Apr 26 2004, 12:43 PM
One success, yes, but that takes a complex action. An action where they're not shooting you.
If you try to grapple with your opponent, your odds are probably as good as they are if you don't. If you don't have the skill to pull off a grapple, you also don't have the skill to stop your opponent from putting that gun into your face on his next action.
Disarming is, generally, a better option, but it runs a risk that your foe can recover his weapon and use it against you on his next phase if it scatters in the wrong direction. Of course, if it scatters in the right direction (so that you're between your foe and his gun) it's really, really good.
Apr 26 2004, 12:51 PM
i usually allow disarming characters to spend two successes to shift the direction of the disarm by one. for four succs, you can knock it straight up, for the Matrix Revolutions effect.
Apr 26 2004, 01:10 PM
Heh, that's cool.
Anyway, this whole conversation has me thinking that the idea that you don't need to be relatively fast in melee combat is a bad idea. Which is something that sits fine with me.
Apr 26 2004, 01:49 PM
yup. 'course, it's also got me thinking about the directions you could take a badass physad melee masta'.
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