QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jan 23 2013, 05:50 PM)

WHY the BluRay BURNER?
BluRay Blanks are still hellishly expensive and most players won't play them anyway in my experience.
That BluRay drive I got (and bricked my old desktop installing), is a burner too. And the present came with a stack of 20 blank disks.
Anyway, I want it for archiving stuff. On as few disks as humanly possible. (For example, we have almost 16GB of photographs and video from our 2009 trip to Walt Disney World - which was 9 days, 8 nights. We're planning another trip there next January, 2014 ... for 16 days, 15 nights ... and I'll have a much better, HD-capable video camera,
and we're bringing a friend with us; as a result, I expect to have 50, maybe 60 GB of video and photos. Maybe more, as I intend to "video blog" my trip, with daily installments, for a Disney-related forum I frequent.
And, well ... I'd like to be able to put all the video and stuff on
fewer than five to eight disks, thanks. ;D
The GPU is good, but i'd go for a 7970 GHz Edition, if possible. It's right now the single strongest GPU out there.
I would have, but Puget just doesn't have 'em.

External SoundCard . . again, why? The onboard Cards are usually good enough for everything you want to do.
I want it for the 7.1 Surround support. I already have my eye on a Logitech headset that supports 7.1, so ...

The PSU may be 80+ platinum, but this only means it's at peak efficiency if it's at 80% load. Which you will be hard pressed to achieve most of the time anyway.
Puget calculates watt-usage as you go, actually. The calculator shows a peak usage of 600W even, so they recommended an 850W PSU. I probably could have gotten away with 750W, but the next-lower PSU Puget has is only 650W, and that's cutting it WAY too close - peak usage would be over 90% capacity. So, the extra 100W maximum capacity won't kill me.

The silverstone USB3-Controller . . does the Board not come with USB3 by itself already? O.o
It does ... but, two of the internal headers will be used up by the front panel (for only three USB3 ports, but *shrug* ...), so having an extra internal seemed prudent. Plus, and more importantly to me, it offers two more USB3 ports in the back:
http://www.pugetsystems.com/parts/Controll...press-card-9044 The motherboard comes with 4 internal headers, and 4 rear USB3 ports (and an astonishign 8 internal USB2 headers!!):
http://www.pugetsystems.com/parts/Motherbo...990FX-R2-0-9074 now ... I don't know if those four rear ports use any internal headers. If they do, likely 1 header per 2 ports (to match what the front panel needs) ... then without he card, I'd have
zero unoccupied USB3 headers, but with it, I'll have 1. Meanwhile, I'll have 6 rear and 3 front USB3 connectors, which should cover my needs for a good 6-8 years, with a nice comfortable bit of wiggle-room, if you will. And at only $38, I'm not terribly worried about the price.
aaah, so it IS an AIO WaterCooler . .
AIO = All-in-One? If so - that's the only kind of liquid cooling I'd be comfortable with, just now. Don't want to have to be checking coolant levels, not to mention storing coolant with three cats in the house, and probably (knowing my luck inside computer cases) spilling some when trying to refill, gah.
Anyway, it's a Puget-branded unit, based on a CoolIT model: