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That's probably my fault. In my sleep deprived haze I have pointlessly put the time of my post rather than the time in game. So, to be technical, my character is seemingly time traveling into the distant past IC.
Hey, quick update. Sketchies has posted, I've given Nikoli 72 hours to post as of 8:00am PST before I'm going to drop him from the game in a non-lethal fashion, and move things along. If you guys wanna pack up to the bar, feel free, if you wanna skip past the meeting each other/hanging out drudgery, just lemme know. Phlaps, I'll PM you with what you pick up off of the leader. Drossie, feel free to add a new tooth to your inventory if you really wanna. Anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I may be nabbing one more player into the mix if Nikoli drops out, will keep you guys updated.
QUOTE (taeksosin @ Sep 19 2012, 07:11 AM) *
Phlaps, I'll PM you with what you pick up off of the leader.

I'm sure it's some great treasure that will make my character rich beyond his wildest dreams smile.gif
Or a disease.
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Sep 21 2012, 12:02 PM) *
Or a disease.

exclusive "or"?
At this point, I'll leave it up to you guys if you wanna fast forward through the bar scene onto more exciting things (and assume number exchanges and such has happened) or if you all wanna play it out. Your call.
More exciting? Than in a bar with a babe on your arm? Coming down from the high of a good fight?
I'm pretty sure our group would ensure that no matter where we go, exciting things will happen of their own accord hehe.
Hey, gang. Things are getting hectic here in RL and I'm not contributing to my online games the way I should. I hate doing that. In the other two I am playing, my PC and his team are deep in the middle of runs, and pulling out would leave the others in a tight spot. In this one, things haven't really started yet.

So, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to bow out. Too bad. I like Willie, and these guys looks like a good bunch to run with! I'll write an IC post that pulls him out in a way that makes sense for him, and keeps him alive for another day. I'll poke my nose in on occasion to see the story unfold.

Thanks for all the fish!
No problem Garth. Take care, and sorry I haven't seen this for...two weeks, lol.
For the rest of you, first job is gonna start in my next IC post later today. I'll do some fudging and what not to stick MM with the rest of the group since he was anti-social ^^
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