QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 19 2012, 05:02 AM)

No way, that is the best thing about the Karma system, that you actually have to pay for what you get.
The only rules that are needed in addition to the current version (i.e. Attributes costing x5, Metatype costing K=BP), are...
- Special Attributes are NOT paid from the pool for Physical/Mental Attributes
- Free Knowledge Skill Ranks equal to 3*(Int+Log)
And free points for Contacts equal to 3*Cha (but that is optional, as it isn't part of the BP system either).
I slightly disagree with you here.. when pulling 375 karma and you need to split it between 9 attributes or 10 (if you include magic/resonance). 25karma per stat gets all of them from 1->3. So that's more than enough karma to make an average Joe with 125 excess to raise a few to above average or exceptional. More if you lower a few to raise others. Even better, leaving an attribute low but not minimum doesn't penalize you later! (the whole reason I wanted karmagen to be so much better was because it elminates the 'starting penalty' which penalizes anyone who doesn't go either max or 1's in things) Since karmagen doesn't penalize for not maxing things out, there isn't so much pressure to max out any stat out of chargen.. you're not penalized for only raising a stat to 4 in chargen instead of going for 5 right away to save on karma when you go from 1->2 on something else, you don't need to feel guilty about a 4/2 split instead of 5/1 like you do with bp gen min/maxing.
Even BP here doesn't do much better 8 stats... 160BP later you only have 40 left to raise stats above average plus the specials.
And you're NOT paying for what you get with karmagen. That's exactly the problem. You end up with a package of freebies which are intended to offset the costs to raise the strengths even higher. The problem is there's no requirement to do so. Karmagen makes the 'human problem' even worse... as it stands under SR4 BP there's almost never any reason to play a human outside of RP. Attributes raises are worth far more than attribute reductions as well because attribute raises both raise the caps AND give free points, while attribute penalties only lower the cap but do nothing to increase costs in penalized attributes. An orc with 3 logic is not AVERAGE he's above average because of the logic penalty (the rules for converting NPC's between metatypes explicitly state to apply all the attributes positive and negative for example).
Touching into Umidories point... here's the problem.
Make a human with all 4's in everything. Ignoring magic/resonance.
45karma(1->4) x 8 + 35 (edge 2->4) == 395. (375 is almost good enough to go straight 4's in everything!)
Now do an orc.
Bod (0karma), Str (20karma), 45 karma x7, 20x2 karma orc == 375... however it cost the orc less AND the orc can spend 415 on attributes so still has nearly 100karma more). Toss on 10karma for human looking, and a sob story about how you goblinized as a teenager and your family kicked you out for fluffy human life span and you've got no major differences, outside that the orc can still raise body/str to levels a human can only dream of and it hasn't cost him one bit extra to raise his 'penalized' stats to softmax.
5bod/str... already over 4... but the rest is only 7x45 + 40x2 troll == 395 again with BETTER stats with the mins. And an even higher attribute spending cap. (remember there is no requirement that those points actually be spent on body and strength).
If we now awaken the target... the ork makes out even better as he still has 80 karma to spare on attributes allowing a substantial magic attribute as well. A troll, 140.
Those arguing for special stats not to be included in the cap are effectively arguing that karmagen should produce stats substantially better than BP gen! (I can see a good case for excepting magic... but not really edge; but even in magics case... a slight reduction in starting power of a mage/techno isn't going to hurt things much).
Those also arguing for freebie knowledge and contacts... are out to make substantially MORE powerful 750karma characters than 400BP can even. In my experience 400BP normally makes a 600-650karma character easily leaving an extra 100 for knowledges and contacts! So these for free doesn't make sense if you're trying to keep 400BP comparable to 750karma character.
Pax: doing the same with what I suggested many of us came up with the last time this topic came up...
Doing all attributes 1->6 then applying racial template as if it were bio/cyber mod both positive and negative no stats allowed lower than 1 afterwards. The other half of this is it doesn't penalize players later in play to raise attributes since it costs as much for a troll to go from 9->10 as a human to go from 5->6 so you may actually see a troll raise those stats which we never see in play otherwise due to the extreme karma costs.
Human costs only change slightly... (edge only costs 25 instead of 35 to raise from 1->3+1 instead of 2->4)
Human costs: 385karma (slightly lower than above)
Bod4, Str (10karma), Cha/Log (70karma to get to 5, then -1), 45x5, 20karma orc == 395 karma
Orc of course includes low-light vision and the much higher body/str caps! (genetic optomization can't compete for essence loss). So the package deal is actually costing something but raising str/bod to very high levels is cheaper... if we drop and accept that above average log/cha on an orc is a 3... we save 50 karma and it's not even close.
Effectively all the metas costs rise to roughly the same as a humans... there's very little mechanical benefit to choosing any of them from a points basis. Meaning that people don't feel penalized for RP choices. Though different metas still have great strengths/weaknesses play out. IE: a troll bouncer is still going to be a mountain of muscle compared to a puny human.