Nov 3 2013, 02:24 AM
@Autowired : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:35) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., KannapolisQUOTE (Artemis)
My name is Artemis, My young associate here is Matt and our fabulous host we all know!" me Autowired is mumbled in something akin to sleep-talk, just barely discernable above the torrent of words coming from Artemis. His eyes never lose that far-away look as he mumbles...
QUOTE (Burnout)
"You in there kid? You plan on joining the grown ups in this conversation?"
With a slight twitch,
Matt's eyes refocus on his surroundings and on
Burnout's hand in front of his face. The skin of his cheeks shades red, perhaps from embarrassment, perhaps from anger, perhaps both. He reaches for a piece of cornbread to hide his moment of transition back to the meat-world, searching for the thread of conversation.
QUOTE (Artemis)
<<@AutoWired [Arty] : Dude, you're up ! ... 'f anyone asks, you are covering our tracks and checking we haven't bought any bugs with us, Old Burnt out should appreciate us doin' background to save him the hassle 'kay ? >>
I'm uh, covering our tracks and checking we haven't bought...errr, brought any bugs with us. 4k if we can be professional sounds wiz. I'm in! he takes his bottle and raises it in a quick salute, then drinks it down.
<<@Artemis [⚙Autowired] : Thanks man, I was carried away. Did you know that there were a string of arsons going back to March, all by this James Earlson drek-head? >>
Nov 3 2013, 10:51 AM
QUOTE (@AutoWired)
<<@Artemis [⚙Autowired] : Thanks man, I was carried away. Did you know that there were a string of arsons going back to March, all by this James Earlson drek-head? >>
<< @⚙ Autowired [♣ Artemis] : You moonlighting as Knight Errant instead of doin' homework, Kid ? >>
<< @⚙ Autowired [♣ Artemis] : or You thinking of giving in the ⚙ Auto and going ©MediaWired ? >>
<< @⚙ Autowired [♣ Artemis] : Come on Chummer, Head in the game, something tells me this guy is one to be watched ! I need you HOT 'Wired! >>Taking the offered paper with two fingers, he holds it low so all parties can see it and the look on his face that he hopes says
Safe keeping for all of ushe opens it and quickly adds the comm code to his encrypted list, the sending an encrypted copy to
<< @⚙ Autowired [♣ Artemis] : I've added our prvate key to this, back it up for later
dc 7c 0d 5f 53 b3 dd be 0e ec b2 a2 ce 96 99 aa
a0 da 58 be 7d da 77 c4 b9 9b 72 57 db b6 a7 35
71 4d a3 fc 6b 8a 59 fc dc 24 5c 1c 60 99 65 f9
ce 30 92 79 42 cb f5 f0 0a ef 7a 65 4e 59 f6 df
ed f4 d9 48 2c 78 83 f1 df a0 c8 b7 80 dc ce af
91 97 ef 75 09 c7 38 b7 d6 4a a6 6e a2 e7 37 e0
15 3a b1 71
>>"That sounds Acceptable, Burn' what evidence does this, Johnson require that the backups are destroyed ?
Other than mine and my teams unimpeachable word that it is so, of course!"
Nov 3 2013, 11:37 AM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:38:07) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Lobo looks briefly at the paper with the commcode, filing the image away for later.
Glancing at Autowired, Well, alright then, looks like we have a decker in the group, that should be useful.
Finishing a mouthful of pulled pork, he looks in surprise at Artemis, That was actually a good question that came out of his mouth. There may be hope for him yet.
Turning back to Burnout, "While you are still giving out info, do you have the location of the R&D facility of ABER?"
Nov 3 2013, 12:27 PM
@Autowired : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:38) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., KannapolisQUOTE (Artemis)
<< @⚙ Autowired [♣ Artemis] : You moonlighting as Knight Errant instead of doin' homework, Kid ? >>
<< @⚙ Autowired [♣ Artemis] : or You thinking of giving in the ⚙ Auto and going ©MediaWired ? >>
<< @⚙ Autowired [♣ Artemis] : Come on Chummer, Head in the game, something tells me this guy is one to be watched ! I need you HOT 'Wired! >>
<< @♣ Artemis[⚙ Autowired] : Yeah, I scan. Dammit! Sorry to be such a burden Artemis>> QUOTE (Artemis)
<< @⚙ Autowired [♣ Artemis] : I've added our prvate key to this, back it up for later>>
<< @♣ Artemis[⚙ Autowired] : Done. What's this for then?>>Matt finished what was on his plate and reached for more. He looked around at the others as he bit into another half-rack and grinned wolfishly.
Nov 3 2013, 12:32 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
In response to Artemis's question Burn-out tips his empty glass of tea to his mouth draining out a few lone drops of water.
“I would say TRUST, but I think its fair to assume nobody involved in this... business transaction truly trusts anyone else. Suffice it to say that news of the success or failure of that particular step will find its way around the circles in which Mr. Johnson has ears. If you do fail at that particular step, it wouldn't take long before ABER could build another prototype and begin testing again. I have a feeling that would be something Mr. Johnson would hear about as well.”
Finishing up his winded reply to Artemis he looks around the table for any other questions. Listening to Lobo ask about ABER, he replies.
“ABER Technologies is one of the buildings in the industrial park along International Drive in Concord. Its sits across the street from the large Sysco Foods distribution facility. As far as I know the manufacturing and the R&D are in the same building, most likely on different floors. It is a pretty big building.”
Nov 3 2013, 04:48 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Lobo nods his head as Burnout gives him the location, and says, "Any other pieces of information you have that you can tell us? How big is the building, what floor the R&D is on, any particular markings on the chips? I don't seriously expect you to be able to answer all of our questions, but I believe the simplest way is for you to tell us everything you know, and then we can get on with the actual process of filling in the blanks and retrieving the chips."
Nov 3 2013, 05:12 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis"I can't say that I know any particulars of the place other than having driven passed the building a few times. If I had to guess I would say at least part of the building is two floors, the front of the building where the offices appear to be perhaps. Considering it's a manufacturing facility as well I doubt that area of the building is multiple floors. The building itself has got to be at least one hundred fifty meters... perhaps two hundred meters from front to back. I couldn't tell you if there is a sub floor to the building or not. As for the internal layout, I don't have that information either."Burn-out fumbles around with an AR feed for a moment. He makes a flicking motion towards each person sitting at the table. As he does this that persons commlink (or brain) is alerted to an incoming file.
<<ABER Media Feed>>"I couldn't tell you if this is what they actually look like, but this is the clip Mr. Johnson showed me. I can tell you the project is designated 'x3' so I would assume that would be marked somewhere on the chip... maybe not though."
Nov 3 2013, 09:32 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:41:26) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Burn-out places his hands on the table pushing off and sliding out of the booth in an exaggerated manner.
“If you will excuse me for a moment, it seems the tea is finally catching up with me. Please feel free to talk amongst yourselves while I am away. I will happily answer any questions you may have when I return.”
He turns away from the table and walks towards the back of the room, passing the main entrance and turning left down a hallway out of sight.
Nov 4 2013, 02:06 AM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:41:26) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
As Burnout walks away from the table, Lobo holds up a hand, forestalling any discussion.
"Before anyone says anything, I just want to point out this isn't exactly a secure location. If anyone has any other questions to ask Burnout, by all means do so when he comes back, but I would prefer we not discuss anything else, including our plans, until we reach a more secure location."
Nov 4 2013, 10:12 AM
Thursday April 7, 2072 : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
That the Orken fellow is speaking aloud, the security concerns that had immediately crossed Artemis mind, makes him smile outwardly
He throws up the universal signal off approval to Lobo, The Double Thumbs-Up!
“I am in agreement with our friend, Tall, Dark and Hulking over here, but …..”
with words spoken slowly and measuredly as if speaking into a recording device to improve clarity of the data, he continues
“I’m sure our associate, Burn-out and our prospective employer are perfectly honourable, and would not stoop to recording our conversation”
…But if it was me, I sure as hell would !..
“perhaps we could do like in the Trids? Synchronise watches and exchange secure comm codes and such meaningful activities ?”
Artemis brings up his AR database of contact details and navigates deftly to the <Add New Entry> icon
“This IS exciting, isn’t it Egg ! .. I shall follow the ancient norms of protocol.. Ladies first..”
He produces an ARO with detailed Bio and a stylized studio photo of himself that rotates in 3-D, on closer inspection the face looks almost nothing like the one she is looking at in reality.
The question forms on her lips and Egg looks up to Artemis as she translates the data to her comm
“But that’s not…..”
Artemis is ready for the query with his finger on his lips,
“Absolutely correct, That suit is totally out of fashion and I should never have matched it to that afwul tie,
I need to have words with my tailor!”
The same ARO is then passed to the others at the table, notably Lobo as the Kid already has about seventeen differing version of the same thing, and has deleted countless others as they get regularly updated.
Nov 4 2013, 11:58 AM
@Autowired : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:41) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Matt grins at Artemis' way with words, shuttling some mac-n-cheese into his mouth through the grin. He hadn't eaten this well in awhile, and damned if the food wasn't amazing here. He'd almost decided to work for Burnout for the choice of location for the meet alone.
As always, he let Artemis do the talking. Anything he said would probably be taken wrong, he'd get the weird glances like that guy Lobo had been giving him moments before. Just blend in, don't act too different....that was the way to get by. Then maybe They wouldn't find him.
Nov 4 2013, 03:41 PM
Lobo: Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:41) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Lobo accepts the commcode from Artemis, and sends his back. Just as the ARO from Artemis is a reflection of his own flamboyant nature, Lobo's ARO represents him as well. The ARO contains no photo, and the information in the bio is mostly blank, and what is filled in is short and to the point.
Lobo takes in the commcode information from the others as well, before responding in a group text:
<< @∀ Group [◊ Lobo]: Now that we can speak with a bit of freedom, assuming the Kid can encrypt this sufficiently, the first order of business is to find out all we can with regards to ABER. Can you handle that Kid?>>
<< @∀ Group [◊ Lobo]: In the meantime, Egg, may I ask what skill sets you bring to the table?>>
Nov 4 2013, 08:10 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
With Burn-out away from the table for the time being the group takes a moment to handle personal introductions and other refined niceties. They also have their first moment to actively look around and examine the surroundings considering Burn-out has has done his best to keep their attentions focused on their table.
The jukebox continues to play Southern Country music from at least two decades ago. The song that just finished seems to have told a story about a man who's wife left him, then his dog got sick and died and finally the tax men came to his door and took his truck first and then his house. Interesting genre of music, certainly not the best for uplifting ones spirits. Perhaps the music is a ploy to keep the patrons feeling down on their luck and buying more alcohol.
Speaking of alcohol, the same six patrons that were at the bar when the meeting started are still there content with their drinks and the conversations between them. None of the tables or booths around you are occupied which is a little weird considering how many people you remember seeing on your way in, but that is good since it means there are less people listening in on your conversation.
As you look around at all the empty booths it dawns on you that the walls of this 'fine establishment' are decorated in racing paraphernalia collected from the last thirty years. There are pictures, banners, autographed racing suits, car parts... you name it having to do with auto racing and its on the walls somewhere.
Nov 4 2013, 10:14 PM
Egg: Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:42) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
After accepting and offering contact information with the group, the Fomori responds to Lobo's question.
<<@∀Group:[∈ Egg]: Lets just say that I bring a bring a uniquely awakened set of skills to the table, if you catch me meaning. I am also handy with a medkit.>>
Nov 5 2013, 09:16 AM
@Autowired : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:42) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., KannapolisQUOTE (Lobo)
<< @∀ Group [◊ Lobo]: Now that we can speak with a bit of freedom, assuming the Kid can encrypt this sufficiently, the first order of business is to find out all we can with regards to ABER. Can you handle that Kid?>>
<< @∀ Group [⚙ Autowired]: Name's Autowired, and yeah, I got us covered with encryption. I'll start that search on ABER too.>>
Nov 5 2013, 03:46 PM
Artemis : Thursday April 7, 2072 : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
The quiet voice at the back of Artemis' mind that has been screaming at the top of its lungs since he walked in the door!
finally makes itself heard and subsequently collapses in the corner rocking gently and muttering about “Happy Places”
The food! Burn-out hasn’t been eating the food! ..
He runs through the events of the evening, thanking any small gods listening, that the Mad Russian had thrown his appetite off
He had Crayfish, as did I , He had pulled pork and those beans in tar… what else?... Think Man! .. Dammit.
Artemis can’t make his synapses fire fast enough to make sense of the mess of leftovers on the table and who had what, with a moan of frustration
“STOP eating!” He stands abruptly from his chair and spreading his hands wide to encompass the team,
tries frantically to halt, @Autowired from chewing the meal he is happily munching away at.
Around him, several faces turn to see the commotion, thankfully the juke-box music continues, it’s not quite the terrifying moment he half expected.
“The Food!" He whispers “There’s …Something AMAZING… in the food! … “
Looking around, not at the patrons who are still glaring at him for making such a fuss, but searching for their .. employer, trying to cover his outburst with clever words
“I MUST Thank the chef .. Personally” He cries aloud to the room, and the dumbfounded waitress "My dear, escort me to the Kitchens, the menu is exquisite and I must thank the Chef!"
finger gesturing widly in AR <<@Group [Artemis] : Something is Fishy, and it's not the spelling of CraYfish! .. Check it out !>>
Nov 5 2013, 04:49 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:43) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
As the trio of couples at the bar watch in astonishment at the strangeness of the 'man with the hair', the waitress glares at Artemis. That look would usually have gotten him thrown out of the bar. Thankfully the waitress takes the silliness with a grain of salt and entertains the notion of taking him back to see the chef.
"I don't suppose it would hurt anything for Butch to hear first hand that people like his cooking. Come on then, I'll take you back to meet him."
The curvy, skimpily clad waitress motions to Artemis to follow as she turns down a short hallway on the dining room side of the bar (opposite the side Burn-out went to). The hallway goes down about three meters and turns to the right through a set of double swinging doors. Looking through the doors before he enters Artemis can see a very well stocked kitchen in much nicer condition and far more state of the art than the dining area. The walls are covered in white tile with accents of stainless steel appliances throughout the kitchen. From this vantage Artemis can see the profile of a rather barrel-chested human with a white chefs hat and an apron. The man has a large butchers cleaver in his hand and appears to be hacking away at a massive side of beef hanging from a hook.
The waitress holds the door open for Artemis and calls out to the Chef...
"Hey Butch! I got a food critic here that would like to have words with you about your cooking. I think he said something about not wanting maggots with his pulled pork."
The waitress gives a snooty smirk to Artemis as she walks past him back out to the bar giving him a gentle nudge with her booty.
"Go on in cuttie. Butch loves to have his food critiqued."
Nov 5 2013, 06:13 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:43) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
"Hey!" Artemis Calls after the departing girl as he holds the swinging door open and tries very hard to keep his eyes above neck level
..he fails and can't help but admire the pendulum motion.
"I said CARROTS ....".
she vanishes from view leaving him to turn to Butch with his cleaver held shoulder high, at the apex of its swing.
"Allergic to carrots...!". he mutters nervously before the awkward silence that follows.
The cleaver finishes its motion with a sickening THUNK and Artemis swallows hard
"Just cant get good staff these days eh, Butch! .. there goes her tip, know what I mean..!"
More silence .. the glare continues, echoing the silence and the cold sweat returns,
This is worse than the Russian..
"I. .. uhhhh ...Bellissimo .. the food is fabuloso ... and ... uhhhh ...well, nice chatting... I should....uhhhh... I should go.. keep it up!"
Leg it .... his legs obey before his brain catches up and before the door hits his ass on the way out.
<<@group [Artemis]. Change of plan. Foods fine... time to go >>
Nov 5 2013, 06:59 PM
Lobo Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:43) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Lobo watches Artemis's antics with bemusement. And this is just trying to plan the job. Imagine him on the job itself. Lobo makes a mental note to bring at least one of his pairs of plassteel restraints.
He receives Artemis's communication, and grabs a beer for the road.
<<@∀ Group [◊ Lobo] Well then, if we are going somewhere, where are we going? >>
Nov 5 2013, 07:34 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:43) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis The last thing Artemis saw before leaving the room is the face of Butch staring back at him.
Those soulless eyes and the horribly discolored burn scar on the right side of his face would haunt his dreams for many nights to come. He knew it hadn't been more than two seconds but that stare seemed to last forever. Some sense of rationale clicked inside his head and he backed out of the kitchen carefully before facing forward with full intentions of setting a new land speed record out of the building.
He cleared the short hallway into the dining area looking for the rest of the crew just in time to hear the swinging doors behind him slam open in severe protest. The bone jarring sound was alarming enough that even the curvy waitress who had just set him up seconds earlier was startled by it. She spins around seeing Artemis's face in a contorted look of confusion and fear and gives him a look as if to say 'sorry'.
“Ya have a fraggin prob'em wi'h my cookin boy?!”For the longest second of his life, Artemis stands there on the edge of the dining room only a few meters from the door. As if by some cosmic accord it feels like the entire world has stopped moving. He glances between the waitress and his group wondering if it would be bad protocol to just leave them sitting there at the table while he made a run for his Jackrabbit sitting in the parking lot.
This has got to be what wired reflexes feel like.It was in that fraction of a moment looking at the door that Artemis sees Burn-out round the corner passed the jukebox and into the dining room. Apparently he had not heard the door slamming open because he just stands there at the end of the bar looking at Artemis trying to figure out what he is doing with that look of utter constipation on his face.
Nov 5 2013, 10:09 PM
Artemis, Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:43) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Shoulders droop in resignation, the initial fear subsides and is replaced by an overwhelming .. nothingness.
..This is karma, right? Penance for the damn dog!... well, I ain't running..
Artemis stands tall, facing the patrons of the bar with their slack jaws,
he straightens his tie and draws his fingers through his hair
"Cooking? .. you call THAT .. Cooking?"
He speaks concisely, not spitting rage, just incredulity.
..A good defense is a fast car and a bigger Ork, or something like that, advice from my old man I can do without right now!...
He files the wise words of Artemis senior away for another day and turns calmly to face the Chef, Butch
tapping out a quick AR message
<< @ Group [ ♣ ][Artemis] : You guys are STILL here? Drek... move... slowly! >>
activating both his magic and his 'ware Artemis relaxes ....and smiles
...No such thing as overkill, self preservation Arty!.. TIME for a Demonstration of what you can do!!
The huge man stands in the door way, one hand pushing the hinge to it's full extension, the other hefting the cleaver, knuckles already white.
...Clear your center, intimidation won't work, focus on his self worth, his insecurities..
Artemis almost sighs, the words drip with pity for the man before him as he pulls in his CHI and begins his patois,
"It's not your fault of course, I mean ....if this is the only place you can find work? under appreciated and forced to work away from the place you love"
...find the source..
"You'd have been good for something else of course, before the... accident?"
..BINGO that's it! Drek Arty, You are an IDIOT, it's all right here in front of you!... now... build it up
"They kicked you out huh, no one at the TRACK wants to be around by old 'Face Melt' do they ? ... so you hafta take what ya can"
Artemis steps closer to the guy, the rage is palpable, the smell of it emanates from every pore, but there's something else too...
fear! it's weak, but it's there,
The words Artemis drawl have a ring of truth to them
..Careful .... Gently .... wait for it ...
"But I BET you have greatness in you ... I BET you could out-cook everyone o' them fraggers, Right?"
He points up at some of the photo's on the wall taking a guess and praying to anything listening
" just like you could out race them? ... right? " him up slow ... plant the seed
"What you need ... what you really need is to SHOW them, that's what!"
....kill, Kill....KILL !...
"I can help you! I can get them here, I can get them here to SEE what you can do, would ya let me do that ? .. for you ! ... let's Show those ungrateful Drek heads, whaddya say Butch?"
Nov 5 2013, 11:07 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:43) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Butch stops in his tracks when the tall skinny man turns to face him down. Stunned that this piece of drek would have the stones for a face to face confrontation, he takes a step forward brandishing the cleaver with malice in his eyes... but then Artemis begins to speak. His words take a wild swing of ranges on the chef's emotional state.
Butch makes it to the gate of the bar standing near the waitress when he finally comes to a stop. His face softens slightly as if he was remembering a time long past but he snaps out of his reverie at the sound of “Face Melt”. Seeing his words having varied and unpredictable effects, Artemis changes his tactics slightly taking a less in your face approach.
The chef stands there toe to toe with Artemis, the rage so unmistakable it actually makes him twitch. A bead of sweat runs from his forehead down his nose and drips onto the floor. He brings the cleaver up slowly pressing the rounded back side of it against Artemis's suit leaving a fine line stain of bloody grease across his tie. He leans in slightly and talks softly...
“Boy. I dun know who you is an I dun really care but efin I see yous round here ag'in, I'ma cut yer sack off an feed it to ya. Naw get the frag outa my bar b'fur ya really piss me off.”
The hulk of a man steps back into the hallway. A thundering crash alerts everyone in the bar to the fact Butch just punched his way through the swinging doors to the kitchen. Artemis looks over to the waitress who just stares in return, jaw opened in amazement as Burn-out comes up from behind placing his arm on Artemis's shoulder.
“You certainly have a way with words don't ya? Perhaps we should take the rest of this function outside in the parking lot before 'ole Butch decides to come back and make good on his promise.”
Burn-out looks over at the waitress.
“Hun I don't suppose I can get a to-go box for the rest? I'll be back for it in a few. I'm just going to escort these fine folks to their rides.”
Nov 6 2013, 03:51 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:43) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Shaking his head in disgust, Lobo stands, straightens his tie, and then begins moving toward the exit. I'm not sure whether I blame the waitress, the cook, Artemis, or all three.
"I'll be outside. Egg, Autowired, you coming?" He drains his bottle, arcs it into the trash, then heads out for a smoke.
Nov 6 2013, 08:41 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:46:13) : Parking Lot of The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Shaking her head in bewilderment at the display between Artemis and the chef, Egg follows Lobo outside to the parking lot. This crew is certainly unique! In all honesty I have no idea if this is normal for this sort of work, but I sure hope not. Burn-out said this job had to be done professionally... interesting take on that meaning. She waits outside under the light of the neon restaurant sign with the burly Ork who lights up a smoke as they clear the doorway.
“You know those things will kill you, right?”
Lobo gives the Fomori a smirk as if to imply death from his smokes was the last thing on his mind right now.
The sun officially set an hour ago and the only illumination in this area are the scattered lights through the parking lot and the overhead lights hanging in the pavilion. As if in sync the pair of runners glance back towards the pavilion, which is still pretty full of patrons enjoying copious amounts of food and drink. The smell of BBQ sauce mixed with drippings still wafts through the air as tiny plumes of smoke rise from the fire pit.
Burn-out is the next one out the door followed by Artemis and then Autowired. What an odd name the boy has. Like I am one to talk using the nickname Egg. The trio of lagging runners meets up with Lobo and Egg underneath the giant BBQ Pit sign at the front of the parking lot.
Nov 7 2013, 12:28 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:46:13) : Parking Lot of The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Didn't we leave to get away from this guy? Why is he following us out here?
"Ok Burnout, we know what you need, we are on the the job. We'll be in touch."
<<@∀ Group [◊ Lobo] Does anyone have a vehicle that will hold all of us? >>
Nov 7 2013, 01:35 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:46:23) : Parking Lot of The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
<<@∀ Group [ ♣ Artemis] See that sub-compact over there? You are welcome to join me in the, what I'm sure will be 'cosy' confines and accompany me to another rendezvous, are more than welcome ! >>
Nov 7 2013, 02:25 PM
@Autowired : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:46) : Parking Lot of The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., KannapolisMatt watches Artemis have a go at the cook, for what reason probably even Artemis didn't know himself. That guy had a deathwish, or had some kind of thing where his mouth kept moving after his brain had stopped. Nothing for it then, except..the cook looked familiar. It kept nagging at the back of Matt's mind, until the group got up to leave and the pictures were once again front-and-center in Matt's vision.
Hmmm...there's some kinda family there...Once outside, Matt tapped Artemis on the arm and said
I think that cook was some kinda relative of the guy with pictures plastered all over the walls. His dad or somethin'. So probably that guy you insulted is the owner too. He then turns to Burnout and says
So who's Jimmy the Wrench and why is his picture all over the inside of that restaurant? Some famous wrench monkey like that, I'd want to know something about 'em<< @∀ Group [⚙ Autowired]: Here's what I could pull on ABER. They supposedly are working on a "new response chip that will revolutionize the industry" that will also "drastically improve processing capabilities by decreasing response degradation". Not my words, just market-drone drek-speak. I tried to find out about some kinda shipping schedule for the location, but it'll take me awhile longer to dig anything up. But I was able to find that they purchased much of their equipment and mechanical support help from a local company called 'Superfici America.'>>QUOTE (Lobo)
<<@∀ Group [◊ Lobo] Does anyone have a vehicle that will hold all of us? >>
<<@∀ Group [⚙ Autowired] Sorry omae, I'm on a bike built for one.>>
Nov 7 2013, 04:27 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:47:22) : Parking Lot of The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Taking the hint from Lobo's tone that business has been concluded, Burn-out nods in acknowledgment taking a step backwards and is about to depart when Autowired fires off a quick question about Jimmy the Wrench.
“There's a name I haven't heard in a while. 'Ole Jimmy. That my friend was Butch's grandad. He was one fraggin amazing mechanic. That man had a handshake like a ten ton press. Butch in there followed in his footsteps for a while... well until the fire. Personally I think Butch just never let his grandads passing go, that's why he is so mean and bitter now-a-days. Then again what kind of fraggin asshole beats up a seventy-five year old man and steals his wedding ring leaving him to bleed to death in an alleyway? Real scumbag if you ask me.”
Burn-out looks at The Kid nearly with a tear in his eye remembering something difficult. It was obvious your fixer knew this Jimmy fellow quite well.
“Well you guys have a bit of work to do so I'll let you get to it. Always remember. Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve ammo and never ever cut a deal with a dragon.” Burn-out gives a smile to the runners before turning back towards the bar leaving the four person crew standing underneath the giant sign.
Nov 7 2013, 06:12 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:48:03) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
There the four of you stand under the red neon glow of BBQ Pit sign. Everybody with a commlink or an active trix feed is alerted to a Breaking News feed.
WSOC, News Channel 14 brings you this important Late Breaking News Announcement. James Earlson, the man who was arrested earlier today in connection with several acts of arson leading to the deaths of over a dozen meta-humans, was attacked and savagely beaten while in Lone Star custody pending interrogation. Earlson was taken to an undisclosed medical center for treatment where Law Enforcement officials report he is in critical condition. An investigation is currently ongoing into the circumstances of this event but early evidence points to the possibility magic was used to enter the holding area undetected. We will keep you up to date on this story as more information becomes available.
Nov 7 2013, 09:05 PM
Artemis : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:48:03) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
"Well, THAT was exciting ! let's never do that again okay!"
Artemis leans forward and releases the breath he has been holding since his encounter with Butch
" whew, for a second there I really thought that place was serving up Hominis Erectus, sorry to panic y'all, but
it just didn't add up, no way can that place afford real food without a little added side of mystery meat"
He stands up and breathes deeply of the cool night air,
"SO!!" he exclaims clapping his hands together, "party at my place? you get the beers I'll get the Gir.....Ahhh!"
He looks directly into Egg's shocked and disapproving eyes before letting the sentence drop off into silence
"Well, anyways .. here's the address, shoes off at the porch .. it takes AGES to get dirt out of cream mohair carpet !"
He sends a group comm card to accompany the Bio he sent earlier and walks to his tiny sub-compact and looks at the towering form of Lobo
"You gonna stand there til ya take root ? or you want a lift?!"
Nov 7 2013, 09:16 PM
Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:48:03) : The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Looking skeptically at Artemis's car, Lobo begins typing into his commlink:
<< @⚙ Autowired [◊ Lobo] Ok, why don't you get to where you feel comfortable, and start digging in on a more serious level into Superfici America and ABER. With regards to ABER, see if you can get into their company HR directory and/or payroll, and get a list of security personnel, along with whatever info you can find out about them. While you are at it, a blueprint of the building would be nice - it has to be on file at the county clerk's office if you feel their security might be easier to compromise.>>
<< @♣ Artemis [◊ Lobo] Since you offered, you can drive Egg and I over to ABER, and we can get some more intel on the place. I can do a walk around, and Egg can check the place out astrally. If it turns out Autowired can't get the blueprints, we can send you over to the county clerk, perhaps you can persuade him to hand them over.>>
Lobo walks over to Artemis's car, opens the door for Egg, and then gets in himself, prudently choosing to sit on the opposite side of the vehicle. "You coming or what?", he calls to Artemis, who winces as he sees his car about 15 inches lower to the ground than it was before.
While Lobo waits, he reads the information on Earlson. Looks like he got a little bit of what he deserves. Strange that someone would bother breaking into a Lone Star facility to beat this guy up and not finish the job though. He sets his commlink to record all further updates in a file he can peruse later.
Nov 8 2013, 06:41 AM
@Autowired : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:49) : Parking Lot of The R&R BBQ Pit; 803 Ebenezer Rd., Kannapolis
Matt heads to his bike, having it disable the anti-theft and start pre-run diags before he reaches it. As he mounts up he sends a few messages, as well as filing the news-feed information away to review. Maybe he can set up a smartframe for this kind of data, get a sprite working on digging up any possible juicy details. "The fire" mentioned by Burnout...just coincidence that it matches with recent developments?
<<@∀ Group [⚙ Autowired] We have 72 hours for this job, right? It's going to take me a few hours, probably the rest of tonight to do the digging on ABER. I'll ping everyone when I'm done. Probably won't be in time to make it to your place Artemis, unless everyone stays over until morning.>>
<<@♣ Artemis [⚙ Autowired] You alright omae? This Lobo seems ok, if a little pushy. You good with going alone with our new teammates?>>
Gunning the engine, Matt zips out of the parking lot and heads for his "fortress of solitude", ready for an evening of good old-fashioned hacking.
Nov 8 2013, 08:58 AM
Artemis: Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:55) : South-Bound Highway 85"Yeah, I'm comin'! ... whu .. wait ... is it .. supposed to do ... oh cripes ... That doesn't look comfor....table ..... you okay in there ?" Artemis notices the drivers seat has been pushed fully forward with enough gap to maybe allow a pre-teen boy
He wanders up with a quizzical look and squeezes himself into the space remaining and starts the engine
"ooookay! Adventure time! are we ready?"He looks around (as far as is possible with his knees nearly at shoulder height) but the stony glares of the passengers deflate him
"Right, I'll just drive huh? ... any one like classical electro blue jazz? hookay then"*
CLICK* as the radio is disabled, he slams it into drive and heads for the road, every bump in the carpark scraping on the bottom of his car
QUOTE (Autowired @ Nov 8 2013, 06:41 AM)

<<@♣ Artemis [⚙ Autowired] You alright omae? This Lobo seems ok, if a little pushy. You good with going alone with our new teammates?>>
<<@ ⚙Autowired [ ♣ Artemis] I'm good ! He talks bit too much for my liking to be honest but what ya gonna do?
If you wanna grab some stuffers, mi casa, su casa Hombre ...
I changed the code as per the algorithm, but I'm sure that wouldn't fraggin' stop you anyway, at least reset it when you crash 'kay?
Oh, do me a favour and kick the damn dog, oh yeah, get me some NERPS too ! later >>Artemis drums out the AR message on the steering wheel as he tries to gently encourage the sub-compact through the evening traffic
There's a scary moment where some
brainless drek-head tries to cut him off but one look from the mobile mountain in the passenger seat and the tiny sports auto suddenly becomes more placid and backs off..
..well well, Mister Hulk Smash may have his uses after all ... with that thought the smile creeps back onto his face despite the cramped conditions,
"Are we coming off at this junction ?" he enquires trying to spot the traffic ARO's as they fly past, lost in a jungle of similar cloloured advertisements.
Nov 8 2013, 01:41 PM
Lobo: Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:55) : South-Bound Highway 85
The expression is "You learn something new every day." Lobo reflects that he has learned never to let Artemis drive again. After the latest near-collision, he removes his hands from where they have crushed finger-shaped indentations into the inject-molded plastic of the car.
"Artemis, just put the car on autopilot. It will take us where we need to go. We just drive by the place like any other car on the road, no need to slow down unduly or otherwise draw attention to ourselves. I'll just record everything with my 'eyes and we can go over the data later. Egg can do the same with her astral senses."
Lobo flinches as another car blows by their own, horn blaring. I think I prefer being shot at to this.
Nov 8 2013, 01:48 PM
Artemis : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:55) : South-Bound Highway 85
"Gah .. Autopilot ?" ... Heathen ..
He tries to relinquish control to the built in program, which he has tinkered with in the past, but only really to get rid of the awful robotic AI voice and replace it with something more .. feminine and ... throaty.
"But manual just feels more REAL man! gives you a connection to the ground .... and ... right... okay ..."
he indicates on the AR panel and lets go of the wheel
"Pilot engaged, you gorgeous specimen of a man, would you like me to activate the chair massager .. you look stressed! .. beautiful, but stressed!"
sinking into the seat, Artemis is strangely silent, and glowering unhappily
Nov 8 2013, 06:09 PM
Artemis, Egg, Lobo : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:57) : South-Bound Highway 85The auto-piloted Jackrabbit gets off at the Davidson Highway ramp taking a left at the signal light. Half a kilometer down the road the vehicle turns right onto International Drive. This stretch of road is lined with very impressively styled industrial buildings owned by many different independent corporations. At first glance there appear to be a couple hundred buildings with most of them in some degree of productive activity. Roughly a kilometer down the road the throaty female autopilot voice chimes in.
“Your destination is one hundred meters ahead to your left.”It appears the ABER building is on a corner lot and completely surrounded by five meter high chain-linked fences topped with razor-wire. Along the perimeter of the fence, in several locations evenly spaced apart, are mildly decorative ten meter tall light towers illuminating the grounds well. Several similar looking light towers can be seen strategically placed within the grounds to provide maximum visibility.
The main structure appears to be made of plast-crete with a modest amount of windows indicating several offices line the wall on that side of the building.} As the vehicle moves passed Corporate Drive, the runners can make out the front of the building. {
At this angle a vast majority of the structure is covered in reflective windows.} It appears the entrances to the facility are about fifty meters down on the left side of Corporate Drive.
Nov 8 2013, 11:49 PM
@Autowired : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:57) : 'scenic' Route 29 near Gilmore Chapel AME Zion Church
With a full belly, Matt decides to take the 'scenic' Route 29 home. It wasn't necessarily scenic but it wasn't the advertising hell of 85 with kilometer after kilometer of AR billboards and the drek heads who rubberneck while reading them. The familiar hum of civilization returns to his mind as Matt passes the Carolina Mall. A smile crosses his lips when he rounds the next bend and sees the giant bull on top of the What-a-Burger corporate office building. Two young boys, probably no more than thirteen, had gotten on the roof and were sitting on the bull going through the motions as if they were riding a bronco. His smile widens at the memories of being a kid like that.
Matt gives the bike a little more throttle as he passes a slow moving sub compact trying to take up both lanes. The illuminated bell tower of the Gilmore Chapel AME Zion Church catches his attention. Suddenly Matt has the brakes on his bike locked and he swerves wildly to avoid hitting lord knows what standing in the middle of the road! The front wheel scrubs against the curb nearly causing him to dump the bike but his natural riding talents allow him to save the potential wreck. Setting the kickstand down and hopping of his ride, Matt yanks his helmet off finishing a string of choice words...
“What the fraggin drek is wrong with you!”
Looking back at the road he sees a massive dark skinned Ork wearing white flowing robes with ornate gold trim. The mountain of a meta raises his hands in a show of mercy.
“Please my son, don't live a life of hate. Love thy neighbor as you would love Christ, the son, our savior. Be led not into the temptation of evil for the ways of Lucifer will corrupt your soul.”
He walks swiftly towards Matt with his hands raised up as if he was going to touch him...
Nov 9 2013, 10:14 AM
@Autowired : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:57) : 'scenic' Route 29 near Gilmore Chapel AME Zion Church
Backing away slowly, his hands raised in a "I'm cool, I'm cool" gesture, Matt keeps his eyes on the crazy guy as he tries to maneuver his way back to his bike. The buzzing in his head came on suddenly, causing him to shake his head and squeeze his eyes shut as he tries to block out the sensation. It was strange, he felt like he'd felt this before...but he couldn't remember when or where it had happened.
His head and vision cleared after a moment, so Matt jumped back on his bike and revved the throttle. Once last look back as he sped away, the religious zealot receding quickly in the distance. Strange drek happening in the world these days...
Nov 9 2013, 05:08 PM
@Autowired : Thursday April 7, 2072 (20:13) : 'scenic' Route 29 near Gilmore Chapel AME Zion Church
Shaking off the weird encounter on the roadway, Matt pulled his bike into safety with a quick mental command that opened the doors to his doss. His security measures were much more thorough than most of the places in the neighborhood, but he couldn't feel safe leaving his tools around without them. Plus the project he was working on needed to be secure, so the extra time and effort and nuyen he was sinking into security for this place was worth it.
After putting things away and getting comfortable, Matt started getting in the right mindset to check out ABER. He figured he could need some backup, so first he reached out to that part of the Matrix that some called Resonance. Reached out and tore off a small piece, molding it with his mind as a kid molds playdoh. Soon he had a glowing spark of Matrix-life, imbued with what Matt knew about wrenches and pistons and torque. He had the spark hang around in case he needed it, ready to respond through the link established between creator and created.
Feeling slightly better about having backup in case he needed it, the kid concentrated on his task, envisioning himself as an expert at hacking into systems. He appeared before the node for ABER, noting the sign on the front door. Front door would never do for what he wanted. Places like this always had other ways in, so Matt walked his virtual persona around to the side of the glowing building and began looking for the digital approximation of an open window.
Nov 9 2013, 06:37 PM
Artemis, Egg, Lobo : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:59) : South-Bound on International Drive
As the heavily laden Jackrabbit continues passed the turn for Corporate Drive, Lobo notices a vehicle oddly parked just off the side of the road in the grass. It looks very much like a newer model BMW. The lights are off and its impossible to tell if there are any occupants because of the mirrored windows.
Nov 9 2013, 06:39 PM
Lobo : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:57) : International Drive
Razor wire fence, good lighting, but no cameras? I must have missed something.
"Artemis, tell the autopilot to take us down Corporate Drive, then we can head out to meet up with Autowired.
"Egg, what do you see in the astral? If you are willing, we can even stop a mile or so away and have you take a closer look."
Nov 9 2013, 07:05 PM
Artemis, Egg, Lobo : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:59) : South-Bound on International Drive
Egg speaks up...
“I did not see anything in the Astral that would lead me to believe there are magical threats. That is from the outside observation of course. In order to see inside I would have to actually walk the Astral Realm. In order to do that however we will have to park some place. It is important that once my minds eye leaves this body you can not move my meat body or I may never be able to return and will eventually die.”
Nov 9 2013, 07:26 PM
Artemis : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:59) : South-Bound on International Drive
Egg speaks up...
“ It is important that once my minds eye leaves this body you can not move my meat body or I may never be able to return and will eventually die.”
Artemis rolls his eyes, but continues driving at a reasonably slow pace,
"oh.. well, if you put it that way, it sounds SO much safer !"
The sarcasm in his tone only barely masks the concern for his new running mates .. Sheesh, only known these guys like five minutes, can't let 'em get dead, just yet!
"we can't hang around here too long without drawing attention to ourselves, I need to get home and see if @Autowired has eaten me out of house and home too"
Tense nerves make him try to inject humour into the situation, but seeing the other stern faces he continues
"I've got a decent setup there, we can do some research and ..... Lobo! ... you're not even listening are you !"
Nov 10 2013, 01:38 AM
Lobo : Thursday April 7, 2072 (19:59) : West-Bound on Corporate Drive
"and ..... Lobo! ... you're not even listening are you !"
Lobo continues scanning the perimeter as the car makes the turn on Corporate Drive, trying to capture it all on video for review later. As the car passes the ABER building and continues off into the night, Lobo turns to Artemis.
"I heard every word you said. I've got the video I need. If you are okay with us going to your place, let's head there now so we can see what Autowired found out, and Egg can see what she can find out."
With a swipe of his hand, he routes a copy of the video over to Artemis. "Here, this will give you something to look at while the autopilot brings us to your house. I can't see the cameras, but I'm almost positive there should be some. See if you can see them on the footage."
Nov 10 2013, 02:25 AM
Artemis, Egg, Lobo : Thursday April 7, 2072 (20:00:30) : South-Bound on International Drive
The Jackrabbit goes down to the end of Corporate Drive and turns around in the parking lot of Superfici America. Hey that was the name of the place Autowired mentioned earlier. Artemis resets the autopilot on his vehicle to return them back to his place at the Country Club just as the BMW pulls out from its respite on the side of the road. The carelessness of the driver nearly sends the Jackrabbit off the road, but thankfully the anti-collision system brings the vehicle to a halt in time.
Both vehicles have come to a stop less than a meter apart. The front passenger of the BMW, a young man wearing a stylish grey suit, lowers his window sticking his head out and looking down at the side of his vehicle to see if there was a collision. He looks over at the driver of the Jackrabbit and signals to lower the window. His lips are moving but you can barely make out what he is saying. It looks like he is saying something about “badly hurt”.
Nov 10 2013, 11:05 PM
Artemis, Egg, Lobo : Thursday April 7, 2072 (20:00:30) : West-Bound on Corporate Drive
What the hell are these guys up to?
"Artemis, can you get us out of here? I'm not feeling good about this."
What is going on? Are they a threat or aren't they? They could just be having car troubles. I don't want to overreact and hurt an innocent. Lobo's hand moves slowly toward his gun, and then back down again. Get control of yourself. Breathe.
Nov 11 2013, 10:35 AM
Artemis: Thursday April 7, 2072 (20:00:30) : West-Bound on Corporate Drive
“Put it on AutoNAV, they said! …trust the pilot program they said… it’ll be safer they said …”
Artemis mutters under his breath as his hands frantically weave in AR below the window ledge
...Don’t show panic, just smile and carry on like everything is fine…
“Something is definitely NOT right, She’s programmed to respond to me only”
He replies to Lobo
“Drek! … I hope … no, can’t be that! “
He begins more vigorous finger waggling
“Last time she got into a strop it took me a week before she started responding to me!”
Lobo and Egg spare him the briefest of bewildered glances before returning their views to the other vehicle
as Artemis resorts to hammering on the control box beneath the dashboard
… If in doubt, give it a clout… more words of wisdom from Artemis senior.
“Okay, Plan B, let’s see what this Chummer wants shall we ?”
His left hand goes for the window controls, while his right slips inside his jacket and releases the clasp on the concealed holster,
…Don’t draw first… but don’t be last either… If he ever catches up to his old man, Artemis vows to have a chat about the pearls of wisdom he implanted in his subconscious!
Nov 11 2013, 05:48 PM
Artemis: Thursday April 7, 2072 (20:00:30) : West-Bound on Corporate Drive
Artemis's window seems to work fine as he lowers it about half way. The man in the suit continues speaking...
"Hey chummers, you guys alright, is anyone hurt? Sorry about that. I'm trying to teach the daughter how to drive. I didn't figure anyone would be on the road at this hour. It doesn't look like we hit at all at least I can't see any damage. Is anyone hurt over there?" The man in the grey suit seems very edgy as if he is very nervous about something. Almost wrecking a new model BMW could very possibly have something to do with that.
Nov 11 2013, 07:38 PM
Artemis: Thursday April 7, 2072 (20:00:30) : West-Bound on Corporate Drive
"Badly hurt ? ... BADLY HURT ?...owww my gods, I thought we were gonna die.."
Artemis begins to wail
"Jeez man, my neck feels like I've just had a four hundred pound Ork pile drive into the back of me ... "
Forgetting about what he's currently failing at doing in AR with the vehicle controls ... the ONE time 'The Kid' isn't fraggin' HERE ..! ... don't tell him, you'll never live it down !
He rubs his neck with his free left hand
"Aaaaw man, I can't ... I can't feel my toes ... maaaan this sucks, what's the deal with spinal injuries ? .. are you supposed to move or ... OW... frag it .. I'm moving !"
Leaning his entire body, as if trying not to twist his neck, to the window to look at the stranger and his "Daughter" and their nice car
" Wait right there while I get my insurance details up Chummer ... I'm sure we can sort this out quick sharp huh?"
Artemis smile knowingly at him, expecting a sudden acceleration or at least a stammering of some kind of 'Gentlemans agreement' to keep it quiet...
Nov 11 2013, 08:02 PM
Artemis, Lobo, Egg : Thursday April 7, 2072 (20:00:30) : West-Bound on Corporate Drive
As Artemis puts on a good show for the man in the grey suit he glances over at the other car just in time to see the driver turn to look in the back seat of the BMW. He vaguely hears the words "Do it now". Deep inside he knew that something was about to happen but was this for real? As if a switch had been turned off the man wearing the grey suit begins to smirk wickedly. At the same time the rear passenger window of the BMW rolls down giving both Lobo and Artemis their first opportunity to see the man in the back seat.
Short by human standards the man is wearing mirrored shades and has a red devil tattoo on his neck. Just as the window reaches the bottom you can hear the distinct female voice of the driver...
"Do it Frankie! Do it now!"
You watch in horror as the passenger sitting in the rear of the car pulls a pin on a grenade and throws it at the open driver window of the Jackrabbit. In a reflexive movement Artemis brings his hands up to cover his face just in time to block the grenade from entering the car. As it falls it bangs off the lip of the windowsill and bounces into the front passenger seat of the BMW!