*Sigh* I'm having one of those days.
I'm going to stand by this game and it depressing how much bile Blizzard had to endure for this game.
It has/had some genuine issues and ... let's call it "questionable" management.
But! In no way has it deserved the complete and utter onslaught it suffered, something highlighted by the reveal of D3 for PS3/4.
I'll explain my mindset and where I think people went wrong.
First, Diablo to me has always been a game between games for me, something I play when I need 30 minutes of mindless fun, people approached it as their next main game (which is not odd in a climate of monogamers) and then cried foul when it couldn't support their full week gaming schedule...
Why? It's not an competitive game, it's not an MMO why did you expect that kind of longevity?
Now, people point to Diablo 2 and it's 10 year lifespan.
There's two false assumptions there though, first the vast majority didn't keep playing after their first playthrough and Diablo 2 had years of patching and an expansion before it was any good!
Incidently that leads to my next point. Blizzard releases good games, they tune them and nurture them until they become great.
Pick any Blizzard game look at it at patch 1.0 and see how good it is, most of the time you will find the answer to be "Good but not the most amazing thing I've seen". That's the thing about Blizzard though, they don't stop there, they give years upon years of support until it is the most amazing thing you ever seen.
Take a look at the updates (free of charge mind you) Diablo 3 received during the last year, you'd be amazed how much have changed and this isn't just a desperate cry for attention and loving. Brood war had a patching cycle of 12 years! Diablo 2 had it's last patch in March of last year, Starcraft 2 have had ton of content
added since it's launch.
This is what Blizzard do and while Diablo 3 took some missteps on the way, it was still a good game when it launched and is on it's way to become a great game.
Going back to my earlier point, most people quit on Diablo 2 after their first playthrough.
Say this with me
not every game is for everyone, here's something for you... I never played Skyrim, I love the lore and the aesthetic but how it plays is not for me. It's a bloody great game, but it's not for me.
I talked about monogaming culture couple that with absolute ludicrous sales and you're bound to have tons of people that find out it's not their cup of tea. Unfortunately it seems like there's no grey in todays market you're either for or against something... Which lead to lots and lots of bile.
Genuine issues and perceived ones.
To this day! there's only one thing with Diablo 3 I call genuine bullshit on and that's going back to the drawing board with PvP, I mean come on!
Let's start with the elephant in the room the auction house, while the intention was good I think todays gamers have been drilled by MMOs into a gear thinking that simply isn't feasible in a RNG loot system, some people argue the difficulty curve was deliberately skewed to push people to the auction house. Bollocks people asked for soul destroyingly crushingly hard and Blizz set it to "Where we couldn't beat it in house then we doubled it", their expectation was for Inferno to last ages!
Again not feasible to the expectation of progression people have today.
I do approve of the changes they've done to offer variety in difficulty and given up on the notion of unbeatable, but from the start it wasn't greed as much as naivety.
The mechanics changes, I don't know I think the old school hardcore Diablo fans were just gluttons for punishment, personally I hated having to reroll to try a new build, skillpoints that only affected your numbers and stats that gave the illusion of choice.
Main attributes could have seen better implementation with how important they were but I far prefer that to only looking for 1 stat (+ all skill, I played necro and sorc go figure)
Mechanically Diablo 3 was the game I had been waiting for, it's a matter of taste really and I always prefer trying cool shit to grinding 40 levels before I can be awesome.
*sigh* the story, the twist was bullshit. The Tyrael thing I don't mind, the Act 2 cutscene is powerful!
Now despite what people say, Blizz ain't that great story tellers. They build amazing involving worlds, they make cool as shit characters. But they can't tell an original story to save their life. I would hate the plot of Diablo 3, but just like with MoP or SC2 just all the developments they hint at, I can't help but to feel that they're building something up.
I want to see more of Sanctuary! I want to know more about Inarius and Lilith, about Malthael, I want to...
[ Spoiler ]
Hunt that bitch Adria down and redeem Leah soul
I want to know more about Rathma, Trangoul and the twin dragons.
I want to know more about the horadrim, especially Kulle...
That if anything is indicative of how intriguing the world is.