Jul 21 2015, 09:53 AM
ok,I don't know if I just don't get the advance lifestyles or what but its either that or there is something wrong with Chummer when I make one. When I use a medium lifestyle and add the armory entertainment asset, a 1,000¥ option, the monthly cost goes from 5000¥ to 9000¥. Is that correct or is there a bug here? It should be 6000¥ right? Also, once I have finished and hit ok, the armoy shows up on the qualities list as 2000¥ while still showing the monthly cost of the lifestyle as 9000¥.
Another thing that's really annoying when using this is that when you go to edit an existing lifestyle the dialog window opens with none of the selected things showing. It just shows the base bolthole lifestyle.
Aug 21 2015, 05:11 AM
I think I've found a bug...
When I make a metavariant character from Run Faster, in my case a Minotaur, and I am using the priority build with the metatype set to "B" the karma remaining is messed up. It shows on the right where it lists the positive and negative quality karma totals, positive quality 2 karma, which is right. But then down at the bottom where it lists the karma remaining it shows 27. Shouldn't it be 23?
I also did this with the Giant metavariant, since it has the same karma cost, and it did the same thing.
Aug 21 2015, 04:23 PM
Ok after rereading the section on creating metavariants in Run Faster I noticed I got some things wrong in my last post. Chummer is doing metavariants wrong.
When creating a metavariant there is a karma cost. For all but a couple this is a negative karma cost. The other couple you actually get karma back. Now the problem with Chummer is how it is handling the karma. The negative cost of the karma just comes out of your starting karma but does NOT count towards the total karma you can get as positive qualities. However when the cost is a positive, such as with the priority "C" Hobgoblin you get additional karma but it DOES count towards the total negative qualities you can get.
Priority "B" Minotaur
Karma cost -2
Total starting karma after cost: 23
Maximum karma you can get after cost: 25 positive
Priority "C" Hobgoblin
Karma cost +5
Total starting karma after cost: 30
Maximum karma you can get after cost: 20 negative
I hope that clears things up.
Aug 21 2015, 05:07 PM
In release 5.172 you list:
Added the missing qualities "Poor Self Control (Sadistic)" and "Poor Self Control (Attention-Seeking)"
But they aren't showing up on the negative qualities select list.
Sep 3 2015, 11:46 PM
I don't know if this is new but I try to create a character via Karma and when it comes up asking for metatype it shows metahuman but I can't choose anything as there is nothing there.
Oct 5 2015, 03:19 PM
QUOTE (KnightAries @ Sep 3 2015, 06:46 PM)
I don't know if this is new but I try to create a character via Karma and when it comes up asking for metatype it shows metahuman but I can't choose anything as there is nothing there.
Make sure you have the newest version and try again, that should fix it.
I was using an older version and had the same thing happen.
Nov 25 2015, 08:52 PM
I'm using version 5.177.0
The Cavalier Safeguard has a concealability modifier of +0. It should be -2, since it's a taser.
The Colt Cobra TZ-120 has an inherent Recoil Compensation modifier of +2, when it should instead have an inherent Gas Vent 2 upgrade.
According to Hard Targets (p.181) the Steyr TMP has a rating 1 Extended Clip.
Adding the Personalized Grip upgrade to a Steyr TMP results in
this crash message.
Trodes have a capacity cost of 2, which is visible when you select them as a helmet upgrade, but not when you highlight them in the Street Gear tab. Under the Street Gear tab, the capacity is instead listed as 0. The total capacity of the item they're a part of, however, correctly accounts for the 2 capacity cost.
Nov 25 2015, 11:37 PM
I just started using Chummer and I've got version 177.
I'm creating a new character and it's doing some odd things with EDG when trying to increase it with Special Points or Increasing with Karma.
1. When I increase it with Special Points, the points show up in the Stat, but aren't subtracted from the special points total.
2. When I added 1 point using Karma (from 2 to 3) and I had 21 Karma Available, it dropped my Available Karma from 21 to -84, rather than 6 (21-15 for raising it from 2 to 3).
Otherwise it seems to be working great!
Nov 26 2015, 12:30 PM
During character creation, when I have MAG 7, and 14 spells, it prevents me from adding a new preparation, citing page 69 of the rulebook which says the limit is MAG x2. This is incorrect. The limit on spells, preparations, and rituals at character creation is separate for each category. You can have up to MAG x2 Spells, MAG x2 Rituals, and MAG x2 preparations, all at once.
Dec 6 2015, 06:31 PM
Sorry did a double post
Dec 6 2015, 06:34 PM
I'm creating a new Character sheet for my Players.
I'm using background-color in my style which is displayed in the preview window perfect.
But when I actualy print, e.g. to PDF then the background colors disapear?
Is this a bug? or a wanted behavior? What alse could I use to have alternating background colors in the printout in each row?
Or highlighting the headers?
Thanks for help
Jan 1 2016, 02:50 PM
I tried the Life modules Chargen, and it does not take into account the house rules for free contacts/free knowledge skills. Anybody know a way around this?
Jun 1 2017, 11:11 AM
I know it has been a while since anyone posted to this but is anyone working towards a new update of chummer5 to include Rigger 5.0, Chrome Flesh, Hard Targets, and Data Trails? I am looking at the release dates of these tomes and it has been 2+years on many of them. And I have not seen a post about a fix or update in quite some time. So was just looking to find out if there was a reason this project seems to have gone dark. BTW, the version I have is Build 5.101 (alpha)
- Chummer5 alpha initial release
Jun 1 2017, 12:13 PM
Since I don't play SR5, I don't know if that's included, but I'd guess so, since the latest release is 2min old at the time of me typing this up.
Jun 2 2017, 03:02 AM
QUOTE (bannockburn @ Jun 1 2017, 07:13 AM)
Since I don't play SR5, I don't know if that's included, but I'd guess so, since the latest release is 2min old at the time of me typing this up. for the info, seems I am running a different varient of Chummer 5 so I DL the one you linked as well and will go from there.
Jun 2 2017, 06:45 AM
You're welcome.
IIRC, the developer has changed to this new one in the meantime. So the information in this thread may be outdated.
Jun 2 2017, 06:53 AM
QUOTE (bannockburn @ Jun 2 2017, 12:45 AM)
You're welcome.
IIRC, the developer has changed to this new one in the meantime. So the information in this thread may be outdated.
Thanks for the further intel Bannockburn. No worries on the update it seems to be working fine but a bit slow on the autosave functionality.
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