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Mentors for adepst still aren't working for me. Can't send you a save, because I can't save a character. As soon as I add a mentor - it crashes the app.
Tried it on brand new characters. Same luck.

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
   at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
   at System.Number.ParseDecimal(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
   at System.Convert.ToDecimal(String value)
   at Chummer.ImprovementManager.CreateImprovements(ImprovementSource objImprovementSource, String strSourceName, XmlNode nodBonus, Boolean blnConcatSelectedValue, Int32 intRating, String strFriendlyName, Object fCreate)
   at Chummer.ImprovementManager.CreateImprovements(ImprovementSource objImprovementSource, String strSourceName, XmlNode nodBonus, Boolean blnConcatSelectedValue, Int32 intRating, String strFriendlyName, Object fCreate)
   at Chummer.Quality.Create(XmlNode objXmlQuality, Character objCharacter, QualitySource objQualitySource, TreeNode objNode, List`1 objWeapons, List`1 objWeaponNodes, String strForceValue)
   at Chummer.frmCreate.cmdAddQuality_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (Nergal @ Jul 13 2014, 05:40 PM) *
Mentors for adepst still aren't working for me. Can't send you a save, because I can't save a character. As soon as I add a mentor - it crashes the app.
Tried it on brand new characters. Same luck.

Based on the error, I'm going to say it's having problems parsing the data. The first thing I'd try is downloading the most recent file and overwriting your current install so that we can be sure you have uncorrupted data files.
Fresh DL, same drek
Adam Schmidt
Ok, just trying to rule things out at this point.

Are you running Windows? If so which version?

And I'll spend some time tomorrow adding in error logging. Perhaps I can get it to tell me what's breaking down.
I'm running Windows 7.
One of my players has the same problem. Also Win7.
Another player reported adept mentor spirit trouble. Same OS.

Build summary Complex Form indicator does not update correctly.
It updates when you add complex forms, but when you delete them, the number does not go up again.
If you save you character and then reload it, the indicator will say you have not spent the points even if you did.
Adam Schmidt
I'm publishing this small build update which has one tiny fix and one big behind-the-scenes piece. Adding debug logging will help me track problems in the code by giving you nice people the ability to send in a debug log when a problem occurs. For the time being, generally you don't even need to think about it and you can just leave it off. If you're reporting a bug that I can't duplicate, I'll ask if you can send me a debug log.

Build 5.123 (beta)
- Fixed Security Armor: Heavy's armor rating.
- Added debug logging. By default this is turned off for performance reasons but if you encounter a significant error, I may ask you to turn it on so that the error can be captured and logged which will make my fixing the problem much easier. If you do need to turn it on, you'll find it on the Options dialog listed as "Use Debug Logging". For space reasons, if the log is turned on it will automatically clear itself each time you start Chummer. At this time, only a small portion of Chummer's code is set up for debug logging but I'll be expanding this as I can.

On that note, Nergal... you're the one I added all this for at least for the moment. If you would, update to this version (5.123), turn on debug logging, and then go ahead and create a character and add a mentor spirit. Presuming you get an error, you should get a message box that tells you an error happened and to send me the log. You'll find it in the same directory you have Chummer5.exe in and it will be named chummerlog.txt. Zip it up and send it to me. It should lead me right to the source of the problem. Thank you for your help and patience.
Adam Schmidt
Got it. The line that is breaking down is trying to convert the value in the xml for the power's power point cost per level to a decimal value. The data file stores this as an en-us decimal... in other words in this case it's ".5". And you're not in the US and don't use a period to denote a decimal. I need to update the code to handle culture correctly. It'll take me a little bit but I should have a fix out this evening.

Thank you again for your help and patience in tracking this down.
Adam Schmidt
Build 5.124 (beta)
- Fixed the crash non-US users were having when adding a Mentor Spirit.

Hopefully this will take care of it. Let me know if you're still having problems and thanks for the help guys.
Adam Schmidt
Small update tonight. I'm going to be focusing on three items over the next several days (I hope it's only several days). Specifically I'll be working on fixing the issues with the Arts from Street Grimoire, making Qi foci so that they select a specific power and that power then shows up as one of your adept powers, and getting Weapon foci to connect to your weapon so that the weapon stats are updated accordingly. If I can I'm also trying to resolve the issue with being able to load ammo on to a bow in career mode.

Build 5.125 (beta)
- Fixed Damage and AP value for Explosive Ammo
- Fixed a bug which would prevent the Dragonslayer Mentor Spirit from getting the bonus to a social skill.
- Added a separator between gear items attached to armor on the "Shadowrun 5" character sheets.
- Fixed a bug preventing refunding of Complex Form points when deleting a Complex Form.
- Weapons will now correctly inherit availability modifiers from accessories which should increase the weapon's availability.
- Removed 4th Edition artifact where Improved Physical Attribute was charging double for attributes raised above metatype max.
- Fixed a bug which could cause the movement formula to give incorrect values (it wasn't using the total value including augmentations).
On the subject of ammo, would it be possible to include an option to unload a gun and have the ammo go back into the inventory?
I've noticed that the new versions of Chummer tend to freeze then I change something. Be it adding bioware of adding upgrades to my guns. And as more stuff is added, the worse these freezes become.
Adam Schmidt
The worst currently are when adding weapons and armor and its due to the browse function I added. I'm aware of them and as I'm able I'm trying to add in performance adjustments to get back speed.

Long story short, I'm hitting two different obstacles that are slowing me down right now. First, I'm doing a major overhaul of the initiation/submersion tab to correctly handle the arts/enchantments/enhancements/rituals from Street Grimoire. Second, my gaming group is meeting this Saturday for the first session of our new 5th Edition campaign and I'm the GM. I'm having to spend a little time preparing for that session and that's time I'm not on Chummer. I'm making good progress though on the initiation/submersion tab and right now I'm trying to aim for putting out a new build on Sunday.
Good to hear you are running a game. I just started my campaign yesterday. It was a blast. The players didn't play SR at all before, and Chummer made it so much easier for them to chargen.

The worst for me is working with augs. That is where it's the slowest. And what about the browse function? I must have missed something. Maybe you could add an option to disable it?
And If I'm talking rubbish here, just point it out. I don't know almost anything about programming.

On another topic. I'm making a cybered out orc samurai for a game I was recently invited to, and found out, that Cavalier Arms Urban Tribe Tomahawk is missing. Could you add it when you have time?
Another small bug. My players reported that leftover Karma and Nuyen seem not to carry over to Career Mode characters correctly.
Adam Schmidt
If you go into the Gear/Weapons tab and click to add a weapon, in the upper right hand side of the window that pops up you'll see a button marked "Browse". Hit that and it'll show you a grid showing all the weapons of the selected category or current search that you can sort. It's a work in progress but my intention is to adjust it so that it's a bit more load on demand which should ease the performance issues.

And the Tomahawk is in there... because it's a thrown weapon, it's in Gear under Ammunition as "Urban Tribe Tomahawk".

I'll look into the Karma & Nuyen carryover.
Adam, I would be REALLY grateful if you could provide an option to turn off the browse function completely (if it's the one that slows Chummer down), or just release an alternative w/o this option (if it's not too much of a trouble).

It freezes on me so hard I sometimes wait 5 to 10 seconds for Chummer to crunch it's numbers. In comparison, the 4e version works win no detectable freezes at all, so it's not my hardware that's slow (at least I think so).

In any case, laggy Chummer is still a lot better than no Chummer at all =)

Just bumped onto this one: Monofilament chainsaw: Chummer 80Y, rulebook 500Y.
Adam Schmidt
I've finally got the Initiation tab done (and a list of bugs to go with it). I think I've resolved everything with the Street Grimoire initiation but if you find something I missed, please let me know.

Build 5.126 (beta)
- Completely replaced the Initiation tab. It now should correctly handle Initiation (with discounts), Arts, Enchantments, Enhancements, Metamagics, and Rituals. Add an Initiation grade and then right click on the grade to add Arts, Enchantments, Enhancements, Metamagics, and Rituals. In case you're not using Street Grimoire or choose not to use the Arts system, there is a new item on the House Rules tab of the Options dialog that you can use to ignore the Art requirements for metamagics and the like.
- Fixing the above item led to two powers referenced in Street Grimoire that haven't previously been published. These have only been provided via a forum post by one of the designers. So that post is now a source (SFP1) that can be enabled in order to provide those powers (Keratin Control and Living Focus).
- Updated all "Source" labels on all dialogs to open the linked PDF to that page if you have linked the book to the PDF in the Options dialog. Also linked the names of skills and powers as they don't show a "Source" label in their listings. And finally, the above mentioned forum post will open in your default browser if a Source pointing to it is clicked.
- Added the Small Unit Tactics Knowledge Skill from Run and Gun.
- Fixed a bug allowing the Seducer's Adept ability to allow any skill. It now restricts to the correct list. Thank you Ariketh for the solution!
- Fixed the Voice Control Adept power to allow for multiple levels.
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when using YNT Softweave on an armor with an odd armor value.
- Added a variable price to Personalized Grip to reflect that it probably should cost something.
- Removed cyber-weapons from the Select a Weapon dialog. These can only be purchased now on the Select Cyberware dialog.
- Fixed a bug preventing the Respirator from being available to add to armor.
- Fixed a bug causing newly added Knowledge Skills to cap at 6 in career mode.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the tooltip on the button to increase your skill level to show the wrong value when in career mode and at rating 6.
- Fixed a bug that prevented adding Sensor Arrays (and quite a few other things) to vehicles while in Career mode.
- Adjusted the Select Weapon and Select Armor dialogs so that they'll have better performance.
- Fixed the price of the Monofilament Chainsaw.
- Fixed a multitude of bugs with the Complex Forms and Sprites tab in Career mode for Technomancers.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the wrong cost to be calculated for binding Counterspelling, Ritual Spellcasting, Spellcasting, or Sustaining Foci in Career mode.
Optimization did not help much. Chummer still is slow as heck. Compared to the 4th edition, it just freezes on me after every action.
Really amazing work. I tested it out for reals this weekend with my group and it worked fine.

I am a little curious of the cyberlimbs providing "genral" augmentation to stats. SR4 explicitly gave the new stat as the average of all limbs while SR5 says the cyberlimbs uses their own attributes and when not using the cyberlimb. But it also says to use average of all limbs used when using multiple limbs.

My Sam should have Agility 9 when shooting his pistol, agility 6 when using a longarm (average of 4 and 9 rounded down) but probably only agility 4 when sneaking (since I don't use the arm at all when sneaking, I reckon sneaking is mostly body+legs).
All these cases are impossible to put on the character sheet/program so maybe it is best if the character sheet said I had agility 4 (not 4(5) as it does now) and I just have to keep track that I have agility 9 on my arm when I shoot with just that arm?

As of current version I see agility 5 being used for all agility skills and it is easy to forget that I probably only get my natural agility of 4 on those tasks unless I can justify a 5 or 6 with my GM.
Adam Schmidt
Tiny update this morning to resolve a handful of bugs.

Build 5.127 (beta)
- Fixed a bug where it was not rounding Essence up when calculating your Social Limit.
- Fixed a bug which would prevent adding Sensor Functions to Sensors.
- Fixed a bug which would prevent any metamagics from being shown when selecting a new metamagic.
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (Surukai @ Jul 21 2014, 08:28 AM) *
Really amazing work. I tested it out for reals this weekend with my group and it worked fine.

I am a little curious of the cyberlimbs providing "genral" augmentation to stats. SR4 explicitly gave the new stat as the average of all limbs while SR5 says the cyberlimbs uses their own attributes and when not using the cyberlimb. But it also says to use average of all limbs used when using multiple limbs.

My Sam should have Agility 9 when shooting his pistol, agility 6 when using a longarm (average of 4 and 9 rounded down) but probably only agility 4 when sneaking (since I don't use the arm at all when sneaking, I reckon sneaking is mostly body+legs).
All these cases are impossible to put on the character sheet/program so maybe it is best if the character sheet said I had agility 4 (not 4(5) as it does now) and I just have to keep track that I have agility 9 on my arm when I shoot with just that arm?

As of current version I see agility 5 being used for all agility skills and it is easy to forget that I probably only get my natural agility of 4 on those tasks unless I can justify a 5 or 6 with my GM.

Very good points... I'll take a look at the cyber limb enhanced attributes. I was already planning to take a look at movement rates for people with two cyber legs, I'll take a look at this as well while I'm at it.
QUOTE (Nergal @ Jul 21 2014, 05:43 AM) *
Optimization did not help much. Chummer still is slow as heck. Compared to the 4th edition, it just freezes on me after every action.
Makes me wonder how Chummer5 will handle files that get exceptionally large. For tracking characters through a story, I have a file for each chapter in Chummer (in case I ever have to revisit a chapter), and the longest running character file of 31 chapters is now at 1.77MB (typical starting career file is 500 KB or less).
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 21 2014, 06:23 PM) *
Makes me wonder how Chummer5 will handle files that get exceptionally large. For tracking characters through a story, I have a file for each chapter in Chummer (in case I ever have to revisit a chapter), and the longest running character file of 31 chapters is now at 1.77MB (typical starting career file is 500 KB or less).

I've only fixed one thing that was causing some of the performance problems and that was only affecting two dialogs. I've barely even started working on performance enhancements for Chummer... give me a little bit of time to work on it before you start planning on long-term performance.
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (Nergal @ Jul 21 2014, 07:43 AM) *
Optimization did not help much. Chummer still is slow as heck. Compared to the 4th edition, it just freezes on me after every action.

Given that as best as I can tell you're encountering more performance issues than anyone else I've spoken with, feel free to send me a character file and I'll use it for performance testing.
QUOTE (Adam Schmidt @ Jul 21 2014, 07:08 PM) *
I've only fixed one thing that was causing some of the performance problems and that was only affecting two dialogs. I've barely even started working on performance enhancements for Chummer... give me a little bit of time to work on it before you start planning on long-term performance.
No planning being made regarding Chummer5. The most I see with the larger files & the old Chummer is the time it takes for them to load, and some delay in the first time that a large gear list (be it gear, cyberware/bioware, or vehicles) loads. After that it isn't exactly something I'd be too concerned about, considering the age of the laptop I'm using this on. Heck, part of the load delay could even be partly the number of contacts one particular character has.

If anything the most I have to be careful about with the old Chummer is if I go into the Skills tab for all active characters if I have more than four characters open at one time. Not sure if it's because of a custom tweak I've done (since SR4 states technomancers have their own versions of the Cracking & Electronics skills), my OS (Vista), or Chummer itself, but it is an OS message I get on the crash and not one from Chummer. Haven't tested Chummer5 yet to see if this still exists.
Adam Schmidt
Lots of fixes for today's build.

Build 5.128 (beta)
- First and foremost, recent builds (including this one) have been getting updates to the French translation files courtesy of Lous_59. Thank you for your amazing work!
- Fixed a bug preventing loading bows or crossbows with ammunition in Career mode.
- Cleaned up the former Commlinks section on the Character Sheet. It now is the Device section and each Commlink, RCC, or Cyberdeck shows itself as such. Fixed a few problem items that were showing their stats incorrectly.
- Added device stat labels to cyberware, armor, weapon, gear, and vehicle tabs so that you can see the stats for selected commlinks, cyberdecks, or rigger command consoles.
- For newly created characters only, limit modifiers will now inlcude the condition under which they operate. I'd make this retroactive but it would be a nightmare to code.
- Fixed the Quality Indomitable and the Adept Power Improved Potential to add directly to the calculated limits rather than add limit modifiers as these bonuses apply at all times. This also resolved the issue with the Chaos Mentor Spirit where it was not applying the bonus from the granted Improved Potential power.
- Fixed a bug where in some cases carry-over karma from character creation would not be carried over.
- Will now automatically remove the Allergy when removing the Eagle Mentor Spirit.
- Fixed the Initiation/Submersion tab so that it will allow adding multiple instances of metamagics and echoes that allow it.
- Updated the Infusion of [Matrix Attribute] and Defusion of [Matrix Attribute] so that they will ask for you to enter the name of the attribute being adjusted. For now it is a text entry, at some later date it may become a drop down.
- Fixed a bug that was breaking the karma calculation when increasing skills belonging to a broken skill group in creation mode.
- Updated the Select a Mentor Spirit dialog to not show choices you're not eligible for. So Magician options won't show up for Adepts and Adept options won't show up for Magicians. Mystic Adepts still see all options.
Hey Adam, first of all thanks for doing all this work!

Some things I recognized:
- If I build an adept and want to skill up magic with karma, the pop-up tells me it costs 20 KP. In fact, the costs are right (30 KP) and the program tells you, if you don't have 30 to spend. It seems, that only the text in the pop-up is wrong.
- If firearms have a smartgun system, it is declared as external. Reffering to the rulebook it should be internal, right? I saw this on the SCK 100 and the Ares Crusader 2.
- Also, the Ares Crusader 2 has a Gas-Vent 2 System, which isn't the fact right now.
- Is there a possibility for adepts to choose adept powers for Qi-Foci? Buying Foci seem to work, but all I was able to do as of yet was writing a note, so I don't forget my char has some more powers not in the list.

Just my first impressions. I will keep it up!
When I try to add a weapon to the steel lynx combat drone by right clicking on the heavy weapons mount and choosing weapon, it gives me the weapons can only be added to weapons mount message.
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (BigMrE @ Jul 23 2014, 10:49 AM) *
When I try to add a weapon to the steel lynx combat drone by right clicking on the heavy weapons mount and choosing weapon, it gives me the weapons can only be added to weapons mount message.

Sorry about that, it'll be fixed in the next build (5.129) out later today if all goes well.
Adam Schmidt
There's a few fixes but I've also updated Qi Foci so you can select a power that goes with it and it will show up correctly among your adept powers. The build notes below give a few more specifics. The big thing is that I've done some testing on this myself but I'm sure that you fine people will find things I've missed... if you do, drop me a line here or via email and I'll get it resolved as quickly as I can. Thanks!

Build 5.129 (beta)
- Qi Foci will now ask what power they're providing when you bind the foci and that power will now show up on your list of powers with the appropriate free levels if any and the name of the Qi Foci will be updated to show the power it is providing. For Improved Reflexes, select the level you want your character to have and the foci rating, it will reduce the power point cost accordingly.
- Fixed a bug preventing weapons from being added to Heavy Weapon Mounts.
- Updated firearms that come stock with a Smartgun System to have the internal version.
- Added the Gas-Vent 2 System that the Ares Crusader II should have.
- Fixed the AP on the Colt M23.
- Manabolt is now correctly a Mana based spell.
Great work smile.gif

Here are a few other things I've found:

- Underbarrel guns (i.e. the flamer, chainsaw, grenade launcher, etc.) are causing an error. Can you tell me what you need, or should I just post the whole protocoll in here?
- The skilljack headware is priced by 20.000NY per level. Shouldn't this be 2.000?
- The adept ways are available for every type of character, even if I click on the button to show me only the qualities, my character should be able to take.
- If I take a quality that changes my life style costs (for example: dependant) -> then choose a lifestyle -> then delete the quality, the price of the style does not change. This is clearly a gimmick. I just wanted to inform you wink.gif
- Is there a point where the astral limit is? According to the rule book it is either equal to the social or mental limit (the higher one). If it's not stated anywhere right now, it could be added on the limits tab. But just a gimmick, too!
- Knowledge skills: Under the skill "politics" are the specializations "political" and "politics". Don't know, if they need to be there wink.gif

Please keep up the good work!
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (anchoress @ Jul 24 2014, 06:03 AM) *
Great work smile.gif

Here are a few other things I've found:

- Underbarrel guns (i.e. the flamer, chainsaw, grenade launcher, etc.) are causing an error. Can you tell me what you need, or should I just post the whole protocoll in here?
- The skilljack headware is priced by 20.000NY per level. Shouldn't this be 2.000?
- The adept ways are available for every type of character, even if I click on the button to show me only the qualities, my character should be able to take.
- If I take a quality that changes my life style costs (for example: dependant) -> then choose a lifestyle -> then delete the quality, the price of the style does not change. This is clearly a gimmick. I just wanted to inform you wink.gif
- Is there a point where the astral limit is? According to the rule book it is either equal to the social or mental limit (the higher one). If it's not stated anywhere right now, it could be added on the limits tab. But just a gimmick, too!
- Knowledge skills: Under the skill "politics" are the specializations "political" and "politics". Don't know, if they need to be there wink.gif

Please keep up the good work!

I'll get those resolved as quickly as I can. The Skilljack Headware however is listed in my book as being 20,000 nuyen per level and I can't find any errata that changes this. Do you have a source that shows it as 2,000 per level (I'm guessing a non-US sourcebook).
Yeah, I'm reffering to the german rule book, and just recognized I made an error myself. Its not 2000 but 1000. In detail:

Skilljack (Level 1-6)
Essence 0,1
No capacity
Availability (level x2)
Cost (level x1.000 NY)

Just to make sure I made no translation error: skilljacks are there to implement action-, knowledge- and linguasofts in someone's brain, right?

Edit: Ok, I just saw a discussion in a german thread about this and why it isn't implemented in the original, english version. It seems, that there are still no official statements about this price change - no clue why ^^
Adam Schmidt
Unless there's something huge, it will be a few days before I release another build. I'm intending to spend the weekend working on the translation code so that I can better support users of Chummer5 in languages other than English. Unfortunately there's a fair amount of work there and it'll take me a few days to get all that work done.

Build 5.130 (beta)
- Removed some duplicate specialties from the Politics Knowledge Skill.
- Made the Adept Way Qualities not available for non-adepts.
- Added the Astral Limit to the Limits tab and the character sheets. Keep in mind that limit modifiers to either your mental limit or social limit that can apply in the astral might conditionally apply to your astral limit during play.
- Fixed Enhanced Articulation Bioware so that it applies the correct skill bonuses.
- Fixed several issues surrounding full Cyberlimbs. Attribute averaging has been removed as it was a 4th Edition rule. The limb on the character sheet now shows the limb's total Strength, Agility, and its Physical Limit.
- Movement rate now uses the augmented Agility value.
- Added an option under House Rules to use derived Attributes from Cyberlegs when calculating movement speed.
- Added all that lovely Qi Foci code from build 5.129 to Career Mode as well. Completely missed that one.
- Now correctly charges double for positive qualities added or negative qualities deleted after character creation.
- When selecting YNT Softweave in the Select Armor Mod dialog, it will now show "+50%" in the capacity field.
- Removed the button in Career mode that allowed adding more Mystic Adept Power Points. You're not actually allowed to add points this way after character creation.
- Added Custom Ballistic Mask.
- Added the specialized silencer for the Ares Light Fire 75 and added it to the Ares Light Fire 75.
- Added some very minor fixes for the underbarrel weapons from Run and Gun so at least they won't cause a crash. They still don't behave the way I want them to though so I'll be revisiting this "soon".
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (anchoress @ Jul 24 2014, 03:49 PM) *
Yeah, I'm reffering to the german rule book, and just recognized I made an error myself. Its not 2000 but 1000. In detail:

Skilljack (Level 1-6)
Essence 0,1
No capacity
Availability (level x2)
Cost (level x1.000 NY)

Just to make sure I made no translation error: skilljacks are there to implement action-, knowledge- and linguasofts in someone's brain, right?

Edit: Ok, I just saw a discussion in a german thread about this and why it isn't implemented in the original, english version. It seems, that there are still no official statements about this price change - no clue why ^^

Not the first time I've run into this problem with rules that are different in different languages. Let me see what I can do with this over the weekend. (personally, I'd say the German text is probably "right" but I have to allow for US English players to use the rules as written too)
Just remembered a thing I think I had asked Nebular about with the old Chummer, which came back to me with the mention of cyberware. At the very least could there be a way to toggle if a piece of cyberware (and maybe bioware) is implanted or not? The thought stems from the character type that is not squeamish about harvesting implants to sell on the black market. That, or if said implants can be available in the Gear tab instead and then be movable to/from the Cyberware and Bioware tab?

Also, as I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought of this, could it be added as a House Rule to not double the karma costs of Qualities purchased after character creation? To me it is quite silly that the Qualities double in karmic cost, but nothing else does (like Skills, Attributes, etc.).

For some debugging I noticed that when mousing over the Limits, the pop-up bubble talks about A.I. stats instead.

And thanks again for all the work you are doing on this much loved program.
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 25 2014, 12:58 AM) *
Just remembered a thing I think I had asked Nebular about with the old Chummer, which came back to me with the mention of cyberware. At the very least could there be a way to toggle if a piece of cyberware (and maybe bioware) is implanted or not? The thought stems from the character type that is not squeamish about harvesting implants to sell on the black market. That, or if said implants can be available in the Gear tab instead and then be movable to/from the Cyberware and Bioware tab?

Also, as I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought of this, could it be added as a House Rule to not double the karma costs of Qualities purchased after character creation? To me it is quite silly that the Qualities double in karmic cost, but nothing else does (like Skills, Attributes, etc.).

For some debugging I noticed that when mousing over the Limits, the pop-up bubble talks about A.I. stats instead.

And thanks again for all the work you are doing on this much loved program.

Moving a piece of Cyber/Bioware around like that, particularly from the Cyberware tab to the Gear tab, is a pretty complex task and enabling/disabling a piece via a checkbox isn't really that much easier. But, there is a way I think you can do what you're wanting to at least some degree. You could remove the Cyber/Bioware, add an Essence Hole (which reminds me, I need to add back in the Essence Hole), and then create a new piece of gear using the Custom Item and name it for the piece you've removed with the same value as that piece.

I'll see about adding a house rule for the quality costs and get that tooltip fixed (no idea how I broke that one). Very glad you're enjoying Chummer!
QUOTE (Adam Schmidt @ Jul 25 2014, 12:44 AM) *
Not the first time I've run into this problem with rules that are different in different languages. Let me see what I can do with this over the weekend. (personally, I'd say the German text is probably "right" but I have to allow for US English players to use the rules as written too)

Thanks a lot!

Another thing I've mentioned:
- if I copy my gear list using the PACKS function into a new character sheet, some things are broken afterwards
1) my weapons lost all their equipment, except the pieces i've bought additionally
2) the urban explorer jumpsuit costs 300NY more than normal (950 instead of 650) - seems, that the biomonitor got added to the price, allthough it is normally included

I'm a bit confused, because this seems to vary from item to item. I also had goggles with an implemented image link and some tools i've added afterwards. This item was copied correctly with all pieces and the right price. Maybe it is related to the category (Armor, Weapon, Gear) and not the item?

- copying the lifestyle via PACKS crashed my C5 session. Maybe it was related to the fact, that I had the dependand negative quality. I copied the quality as well in the same step, but maybe that caused the crash nonetheless. In detail: the process of copying was no problem, but klicking on the lifestyle caused the error.

So long!
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (anchoress @ Jul 25 2014, 07:21 AM) *
Thanks a lot!

Another thing I've mentioned:
- if I copy my gear list using the PACKS function into a new character sheet, some things are broken afterwards
1) my weapons lost all their equipment, except the pieces i've bought additionally
2) the urban explorer jumpsuit costs 300NY more than normal (950 instead of 650) - seems, that the biomonitor got added to the price, allthough it is normally included

I'm a bit confused, because this seems to vary from item to item. I also had goggles with an implemented image link and some tools i've added afterwards. This item was copied correctly with all pieces and the right price. Maybe it is related to the category (Armor, Weapon, Gear) and not the item?

- copying the lifestyle via PACKS crashed my C5 session. Maybe it was related to the fact, that I had the dependand negative quality. I copied the quality as well in the same step, but maybe that caused the crash nonetheless. In detail: the process of copying was no problem, but klicking on the lifestyle caused the error.

So long!

Yeah, unfortunately PACKS is currently very definitely broken. It however is very much on my radar and my intention is to not just re-enable it for storing your own gear sets but also to provide a place for community created PACKS (currently taking submissions here:

As of this moment, I've got three large tasks that I'm intending to do one after the other. The one I'm working on this weekend is updating the translation code and creating a couple tools for both myself and for the translators working with Chummer5. The two I'll be working on after that are PACKS and trying to fix the Mono compatibility I broke so that folks can use Chummer5 on Linux and OSX (I hope).
QUOTE (Adam Schmidt @ Jul 25 2014, 03:58 AM) *
Moving a piece of Cyber/Bioware around like that, particularly from the Cyberware tab to the Gear tab, is a pretty complex task and enabling/disabling a piece via a checkbox isn't really that much easier. But, there is a way I think you can do what you're wanting to at least some degree. You could remove the Cyber/Bioware, add an Essence Hole (which reminds me, I need to add back in the Essence Hole), and then create a new piece of gear using the Custom Item and name it for the piece you've removed with the same value as that piece.

I'll see about adding a house rule for the quality costs and get that tooltip fixed (no idea how I broke that one). Very glad you're enjoying Chummer!
I guess Chummer's way of moving things to/from the vehicle tab to a specific vehicle is a lot more complicated than I thought. Part of what I thought, too, as the alternative was a checkbox like how vehicle mods in Chummer could be toggled as "Installed," when unchecked the mod is not calculated into vehicle's profile.
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 25 2014, 12:58 PM) *
I guess Chummer's way of moving things to/from the vehicle tab to a specific vehicle is a lot more complicated than I thought. Part of what I thought, too, as the alternative was a checkbox like how vehicle mods in Chummer could be toggled as "Installed," when unchecked the mod is not calculated into vehicle's profile.

In short, there are objects in the code called cyberware and bioware respectively. Each of these hold the values needed to make those things work like Nuyen and Essence cost, a bonus tag (which contains all the things attached to the character that are affected by the 'ware), it's grade, possibly a limb tag, and so on. Everything on the Gear tab on the other hand uses a gear object which while it does have some things in common like name, nuyen cost, availability, source book and page, there are a number of things it doesn't have like grade, Essence cost, limb slot, and so on. So I can't put cyberware in the gear collection because they don't share the same properties.

I could try to make gear objects have all the properties they have AND all of the ones from cyberware/bioware as well but that would be problematic because they operate under different rules (like you can add cyberware features to a cyberlimb at no Essence cost, gear can be added to vehicles and weapons but cyber/bioware generally can't, and so on).

Internally, when Chummer reads a bonus tag and applies the bonuses from that item (like the AGI and STR bonus from Muscle Replacement), it creates what is called an Improvement object that defines this bonus and attaches it to the character. Then when other things need to know your current Strength, it asks the character object to get the base Strength and add up all of the bonuses (and penalties) from Improvements that apply to Strength. For your vehicle example, what it's doing internally is adding and removing those Improvements when you check or uncheck the box. But cyber/bioware is supposed to be fairly permanent and so there's also code that does things like check to see how many cyberlegs you have (for movement speed) and each of those instances would also have to be updated to only count cyber/bioware that is active.

So it's not impossible (frankly it's code so nothing's impossible, it's just varying degrees of difficult and time consumptive), but it is complex and it would take a bit of time to track down all the bits that would be impacted.
Ok, I found something that might be nothing - or a big thing. I will describe the "problem" and you have to say, if this needs to be reworked.

Karma and Skillpoints in Character Generation.
You said, you've implemented a formula, that lets you spend the least amount of Karma Points, if you're sharing more SP than you recieved from the chosen priority. Lets make a simple example:
Skill Points by priority: 22
Atuomatics 5
Gymnastics 5
Throwing W. 5
Unarmed C. 5
Sneaking 1 (Urban)
First Aid 1 (Gunshot Wounds)

In this case, I would have spend 22 SP and 4 KP. But isn't that wrong? As I understand the rule book, you have to strictly follow the steps of Character Creation. That means, you FIRST would have to spend your SP and THEN your KP. This would lead to another result. In the actual state of chummer, SP and KP are spend simultaneously. That means, you can first spend 2 Karma Points for a Level 1 skill and then buy a specialization for it with 1 Skill Point. But if you follow the steps of the rulebook, you would have to spend all your SP first. So - in this particular example - you wouldn't be able to buy 2 specializations from SP, because you don't have the skills yet. You would have to skip one skill+spec (maybe sneaking + urban) and spend 1x 2 KP (buying a new skill on level 1) and then the specialization for 7 KP afterwards.

I'm not exactly sure what is right. Maybe you know it? I just want to be sure, not to cheat while creating my char with C5 wink.gif

Edit: The same thing may be a problem with attributes. Raising charisma with Karma Points in CharGen means you receive more connection points, raising logic brings you more knowledge skill points.
Adam Schmidt
Anchoress - Ok, that's a good one and yeah it's likely a problem. 4th Edition didn't have steps really in the character creation process, it was more of a checklist. But you're right, 5th Edition does have actual steps and it looks like I got too fancy for my own good.

Just thinking "out loud" here but the solution isn't to just rip out the most efficient path mechanism because the player needs the ability to move back and forth along the steps as they tweak and adjust a new character... heck, most folks save a copy of their character just before converting to career mode just in case they need to go back and redo something, adding in more "you cannot go back" steps will make the whole thing more cumbersome. So it'll probably have to be an adjustment to the "overflow" process with UI to enable specific spending of karma to raise beyond the free points but using the efficient path code to point out where you might be able to save karma.

I've got the code cracked open at the moment working on translation code updates so I'll get started on this item once I've got the translation code resettled (probably Monday, maybe Tuesday). That'll give me some time to think about the best approach.

It'll be a lot of work but thank you for finding this issue and pointing it out.
Sorry for causing such trouble frown.gif Hopefully you'll get an idea soon!
Adam Schmidt
QUOTE (anchoress @ Jul 27 2014, 01:42 PM) *
Sorry for causing such trouble frown.gif Hopefully you'll get an idea soon!

You didn't cause any trouble.... you helped me find a flaw in the code. That's the reason I thank you guys when you bring stuff like this to my attention. The bug may be a pain in my ass but you're helping me by making me aware of the problem so I can fix it.
I'm just hoping that soon there's gonna be something like Runner's Companion released, where we get other build methods to make characters. Personally I really hate the Priority system.
QUOTE (Adam Schmidt @ Jul 27 2014, 10:48 PM) *
You didn't cause any trouble.... you helped me find a flaw in the code. That's the reason I thank you guys when you bring stuff like this to my attention. The bug may be a pain in my ass but you're helping me by making me aware of the problem so I can fix it.

Thanks for your kind words. Then let me tell you another problem related to that:
In the actual build you are able to break up skill groups in character creation and level one or two of them up with skill points. According to the rules you can only do this after spending all of your points, so you're only able to level the skills with karma points.
Another thing:

In the current state customizing them adds +1 to their availability if you raise STR or AGI, +2 if you raise both stats. In the german rule book it is stated, that the availability is increasing by +1 per point STR and AGI. So if you have a human and want to give him a STR 6/AGI 6 obvious full cyberarm it would have a availability of (4 + 3 + 3 =) 10. Right now in Chummer it is just (4 + 1 + 1 =) 6, no matter how high the customization level is.
Adam Schmidt
Sorry for having been off the radar for a couple days, this update was a tough one and I've been focused on it just about since Friday of last week. I'll be working on another bug fix build and then get back to working on translation code. Linux compatibility via Mono is also on my radar and I'll be working on it shortly. Read the changelog this time folks... there's some big changes in there.

Build 5.131 (beta)
A quick shout out... I had programming help on this build from a friend of mine named Ed. Thank you Ed!

- Completely rebuilt how karma is spent on Attributes, Special Attributes, Skill Groups, Active Skills, and Knowledge Skills to reflect the RAW on the steps in character creation. All existing characters should load up just fine but karma costs may have changed to reflect applying the RAW. Each of these now have separate entry boxes for applying points from your Priority selection and for buying up with Karma. Validation now checks to see if you've overspent on your points. I believe I've been able to correctly handle the steps as written while giving a UI that allows you to treat it as a single step (rather than going through a gateway similar to "Mark as Created"). The only thing I haven't updated as part of this is whether skill specialization is paid for with skill points or karma... at this time it automatically uses skill points to pay for skill specialization but I'll update this in a future enhancement when I will also tackle being able to have multiple specializations per skill. There are two new house rules to allow you to tailor how these rules are applied to some degree. If others are needed, send along a request and I'll take a look.
- Added custom Traditions. If you select the Custom Tradition from the dropdown, it will enable additional fields for you to provide your tradition name, select your drain attributes, and select your spirits for each school. This information is saved with the character and is portable with it.
- Fixed the skill bonus from the Cat Mentor Spirit so that it will apply to Sneaking (the English core book says Infiltration on page 321).
- Spell dice pools should now pull from the correct skill (Spellcasting, Ritual Spellcasting, Alchemy, Artificing) for each spell.
- Corrected the drain value for the Resist Pain Spell.
- Fixed the values on the Build Summary tab for Spells, Complex Forms, and Contacts which under some conditions might show the wrong value.
- Fixed the Armor value on the Condition Monitor tab in Career Mode to show the correct value.
- Added the armor encumbrance rule from page 169 so that it applies to armor accessories such as helmets and shields.
- Removed the duplicate Astral Powder gear entry.
- Fixed the missing availability and price for Fetishes.
- Clicking on a blank area within the Contacts, Skill Groups, Active Skills, or Knowledge Skills regions will allow you to scroll them with the scroll wheel.
- Removed the tooltips that were showing the wrong text on the labels on the Limits tab.
- Added a house rule to allow paying only the standard cost for Qualities in Career Mode instead of double as per RAW.
- Removed the option to buy a vehicle used as this was from 4th Edition and has not been carried over into 5th.
Nice job!

Until now I only found one strange pattern: If you reduce your essence under 6 (i.e. equip any type of bodytech), you "lose" one Special Attributes point - at least it is stated so in the build summary on the right.
Hey man, I just recognized that some rituals are seem to be missing. I'll list up all that I can find:

(all from Street Grimoire, p. 129-137)
- Grave Binding
- Kything
- Far Sensing
- Ley Sight
- Light of Darma
- Living Vessel
- Manifest Sha
- Masking Ward
- Obfuscating Ward
- Recharge Reagents
- Smudging
- Summon Great Form Spirit
- Trap Ward
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