point-efficiency bonus. IMO they don't need bonuses, but additional options are always a good thing.
Also, unrelated to all this, has anyone considered what happens to off-hand skills when this adept-ambidexterity is upgraded to level 3 or greater? Should they disappear? What about in the case of an off-hand skill without an accompanying primary skill? (i.e. someone who uses, say, a sword and sai, having only off-hand clubs[sai] without the primary clubs skill)
Apr 12 2004, 07:16 PM
Well, if they only had the off hand version, that's easy, just remove the words "off-hand" and they're good to go, at whatever rating they have it.
It's when they have edged weapons and off-hand edged weapons that it gets tricky.
I say give them a +1 to their skill and be damn grateful!
Honestly, I'm not exactly sure how I'd want to handle that.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 12 2004, 07:28 PM
Shockwave: I stand corrected! I had never noticed the "or" in there before. Thanks. Unfortunately, it just goes to prove my value for the power that much more rather than not. If Pain Resistance 1 takes up the equivalence of 4 build points (High Pain Tolerance 2), that means 1 Build Point is equivalent to 0.125 Power Points. I doubt if anyone can argue that High Pain Tolerance and Pain Resistance aren't worthy of being a good base to work off of, either.
So in that case, the 0.25 Points/Level works out exactly the same. You need High Pain Tolerance 4 (8 build points) to equal a single Power Point in Pain Resistance 2, so those same 8 build points that Ambidexterity 4 equates to just a single Power Point.
Sadly, about the only other power that can be used as a direct reference to an adept power (Night Version vs. Improved Sense: Low-Light Vision) is also a 2-point Edge... and a 0.25 Point adept power.
As far as Off-Hand Skills go, they're already largely a "waste" mechanically. The only time they're worthwhile is if you never plan to raise either of your Melee Skills or Off-Hand Melee Skills beyond 5. Ever. Otherwise, Ambidexterity 3 trumps it in all cases.
Apr 12 2004, 07:30 PM
QUOTE (Smiley) |
Exactly my thinking. Also, just for clarification, I don't use firearms at all. This would be strictly hand-to-hand. |
I have an adept in my group with the 8 point edge ambidex and she does use firearms, but it really doesnt add that much to the situation. Firing a pistol in SA mode is a Simple action, you only get two of them a round. I know that some people will say that you can fire 2 from each gun...The only real advantage i can see is that she has to reload less frequently than everyone else....
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 12 2004, 07:37 PM
Firing twice per gun isn't an interpretation -- that's the entire point of the penalty Ambidexterity reduces.
Herald of Verjigorm
Apr 12 2004, 07:53 PM
QUOTE (Smiley) |
Wait... ambitwinkerous? |
Whenever complaining that some option is "unbalanced" it is common usage to fit a synonym for "munchkin" into the word. Usually twink. Such as: enhanced artwinkulation, munchtastic enhancer, ambitwinkerous, and more. Those are the only ones I remember right now.
Apr 12 2004, 08:02 PM
ACL: You're doing almost exactly what you were complaining about earlier, selecting specific examples that suit you. As it happens: High Pain Tolerance isn't exactly equivalent to 1/2 of a level of pain resistance due to the fact that high pain tolerance 2 can resist 2 boxes on a single condition monitor.
Night Vision is reasonably equivalent, but it only costs 1 point for some characters. There is also a fair case that enhanced senses is somewhat extreme for a natural enhancement, thus more expencive. IE: how many people do you know who can walk-around in coimplete darkness with vision equivalent to that provided by low-light goggles? I'd suggest that low-light vision is somewhat more in-tune with the physical adept abilities than natural variation, thus cheaper.
These two examples go against the skill-point and attribute point comparissons, both showing that 2 build points equate roughly to 0.5pp. We could also go into how combat skills equate 1bp to 0.5pp and, as the rules for ambidexterity are largely combat-skill oriented, why should that conversion rate not be the one used?
I personally find 0.5pp/level to be balanced and fair. It is still a useful expenditure as skill 6 gets 3 extra dice for 1.5pp (more if they buy improved ability too), while 3 extra dice for 0.75pp (again, more if they have improved ability) makes it a cheaper way to obtain similar, superior if you also consider the ranged combat implications, benefits to the established power of improved ability (which by some people's definitions makes it broken).
Apr 12 2004, 08:07 PM
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm) |
QUOTE (Smiley @ Apr 12 2004, 02:01 PM) | Wait... ambitwinkerous? |
Whenever complaining that some option is "unbalanced" it is common usage to fit a synonym for "munchkin" into the word. Usually twink. Such as: enhanced artwinkulation, munchtastic enhancer, ambitwinkerous, and more. Those are the only ones I remember right now.
Yes, I thought I made Ambitwinkerous up right then but I suppose it may have been used before. It's more used to describe standard munchkinning practices AFAIK. I'm surprised there's not one for the Trauma Damper Mage or the Skillwires+Chipjack Expert Driver bunnies that were common before the errata for the CED.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 12 2004, 08:19 PM
Yeah, I know. I've never been accused of not being a hypocrite. I was just pointing it out, is all.

In any case, Edges and Build Points are two different things entirely. Since we're talking about a power that's based on an Edge, we should stick to using Edges as the basis of how to determine a cost. Edges, even though they do cost Build Points, do things that Build Points can't do on their own. Things like giving you an extra Attribute Point (which costs 2 Build Points) to raise a single Attribute above your Racial Modified Limit, yet it only costs 2 Build Points despite doing the same thing plus more. Improved Physical Attribute is far closer to that than a basic Attribute Point, too... especially since its costs varies depending on whether or not you're at your RML or not.
Yes, you can do things like High Pain Tolerance that you can't do with Pain Resistance. But that just proves that High Pain Tolerance is capable of doing more than the same investment in Pain Tolerance... thus those 2 Build Points you just spent give you more options than a 0.5 Power Point adept power. Just like Bonus Attribute Point vs. a standard Attribute Point.
So sticking with Edges as the comparison to adept powers, two of the standard Edges that come close to comparing on an equal level
are High Pain Tolerance and Night Vision. Sure, Night Vision is cheaper if you're a rigger or decker (a strange distinction to make since you could always snag a VCR or Cyberdeck and not be a rigger or a decker), but for most characters -- and more specifically, just about every adept -- it's a 2-point Edge.
High Pain Tolerance 2 (4-point Edge) is equivalent to the 0.5 Power Point adept power of Pain Resistance 1. Night Vision (2-point Edge) is equivalent to the 0.25 Power Point adept power of Improved Sense. Resistance to Pathogens + Resistance to Toxins (two 1-point Edges) is equal to the 0.25 Power Point adept power of Body Control 1.
All of those examples suggest that 0.25 Power Points is
roughly equivalent to 2 Edge points. There's no real reason in my mind that Ambidexterity should be more difficult for an adept to develop than any of those other powers, especially since it fits their theme even better than Night Vision does.
And again, I'm talking from personal experience with this power. It's never, ever been a problem. The only time it would be a problem is if a player designed some uber-killing machine, and in those cases, that's the problem itself -- not the power.
Apr 12 2004, 08:37 PM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
High Pain Tolerance 2 (4-point Edge) is equivalent to the 0.5 Power Point adept power of Pain Resistance 1. Night Vision (2-point Edge) is equivalent to the 0.25 Power Point adept power of Improved Sense. Resistance to Pathogens + Resistance to Toxins (two 1-point Edges) is equal to the 0.25 Power Point adept power of Body Control 1. |
High Pain Tolerance 2 is not equivalent to Pain Resistance 1. It is more versatile which presumably would give it a higher point value implying that 2bp>0.25pp. The Night Vision edge is also cheaper (1bp) for some characters, putting into doubt wether or not it's truly worth 2bp.
Also: When trying to create an adept power, is it not sensible to compare it to other adept powers? As I said before: 0.25/level allows +3 dice for half the price of another power that gives 3 dice, imbalancing it before you even consider the fact that ambidexterity gives bonuses to dual-firearm combat and gives even larger bonuses when combined with other powers such-as improved ability.
[edit] Hmm, are you just screwing around? You point-out the fact that Bonus Attribute point is an edge with a physad power equivalent (which, surprise-surprise, costs 2bp->0.5pp), then state that the only two appropriate comparissons are two different edges. [/edit]
Apr 12 2004, 09:02 PM
DF has already said that using .5/level makes the costs about equal, and that .25/level makes it easier to use power points which is what he feels is best. Many, myself included, want to make it roughly equal rather than easier, which is just as valid an opinion.
Frankly I think that's where the discussion should end. Lets just drop the whole Build Point to Power Point conversion thing
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 12 2004, 09:22 PM
High Pain Tolerance 2 is not equivalent to Pain Resistance 1. It is more versatile which presumably would give it a higher point value implying that 2bp>0.25pp. The Night Vision edge is also cheaper (1bp) for some characters, putting into doubt wether or not it's truly worth 2bp. |
Yes it is, just slightly more versatile. To mimick Pain Resistance 1 (0.5 PP) exactly you have to spend at least 4 Build Points to get High Pain Tolerance 2. 0.5/4 = 0.125 Power Points per Edge point.
Night Vision, despite your clutching to it being a 1-point edge for some characters (which is just lame since anyone can claim to be a decker with or without a datajack or even a Computers skill), it is a 2-point Edge for "adept" characters. Night Vision costs 2 Build Points, while Improved Sense: Low-Light Vision costs 0.25 Power Points. 0.25/2 = 0.125 Power Points per Edge point.
Bonus Attribute Point isn't close enough to Improved Physical Attribute to be a valid comparison. Bonus Attribute Point is always 2 Build Points and can be applied to six Attributes, while Improved Physical Attribute goes from 0.5 to 1.0 in certain circumstances and can be applied to the same attribute multiple times, but only towards three out of six Attributes. But for an average character, that still comes out roughly the same. 2 Build Points for Bonus Attribute Point (available for six attributes at 3) vs. Improved Physical Attribute for 0.5 Build Points (available for only three attributes). (0.5/half as many attributes)/2 = 0.125 Power Points per Edge point. Yes, it does have varying costs, but I'm just pointing this one out.
Also: When trying to create an adept power, is it not sensible to compare it to other adept powers? As I said before: 0.25/level allows +3 dice for half the price of another power that gives 3 dice, imbalancing it before you even consider the fact that ambidexterity gives bonuses to dual-firearm combat and gives even larger bonuses when combined with other powers such-as improved ability. |
By that logic, you could say that Ambidexterity 3 is worth only 0.5 Build Points, since it can also only provide just +1 dice (for anyone with a Melee Skill of 3 or lower). Likewise, you can also claim that Ambidexterity 3 is worth 500 Build Points since it can also provide +100 dice in extreme not-bloody-likely-in-any-real-game examples. It's a pointless exercise; it gives a flat bonus of +50% dice. There's no comparing it in that fashion since few other powers work that way.
But if you want to compare it to other adept powers, do so. Pain Tolerance 2 is worth the equivalence of 8-points in Edges. Thus Ambidexterity 4, an 8-point Edge, should be valued close to the same. That's 0.25 points per level.
QUOTE (Zazen) |
DF has already said that using .5/level makes the costs about equal, and that .25/level makes it easier to use power points which is what he feels is best. Many, myself included, want to make it roughly equal rather than easier, which is just as valid an opinion. |
That was before Shockwave pointed out that High Pain Tolerance was only half as effective as Pain Resistance. Now 0.25/level is on exactly the same power level; 0.5 is twice as expensive as the Edge.