I realize that there's already a SR5 Magic thread (9 pages long) but the majority of it seems to have been done when few people had the books, and most were going on what they heard, rather than what they new, so I though I'd start a thread with what I've been looking at.
I wasn't much of a 4th edition player, but based on experience and discussions with 3rd and 4th, it seems Mages could use a little bit of a nerf bat with regards to say, stunbolt.
But does it sort of seem like they went too far in the other direction?
Drain is Force instead of Force/2. Okay. That's not too bad.
Drain can't be healed magically? I'm good with it, I thought it was silly in the first place.
Drain can't benefit from a medkit? That seems like you're taking it a step further and punishing them.
Aspected Magicians. What the heck happened here?
"Well sure. I can take a normal magician with slightly lower magic, or I can take an aspected magician, have an extra skill, but I lose out on 35 karma of spells or alchemical preparations and projecting. Let me think." sure, I know. Roleplay and not Rollplay. But you could roleplay being an aspected magician by playing a regular magician, that just doesn't take the other two skill groups.
Foci being built quicker seems like an okay idea to me. Except for some odd reason you can't use edge on the test (although on extended tests you can), you're not guaranteed to get the focus force that you want, and if you critical glitch, you don't lose a point of magic. You lose a point of ESSENCE. Really? Losing a point of Magic wasn't enough, you have to twist the knife just a little bit more?
Rituals. So. If I want to cast an illusion at a guy, I have to purchase one ritual. But if the spell I want to send is a combat spell, I have to purchase another ritual? Does this just sound like random karma drain at this point? I'm sort of okay with Watchers and Warding being, well, maybe not rituals, but something to spend karma on so you can do, but as rituals it seems bizarre. If I want to ward someone's house, I have to go there, spend hours setting up the ritual lodge, then spend hours performing the ritual? Or if I'm reading this right, I can perform the warding on an object, then take it to the location, and hope the object doesn't get kicked around or knocked about at the location (not to mention pissing people off by driving a ward with a 6 meter radius throughout town).
The Watcher is even more bizarre. What's the point of a Watcher at this time? Before its "Oh man, I suddenly need a quick messenger or something." In the era of commlinks, that seems less necessary, but even if you do need the watcher for communication, it still takes minutes to summon compared to the near instant of SR3 era. And that's only if you've spend the hours making the lodge first. You're SOL if this issue/need comes up when you're not at your lodge. And to top that off, I can summon a normal spirit as a Complex action. Why not use that if I need a spirit? What's the Watcher's purpose?
Not sold on Alchemical preparations. I kind of like the idea, but the fact that you have to purchase spells separately from what you can cast seems like its just been turned into a karma sink rather than a new ability.
So those ar emy thoughts. What am I missing, what am I not understanding, what am I taking out of context or just wrong about?