QUOTE (Neraph @ Jul 13 2012, 07:40 AM)

1) I'd like to debate the vampire brain idea.
I'll let you have this one. It has to do with how creatures with essence loss have special rules for losing magic. Basically if you have low essence and high initiations, you can not burn out.
the second part is what powers you lose when you burn out - anything but natural weapon and enhanced senses goes away.
A sidenote on Regeneration - any vampire type with Essence Loss/Essence Drain also has regeneration. They are allowed to take implants, but only delta.
Which is important when you consider interaction with the CCU. The rules concerning it are a bit contradictory, and depending whether you consider publishing order(augmentation was before arsenal, so arsenal is 'newer') It can either be a few things. Either its a deltaware piece of gear(which meets Regeneration's requirements), or its a vehicle mod with an accessory(price and availability in arsenal) that happens to need a good hospital and a medicine 20 test. (in which case, its not ware and doesn't fall under the Regeneration's requirements). Its a very technical and pedantic distinction, but delta ware and a delta clinic are not precisely the same thing - a delta clinic IS capable of doing lesser surgeries(see Medical Providers, augmentation), and isn't forbidden at creation - only delta[i]ware/i] is entirely forbidden - you just can't meet the Availability test at start, but its not a Flat Out No like betaware and adapsin it.
Either way, its compatable with Regeneration. The CCU description in augmentation is pretty damning, in that" it should be considered delta grade". The main debate is whether the newer rules supercede that, because you can't actually acquire one with the rules in augmentation - its just missing.
Now, lets go over what happens when you get Cyborged. Your Essence is left at 0.1, and resonance and magic are set to 0.(on a tangent, there's an exploit to get ware afterwards by having an essence hole before/as you are being CCU'd due to mandatory ware removal.)
So a vampire at magic 0 kinda sucks. They don't really have any special abilities.
But if they get Magic AGAIN, then they have options. If a vampire cyborg somehow manages to do it, and have a Magic rating again, then their critter powers start working again and they're back in business. Namely, they can Essence Drain and have Essence Loss again, which we want.
There are two ways to do this. The most fluff friendly is an Aleph Society pact - for those of you who don't know, its a magical group/society that promises to be able to help burntouts. And they can. The spirit in charge of the group forms a pact, and actually lends its OWN magic to burnt out mages instead of their own - it also means their magic rating varies depending on how much mana is available at any given time.(from 1 to 6) I think details are in the DG, but sadly, costs aren't given, so its up to a GM to shoehorn it into spirit pact rules. There's also the nasty downside of a spirit extorting you for karma.
But it opens up a second possibility. Possession spirits. In a possession, the spirits Mental and Special attributes are explicitly used. (this is why a technomancer that is possessed has no Resonance) Note that this includes both Magic and Essence.
So a possessed vampire cyborg just extends the exsanguination tube, snacks on essence, raises its own, and spends some Essence to boost their Magic stat, and voila, they are back in business.
You have to re-buy a lot of stats, but it should be doable.
It's also worth noting that Endowment Shenanigans(endowing endowment to spread other powers around) can be used to give both Essence Loss and Essence Drain to other beings, so there's alternate ways to get it back and raise your own essence above 0.1