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Full Version: What is the best way to kill Bug Spirits
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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I'm glad the chemical stun rules are made for playability instead of realism. Just like the rules for maglocks are so broken compared to real-world electronic locks, but make for great fun in the game.
QUOTE (Arethusa)
Though I agree that anaesthesiology is very complex, I also don't think it'd entirely outside the realm of believability to say that safely knocking someone out with a chemical substance is much less dangerous 60 years from now.

I would agree with you if it weren't for aforementioned note in a certain dragon's will.

Which entry was that?
Probably a reference to this:
In order to reduce the number of innocent bystanders who die each day as a result of security officers firing on criminals, I leave a five-pound brick of orichalcum to either Lone Star or Knight Errant, whichever first develops an inexpensive, effective, non-lethal stun technology accurate at 100 meters.

Which, while interesting, doesn't seem exclude existing tech as being non-lethal. Most of the stuff is just expensive or short range.
You know, this thread reminds me of a quote I once saw on-line.

It was an excerpt from an out-of-game (OOG) conversation. Apparently, the campaign, or at least part of it, was set inside the Chicago Containment Zone ("Bug City"), or else the PCs had encountered a large number of Insect Spirits elsewhere (and, most likely, been soundly thrashed by them) and, having escaped with their lives, had re-equipped and were preparing to re-enter the fray.

GM to PC (OOG, as mentioned): "NO, you CAN'T Smartlink a can of RAID."


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