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QUOTE (melquisedeq @ Feb 26 2015, 01:02 PM) *
Thanks toturi, Shaidar, Mach_Ten and Cochise (this sounds an awful lot like a runner team to me)!

Now I know how to curb the guy's enthusiasm with his masking. He really is convinced that his one level of initiation plus Masking is a proper elite shtick that barely anyone else in the world has, needs to be brought down a couple pegs. biggrin.gif

A new question if I may: imagine someone's wielding a ready firearm, like a pistol or a rifle, and gets attacked in melee. Since swinging firearms in melee is governed by the Clubs skill, does that person defend with Clubs, and default if they cannot, or do they just use Unarmed?

This doubt is in the line of a few others questions above, from a perceived notion of mine that melee really shouldn't get as nerfed as it is, being a staple of the genre and all. Even in terms of coherence in the game world, a guy with Unarmed 5 or 6 is probably not just sidestepping and kicking back when he's rolling to defend against melee, he's going into full combat stance and throwing up all manner of katas, doesn't make sense to me that he does it all without losing his "ready weapon" action declared 5 turns ago. Unless he was pistolwhiping or rifle stabbing or something (in which case he'd be using Clubs), doesn't seem likely that he'd finish a short but intense sequence of Jet Li-esque unarmed attacks parrys and counters, without having to drop his gun. Let alone have it secure in both hands with the finger already inside the trigger guard...

Can't answer strictly by RAW there.

I handle it that way:

The guy with gun use unarmed or club (whether he dodges and maybe throw a punch if possible in melee or hit with the cross of his gun).

However, to give melee a real advantage (considering that he has to reach melee and that means loads of danger) I go further than giving the shooter a penalty. I houseruled this: the melee guy can parry the shot just the same way he fights into melee.

Exemple: the guy that hit the shooters arm and deviate his shot and so on.
@sk8bcn: dude, that's an elegant solution for this problem... I'm going to submit it for the group's approval. It's not only simple to implement, but looks great in practive. Really reflects that whole "struggling against a guy with a gun" thing I was hoping to go for, and a proper martial artist can actually look awesome doing it.
QUOTE (melquisedeq)
A new question if I may: imagine someone's wielding a ready firearm, like a pistol or a rifle, and gets attacked in melee. Since swinging firearms in melee is governed by the Clubs skill, does that person defend with Clubs, and default if they cannot, or do they just use Unarmed?

Many improvised melee weapons (including ranged weapons like rifles or pistols) do indeed use the Club skill (or the Edged Weapons skill). Here it is definitely the Clubs skill. If no Club skill is available the character in question can default to either Edged Weapons or Polearms/Staffs at +2 TN and Combat Pool restricted to 1/2 of the skill used for defaulting. Neither skill available: The character must default to STR at +4 TN with no Combat Pool available.

Defaulting to Unarmed (or any specific Martial Art that might replace Unarmed when using advanced rules from Cannon Companion) is not one of the allowed default skills for the Club skill.

Page 114 of Cannon Companion has a very good table on active skills, their linked attributes and the various skills that allow defaulting with each other (black outline around those that can replace each other) with the exception of those listed under Intelligence because some of the ones in that list represent whole groups of different skills: The entries for Build/Repair skills, Knowledge skills and Languages are in fact a whole series of active and knowledge skills that cannot necessarily default within their category ... Like not having a Photography Knowledge skill and trying to default to that from the Magic Theory (Background) Knowledge skill. For skills in any of these three groups you'll have to make a default ruleset of your own ... and one that might even shift from situation to situation. Medicine (Academic) Knowledge might be a valid default for Biology (Academic) Knowledge in some case but it won't be in other cases.

QUOTE (melquisedeq)
This doubt is in the line of a few others questions above, from a perceived notion of mine that melee really shouldn't get as nerfed as it is, being a staple of the genre and all. Even in terms of coherence in the game world, a guy with Unarmed 5 or 6 is probably not just sidestepping and kicking back when he's rolling to defend against melee, he's going into full combat stance and throwing up all manner of katas, doesn't make sense to me that he does it all without losing his "ready weapon" action declared 5 turns ago.

Well, as stated above: By RAW he'd be forced into a melee test where - in case of no Club skill - he'd either face a +2 for defaulting to available skills or +4 with STR and additionally with either reduced reduced Combat Pool or none at all. That on its own will most likely make him suffer. No need for pushing him into a new "Ready Weapon" action should he opt for trying to shoot at his melee opponent during his next phase. With those penalties on his melee test he'll most likely end up with a degree of stun or physical damage that will punish him more than enough.

QUOTE (melquisedeq)
Unless he was pistolwhiping or rifle stabbing or something (in which case he'd be using Clubs), doesn't seem likely that he'd finish a short but intense sequence of Jet Li-esque unarmed attacks parrys and counters, without having to drop his gun. Let alone have it secure in both hands with the finger already inside the trigger guard...

The problem there is: With no Club skill he still cannot simply drop the gun because dropping the gun would require a Free Action which - while available during the Combat Phase of another character - is resolved after the melee test (Free actions during Combat Phases of other characters are always resolved after that character's actions)=> He'd still be forced to conduct melee with the gun in hand at increased TN with the high probability of taking damage in the process.


QUOTE (melquisedeq)
@sk8bcn: dude, that's an elegant solution for this problem... I'm going to submit it for the group's approval. It's not only simple to implement, but looks great in practive. Really reflects that whole "struggling against a guy with a gun" thing I was hoping to go for, and a proper martial artist can actually look awesome doing it.

This could get a bit complicated. Due to the different test and damage resolution mechanisms of ranged combat vs. melee combat you'll get wonky result if the melee opponent really get's a test with his melee skill (with melee modifiers) vs. the shooting character's ranged attack test (with ranged modifiers) and damage resolution will get a PITA should the melee character technically win his melee test there. So no, this is certainly not "simple to implement".
Old Shadowrun 2e vet here, trying my hand at 5th edition for the first time (having ignored 4e completely as I refuse to recognize any edition without cyberdecks and priority chargen as Shadowrun at all biggrin.gif ). Am I correct to conclude that I could eyeball most of the rolls on the fly with the following formula:

Success test: Atrib + Skill [limit]
Resistence test: Atrib + Protection (Armor/Firewall/etc) [limit]


Also, am I right in assume that the situational modifiers only affect the number of dice rolled, and never the difficulty threshold ?

Thanks in advance!
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (melquisedeq @ Feb 26 2015, 09:47 AM) *
@sk8bcn: dude, that's an elegant solution for this problem... I'm going to submit it for the group's approval. It's not only simple to implement, but looks great in practive. Really reflects that whole "struggling against a guy with a gun" thing I was hoping to go for, and a proper martial artist can actually look awesome doing it.

To really get into it, really big guns like support weapons are easy to parry (TN bonus), longarms are neutral, and pistols and subcompact SMGs have a TN penalty to parrying.

If you think that makes pistols too powerful have the penalty only occur at pistols skill level 4 above to represent training in advanced weapons retention.
Not trying to screw things up here, but I could have sworn there was a "what happens when..." melee vs armed (firearm) scenario in the Core, Cannon Companion or SR3 Companion.

That being said - it was usually only the ninjas that bothered wih melee, the closest to melee with firearms was usually resolved via trolls taking the fight to the shooter, or someone just going full-auto at point-blank, trusting the 20+ initiative roll and an Ares Alpha would take care of rule complications...

A little late to the party here, but anyway, about the original points:

I thought the point of Bone Lacing on higher Level was to be tough as nails, fits the fluff at least.
The point about the damage is true though, so why not just do damage tests for the wall AND the character? They are hit by the same impact after all. biggrin.gif

5) The problem here is that the rules really do not specify whether you need to get your Rifle from the bottom of your bag of holding first, or whether you are carrying it on your back,
with a strap around your shoulder, everything is a Simple Action. I would make the call depending on the effort.

Requiring a Simple action in Melee is a little much though, that goes into full-on house-rule territory.
It is not a bad idea though.
Wounded Ronin
Didn't realize about how dropping the gun in order to use unarmed would screw you over because free actions occur later than the other guy melee-ing you.

Question, then, if dropping the gun doesn't help: would fighting with a rifle-length weapon give you Reach 1? That could offset penalties to some degree.

SR doesn't generally handle bayonets. But if you had a rifle with a bayonet, would that use the Clubs skill or the Edged Weapons skill? Would you require the person to Ready Weapon for bayonet combat, or just roll with no penalty if attacked in melee while holding a rifle with a bayonet?

Would it be Clubs if you wanted to deal stun damage but Edged Weapons if you wanted to deal physical?

I would treat a bayonet as doing M damage, although I could see some argument or controversy there. After all there are different types of bayonets, too. I could see it going down to L for a crappy camping knife-style bayonet like an AK47 bayonet, or possibly going up to S for a giant spike bayonet like you might see on a musket.
QUOTE (melquisedeq @ Feb 26 2015, 01:02 PM) *
Now I know how to curb the guy's enthusiasm with his masking. He really is convinced that his one level of initiation plus Masking is a proper elite shtick that barely anyone else in the world has, needs to be brought down a couple pegs. biggrin.gif

Here's another point on the astral perception/spirit thing.

Imagine you are in a room with a bunch of other people. You look around. Can you tell which people are looking at you and which people arent?

Now, imagine you are a spirit in astral space with a bunch of auras. None of them are looking at you. Then, suddenly, one of the bodies turns and stares directly at the spirit. At a minimum the spirit should get a perception test to determine whether it notices it is being watched.
Bayonettas Deal STR-1M and use the Polearm Skill in SR3 as far as i remember.
Polearms skill - oooooh, THAT's why the troll has the bayonet on the HMG!

Makes sense really - it's not like it's going to be like using a knife, sword or Katana.
I suppose that if it's on a rifle or similar longarm (SMG's need not apply), you'd also have the +1 reach advantage as well?

...Hmm, number-crunching, it really does make sense for a Troll to have a Dikoted Bayonet and a decent polearm skill, it makes Strength (M) damage quite respectable and the reach advantage means that those pesky TN's drop fast.
Obviously, it's not as broken as a Troll-sized Neo-Dashi with dikote, but considering the strength advantages in recoil reduction, it's a worthwhile build for serious offensive capabilities.

Heh, the nice thing is, the Bayonet would also take the place of an under or even a barrel-mount slot for the firearm, so not too broken.

Even better:
The Dikote would change it from STR-1M to STR S Damage.
And also on an attack versus a barrier make it versus just barrier rating, instead of barrier rating x2.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Tiralee @ Mar 3 2015, 07:35 PM) *
Obviously, it's not as broken as a Troll-sized Neo-Dashi with dikote, but considering the strength advantages in recoil reduction, it's a worthwhile build for serious offensive capabilities.

Loved my Troll with the Dokoted No-Daichi... He was totally brutal. smile.gif
STR+4D, half armor versus barriers, Combined Reach of 3. YES PLEASE!
It was a good time to be a troll.

From Dikoted destruction to having small arms fire flatten against you like a gentle rain.

good times biggrin.gif
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Sendaz @ Mar 4 2015, 11:32 AM) *
It was a good time to be a troll.

From Dikoted destruction to having small arms fire flatten against you like a gentle rain.

good times biggrin.gif

Indeed... smile.gif
In my version of cannon companion, bayonets are (Str+2)M. A good solution if you find sad that your troll should only get to reach +2 when using his shotgun as a club. I actually didn't see anything preventing to mount it on an Assault Cannon.
i might have been wrong on the numbers, i never really bothered with these for some reason . .
But if it's STR+2M, then it's with Dikote STR+3M with more Reach again. Still pretty damn good..
Also DO REMEMBER: Bayonettas count, I THINK, as under barrel weights and give +1 Recoil Compensation!

Seriously, why the hell was nobody, inluding me, using these things? O.o They are awesome! o.O
Stahlseele - Mainly because some weapons don't like underbarrel mounts - but the FN HAR and the Colt M23 (I think?) are great battlerifles for this.
But if you're a troll, you've got an assault cannon (not rifle) or a HMG smile.gif

Oh, looking at the Panther Assault cannon, you'd have to lose the bipod. But the Vigorous can equip it out of the

QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Mar 1 2015, 01:58 AM) *
To really get into it, really big guns like support weapons are easy to parry (TN bonus), longarms are neutral, and pistols and subcompact SMGs have a TN penalty to parrying.

If you think that makes pistols too powerful have the penalty only occur at pistols skill level 4 above to represent training in advanced weapons retention.

Similar suggestion to the first edition rules, I knew Ronin was a SR1 man.

QUOTE ("SR1 p65")
Attacker In Melee Combat means an opponent has already assaulted him this turn. For each opponent engaging him in Melee Combat, the attacker adds 1 to his Target Number for Fire Combat. In addition, if the attacker is firing at the character engaging him in Melee, or attempting to grapple, there Is a further modifier based on the type of firearm. If he Is firing a hand weapon with a silencer, the modifier is + 1. It Is +2 for an SMGand +4fora rifle or heavy weapon. If being grappled, the attacker's modifier is + 1 for a handgun, +2 with silencer, or +4 with an SMG. Rifle and heavy weapon attacks are prohibited for characters being grappled
QUOTE (Fastball @ Feb 15 2015, 07:59 PM) *
1) Don't forget to double the barrier rating for melee attacks (SR3 p. 125) and then double that rating when testing barrier damage (SR3 p. 119). Walking into a rating 4 door would make an attack of 12M v. barrier 16 (4*2*2). Since 12 is greater than half the adjusted rating (16/2 = 8), the door takes 1 damage. The next attack is 12M v. 12 (3*2*2), which reduces the barrier rating again by 1. The door now has a rating of 2, which is 50% of its original rating, so it is burst open.

Hi there! I just read this post from the first page of this thread and I cannot fully follow. Why do you multiply the rating twice? I checked the book and it is written a little odd in the german version, because there seem to be different handlings of the barrier rating depending on what the character is trying to do...

The "break through barrier" section explains that the barrier should receive a x2 multiplier against melee attacks.
In the "fire through barrier" section it is stated that the rating is x2 against edged weapons, but only x1 against punches, clubs and similar.

So why make the difference at all?

Assuming we stick to RAW a unarmed melee attack (12M) would have to stand against obj. rating of the door (4) x2 (=8).
Damage is handled in the same way according to the table 12M would cause a 1 Meter hole in the door and the barrier rating is reduced by 1.

Please correct me if Iam wrong :)

tldr: Question about the barrier rules example from pg. 1 of this thread. Why was the barrier rating multiplied two times with two. I thought it should be multiplied just once with *2. Does the nature of the player action change the rules how barriers are handled?
Somehow I picture bayonets best suited for my trusty AK97!
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Kliko @ Mar 16 2015, 07:56 AM) *
Somehow I picture bayonets best suited for my trusty AK97!

Probably, if the rest are understood to be increasingly made of polymers and not really designed to hold up to repeated full power buttstrokes.

Even classic WWII wood rifles would get dinged from buttstrokes. I have a Mosin Nagant and one time at a friend's house I attacked his wooden pell with bayonet thrusts and buttstrokes. The roundhouse buttstroke actually dinged the wood on my Mosin on the first stroke.

Since I love bayonets, my ideal future rifle would use the properties of polymers and modern alloys to make an extremely indestructible rifle that you could bash against solid objects full power and know that it's unlikely to be damaged. Something that is heavy but balanced because distribution of weight can be well controlled, so it is fast and good for bashing and which is designed with a bayonet combat grip in mind as well as a shooting grip. Rather than something that is extremely light and as short as possible which is the direction we are going in today.
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Mar 17 2015, 08:45 AM) *
Since I love bayonets, my ideal future rifle would use the properties of polymers and modern alloys to make an extremely indestructible rifle that you could bash against solid objects full power and know that it's unlikely to be damaged. Something that is heavy but balanced because distribution of weight can be well controlled, so it is fast and good for bashing and which is designed with a bayonet combat grip in mind as well as a shooting grip. Rather than something that is extremely light and as short as possible which is the direction we are going in today.

I used to joke that if I run out of ammo for my GPMG (FN MAG variant), I could field strip my weapon and throw the pieces at my targets with a reasonable chance of really hurting them. But for melee, buttstroke with MG could work, since the butt has a metal plate at the end.
I'm surprised the bayonet takes anunderbarrel mount over a barrel mount though... (easily house-ruled though)
On some rifles, the bayonets even end up over the barrel.
Hoi Ronin,

Somewhat off-topic, but one of the reasons why you can't make a rifle like a polearm is the fact that the damn thing will weigh a ton - I'm not an expert, but worked with them and after they'd put a few magazines full-auto, old barrels can bend to a surprising degree. (Austeyr)

Also, never trip carrying a MG after you've laid on full-auto suppression without changing the barrel.
The armory minions have no sense of humour...

-I worked with funny funny people....

Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Tiralee @ Mar 18 2015, 05:29 AM) *
Hoi Ronin,

Somewhat off-topic, but one of the reasons why you can't make a rifle like a polearm is the fact that the damn thing will weigh a ton - I'm not an expert, but worked with them and after they'd put a few magazines full-auto, old barrels can bend to a surprising degree. (Austeyr)

Also, never trip carrying a MG after you've laid on full-auto suppression without changing the barrel.
The armory minions have no sense of humour...

-I worked with funny funny people....


Good to know. I didn't realize that full auto can soften the barrel. At fifty cents per round suppression is too expensive for most private citizens. smile.gif

I guess that the real example of the melee-ized gun is really the classic musket with bayonet.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Mar 18 2015, 02:05 PM) *
Good to know. I didn't realize that full auto can soften the barrel. At fifty cents per round suppression is too expensive for most private citizens. smile.gif

I guess that the real example of the melee-ized gun is really the classic musket with bayonet.

An M-16 with fixed Bayonet is a thing... quite lethal, in fact. smile.gif
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Mar 18 2015, 03:46 PM) *
An M-16 with fixed Bayonet is a thing... quite lethal, in fact. smile.gif

That's why I have an A2 style AR 15 instead of the more popular M4 style. I feel like the A2 still could be used in this way but that the M4 was getting a little too small. No doubt the stab is good, and I've heard that the latest bayonets are well made. How does it hold up to buttstroking, though? Have you tried it? That fixed stock doesn't really seem like something you want to slam against something solid. It feels like it would be fragile compared to a classic hardwood stock.
Maybe it's time some sorry individual remind that, even during first world ware, bayoneting was responsible for less than 1% casualty (probably much less). Sorry nyahnyah.gif .
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Mar 18 2015, 03:01 PM) *
That's why I have an A2 style AR 15 instead of the more popular M4 style. I feel like the A2 still could be used in this way but that the M4 was getting a little too small. No doubt the stab is good, and I've heard that the latest bayonets are well made. How does it hold up to buttstroking, though? Have you tried it? That fixed stock doesn't really seem like something you want to slam against something solid. It feels like it would be fragile compared to a classic hardwood stock.

M-16 Butt-stroke is solid... I would not do it with an M4 though. smile.gif
Get back on topic, boys.
QUOTE (melquisedeq @ Feb 15 2015, 07:34 AM) *
Another fine SR3 session done, here are some doubts and thoughts on rules to which I'd like to apply Dumpshock's finest minds, if I may:

7) Shotguns... are they mad powerful or am I missing something? Razorgal has a trusty Franchi Spas-22. Folded stock under a great coat, she can pretty much carry it everywhere that doesn't have MAD's. Loaded with slugs, it spits 13D bursts that are completely compensated by her high strength, level 4 gas vent, custom grip, stock, and whatever else. This weapon has pretty much been the bane of BBEGs in this campaign, a single hit brings them straight into the death spiral and down from "in control of the scene" to "just wanting to escape". Really high Power allows it to shoot straight through most things, from a wooden door to a couch used as cover.

Reading the book, I don't think I'm missing any restriction to shotguns, but given the verified, systematic discrepancy in combat efficacy between our shotgun-wielding babe and everyone else in the campaign, I really need to ask. She really is on a league of her own in hard kills, even against herself when using other weapon types.

a bit old, but I never saw this addressed...

The Franchi Spas-22 uses a SR3 defined magazine, reloading is a Complex Action and the character can load Quickness # shells per action. It holds 10 rounds and if she's firing bursts, then that is 3 BF and a single shot until empty.

Another thing I would consider is warning, perhaps OoC or through a 'common sense' roll, that using a weapon as a club in melee could lead to it being damaged or the smartlink becoming less accurate, it is a type of sighting device and I would think users would try to minimize habits that could decrease their effectiveness. I think one of the sniper rifles used to have a warning about sustaining damage during melee. A folding stock seems to beg for some flipping around during melee and possible damage to the weapon or pinching to those grasping it.

You were applying more 'ready weapon' actions than I would think applied, but I could see applying some action to move the weapon out of harms way during melee and again to ready it for ranged combat. Likewise if they decide to fold the stock for melee. Given their superhuman strength (basically 2 x), they are putting more stress on the weapon than it was likely designed to withstand. For example, would a damage check be made if they used it for leverage to move a huge weight? Her using it as a club at Strength 12 is similar. If she 'babies' it and decides not to use full power, like only doing Strength 6 damage since it should have been designed with this as a perhaps likely event, then I'd implement a TN modifier similar to the ones for subduing.
Wounded Ronin
I've often felt that for simulating small unit combat, SR needed more satisfying suppression fire rules and more realistic volumes of fire instead of capping full auto fire actions at ten rounds.

Now we're talking about barrel overheating and things like that. I understand also that stuff like that is an even bigger problem in caseless weapon systems which the SR world is said to have espoused.

Should weapon systems overheating be part of the rules? Is this important to model, especially for small teams that might be doing a lot of breaking contact?
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (tisoz @ Nov 25 2015, 09:34 PM) *
a bit old, but I never saw this addressed...

The Franchi Spas-22 uses a SR3 defined magazine, reloading is a Complex Action and the character can load Quickness # shells per action. It holds 10 rounds and if she's firing bursts, then that is 3 BF and a single shot until empty.

Another thing I would consider is warning, perhaps OoC or through a 'common sense' roll, that using a weapon as a club in melee could lead to it being damaged or the smartlink becoming less accurate, it is a type of sighting device and I would think users would try to minimize habits that could decrease their effectiveness. I think one of the sniper rifles used to have a warning about sustaining damage during melee. A folding stock seems to beg for some flipping around during melee and possible damage to the weapon or pinching to those grasping it.

You were applying more 'ready weapon' actions than I would think applied, but I could see applying some action to move the weapon out of harms way during melee and again to ready it for ranged combat. Likewise if they decide to fold the stock for melee. Given their superhuman strength (basically 2 x), they are putting more stress on the weapon than it was likely designed to withstand. For example, would a damage check be made if they used it for leverage to move a huge weight? Her using it as a club at Strength 12 is similar. If she 'babies' it and decides not to use full power, like only doing Strength 6 damage since it should have been designed with this as a perhaps likely event, then I'd implement a TN modifier similar to the ones for subduing.

Considering modern firearms aren't really designed as clubs I think there should be all kinds of problems that happen with prolonged use in melee. Even a vintage weapon will start to break (i.e. stock will start getting dinged up) if you bash it repeatedly into a solid object.

SR weapons with optics, attachments, etc. should surely have issues. I've seen some internet commentators state that steel World War II firearms hold up better to prolonged abuse than do modern polymer firearms. I have no idea if that's true or not but if we're talking bashing I can see something that is made of contiguous solid steel being better.

I can see it coming up in some kind of CQB horror survival ghoul tunnel.

You're making me imagine a troll with a custom retro-styled .70 cal musket that is mostly designed as a melee weapon, but which is also designed to withstand the pressures of firing a giant smokeless powder cartridge with a tungsten carbide cored musket ball. smile.gif
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