I am the GM for the game that started this thread and some relevant info is in the game flavour. I am explicitly not running a green mohawk game (they can be fun but this isn't one of them) so I am using the karma rules since it encourages more rounded characters (I know the difference between encourages and enforces, no trolling

One of the big changes for SR4 was attributes as part of the dice pool rather and not attributes changing the karma cost of raising linked skills. The profound simplification of defaulting makes this totally worth it (in my humble opinion of course). For core decking skills (skills required, not just useful like hardware) the attributes are irrelevant. I actively wanted script kiddies to be relevant to the game, too, so I wanted a way to make it the attribute relevant but leave room for the clueless but moderately effective. Previously this karma cost linkage between skills and attributes balanced this easily but that went away with SR4.
Script kiddies in my game are Agent wranglers: they load up software, point it in a direction, and watch the show. They can be dumb as troll posts

I wanted hackers to have an explicit reason to be smart: I acknowledge this was a thematic decision. We tenatively went with a dice cap of program x2 on skill + logic (mods like full VR applied after cap) for both simplicity and effectiveness at acheiving the goals described.
I am greatly curious about other ways to acheive a similar theme and I am amused by alternate themes (green mohawk can be fun, I enjoyed A-Team too) but those are separate discussions.
SIDE NOTE: am I the only one who read the augmented attribute maximums? If you have a reaction of 2 the highest you can jack your reaction to is 3. Even if you base it off of racial max it is still max +3 (+4 if your racial max is raised). A reaction 1 character can't be jacked to reaction 9, just reaction 2 or 4 depending upon whether you cap by current or max.