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Wounded Ronin
Can we explain why teleportation magic doesn't exit?
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin)
Can we explain why teleportation magic doesn't exit?

I think by definition teleportation spells are supposed to exit somewhere ;P Or maybe that's why no one uses the spells, that they don't know where it exits.

Sorry, willpower was my dump stat.
Each spell is either a manipulation of energy or matter, never a creation of new matter save the heal spells and that is just using energy to force the body's natural healing to speed up to abnormal levels. You might be able to perform teleportation with technology, but as of yet, magic cannot perform that function.

'But what about the elemental spells? You create fire/ice/lightning and fling it at people.'
Yeah, but fire is just the combustion of the air, ice is just the freezing of the ambient humidity in the air and lightning is just another form of pure energy.

This is my take on it.
emo samurai
And the elemental effects go away after the spell is cast.

As for teleportation, there is always Harlequin's "Disappear onto the astral plane" trick, and anybody with enough power, I suspect, could do that. The problem is teleportation through someplace that isn't the material plane, and isn't the astral plane, and it is there that a magician has no magic. So if you don't have any magic, then there is no spell.

If the "exit" wasn't a typo, then the problem is that you go to a place outside the astral plane, which has distance, and outside the physical plane, which also has distance, to a place between that doesn't have magic, so you can't put yourself back. You start out in the physical plane, which has the astral plane backing it up, but you don't have any magic in the other place to bring you back.
You can't teleport because FASA didn't want to make D&D with guns.
emo samurai
hyzmarca, why do you hate fun?

I think the challenge to making a teleportation spell will be finding another plane with magic on it that isn't the metaplanes. Obviously, if the challenge was to put yourself on the metaplanes, then we'd have teleportation magic already, since we can already pretty much go there, and there's magic on the metaplanes.

Maybe if you managed to take a sacrificial subject with you and kill them to power the spell taking you back... devil.gif

Speaking of which, somebody should explain the metaplanes.

Maybe they're places of magic shaped by human belief. Maybe they're the source of all life, and therefore magic. And maybe they're just in our heads; after all, people can't journey together there unless they're part of the same magical group or are put there by the same astral gateway.

The actions of Darke, however, and the immortal elves combating him, support the notion that the metaplanes are indeed real.
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Jan 7 2007, 08:33 PM)
Obviously, if the challenge was to put yourself on the metaplanes, then we'd have teleportation magic already, since we can already pretty much go there, and there's magic on the metaplanes.

That's not obvious at all, given that there are several almost-teleportation methods in Earthdawn, one of which is to put oneself on the metaplanes (rather, the astral plane).

The trick is getting the meatbod there too, natch.

(The other method I remember is to forget what "illusion" means.)

Harlequin did teleport at the end of his first campaign book. No explanation of how he did it though. There could also be nasty complications: I imagine having your teleport cut short by a Barrier would be unpleasant. Don't really have that problem in D&D.
That depends on your definition of "teleport".

Warmaster Lah
QUOTE (Ancient History)
The Somatic Way

All magicians possess the ability to channel and manipulate astral energy. The extant of skill in these abilities is determined by two things: what the magician believes is possible, and knowledge of certain metaphysical laws and properties.

The Adept does not, save in rare cases, focus on the direct and conscious manipulation of astral energy. Rather, the adept slowly builds up lasting astral forms within their own physical forms (the astral segment becoming a part of the aura). Unlike when a Sorceror anchors or sustains a spell, the astral forms of the Adept are bound and hidden within his aura, and maintained unconsciously (although the Adept may exercise conscious control over their powers should they choose to).

A peculiar side effect of the Adept's unconscious development of personal astral forms (which, though a conscious process, is not necessairilly an intellectual one requiring the complex theory and experience of other magicians.) is a relative unattunement to astral space. Because the Adept's astral forms are so closely tied to their physical form, it is almost impossible for an Adept to seperate their spirit from their physical form.

<finish later>

I also liked the theory put forth in the SOTA book.

For instance, a Mage has an external vision that she wants to make true. And so she uses her skills and Will to shape mana and make it happen. Casting a spell for example.

An Adept has an internal vision that they want to make true. A subconscious vision of themselves for instance, and they subconsciously affect mana to make this true. A trackrunner wants to run faster and jump higher so they end up gaining magical blessings that make it so. Though powers, in some cases, seem to manifest and then be able to be consciously controlled by the Adept and they can be taught also.
QUOTE (Kakkaraun)
Whenever this conversation comes up, I wonder why the spell is called ManaBOLT. If nothing...bolt-ish happens, shouldn't it just be called "Hurt Person?"

I've always interpeted it as the spell construct forming around the caster, then traveling from the caster to the target and grounding into the target (all this occured on the astral in previous editions - this is cannonical IIRC, but I can't remember where the quote is from). I always envisioned this process as leaving some sort of visible contrail on the physical under short distances (subject to the version of the spell the caster learned), thus a "bolt like" after image and the name of the spell. Kinda a more complicated version of what I Eat Time stated wink.gif
It's my understanding that magic requires the Mage to visualize the spell effect through the Spell Formula and then impose it upon the world using Mana, so perhaps true Teleportation (Not physically entering the Astral or taking a Metaplanar Shourtcut, although the effects would be virtually the same to a Mundane bystander.) isn't possible because the entirely of Space/Time can't be envisioned in a Spell Formula that the meta-human mind could ever hope to use?

Just food for thought...
emo samurai

Karma is metaphysical change. It is both spiritual energy and information, and neither, all at once. It is mana captured and made consumable. It is completely modular and adaptable; a karma point can be used for anything.

The reason spirits can't gain karma on their own is because they are, on a basic level, cut off from the manasphere. Unlike NameGivers, which have bodies, they have no other way of preventing their essence from bleeding across astral space, dissipating them into nothingness. NameGivers exert a sort of gravity, so that very little outside of karma drain takes it away from them. Spirits lack this pull, and are unable to afford opening themselves to the astral plane in this manner.
FWIW, even purely astral Horrors have karma.

emo samurai
Well, maybe they can exist without that barrier unlike spirits.
In Street Magic and the previous Magic Handbooks, there are rules for spell creation, though I'm not up to re-iterating them here. One of those though, is something to the effect that space-time can't be affected in any major way.

As for spells, the canon also states that each person's expression of a spell is different. One mage might cast manabolt and visualize it as a ball of light fired at the target while another might visualize a flaming skull hurtling at the target. A healing spell might be seen as a blue light infusing the wound and repairing them while another might actually visualize the wound closing up and healing in a more clinical sense. This is how a mage can be identified by the astral signiature of their spell.
True, although if I'm remembering correctly, the reason that Space/Time can't be twisted into weird 4th Diminsional knots by magic has never been explained so I'm offering my theory as to why. *winks*

emo samurai
Because mana isn't extradimensional, being utterly limited to this plane? I mean, life's limited to space and time, so it seems reasonable that magic's limited to time and space. If there were a way to contain a pocket of mana with you and bring a miniature manasphere wherever you went, now that would solve the problem.

And I don't think Horrors and spirits are the same thing. I think spirits are much less cohesive than Horrors, which I theorize absorb energy from their surroundings like a vacuum, while spirits breath energy like fish do to water.


In Earthdawn, a thief was not just a thief, he was a Thief. Same for Skyraiders and every other discipline. Whatever you did back then was your life, your very being. Now why was that?

I think it's because everything was infused with at least a bit of magic. Everything. Thieves could take lockpicks out of the air, cooks could start small fires in wood, etc. etc. It's the same reason why traditions are so important to magicians; magic is worked on not just by our hands and our thinking caps, but by the most basic parts of our beings. So when you did something back then, in order to keep up with everybody, you had to use magic, and to use magic, putting your heart into it isn't enough, your heart has to BECOME it.
QUOTE (Warmaster Lah)
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Apr 30 2004, 10:33 PM)
The Somatic Way

All magicians possess the ability to channel and manipulate astral energy. The extant of skill in these abilities is determined by two things: what the magician believes is possible, and knowledge of certain metaphysical laws and properties.

The Adept does not, save in rare cases, focus on the direct and conscious manipulation of astral energy.  Rather, the adept slowly builds up lasting astral forms within their own physical forms (the astral segment becoming a part of the aura).  Unlike when a Sorceror anchors or sustains a spell, the astral forms of the Adept are bound and hidden within his aura, and maintained unconsciously (although the Adept may exercise conscious control over their powers should they choose to).

A peculiar side effect of the Adept's unconscious development of personal astral forms (which, though a conscious process, is not necessairilly an intellectual one requiring the complex theory and experience of other magicians.) is a relative unattunement to astral space.  Because the Adept's astral forms are so closely tied to their physical form, it is almost impossible for an Adept to seperate their spirit from their physical form.

<finish later>

I also liked the theory put forth in the SOTA book.

For instance, a Mage has an external vision that she wants to make true. And so she uses her skills and Will to shape mana and make it happen. Casting a spell for example.

An Adept has an internal vision that they want to make true. A subconscious vision of themselves for instance, and they subconsciously affect mana to make this true. A trackrunner wants to run faster and jump higher so they end up gaining magical blessings that make it so. Though powers, in some cases, seem to manifest and then be able to be consciously controlled by the Adept and they can be taught also.

A little too sappy for my liking.
emo samurai
What about all the health spells, or the spells that you can cast that are limited to only yourself? And what about magician's way adepts, who can make it so that the only thing special about them is the bigass fireball they can throw without drain?

The existence of magician's way adepts pretty much leaves only "There are permanent astral constructs that are semi-autonomous."

Plus, if the "visions are the core of how we use magic," then there'd be a lot more mystic adepts. Everybody has both visions of the world and themselves. Much of a magician's careers is spent understanding and mastering themselves, and much of an adept's career is spent looking at the world. Neither of them exclusively looks inwardly or outwardly.
Herald of Verjigorm
QUOTE (emo samurai)
And I don't think Horrors and spirits are the same thing.

If you believe the dragons, Horrors are as native to earth as humans. If we presume that there is something about earth that results in a veritable fountain of karma (such as the unending conflicts that take place here), it may be that only those native to the Conflict earn karma by action and outsiders must bargain.

This leaves the question of whether Verjy and the rest were banished to a true metaplane or if part of Conflict was shielded from the rest but it all remains truly one plane.
The universal magical theory hermetics have proven that to a degree the method/tradition of a magician is a lens through which mana is formed and this lens can be changed. (mages being able to summon nature spirits)
So if there is a astral shadow that allows them to create astral constructs, these constructs are altered by their perceptions.
Another question to apply to this is do the European witches use of a spell matrix fall mid way between a spell construct and a metamagic construct like quickening?
(Though this stems heavily from Earthdawn's style/use of magic.)
QUOTE (Pendaric)
The universal magical theory

Is wrong.

Their all wrong that what I love about this game. smile.gif
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