A non decker can make matrix perception tests to locate and identify icons. First thing you have to do is identify who is attacking you or in the area. Non deckers can do that. And they can do it well.
Except that they generally cannot compete against someone who can actually hide from them, while they cannot.
As to what the common deck is: I simply don't believe that the average security decker is running a deck more expensive than an a helicopter. Maybe security for a super-secure facility or host, but not your average corporate decker. Just like the average security guard isn't wearing full suits of armor and toting machineguns, and cybered up. Futhermore, given that a drek-hot deck only sets your limits and defensive stats. Again, I don't assume that the default corporate decker is throwing more than around 14-16 dice on average for tests. That's well within the limits of mid-range decks. Now, the real advantage corp deckers have is they don't have to run silent(though it's still a good idea), so they can get their bonus for hot sim.
That is because Helicopters are stupid cheap in Shadowrun. Far cheaper than you would EVER see.
And then he goes FMD, and throws 16 dice to resist.
That's not a little dice-pool. And there's not really a way for starting PCs to get a really high dice pool, unless they are extremely specialized. Attribute 6, Skill 6 gives you 12, aptitude or exceptional(but not both at char gen) give you 13, and a cerebreal booster gives you +2 for Hack on the Fly, Brute Force, or Data Spike. So, that's 15 dice, for a specialist, with maybe 17 for skill specialization. Oh, Code Slinger for specific tests can get you to 19 at character generation. That's a 4 dice pool advantage, which is appreciable, but not enough to make it a given. And that's for a specialist compared to a non specialist.

Lets not forget the Cerebral Booster Ware for up to an additional +3 Dice, and Hot SIM (which you do mention). As for the penalty for Running Silent, just get a Specialty for "Running Silent" and you no longer suffer the penalty.

14 dice in matrix perception isn't "average". That implies atleast attribute and skill 6. Code Slinger and Speciliazation can push you into dice pool 16. Exceptional or Aptitude can push you to 17 at char gen. 17 dice against 15 dice isn't a "gimme" for the Hacker vs the EW guy. I don't count hot-sim or the running silent modifiers, as those are dependent on situations. But the most dice a starting character can throw on an Brute Force, Data Spike or Hack on the Fly is around 19 dice, for a very specialized character. I don't mind that.
Forgot to mention the +2 for being a Technomancer, sorry. Base 12 with Specialty and then +2 for Technomancer is 14 Dice.
That's why the EW guy is an EW guy, and not a hacker.
There's an actual Hacker, who is better at offensive tasks, but for securing the comm network? Sure, the EW guy does a great job.

But you need character depth (more than 4 players) to start fleshing out the extra job slots, otherwise you start seeing one character trying to fulfill multiple roles.

Like I said, there's no rules mechanics reason to believe that properly secure PANs of wireless devices are super vulnerable to deckers. A decent comlink is throwing 10-12 dice on resistance tests, and a good defender can pop 4 to 5 more dice on top of that. Using a deck for EW defense is useful for the purposes that you can get Sleaze attributes to make matrix perception harder to identify the silent icons, but if you're just worried about direct action, a decent comlink and EW guy gives you 16 or 17 dice.
Except that PANs don't do anything in SR5. To get the Wireless Bonus, the device MUST be hooked directly to the Matrix. Otherwise, No Wireless Bonus. Whether this was intended or not is irrelevant. I know that you can always go back to the PAN of SR4 (I would, if my GM would allow that), but it is not supported by the Rules in SR5, yet. Maybe when Data Trails comes out we will get something.

Shrug. We do run mostly street level campaigns though, because I'm tired of the ridiculous starting characters who have half-a-million invested in gear, but no real background. That's silly to me.
Believe me, I get that. We don't do a lot of Street Level, mostly Professional Level. But We don't have any one with 500,000 Nuyen worth of ware, either.